

Lemon ⚠️

"Well" Clark said as he was lying on his bed.

Of course he wasn't alone.

He was occupied with fair share of Beauties.

On his right hand Marina was sleeping.

On his left Misery.

Of course naked.

It's been a Week since the Chruch raid and it really took a lot from each and everyone of them.

Asia didn't died that night.

If she wasn't half fairy dragon that's it.

She was immediately brought to Clark's house and was given Under Mira's wing.

She healed her body and Mind in no time cause he was really weak.

Later the sacred gear was collected from Freed who died appearetly by Issei's hands.

He didn't thought that he will have courage to kill.

Well needless to say what happened happened for Good.

Akeno is Most probably out of her hatred of Fallen angels.

Aria was bored as she didn't even had any strong opponent to fight.

Elsha was tired of Swarming the multiple enemy.

Of course they wanted their treats for such services.

And Clark is obligated to give them that.

Marina took her family and went to Grigori to report about the fall of Kokebiel.

Kokebiel didn't died too.

As He was on mercy of Akeno.

Akeno belived that Kokebiel holds some Information about something very important so she decided not to Kill her.

And Now he is Appearetly Sealed inside deepest parts of Cocytus.

Marina and Her family came back real soon.

And uhhhhh.

Azazel was also with her.

He said to Clark that he should take the responsibility.

What responsibility?

Clark asked back them.

He can remember Raynare,Marina, Kalawarner and Misery's peach red faces.

Marina later confessed that she and Misery has totally fallen in love with him.

Well Clark had only One questions for Misery to ask.

How and Why?

How can she have such large Tities?

Why did she fall in love with him?

He didn't asked.

As he thought it won't be wise to ask now.

But He highly doubted that Akeno will accept fallen angels in her house.

Let aside living with them.

So Clark Proposed offer of Becoming Akeno's servants.

Which they accepted! Without a second thought.

Marina became Akeno's Bishop, Kalawarner Rook,and Misery and Raynare took 4 and 3 pawns respectively.

Concidering they all of them were Mutation pieces Clark,Rias and Even Akeno was Really surprised.

Rias Reincarnates Asia as her second bishop as She can now walk into her path of Dreams on a Faster pace.

Asia is a Fairy Dragon and weilder of Twilight healing.

A irreplaceable part of Peerage.

Letting all of that Aside he was recalling his past memories.

He remembered Yurishia, Lucretia and Penemue.

He didn't even get to properly thank them.

Maybe he will get lucky next time?

"What are you doing?" Clark asked as he can see there is a tent under his bed.

The person moved as she reveals herself.

To see it was Kalawarner who was wearing something very revealing.

"Good morning Master~ I hope you have slept well." Kalawarner said as she starts to rub Clark's lower half with her own lower half making the Dragon grown.

"Yeah, I slept well, But you don't have to do this Kala-chan"

"Don't say like that, It's my duty to serve such a Strong person like you" She said as she Marvels at the sheer size of his Excalibur.

'Will it even fit?' she thinks as she positions herself on the tip of his thing.


"Aaaahhhhhhh~💓" a relieved and pleasurable moan escaped from her Mouth as she felt like she found the purpose of her life.


Slowly but on a quicker pace she starts to ride him.

"Oh~ah,ah,ah . . Shit . . It's amazing!" the older woman moaned as she rode him.

It's not like she is a virgin. But it's definitely a new experience for her. Being OWNED by a being who even far Surpasses the leaders of three faction is sure gives a Different thrill.

Clark who believes in Oppai is truth Supramecy extends his hand and he grouped her F cup Tities.

They sure aren't as Big as Akeno,Aria and Elsha's but yeah they are whopping 92CM large which isn't joke.

"Damn Kala-chan you are eager for this! What if they wake up?" Clark said as he teased her nipples which are hard enough in arousal.

"Aaahh~ I don't care~ shit! It's been so long since a Man touched me!"

'Looks like it's gonna be a long day'

(A/N: I am in a Hurry to continue the series after my exam since it's on hiatus for a month. So I left the lemon a Cliff hanger.. Please bare with it 😃)


Dimensional Gap

In this Endless void three mighty figures where staring each other.

