

"You sure what are you saying son?" Ddraig said while sitting in their personal room where no one can enter.

"I can confirm it, and I don't think there is any reason to lie on first place" Clark said while he took a sip on his coffee.

"So . . . . . . Where did you got this piece of information?" Ddraig asks.

Clark explains how he saved a fallen angel on his way back that day and how they came . . . Close.

Ddraig smirks a bit

"Damn Son . . . You sure work fast. . . . Does Akeno knows about it?"

"You know what will happen . . . Right?" Clark asks.

"Who knows? Concidering who you are your magic will also work this time . . . So don't worry " Ddraig said.

Clark still had a sweat drop he still isn't confident himself at all.

"So this . . . . Guy named Baran, he conquered universes you say?"

"Yeah, do you think he is like trigon or something?" Clark asks.

"Nahhh, at least he isn't as strong as him. Even we can conquer universes and multiverse without much of efforts at all. Chill" Ddraig said.

"So he is Satan level Fodder you say?"

"Maybe a bit higer since he has guts to go outside his system and conquer them. . . . . Each universe has their fair share of Gods you know " Clark nods in understanding.

"A Fallen angel is supposed to assign to kill me, and She told me not to do anything to her. What should I do?" Clark says.

"Just play along whatever she is doing for. You have will chakra either way . . . . . . You can do stuff you know . . . Just deal with her." Ddraig said.

"Hmmm . . . What do you say Sirzechs?" Clark asks Sirzechs who was sitting besides them. Grafiya accompanying him if course.

"It's . . . . Just things are . . . . "

"Complicated " Grafiya finished the sentence.

Of course it will be.

They came here rushing when they recieved the news that Rias's pawn who is supposed to be Blue Dragon or Storm Dragon Emperor is also Happen to be Decendent of Original Satan! How crazy is that?

And it became more crazier when they heard a Demon who is from another dimension who also conquered thousands of Universes has come to conquer this one. And crazier fact Cadre class Kokebiel is Working with him! Kokebiel isn't much of a Problem since Even Grafiya can deal with him but what if that demon Granted him powers and weapons unknown to them?

It will spread like wild fire and every other faction will panic.

"What do you think Ajuka?" Sirzechs asked his green haired friend who is sitting besides him.

Who is in deep thoughts.

"It's. . . . . . Crazy to Even think. Our Gods are isolated enough to discard the thoughts of life existing other parts of the Multiverse. And now we ARE lucky enough to face one" Ajuka said with a cheeky grin. While looking at face of Clark and Ddraig.

He did meet them for the first time from close.

'What the heck with these two!? They are surely Hiding their presences . . . . But . . . . . There is still a Bone chilling Aura around them! Sirzechs is smart enough to form a Quick alliance because I don't want to fight anyone from these two head on' Ajuka thought while having sweat drop.

"You guys are pressuring your selves too much" Clark said gaining their attention.

"What do you mean?" Ajuka asked

"The thing is . . . We will deal with them" Clark said gaining a few surprises from three of them.

"I respect your bravery Clark-Sama. But . . . You will be facing a extraterrestrial who is completely unknown to us" Grafiya said in rather serious tone.

Clark and Ddraig listens to her and looked at each other. Then Ddraig Shrugged his shoulders.

"Ummm. . . . I am honoured to make worry strongest queen of underworld for me" Clark said with a smile.

A visible blush appeared on her cheeks

"W-What . . NO . . I-I-It's not I am worried about you or anything. . I am stating the facts" Grafiya said out of embarrassment.

Sirzechs and Ajuka:😳🤯

'The fuck!?' both thought.

The cold stonic queen is Blushing and acting like that?

Ajuka himself Knows Grafiya for hundred years he can swear on his life she never lost her composer like that.

Ddraig starts laughing

"HAHAHAHAHAH, Oh, . . . . . Don't worry we are used to fight these kind of weird aliens" Ddraig dropped the bomb.

"What?" Both Sirzechs and Ajuka asked.

'Here we go' Both Clark and Ddraig thought.


After giving them a shocking explanation

They took a break to calm those three down.

"So . . . . You guys also have. . . . . Your fair share stuff? Alien Teachnology we see in science fiction! Alien zoo?" Ajuka asked

"Yeeee" Both Ddraig and Clark replied.

"Can I. . . . . See?"

"No" both replied.

