
Dragon King Returns: Apocalypse

Five dragons descended to Earth through his technique. Still he couldn't stop the apocalypse. He walked the inhospitable land alone but he was certainly not unknown for his title of Dragon King resounded among all the Heavens. His family? Long lost. His master was no more. With no reason to live he fought to death, which struck him faster than he thought. Now, for some unknown reason, he will have the chance to start over again. Will he take back his title? Or will he prefer to protect his family at all costs? *********** Disclaimer: art cover is not mine, all credits to the unknown artist. The story, all names, characters, places and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. English is not my first language so if you notice something wrong please let me know. Help this novel stay free forever, support me on Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/gmsnick

LegalDrugster · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Family Bonds

The rich aroma of roasted chicken wafted through the house, making Nikolas's stomach rumble in anticipation. For a moment, he just sat there, looking at his family's faces, savoring the moment. He missed them so much; it was hard to believe he was truly back. Fear crept into his heart, fear that this was not real, that it would dissipate, and he would return to the wastelands of the future.

Soon though, Reginald broke the comfortable silence with a decisive tone. "Would you mind telling us where you went today, son?"

All eyes turned to him, pausing their meal to hear his response. Nikolas smiled, taking a moment to savor the familial attention. "Hmm, do you know the dojo in the next block?"

His mother, Emilia, looked surprised. "Oh… the one people say has a crazy master?"

Nikolas chuckled, Yuemura's fame was indeed well deserved.

 "Yes...yes. I was training there the whole day."

Yuemura's fame was indeed well deserved.

Reginald shook his head with mock disappointment. "Oh damn it! I made a bet with your brother that you had finally found some girlfriend…."

His brother Erick laughed, flexing his biceps. "That's great! Can I go with you? Must train my muscles! Oh, right, father! You owe me twenty bucks!"

Ignoring the bet, Nikolas thought about his brother. [He just solved one of my biggest problems!] The concern for his family's survival had weighed on him all day. He knew he couldn't protect them alone; they needed to be prepared. Fortunately, Erick's interest in training could be the perfect entry point. They had to adapt, knowing how to use cold weapons was a must.

Fortunately, his brother only needed a push to be hooked.

"I'm not sure... It ain't easy like the gym, you know?" Nikolas pretended to think deeply. "The sensei is harsh, and the way of the sword is not for everybody..."

Erick scoffed. "Tch! If you can do it, I'm sure it won't be that hard! Then I'll become just like a samurai to impress the girls in my class once the vacation is over! Right, father!?"

Nikolas couldn't help but laugh; recognizing his former self in his brother's bravado. It was true that he usually did not take on hard tasks voluntarily.

"Ha! That's the spirit, Erick! You are a Drachen after all!" Reginald's hearty laugh filled the room.

Cunningly, Nikolas seized the moment when his father was happy to introduce another one of his plans and asked cautiously.

"Oh, that reminds me, Dad…. Have you seen the new way thieves are using to rob houses? It's happening all over Europe, but I think it will come here sooner or later..."

Reginald's interest was piqued. Nothing concerned him more than the safety of his family. "

What is it?"

Nikolas explained, "I saw it on the internet, but I'm not sure if it was reported in the news yet. Basically, they are smashing their cars—mostly pickup trucks—into the walls, and then they quickly snatch everything in the house and run away!" He nudged Erick under the table, prompting him to chime in.

"Aaa… YES! I saw it too, father, they were sooo mean!" Erick played along.

"Those s**** bastards!" Reginald slammed his fist on the table, causing the plates to rattle.

"I think we could increase our wall, and I can help you with that!" Nikolas suggested quickly, trying to steer his father's rage into action.

"I'll buy some bricks and cement tomorrow then…. No! I'll do it right now!" Reginald stood up, grabbing his car keys.

Luckily for him, his dad was always like that when it came to criminals and stuff.