"You had your fun didn't you?" The Dragon named Bahamut Asked.

"Eh? What do you mean?" Our Main Character Clark asked.

"Kid, don't beat the bush. We know that you were Clapping cheeks and Trying to reproduce entire Dragon race by breeding females from Different Species." Great red Said.

Clark having a sweat drop tried to change the Topic.

"S-So aren't I here to train to become a God?" Clark asked.

"Yeah" Both replied as he successfully diverse the topic.

Then great red stared to Explain things.

"Look kid first of all You should Know that there are several types of Gods. One is that Self proclaimed, one is that made by people and one that is True God in every sense. For example Zeus that Nigga isn't God he is a Damn Olympian, Odin he isn't a God he is just a Asguardian they fall into both Catagory as Self proclaimed Gods and God Made by People. Amun Ra that Guy is a Damn alien who came to Earth yeah he can create His own Reality but he ain't a God he was made God by People. Now there Comes True Gods, from here on things becomes rather complex cause they are just Pure Energy based Concepts. They don't have any Body for Example Eloheim (The God of Bible),Buddha,Father time, Vishnu,Shiva and Adi Shakti etc. They are all same beings cause they all came from same energy and principality they just hold themselves as Physical forms so people can Worship them and Bless them. Now as For Our case we aren't God in true sense,we just push our physical bodies to upmost limits where we became Nigh-Omnipotent like creatures. So yeah You can't become Like US cause we came into universe before any Dragon race came into existence except from our parents."

"Huh? You also have parents?" Clark asked.

"Yeah we do have" Great red said.

"Who are they?"



"So Clark for you we have to make you God made by People in order to Do this you have to accumulate a Lot of Faith from your fellow devotees. Their belief is what gives you power. When it comes to Human belief it's strongest in The Universe that is." Great red Said.

"So how am I going to collect these Followers?" Clark asked.

"We just have to Hop into multiverse and Timelines. And Help those in need" Bahamut said.

"Just select a Name For you where you want to be worshipped as. Cause I doubt Some guy worshipping a God named Clark Kent is some what. Uhhh you know" Great Red Said.

"Yeah I understand" Clark said scratching his head.

"I will Go By Dru-God, how is that?" Clark asked.

"Uhhh, Acceptable " Bahamut said as he used his nail to tear a Hole in reality as if he is sliced a Paper with Katana.

"Now let's go"


Clark is definitely feeling weird. He is now in Time stream which runs on infinite Planes of existence, Narratives, timelines and who the fuck knows what.

"This is Father time's domain we asked for his permission here ten tries a Day okay?" Great red said.

"Okay,Okay I can't believe I ain't saying this to Dad." Clark said.

"Fuck that shit and Now focus your senses to these timelines. You have to feel a Random prayer which indicates to no specific God. A call for help to be precise." Clark did what exactly Ddraig said.

A Call for help huh? Sounds very simple and Easy but it isn't.

Several Hours Later.

Still nothing.

"Why do I feel like I am . . . Draining?" Clark said with a Exhausted sigh.

"Cause you lack Divine energy " Bahamut said.


"Your entire Existence is fucked up. If it was Ddraig he would have done it like piece of Cake." Great Red said.

"Power of Domination, your Kryptonian essence and then My Powers. You seriously have to train each one of em if You want to grow more" Bahamut said.

"I see I think I should Go home then" Clark said with a Displeased smile.

"Don't feel so down,We are positive you can do this" Bahamut cheered up.

Yeah maybe he should.


Later that Evening.

Clark was riding on his Bike to kill the Time.

But in order to Enjoy a ride you need a Traffic free road. Which wasn't possible today.

Looking over towards the sidewalk, he could see a lot of people wearing cosplays walking in the direction where traffic was jammed. His eye twitched for a moment,

'Is there a convention going on or something? Seriously what the fuck is this?!' he thought to himself as he looked at the Traffic.

'Fuck this society'

Without even a shred of concern for the consequences he immediately fired up his bike and drove onto the sidewalk bypassing the countless immobile cars in traffic.