'My day is ruined and Disappointment is Immeasurable ' Ajuka thought who loves science and stuff pretty much.

"I mean not now, but in future sure" Clark said while Ajuka's eyes lit up.

"I will be waiting then Dragon of Apocalypse " Ajuka said with a hint of excitement.

"So In the end we can trust you then about this whole thing " Sirzechs asked.

"Yeah, just . . . . Be on guard even though it isn't needed. But who can say?" Ddraig said.

"What about my sisters?" Sirzechs asks.

"Don't worry I will train them and they will be more than enough to clear Minions and Mid tier bosses" Clark says while Sirzechs nods in understanding.

"I see, thank you very much then . . . ."

"It's my duty to protect my friends and Family so we are good " Clark says with determination in his voice.

Sirzechs smiled and said

"I see, I guess you should call me Big brother then"

"Eh!?" Everyone gasped even Ddraig but Clark didn't understood the meaning.

"Hmm, it's cool then Big broo hehehe" Clark said while smiling Sirzechs also smiled.

'I think you are still dense at this stuff, can't blame you' Ddraig thought.

"So then We should take our leave" Sirzechs said

As they stands up. Clark calls out

"Wait a sec, Mr Ajuka"

"Just Ajuka will fine"

"Uhh, Ajuka, I want you to take a look at this" Clark says as he extends a Chess piece.

Ajuka watched and Inspected the piece.

After a while his eyes wids open in shock.

"A-Amazing!" He says.

"What is this?" Sirzechs asks.

"It's . . . . Just like a Evil piece I made . . . . But it's . . . Totally flawless " Ajuka said surprising them.

"What kind of material is used to made this?"

"It's A Alien crystal " Clark said not wanting to spoil all the stuff.

'Kryptonian sun stone appearetly' Ddraig thought.

"So . . . . What do you want to do with this?" Ajuka asks.

"Well since We have a Dragon population crisis I thought I should built our Own Evil pieces like you did. And. . . . Its Dragon pieces which will help Dragons to reincarnate people as Dragons since only Heavenly Dragons can Reincarnate one, so we needed three Factions approval" Clark says.

"Well you have to wait a Bit for It, till we have another official three faction meeting, But we approve" Sirzechs said while others nodded.

Everyone at this point was going to leave then Clark calls out Grafiya.

"Miss Grafiya can we . . . Talk?" Clark asked.

Grafiya was still feeling uneasy and awkward around him. She looked at Sirzechs and Ajuka who just nodded.

"5 minutes"


Both Clark and Grafiya were sitting in his private room.

There was an awkward silence between there.

"Umm Grafiya, . . About that night-"

"I am not thinking about it anymore" Grafiya lied under her teeth.

Clark was a little bit surprised.

"Um it's okay, . . . But I wanted to properly apologies for that Night. I left you there on . . . . A improper situation. . . . . I am really sorry for that" Clark said while Bowing down.

Grafiya was visibly surprised because Dragons are do known for their pride. And they will hardly bow down to a lesser being even if they did something wrong.

While there is this Dragon who is the reason of Underworld's terror is bowing down and Apologize for something he didn't even did on first place.

Grafiya blushed a bit and said.

"I-It's okay, I was. . . .. . The one in fault . . . I am sorry too" Grafiya apologize bowing down.

"S0 . . . We are cool, how about Elsha? . . . She was. . .mad" Clark said

"Yeah, I apologized her, and she forgave me for what I did." Grafiya said.

"Oh. . . . I see . ."

"But I think . . . . . It's still rude to leave me Like that you know " Grafiya said in rather chaged tone.

'Oh shit' Clark is worried by her chage in tone.

"Umm . . . . . So What I should do?"

"Hmmmm . . . . For that" Grafiya stands up and walks over and sat besides Clark.

Clark stiffens a bit.

Then she whispered in his ear.

"Take my responsibility~" Clark shivers for some reason.

He does remember saying that both Grafiya and Venelana are massive Sadists.

And that statement is made by Akeno,. . . . .

His journey is rougher than he thought.

"I-I-I See . . . . Sure I mean . . . . We can try out a few dates and see where this goes" Clark said while rubbing his back of his head

Grafiya smiled sweetly,

"I have another favor to ask."

"Okay . . . What?"

