
Chapter 42

"Hey, Dr. Gordon, wake up!"

"I'm awake." Eric forced his eyes open wide and regarded the student in front of him. "What's up, Kyle?" He scanned the computer lab where his senior-level students were busily working away on their final projects. It was later than he'd thought. He guessed maybe he had dozed off.

"You look like you pulled an all-nighter, man," the sarcastic twenty-two-year-old told him. Kyle was only a junior, but he was already a terrific programmer. In fact, Eric personally thought that Kyle was probably as good, if not better, than most of the faculty. "I didn't think profs were supposed to do that."

"Yeah, well, crap happens," Eric replied grumpily.

Kyle looked at the three dead Styrofoam cups in the trash can and eyed Eric warily. Then the student tossed his pile of notes back onto his station. "This is serious, dude. We're talking' women problems, aren't we?" He perched on the edge of the instructor's table and raised one eyebrow.