
The fourth evil mastermind behind the scenes

"Carmos, what's the matter for you to come to my Academy?"

"We don't seem to have any interactions."

"I'm not good at dealing with ugly people. You should go back to where you came from."

Yisa looked at camos and said rudely.

Camos 'expression darkened, and then, after reining in his thoughts, his gaze drifted between ISA and garen for a moment. He did not speak, but directly sent a message through his spiritual will.

"We didn't interact."

however, from my observation, you seem to have impure motives for coming to the alpha Empire. You have malicious intentions.

Malicious intent ... Yisa's expression changed.

Garen, on the other hand, looked at camos with a calm expression.

Under garen's focused observation, the sense of familiarity from camos 'body became clearer.

As for this spell caster's origin, combined with carmos 'performance and his instinctive sense of familiarity, garen actually had some guesses, but he could not be completely sure.