"I . . . Have a sister you know"

"Sister? Intresting I never knew that"

"What I'm about to tell you Clarkis the story about my little sister and what made her almost go insane. No one knows's about it and I hope you will keep what I tell you to yourself." Grayfia told him in a serious tone that made it clear to him that if word about her got out he would be in unimaginable pain.

Clark gulped a little hearing her tone but he never the less nodded which made Grayfia smile again.

"Well, this all happened during the Devils Civil war..."


It was moments before the final battle of the war. Both sides were gathering their troops in position for the showdown that would finally end this needless bloodshed and bring peace to the realm of the Devils.

On one side of the Battlefield was the Old Satan Faction which was led by descendants of the original Maou's and on the opposing side was the Anti-Satan Faction lead by the strongest Devils alive. The location for the battle was non-other than the capital of the Devils Lilith.

As the battle started both sides pushed for supremacy in both land and air, the casualties were horrendous, so much so that even the largest battle in Human history, the Battle of Kursk was like a skirmish in comparison. Millions upon millions dead on both sides.

During the Battle of Lilith as it was called. Two siblings were fighting against two other people. One of the two that the siblings fought was non-other than their older sister Grayfia while the other was a red haired man that looked to be in his late twenties.

"Grayfia, I didn't know that you could fall so low that you sided with the traitors. Do we mean anything to you big sis?" One of the siblings asked. He was a tall handsome looking youth in his early twenties with long silver hair that went to a ponytail and red eyes. He was wearing a silver suit with some accessories.

"That's not true Euclid. I realized that if the descendants win there wouldn't be any of us anymore. They will make the Devils go extinct and that is one thing I don't want dear brother." Grayfia replied as she blocked an attack from the other sibling that was a girl that looked like she was in her late teen year with short silver hair with light purple tone to it and dark blue eyes that were full of rage directed towards her sister for abandoning their cause.

"That doesn't matter big sis, our clan gave full loyalty to Lucifer and his clan. And you side with the enemy of his, that makes you our enemy now." The girl told Grayfia as she attacked her again only for the red hair man to block it.

"Now, now Lucy I thought that you are smarter than this." The red hair man told the girl.

"You, Sirzechs shut up! If it wasn't for you, both my brother and I wouldn't have to battle our own sister!" Lucy yelled as she started bombarding the duo with all she had in her. All of her rage went into her attacks that consisted of Ice and Lightning, her most powerful elements.

The attack caught both Grayfia and Sirzechs by surprise. They knew that Lucy was powerful and to take her down they would need a bit more power than any ordinary High-class Devil. They both put their strongest barriers up to block her bombardment as it was going on, each hit on the barrier made a small crack in it.

Thankfully to both members of the Anti-Satan Faction, the relentless attack stopped before it could break through their defense. While the attack left Lucy exhausted for overusing her magic powers.

Quickly using her exhausted state, Sirzechs send his attack at her hoping to put her out of commission and then battle Euclid without worrying about Lucy. But to both Grayfia's and Lucy's shock Euclid position himself in front of Lucy and took the attack head on which caused a huge explosion to erupt where he stood that send Lucy flying back a good 20 meters.

As the debris was clearing it left the two girls in horror. Where Euclid stood now was only a 10-meter wide crater with no trace of Euclid to be found, as if he never existed. Seeing that Grayfia started crying as Lucy stood there shocked to the core, with the loss of her big brother she was left broken and just surrendered with no will to fight anymore.

(Flashback End)

"After that battle. Lucy was imprisoned as a prisoner of war. Though a few months later she was released but she is still unwilling to do anything and she is almost always locked in our clan's estate where she rarely leaves it. She is now like a shell, all life left her that day." Grayfia finished her story with a sad smile.

" . . . And you want me to bring her out of shell?" Clark asked.


.... . . . .

"What makes you think I will be able to do it?" Clark asks with a rather curious tone.

Grafiya listened her and giggled a bit.

"Well . . . . Anyone from underworld and multiple parts of this world can sell everything they own just to spent 5 mins with me . . . . And I still won't even care who kills whom just to meet me, I won't even bother looking over him" she looks over him with a Sly smirk.

"And . . . " She says as she held Clark's collar.

"You have done . . More that just talking with. . . ME " She says in a charming tone.

Clark sweat drops.

"Umm Okay I get it. . . ."

"You better get it . . . Unless my fans will be after your life."

