
The king of Arcanists and the king of sunflower

Eolmy knew that the infant Felin sunflower had a weak ability to erode magic power, but as a demigod Arcanist, his death had nothing to do with the Arcanists.

However, the Feylin demonic sunflowers firmly believed in this.

"Esperger ... He is the most prestigious elder of the demonic sunflower church."

this guy was the first to raise the theory that the abuse of magic caused the premature death of the sunflower.

after some investigation, the elders agreed with this statement.

what? " ioram narrowed his eyes.

After years of investigation, ioram had infiltrated the Holy Church of the demonic sunflower. He knew a lot about the internal affairs of the Felin demonic sunflower. Naturally, he also knew about the main culprit who had caused the war between the two forces.

And one of his goals was to find out why eiserburgh had pointed his weapon at Netheril.

Was it its own idea, or was it bewitched by some existence?

Time passed by quietly.