
The first time between the time Dragon and the power Dragon

There had been a large-scale war between the two planes, and they didn't like each other.

Oh, " the metal Dragon God said with a smile. also, I've recently fought against Angelus in the astral plane.

I can feel that the goddess of life's heart is obviously in a mess.

Bloodline bonds were very important connections between elves. Even the elven gods attached great importance to their bloodlines.

"What should I do?"

Said garen as he licked his lips.

prepare your abomination clone and godly Ascension technique. Leave the main material world and head to the astral battlefield.

"Leave the rest to us,"

The two dragon gods looked at each other and then said.

there's the attention of the Dragon gods of our race, including Tiamat and I. This isn't dangerous for you.

Go to the astral world, garen pondered for a moment, and then slowly nodded.