"Not that I care though . . . I will do it after I get over this I guess?" Clark says.

"That will do" she says as she gave Clark a kiss on his lips.

'Fuck' Clark thought to himself.


Then They heard something . .

They released themselves and looked back.

To see Akeno is standing with her usual smile in her face.


She crashed the cup on her hand with her fist.

"Ara Ara am I interrupting something?" Akeno said with her usual tone. But Clark knows she is ANYTHING BUT CALM.

Grayfia just smirked at bit she knows she is jealous. She did also raised her as her Little sister.

"No Akeno, you didn't" Akeno widens her eyes knowing grayfia is in FIGHT because usually she would have addressed her as Akeno-sama since she is still on her maid duty.

Clark can only watch in horror knowing that a Fight can break out Akeno is now Casually as strong as Grayfia if not stronger.

The room temperature became rather hot than usual.

Then Grayfia walks over and said.

"You know Akeno, I am really jealous you have such a Splendid man as Your love. . . . . I would also Like to be his if you don't mind"

"Ara Ara why would I mind . . . You are still my Big Sister aren't you~" Akeno said while her eyes glowing.

"Ufufu that I am" she said while her eyes Glowing.

"And you got some gains " Grayfia said while she looked over her enlarged breasts which are easily as big as Venelana's of not bigger. She almost didn't recognised her at first due to how much of a beauty she has become. If she makes her debut in Underworld in her future rating games she is sure almost entire Underworld will start shimping for her.

"Thank you Ufufu ~"

Clark seeing things can get worse interjected.

"Uhh Akeno we have school don't we? We should hurry and We also have to cast magic to cover up our changes"

Both beauties looked at him

"I would be going then Clark-Sama take care," Grayfia said as she bowed and left.

"Well she lef-" Before Clark can continue Clark went flying even he didn't realised what happened.

Then he realised that he is lying down In a Bed.


The room has. . . . . Changed? It has a dim reddish light. And it looks like some room of love hotel.

Clark tried to move

"Ughhhhh" Clark hissed in pain.

To see that his hands and legs were tied with magic. With each corner of bed.

And Dragon Slayer Magic.

"So what we have here . . . A Unfaithful horny Dragon Ufufufu ~"

Clark lifts his head to see Akeno in her Dominatrix outfit with a. . . . . Whip


Clark screamed inside his mind. But he decided to stay calm and talk it out.

"H-Hey Akeno . . . W-Why are you wearing that? And where are we?" Clark asked

"Well to answer your second question . . This is A Love room made by uncle Red I just teleported you here" she replied while walking around the bed.

"L-Love room? What Is that? Dad never told me anything!" Clark said.

"Of course he didn't . . . . Because he gave me this as my birthday gift. And. . . . I can change the environment inside according to my will and also change the time ratio according to my desire. And the plus point is . . No one can Disturb us now" she said as she climbed on bed and now standing on top of him.

Clark can swear that he isn't ready for this kind of shit. And He will have to Talk with Ddraig later wards and he have to stop him to create any more Shits than this.

Looks like Elsha told what happened between him and Grayfia. And the kids from Grayfia is gonna cost him a LOT than he expected.

"Heavenly Dragon, hm? . . . . How much pain can such a mighty being handle..~?" Akeno says as she steps on Clark's dick.

"Aghhh, . . . A-Akeno . . It hurts" Clark says but she doesn't stops.

She kept rubbing her heel on his large testicles. She knows that even if she stomps on it with her all might she won't be able to damage it at all. But due to Excitement of dominating her boyfriend and in Vice versa both teenagers decided to gave in.

"Hm~ is that all? Such a powerful being who even made gods scared . . . surely you can handle the pain and give me lovely screams~?" She said as she brought her whip out.

To add some more fire she used her power of love which will work like a Aphrodisiac. She learnt to Control her power on such a degree that she can even control someone's love, sexual desire, even boost it and can take away permanently. Clark still wasn't beyond her Power.


She hits Clark with her enhanced whip while Clark groans in pleasure.

She continued it for next couple of hours.

"Hm~ you do moan really cutely . . . Oh~ what perv you even got hard in this situation?" She said while looking his splendid manhood which is currently standing proud 14 inches and hard as steel.

She looked at Clark who had flushed face and huffing from continues BDSM session.

After she was satisfied with his reactions she decided to take it on next step.