As he left, Emilia sighed, shaking her head. "Did you have to bring this up at dinner? Once he puts things in his mind, no one can change him." She followed her husband, leaving Nikolas and Erick alone at the table. "You two better clean the dishes before we're back!"

"Okay, mom!"

After they left, Erick looked at him strangely.

"Why did you lie about that?"

Nikolas leaned in, his eyes serious. "I can't tell you right now, but it will be useful to us. Trust me..." The Dragon King smiled mysteriously, a hint of his future self shining through.


"So, what are we going to watch?" Nikolas asked lazily, trying to avoid moving his sore muscles.

"How about a zombie movie?" Erick suggested with a mischievous grin.

Nikolas suppressed a shudder at the idea. "Uh… I'm not really in the mood for that kind of thing tonight."

"Really? You usually love post-apocalyptic stuff." Erick replied, looking genuinely surprised.

[Did I?] The ex-Dragon King was taken aback. He didn't remember that fact. Now, he felt that the apocalypse was not something to take as lightly as movies presented.

"Well, sometimes it's good to change things up," Nikolas said with a faint smile. "How about we watch White Chicks? I'm more in the mood for a comedy today."

Emilia laughed softly. "That sounds like a good idea. We could all use a laugh."

Reginald nodded in agreement, a smile spreading across his face. "White Chicks it is, then. It's been a while since we've watched something funny together."

"Alright!" Erick exclaimed, reaching for the remote. 

As the movie started, the room filled with laughter and light-hearted banter. Nikolas let himself relax, cherishing this rare moment of normalcy. For now, the weight of the future could wait.

The first few scenes of the movie had everyone in stitches. Nikolas found himself genuinely laughing at the antics on screen, his brother's infectious laughter only adding to the mirth. Erick would occasionally throw popcorn at him, prompting mock protests and more laughter.

Nikolas enjoyed the moments of hilarity, the ridiculousness of the film making him forget, even if only temporarily, the heavy burden of his memories. But every so often, his mind would drift away from the comedy and back to the horrors he had faced.

Images of bloodstained streets, the constant threat of zombies, and the endless struggle for survival would flash before his eyes. The sounds of laughter around him would fade, replaced by the distant moans of the undead and the screams of those fighting for their lives.

He snapped back to reality when his mother nudged him gently. "Nik, you alright? You seem a bit out of it."

"Yeah, Mom, I'm fine," he reassured her with a smile. "Just my muscles that are aching..."

Emilia gave him a knowing look but didn't press further.

"What muscles!?" Erick couldn't help but to joke.

"Wow! It seems that the movie is contagious!" Nikolas smiled lightly and forced himself to focus on the film. The laughter continued, and he found solace in his family's presence. Each joke and funny moment pulled him further from his dark thoughts, grounding him in the now.

Erick, noticing Nikolas's occasional silence, playfully poked him. "Hey, you better not fall asleep! This is the best part!"

Nikolas chuckled. "Don't worry, I'm wide awake. Just soaking it all in."

As the movie progressed, the lighthearted atmosphere began to envelop him once more. Despite the lingering shadows in his mind, he allowed himself to be drawn back into the laughter and joy of the present. For this moment, he was just a brother, a son, part of a loving family watching a silly movie together.

As the credits rolled, Emilia stretched and yawned. "That was a good one. I'm off to bed."

Reginald nodded. "Me too. Don't stay up too late, boys."

Nikolas and Erick exchanged a look, then settled in for a late-night chat. "So," Erick began, "what's really going on with you?"

Nikolas took a deep breath. "Erick, if I told you, you wouldn't believe me. But I need you to trust me and be ready for anything. Can you do that?"

Erick frowned but nodded. "Of course, bro. I've got your back."

Nikolas smiled, feeling a surge of relief. With his brother on board, he felt a little more confident about the uncertain future. 

The night wore on, and the brothers eventually went to bed, their minds buzzing with unspoken plans and uncharted paths. As Nikolas drifted off to sleep, he clung to the hope that this time, he could change their fate.