
Chapter 015: One Punch

"Just try and break my leg!" Yang Tian sneered, immediately unleashing his True Qi at full force, then stomping on the ground like a ferocious tiger charging forward.

The Qi Refining Realm and the Body Refining Realm are two completely different stages. Those in the Qi Refining Realm can manipulate True Qi to enhance their combat power, while those in the Body Refining Realm can only rely on their physical strength without the aid of external forces.

Therefore, there is a huge gap between the two.

For this very reason, Yang Tian showed such ease and did not take Feng Wuchen, who was in the Body Refining Realm, seriously at all.

"Let's test his strength first!" Feng Wuchen thought to himself, refusing to be outdone and rushing forward.


In a few breaths' time, fists collided hard with a muffled thud, Feng Wuchen's expression darkened as he was sent reeling back several meters by the powerful force, completely unable to withstand Yang Tian's strength.

"Oh? Body Refining Realm Eightfold? Hmph, with so little strength, you still want to clash with me head-on? You're overestimating yourself!" Yang Tian was first startled, shocked by how quickly Feng Wuchen's cultivation had advanced, then he sneered disdainfully.

"Body Refining Realm Eightfold! Feng Wuchen has made another breakthrough!"

"What terrifying cultivation speed, with a Second Grade Martial Soul talent, he has gone up four layers in just one month!""

"This is simply impossible, even with Yang Tian's Fifth Grade Martial Soul talent, it wouldn't be possible to advance four layers in a month! How could Feng Wuchen do it?"

As the battle began, the crowd could discern Feng Wuchen's cultivation level based on their experience, causing a burst of exclamations to erupt from beneath the stage.

The upper echelons of the Wanbao Pavilion, the Mo family, the Lin family, and the Yang family were all in disbelief.

A talent of a Second Grade Martial Soul, when had it become so fearsome?

"Hmm?" Yu Wanxiong was shocked and somewhat surprised, as if he had noticed something.

"Pavilion Master, what's wrong?" Zhang Han asked out of curiosity.

Yu Wanxiong shook his head, thinking to himself: "Strange, this lad, with the strength of the Body Refining Realm Eightfold, was actually able to withstand the power of the Qi Refining Realm's First Layer. This is not common."

Everyone only saw Feng Wuchen's terrifying cultivation speed but failed to notice his capacity to endure!

"With Ling'er's talent, breaking through to the Body Refining Realm's Eightfold took over two months. This kid Feng Wuchen advanced four layers in just one month, which is really strange," Mo Kun said with furrowed brows, unable to comprehend.

Having repelled Feng Wuchen with a punch, Yang Tian pursued his advantage and burst forward again.

This time, Feng Wuchen did not choose to clash directly because his strength was simply insufficient to confront Yang Tian. Even though Feng Wuchen could instantly see through Yang Tian's moves, the gap was too large to compensate for.

Therefore, Feng Wuchen opted to dodge. No matter how ferocious Yang Tian's attacks were, they were skillfully avoided by Feng Wuchen.

With the abundant experience of the Evil Dragon Spirit, Feng Wuchen could discern Yang Tian's attack moves and trajectory the moment Yang Tian made a move, allowing him to dodge in time.

"How preposterous!" Yang Tian became angrier the more he fought, his emotions becoming agitated.

So many people are watching! In the Qi Refining Realm's First Layer, to fail to land a single punch on someone from the Body Refining Realm's Eightfold is outrageous!

"Hmph!" Feng Wuchen chuckled coldly, looking at the flustered Yang Tian with contempt.

The more Feng Wuchen showed disdain and contempt, the angrier Yang Tian became!

Yang Tian charged at full speed with a palm strike, but Feng Wuchen showed no fear. Instead, he revealed a mysterious cold smile, cleverly sidestepping the attack.

"Hmph! I know you can see through an opponent's moves in an instant! But my speed is several times faster than yours!" Yang Tian said viciously after his palm strike missed, seemingly having guessed it, and then he swept out with his leg.

"That may not be the case!" Feng Wuchen moved swiftly, just as Yang Tian's sweeping kick came, Feng Wuchen countered with a sweeping leg.

"Not good!" Yang Tian's expression shifted slightly, thinking he would hit Feng Wuchen first, but his kicking attempt was dodged.

Feng Wuchen's sweeping leg tripped Yang Tian and then he immediately followed up with a kick.


Yang Tian was quick to react, his hands coming up to block, but with a muffled thud, he was still kicked away several meters by Feng Wuchen, rolling twice on the ground.

"Third young master! Well done!" The Feng family erupted in excited cheers.

Feng Zhengxiong laughed joyfully: "Chen Er is truly remarkable, his strength is incredible, comparable to the peak of the Body Refining Realm Ninth Level. No wonder he is not the least bit alarmed."

Finding himself in such disarray against someone in the Qi Refining Realm First Layer, Yang Tian was both furious and embarrassed, for not only had he not hit his opponent, but he himself had been taken down.

Yang Qingyun and the rest of the Yang family felt as if they had been slapped in the face, their cheeks burning with embarrassment.

Someone from the Qi Refining Realm's First Layer was knocked down by someone from the Body Refining Realm Eightfold! It was utterly humiliating!

The scene just now seemed surreal. Yang Tian's speed was clearly faster than Feng Wuchen's, and quite significantly so. His kick should have hit Feng Wuchen, but instead, Feng Wuchen used it as an opportunity to counter.

This meant that Feng Wuchen was not only able to see through an opponent's moves and flaws instantly but also able to predict in advance. That was the key! That was the truly terrifying part.

"This brat is extremely agile and brute strength is staggering. He appears to be able to see through and even anticipate the opponent's attacks, but it's more like he's an experienced veteran," Mo Kun said with mild surprise.