She sat on Clark's lower torso and Lowered herself to face Clark face to face.

"Listen Darling" Akeno said

"Yes, Aki . . I am listening" Clark said while he returned to his senses.

"I heard what you and Grayfia did"

Clark stayed silent at this.

"I understand the situation . . . . I don't hold grudges against you . . . . You haven't met me Back then either way .. . . . My point is You can have as many mistress you want and Fuck as many Girls you want I don't mind honestly . . . But YOU will always belong to ME and no one Else . . You understand?"

Clark nods.

"Hmmm~ looks like I still haven't given you terms and Conditions yet" Akeno said while placing her finger under her chin

Clark sweat dropped and asked "W-What about it?"

"For starters . . . . I will have your Virginity and no one else. . . . Otherwise I will chop it off" Akeno said with a Innocent smile.


"Um O-Okay it's yours either way. . . What else"

"After that . . . You have to make love with me minimum 3 times a week, and BDSM play twice a Week, . . . . And I will have your first Child" Akeno says with a smile.

"Accepted My queen"


Clark and his girlfriends made his way towards the school.

Even though nothing happened between Clark and Akeno because she wanted to go on a Romantic Date and then she will do the deeds.

Aria and Elsha were giving them a SUS look Seeing mark of whip on his biceps.

Clark just sweat dropped from their glaire. He have to take all of them out.

Rias and Mio temporarily went back to Underworld and probably came back this morning. He still haven't met them YET.

On the other hand there is a Crowd of students on front gate of Kuoh . . . .. University. (It became school to university over night)

Upon seeing them One girl Shouted

"Kya~ it's Clark-Sama! Daddy!"

Clark is physically taken Aback by her statement. He is literally shaking from Cring

"The FUCK!? Daddy? " Clark shouted in irritated tone.

His girlfriends Giggled

"Ara Ara~ you don't know Daddy~" Akeno teased.

"Akeno Not you, . . ."

"Yes Daddy~ Ahh~" Elsha teased more.

"Daddy i have LOTS of milk here would you have some?" Aria said as she held her bossoms higer.

Clark simply ignored their teasing

He can't believe these girls are into this kind of shit. They call kiba Prince because he is handsome?

Clark and Issei always thinks that he is Gay

And Clark is now Called DADDY out of all? Why? He is buffed? Well it doesn't matters

Then sensed a Familiar Presense.

He looked back to see a familiar person.

(Image here)

"Yoo, Issei my man" Clark immediately recognised him.

"Yoo senpai, You late?" Issei walked over and gave him a High five.

But everyone standing there was . . . . Shocked.


"You look good man" Clark said

"Yeah you look really Handsome ufufu~" Akeno said

"Thanks guys hehehe"


School ended smoothly Now all of them are Sitting in Clubroom.

Mio and Aika looked like they stuck together with Issei like glue. While Murayama and Katase were fuming.

Clark sweat dropped and Asked Rias

"Um Rias what happened?"

Rias sighed and replied.

"Well . . . What should I say . . . . Mio was worried because his Boyfriend looks tooo plain and her Mother may not allowed her having a less handsome man"

"Nee-Chan I can hear you" Mio said with hostility in her voice.

Rias just Giggled.

"Um Clark? Did you . . . . Gained some muscles?" Rias asked as she scanned Clark's physique 20 th time.

Clark wasn't lacking his training of course. He became more ripped than usual.

"Well I got ripped I guess" Clark said while checking his biceps.

"You did became more handsome Darling ~" Akeno said as she pressed her gifted bossoms on his Muscular arms of course to tease Rias.

Rias got irritated. She was already disturbed that Akeno didn't only got stronger but also she is far prettier than she already was.

On other hand Iris is there she now DEFINITELY has something for Clark.

As for Koneko she is keep staring at her chest and saying 'They will grow too'

And she doesn't goes less than her in any department.

Her Compitition was tight.

Before any argument can start over Clark asked Issei.

"Issei How was your training by the way?" Clark asked

Drawing everyone's attention towards Issei.

Issei heard and Said.

"Well . . . . It was. . . . . Game changing to be honest. " Issei takes off his shirt.

(Image here)

It revealed his body gaining few blushes from his crushes.

Then Issei starts to release his aura.

Everyone except Clark and his Girls stiffns from the sudden power surge.

