
Dragon lord incarnate

Matthew_Ethridge · Fantasía
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20 Chs

.11 Chapter 11

The arena workers call for Nebula and myself. Walking into the arena I'm faced with the cosmic mage nebula: Capable of harnessing energy directly from the world around him and directing it as a force. "Thank the gods for my energy absorbtion" i mutter. Squaring up to nebula I wait for the bell as the arena workers flip a switch and a pedestal rises containing 3 chests filled with gold coins and a rather large egg in the center.

That must be the legendary rare item that they mentioned. As soon as the bell rings nebula launches a cosmic wave at me and even with the armor absorbing it I'm still pushed a foot back. Nebula shakes his head and launches 5 more waves at me. "You shouldn't be able to take this kind of power!" I start walking towards him as the waves hit me one after another until I'm right in His face. "I'm not your average opponent nebula." Grabbing him by the throat I activate sms and my electric gauntlet simultaneously while jumping straight up in the air and power slamming him into the arena floor causing a triple threat of damage : 125 electric damage, 75 points of crushing damage to his throat and a whopping 250 damage from being body slammed.

Grabbing him again I proceed to slam him down turn a little and slam him again putting a dent in the floor each time while listening to his spine and ribs shatter. Finally I throw him in the air pull my fist back and punch as hard as I can sending him through the far wall of the arena and watching his body bounce a few times before lying perfectly still; He's dead I actually won!

Straightening up I look around at the crowd and catch my breath as the arena workers call me over and hand me a solid gold trophy that I hold up to applause and cheers. Putting it in my inventory I accept the 3 chests of gold coins and those go in my inventory as well. The workers motion me over to the egg and with a slight bit of reverence "the egg is yours champion excer." Picking it up gently I'm surprised by how light the egg is. about 3 feet tall and a couple feet in diameter with a goldish hue and scales like I've never seen before I'm not sure what creature is in this egg but its definitely a legendary beast and an old species at that; eggs don't normally get this big.

Putting the egg away I think the arena workers for their time and wave goodbye to the fans as I walk back to Axel's in a daze. Its over just like that I ended 8 enemies lives and was witness to the deaths of over 500 others. But for 12000 gold and a legendary beast egg I can't even say it wasn't worth it...

Arriving home a few hours later I use my key and walk in to see Axel sitting at the kitchen table with a look between awe and annoyance. "I'm proud of you for winning and for how far you've progressed but maybe next time give me a few minutes heads up before u travel halfway across the planet and sign up for one of the biggest fights ever ok?" Nodding i drop a few gold coins on the table for rent and clap him on the shoulder before heading to my room and removing my armor. Much to my joy and surprise I turn and see scarlett sitting in the middle of my bed holding a cup of tea and watching me. "Hey handsome I'm glad your still alive." Chuckling I simply nod and say " couldn't risk not coming back to you gorgeous." I get into bed as she blushes a little bit and I cuddle her against me as sleep wins this battle.


To be continued