"This worthless one's brute strength is so formidable, it's practically the strength of the Body Refining Realm Ninefold!" Yang Tian thought in horror, feeling a tingling sensation in his hands.

After knocking Yang Tian back with a kick, Feng Wuchen charged up at great speed, aiming a punch at Yang Tian who was yet to rise.


Yang Tian's face changed again as he hastily dodged, avoiding the punch that Feng Wuchen smashed into the ground. The powerful force caused the earth to tremble, leaving tiny cracks on the surface.


"Qi Refining Realm at First Level, and you're like this?" Feng Wuchen taunted with a dismissive glance at Yang Tian.

"Hmph! Let's see the power of martial skills!" Yang Tian's face twisted viciously as he charged forward fiercely, once again stirring the True Qi inside him. His palm emitted a faint glow of fire.

"Yellow Grade Lower Grade martial skill! Fiery Palm!"

Yang Tian roared, launching a palm strike at Feng Wuchen from afar, sending a blaze shooting out.

The Fiery Palm is a Fire Attribute martial skill, and its strength is intensified when executed.

As long as one can gather True Qi, one can cultivate martial skills! The execution of martial skills requires the power of True Qi.

Feng Wuchen, at the Eighth Layer of the Body Refining Realm, clearly couldn't execute martial skills.

Facing Yang Tian's martial skill, Feng Wuchen was not only unafraid but also charged forward, his figure swiftly moving from side to side, even faster than before.

"You dare to shame yourself with unmastered martial skills!" Feng Wuchen sneered, closing the distance rapidly as Yang Tian was executing his martial skill.

"Be careful, Tian'er!" Yang Qingyun's expression drastically changed as he shouted urgently.

"Wishful thinking!" Yang Tian retorted coldly, swiftly bringing up his palm for another fiery strike towards Feng Wuchen, who was drawing near.

But after this palm strike, Yang Tian instantly regretted it!

"You fell for it!" Feng Wuchen sneered. His body quickly bent down as his head barely brushed under Yang Tian's palm, with his right fist already smashing upward.


Feng Wuchen's merciless punch landed solidly on Yang Tian's abdomen, spitting out saliva as the ferocious power sent Yang Tian flying three or four meters away, pain instantly spreading throughout his body.

Yang Tian rolled on the ground clutching his abdomen, obviously in severe pain that made it difficult for him to stand up.

"How... how is this possible..." Yang Tian was extremely shocked in his heart. Despite his cultivation at the First Level of the Qi Refining Realm, he couldn't withstand Feng Wuchen's punch!

At this moment, the entire arena was dumbstruck! Eyes were wide with shock.

"Young Master!" The Yang family members were horrified.

Yang Qingyun was even more shocked, his body rigid. He had never imagined that Feng Wuchen possessed such overwhelming strength, enough to knock down Yang Tian with a single punch.

"Young Master Feng actually knocked down Yang Tian with one punch!"

"So strong! Incredibly strong! Body Refining Realm has defeated Qi Refining Realm!"

"Am I seeing things? Yang Tian actually lost!"

The spectating crowd was so shocked that their speech was stiff, their faces expressionless.

"Chen Er! Well done! Defeated the opponent with one punch! Haha!" Feng Zhengxiong laughed loudly in delight.

Looking at the Feng family, they were even more excited at this moment, with continuous cheers and their faces flushing with exhilaration.

"Is Qi Refining Realm at First Level this weak? Can't even withstand a punch? Do you want me to tell you what your weaknesses are?" Feng Wuchen mocked as he approached step by step.


With his words, Feng Wuchen lashed out with a kick, and with a dull 'thud,' Yang Tian was kicked several meters away, sustaining several scrapes.

"Indeed, your strength is above mine, but it's only temporary. You are overconfident, thinking that breaking through to the Qi Refining Realm makes you powerful. Poor talent doesn't mean weak strength. You've underestimated your opponent, that's the first point."

"The martial skill you cultivated is not yet proficient, even ordinary moves are full of flaws. Forcing yourself to use it only consumes more True Qi. Haven't you noticed your strength waning? That's the second point."

"In battle, you're flustered and exasperated. This is a taboo for cultivators, that's the third point. These are your weaknesses. You are too weak!"

Feng Wuchen listed the points one by one as though a teacher was instructing a student.



Having finished speaking, Feng Wuchen without hesitation stepped down on Yang Tian's leg with a 'bang,' followed by a 'crack.' His leg was broken under Feng Wuchen's stomp.

"Ahh..." Yang Tian's face changed dramatically, followed by a piercing scream.

"I said I would break your leg, and I meant it! Get lost!" Feng Wuchen sneered, then kicked out again, sending the screaming Yang Tian off the platform.

"Tian'er!" Yang Qingyun, in panic, ran over. The higher-ups of the Yang family were extremely worried.

"Father! My leg is broken! Avenge me! Kill Feng Wuchen!" Yang Tian cried out in terror and rage.

"This is outrageous! Feng Wuchen! How dare you break my son's leg!" Yang Qingyun exploded with rage, seething with killing intent.

This was the third young member of the Yang family whom Feng Wuchen had left with broken legs, the young talents of the Yang family all falling to Feng Wuchen.

Upon hearing this, Feng Wuchen remained fearless and sneered, "It is already mercy that I did not kill him!"

"Scoundrel!" Yang Qingyun roared, leaping onto the platform furiously.

"Yang Qingyun! How dare you!" Feng Zhengxiong bellowed, immediately leaping up to the platform, looking ready for a fierce battle with Yang Qingyun.

"You think I'm afraid of you?" Yang Qingyun roared back ferociously, rushing forward like an enraged tiger, his aura overwhelmingly strong.