Issei noticed this.

'Even Akeno-San is stronger than me right now. . . I have a lot to go' he thought.

"Hmm Nice Aura you got there. You are now Ultimate Class devil level" Clark says.

"U-Ultimate Class?!" Both Rias and Mio gasped.

"I also Achieved balance breaker, and This" Issei says as he summons his Black flames.

"W-What is this?" Iris asked.

"That's Original Satan's flame Hell Flare" Clark says as He also Summons his own Hell Flare.

Shocking everyone.

"S-So how can you use this?" Rias asks in surprised tone.

"I can even Control this" Clark says as he summons his Holy flames.

At this point Rias can't hold it as she shits on her chair placing her hands underneath her chin.

"Is . . . There anything you can't do?" Rias asks.

"Hmmm 🤔 Hard to tell at this point" Clark says while rubbing his chin.

{It comes with Bloodline . . . No wonder his little brother is such monster} Dragoon said from inside.

"Huh? He did something wrong?" Clark asked

{Did? His growth is abnormal. At 10 years age he can mop floor with all High Class devil underworld had to offer. And with Atlas in his heart his Fire power is exceptional} Dragoon said

Clark can only feel proud for his little brother.

"Come to think of it, I didn't asked at first . . . . Rias who is person I feel from That room? " Clark asked.

Rias is visibly shocked to hear that.

"You can feel him? *Sigh* why am I even Surprised . . . No wonder you can sense him even after being sealed. Remember my mutation Bishop piece I talked About . . . He is my only bishop "

"So why is he locked up there?" Issei asked.

"Well He is a little tricky Darling, he has a little terrible past . . . So he is afraid to come outside" Akeno said.

"Isn't that unhealthy for him?" Clark asks.

"Well he is Vampire so I told him he is free to come outside but he still stays Inside." Rias said.

"But what about his devil jobs?" Issei asked.

"Belive it or not he is the most successful one out of all us here. He does his job from computer " Rias said as Issei sweat dropped.

"So let's meet him" Clark says as he stands up.

"Um as for that" Rias said.

"His sacred gear is problem " Akeno finished the sentence.

"What about his gear?" Clark asked.

"Well he has Forbidden Dragon's Vision as his sacred gear" Rias says

"What is that?" Issei asked.

"It's a Low tier Longinus gear which can Theoretically stop the time" Akeno said

"Hmph it doesn't stops time at all, It just slows down the time upto Plank time at best" Clark said

"Uhh . . . But he always runs away by stoping time" Rias said.

"I am not Bounded by concepts of Space and Time anymore so his powers are useless either way, Let's meet our junior then" Clark says as he and Issei walks off towards the room.

Rias looked at Akeno who just Shrugged her shoulders


They were standing in front of a sealed room. Before rias can even do anything to undo the seal Clark says.

"Open" and the door opens yet shocking most of them out there.

It's Dragon tounge appearetly

"AHHHHH WHO IS THERE, IT'S SO SCARY" Gasper shouted as he hids in his box.

Clark used his special vibration frequency to talk him out and Concidering he is a half vampire it will be super effective.

"Don't be afraid little one I won't hurt you" Clark Said as he sits in front of the box.

Gasper hearing his voice comes out from it.

"W-Who are you?" He asked.

"I am Clark Kent, new member of This Club" Clark Said with a bright smile.

Gasper looked at him for a moment then he came out from the box

"Eh!" Clark thought seeing he is crossdressed

"I-I am Gasper Valdi I-It's nice to meet you" he introduced himself.

Everyone outside was . . . . . . Shocked was Understatement.

Rias looked like she got several heart attacks. She can't believe that Clark can even Talk with a hardcore introvert like him.

"So what Are you?" Clark asked.

"I-I am a Vampire "

"Whoa a Vampire? It's super cool!"

"C-Cool? Do you think I am cool?"

"Of course you are, I think Vampires are pretty cool though "

"I-I see, do you know I can even-"

Their conversation goes on

On other hand

"Um Akeno, . . . . Just who the heck he is?" Rias asked.

"Farm boy's charm Rias ufufu" Akeno said

"I even Like Pokemon games!" Gasper said in excitement

"I like it too, do you read manga?"

"Yeah I read A LOT!"

"Then I have one for you" Clark says as he brings out a Book

Gasper became excited and asked.


"Solo Leveling "





