
Dragon lord incarnate

Matthew_Ethridge · Fantasía
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20 Chs

.19 Chapter 19

Waking up a little bit earlier than normal I heat up some steaks to feed Kovu while wondering what should be worked on today. Beginning to clean the kitchen and eventually the rest of the house I continue to contemplate my day but the entire time there's something bugging me.

Eventually I realize what woke me up so early in the morning and walk outside.Looking out towards the mountain ranges a few miles away I see a pillar of smoke billowing up into the clouds. "Kovu I think a ship has crash landed out there I'm going to take the horse and investigate go into town and get the doctor in case there's any survivors" Kovu snarls softly in understanding and takes off while I quickly mount up and gallop towards the mountain range.

It would have been faster on foot but even with my strength I can't drag a space ship but the mechanical horse can drag a small or medium size ship with relative ease. Arriving at the base of the mountains I quickly locate a trench that has been forcibly dug out by the small two person speedship that is on its side near the mountain.

Quickly jumping off the horse I run up to the ship and without bothering to figure out how the door works I simply smash my gauntlet through the lock and open it. "Anyone in here!? if you are alive and able sound off so I can find you!"

Stepping into the ship I immediately realize there's no fire so obviously something protected the majority of the ship during the crash. Within a few minutes I hear a slight feminine voice from what appears to be the cargo area of the ship "I can't lift these boxes.. a.and I believe my leg is broken" Stepping towards the sound I muscle through the boxes and find a tall yet very slender female who has obviously seen better days.

"My name is Excer I'm going to pick you up and get you some help just try not to shoot me or anything ok?" Gently swinging her over my shoulder I carry her out to my horse and sit her down before wrapping a steel chain around the main part of the ship. Getting back takes about an hour because I had to be careful not to shred the ship. As soon as we get into my estate the town doctor runs up and begins checking on the poor woman who's name is Maya.

Carrying Maya inside I allow Julian to do his work I begin examine the ship and learning everything I can about it. The exam takes about an hour before Julian informs me she can't use her right leg for at least two weeks and will need a lot of assistance. "That's fine Kovu and I will see to it she's taken care of while she's here." He nods and simply tells me to come see him if I need anything before heading back to town.

Walking inside I make sure Maya is comfortable in the guest room closest to my own and that she has everything she needs. "I can fix your ship but I'll need the manual so I can teach myself all the inner workings and understand some of the electronic aspects..." She looks at me in surprise and raises one long thin eyebrow "your a mechanic?" Chuckling I show her my armor " this armor,my weapon and that mechanical horse are my greatest creations so far milady. " Sitting up in bed a little she hesitates. "your telling me you built a horse that can tow a three ton ship?" Making a weird face I do some calculations and shrug. "I knew he could tow two tons but I mean, sure he did it didn't he?" Laughing softly she pulls out a booklet from a pocket inside her bodysuit which I won't lie revealed a nice view of her rather ample chest. "This booklet will tell you everything you need to know about building and fixing that particular model of spaceship. Its a phoenix X1." Nodding I leave Kovu in the room with Maya and make sure she knows to have him come get me if she needs anything.

Walking into my room I sit cross legged on the bed and begin reading everything there is to know about the Phoenix X1. It's a titanium alloy sleek bodied ship made for speed and not much else. Equipped with two small rotating cannons and a single heavy cannon it's able to defend itself but not in a long term battle. I immediately know how to improve it and head back to Maya's room. "I can not only fix your ship but I can make a new body that's over a thousand times stronger while weighing less"

Maya looks at me incredulously and laughs. "you read for four hours and think you can do better than ship builders with years of experience and practice?" Shrugging I simply ask her "do they have a large amount of dragonium and the ability to forge with it?"

"You have enough dragonium for a whole ship?" Nodding I run a few more calculations and some figures. "Might even be a smidge bigger and definitely better defended, but it'll basically be the same design as before."

Yawning a little bit I head to the kitchen and prepare a nice fried chicken strips and mashed potato dinner before feeding Maya and Kovu. "I'm going to eat and head to bed tomorrow I'll start working on the new ship. Goodnight Maya" She says goodnight and I eat my dinner before getting into bed and almost immediately passing out.