The people on the sidewalk all gasped and screamed as he shot by them with deadly speed and aggression. His riding skills were masterful as he threaded the needle through the crowds of people on the sidewalk.

When he finally reached the main intersection where the convention was taking place he popped a wheelie and revved his bike as loud as possible causing flames to erupt from his exhaust. His arrival scared nearly everyone around him as he pulled right up to the front of the convention building and stopped to find out what it was.

'Kuoh Anime Convention...huh? When did this town start having these? And why the hell is the traffic this bad?' Clark thought curiously as he began to calm down.

"Hey, are you going to the convention?!" a cute voice asked causing Clark to turn his head towards its source.

A girl with black pigtails and dark violet eyes ran across the street and was now was standing next to him. She was beaming with enthusiasm as if she was having an amazing day.

"I would have asked you for a ride if I knew you were coming here!" The girl said cheerfully, "I saw you ride by on the sidewalk! That was so cool!"

Clark immediately glared at her when he noticed she was wearing a magical girl cosplay. He revved his bike up at her hoping to scare the girl away, but much to his surprise she seemed unfazed.

"I'm not here for the convention, I'm trying to get home, but thanks to this stupid traffic I can't," he said annoyed.

'Not unless I just want to fly out of here and leave my bike. Or risk being seen carrying it,' he mentally added.

"Well that's a bummer...but if you're stuck here, why don't you just go to the convention?!" the girl suggested eagerly.

Clark glared at her, "I don't have a ticket, and I sure as hell won't be waiting in any lines."

"Well I'm here alone. My sister didn't want to come with me so I have an extra ticket. You want to go with me? You look like you're a lot of fun" she said as she generously held up a VIP ticket to the convention for him.

He stared at her for a moment. This girl was gorgeous despite being a magical girl wannabe, but something about her looked familiar to him. She also reeked of some weird smelling perfume much to his displeasure.

"I kind of have somewhere to be..." he said as he looked for an opening in traffic.

A huge crowd of people were watching him and this girl interact much to his discomfort. Clark detested people staring at him like this.

"Pleaaassse!" She pleaded.

'Ughhh...it doesn't look like traffic is going to clear up until all these damn cosplayers get to the convention anyway. Plus, that is a VIP ticket it looks like. Aw screw it...I guess fun can wait a few more hours,' Clark contemplated.

With heavy reluctance, Clark got off his motorcycle and sighed, "I'll hang out for a little bit...only until the traffic clears though."

"Yay!" the girl cheered with excitement as she waved her cosplay wand around, "Sparkle Shine, your command is mine!"

Clark immediately felt embarrassed as dozens of people in the crowd cheered and were taking pictures of her and him by default. Thankfully, most of them seemed too afraid to get closer due to her proximity to the delinquent biker.

Clark rolled his eyes at her as she handed him her spare VIP ticket. The moment he had it, he immediately started walking away from her and made his way to the front of the line.

Hordes of jealous onlookers watched with disbelief as the asshole who just showed up on a motorcycle was now skipping the line to go straight into the convention.

"Hey, wait for me!" the pigtail magic girl called out to Clark as she chased behind him.

The males in the crowd seemed to be burning with even more envy at the sight of Clark not only skipping the line, but also having the sexiest cosplayer there following him around.

"Who the fuck is that pretty boy douche? Who does he think he is? Why is that beautiful magical girl following a punk like that?" Clark heard one angry guy mutter.

"Milky-hime, can we have a picture!" an otaku man cried out anxiously.

"You look so amazing!" another shouted.

The girl kindly waved to the onlookers and briefly posed before following behind Clark. As the two of them passed inside, they quickly noticed that the convention was packed.

The pigtail girl's eyes lit up with excitement as she pointed at something, "Look, look! They have Milky Spiral Seven figurines. C'mon let's go look at them!"

Before Clark could protest, the overly excited girl grabbed his hand and drug him over towards a section on the convention floor that seemed to be selling things that matched the anime she was cosplaying.

Everyone within a two-hundred-meter radius was staring at them as if they were celebrities. Clark was starting to feel somewhat awkward as random people kept walking up and asking for pictures of the girl.

'I should ditch this chick, and go see the Drag So-Ball Z section...' Clark thought as he slipped into the background of the ravenous crowd that were now swarming the girl for pictures.

About fifteen minutes passed before Clark found stuff that was more up his alley. He looked over the new area for a moment, 'I should have plenty of money, but I don't feel like hauling a ton of stuff back home. Huh...that banner would look really good in the garage next to my toolbox.'

"There you are!" a loud and excited voice announced as Clark felt someone jump on his back.

"What the!?" he said confused before realizing it was the black pigtail girl again.

"Why'd you leave me?! I was so sad when I couldn't find you," she said in a cutesy dramatic way.

The crowd of desperate fanboys and fangirls that were following her immediately froze up when Clark turned around.

"Is that her boyfriend?! I'm so jealous!" some overly animated man cried out.

"Milky-hime, can we take a picture?!"

"Milky-hime!" people kept calling out to the girl.

Clark was now pissed off that these people wouldn't go away and growled, "Back off right now!"

The surrounding area went deathly silent as the crowd of people chasing after the girl on Clark's back were now scared.

Clark cracked his fists and took a deep breath, "Get lost! She's taken enough god damn pictures for you! The only way she's posing for another picture is if you go through me!"

Nobody dared to tempt Clark's fury as the crowd scattered like roaches in all directions. Despite her kind disposition towards the fans in general, the pigtail girl seemed somewhat relieved that Clark had sent them away.

"Are you going to get off me or what?" Clark asked as he turned his head back and looked at the girl still on his back.

She beamed and shook her head, "No! I don't want to lose you again in here! Especially if you're going to protect me!"

"Why are you still hanging out with me anyway?" he asked her confused.

"Becauuuuuuse I think you're cool!" she said as she held onto him even tighter.

"The feeling is not mutual," he said shaking his head.

"AWWW you're so mean!" she said with over-exaggeration.

'Man, that perfume she's wearing is overpowering this close,' Clark thought distracted.

"OOOOh, is that Drag So-Ball Z? We should go check that out!" she pointed to a nearby stand.

Clark looked back at her surprised, "You like Drag So-Ball Z?"

"Who doesn't?" she countered beaming with excitement.

'Well...maybe she's not as bad as I originally thought,' Clark noted as the two of them went over to check out more merchandise.

Before he knew it, the two of them were having a blast going around and buying random things they didn't need. After about an hour of that, the girl insisted that they go to a few panels, and before Clark realized where the time went, he ended up spending the rest of the day there.

It was only when the convention was closing for the day did he actually realize the time. Upon walking outside and seeing the nighttime sky, Clark shook his head disbelievingly, "I can't believe I spent the whole afternoon here."

"That WAS SO FUUUUUN!" the girl emphasized each word louder and louder as she latched onto his arm while they were walking out.

"Yeah...I actually had a good time...surprisingly," Clark said almost not believing his own words.

'Did I seriously just hang out with some weirdo otaku magical girl all afternoon? This has been the weird week ever...' Clark thought to himself.

"I never get to do that many things at conventions because everyone always just wants to take pictures of me. Going with you was a great idea! You scared everyone away with your mean, grumpy face!" she giggled.

"Well...thanks for the ticket, Milky-hime. This was a somewhat pleasant surprise," Clark said more sincerely that he expected to.

"Oh! I never told you my name, did I?" the girl asked shocked as she placed a hand on her chin.

"Come to think of it...I was so excited all day I never bothered asking your name either," the girl said as she looked at him anxiously.

"Clark Kent...don't bother remembering it. We'll probably never see each other again," he replied skeptically.

"But what if I want to see you again?!" she asked childishly.

Clark simply laughed at her antics. By this point he was almost used to her energetic innocence.

"I'm Serafall!" she said smiling at his reaction.

He looked at her curiously, "No surname?"

"You and I are on a first name basis! Call me Serafall and I'll call you Clark-chan, K?!" she chirped.

"Okay...nice meeting you then, Serafall," Clark waved as he headed to his motorcycle.

Clark was amazed it didn't get towed and shook his head, 'Damn I'm lucky.'

As he mounted his souvenir bags and got on his motorcycle, he looked up and saw Serafall standing right next to him. She shuffled around for a moment and was staring at him.

"Clark-chan...can I go for a ride on your bike? Pleeease!" she said hopefully.

"Don't you have to go home or something?" he asked confused.

"Yeah...but maybe you could give me a ride!?" she asked with a suggestive smile.

Clark sighed, "I'm going to lose all my street cred if people see some otaku magic girl riding with me."

The girl gave him the most moe look she could muster as she locked her fingers, "Clark-chan...don't make me beg you!"

"Alright fine...get on," he said. Half a second a later the energetic Serafall was on his backseat. She tied her bags on the back of the bike and immediately wrapped her arms around Clark's waist.

"C'mon, let's go fast!" she said happily.

"Are you sure you can handle it? This thing is the fastest motorcycle in the world...custom built," Clark replied.

"GO GO GO!" she cheered causing Clark to take that as a yes.

Deciding to test the limits of this girls resolve, he started to drive recklessly and dangerously at high speed through the city.

'I'll take her over the bridge...' Clark chuckled to himself as he came up to a large bridge with arches over it.

He drove off the road and onto the arch before climbing high on the beam above the bridge. Once he got higher, he popped a wheelie. He half expected this girl to freak out or scream, but surprisingly she seemed overjoyed at his daredevil stunt.

"Still think I can't handle it?" Serafall asked as she spread her arms out and enjoyed the view from the bridge arch.

"We're about to find out..." Clark grinned as he pressed a switch in front of him causing a jettison of flames to spew out of the exhaust. Serafall immediately grabbed his waist again as the bike shot forward even faster.

Clark drove as fast as possible until reaching the top of the bridge arch before launching off the side.

His motorcycle flew a considerable distance through the air before landing on top of a parking garage nearby. Serafall let out a shriek of joy the entire way, "WOOOOOOOHHHOOOOO!"

Upon landing, and slowing down, he glanced back to check on her. She looked like she was super happy and wasn't afraid at all. Clark was genuinely impressed by her resolve and laughed, "You're the first girl I've ever taken on that stunt. I'm shocked you didn't scream or cry."

"Are you kidding me?! That was amazing! You're amazing!" She said smiling.

'I never thought I'd meet a nice human girl who liked Drag So-Ball Z and going on daredevil motorcycle rides. She's a fucking gem. If she wasn't a magical girl she'd totally be my type,' Clark thought as he stared at her.

"So, where do you live, Serafall? I should probably take you back now. It's getting late," Clark said shaking off his distraction.

"Oh, I live at this little house with some nice people hosting my stay. It's close to Kuoh Academy. Down third street," she replied.

Clark nodded before driving down the parking garage and making his way towards the location specified. As they pulled up to a red light, Clark glanced back at her for a moment, "Serafall is kind of a strange name? Are you an international or something?"

"Something like that. My sister lives here, so I came to take care of her for a while," Serafall explained.

"That's good of you I guess," Clark replied as the light turned green.

After driving for a bit longer, he finally reached her street. She pointed at a massive house, "There, that little house is where I stay!"

Clark stared at it, 'Little house? This is where all the rich people in this town live. Actually isn't this devil territory? That's unfortunate for her. Hopefully they don't do anything to her while she's here.'

Upon dropping Serafall off, Clark was surprised when she hugged him, "Today was really fun Clark-chan! We need to hang out again real soon okay?!"

"Sure thing..." he said as he locked a brief gaze with her. She smiled as she hugged him, "Oh by the way, do you have a cell phone? I want your email."

"Uhh, yeah. Here," Clark took his phone out. His was red and hers was pink unsurprisingly.

After they exchanged emails Serafall picked up her bags and stood there for a moment uncertainly.

"We can do this, again right?" she asked hopefully.

"I'd be down for that," Clark nodded approvingly.

"Sparkle shine, your command is mine! See you around Clark-chan!" she cheered before said dragon drove away.




