
Chapter 2

Divine Continuum (DC) Watch Tower

It's been a Week since Clark had made Contract with Ancalagon. Within this week Clark taught him all of his home world's language which isn't different from this Universe's earth. Like Every Kryptonian Anny also have Omnilingual he can learn any language in matter of seconds.

But it is a Really sad Day for Clark because he is going to leave his family behind and return to his own family

Clark woke up from bed with a Gloomy and Depressed face

{ Son don't make that face, at this rate you won't be able to return anymore} Ddraig said

" I know that Dad, I-I-It's just they are also like my family, my most of the Childhood spent here I will be leaving everyone behind especially Jon and Lor who are Brothers to me!" Clark said

{I know son but it isn't a Forever Goodbye, you can still visit them with space ship you have you can come here anytime so cheer up} Ddraig said

" Yeah Dad I will Ma and Pa is still waiting for me" Clark said as he got up from bed and headed towards shower after having a quick shower he went for kitchen where Anny already prepared the breakfast and Packed his stuff

" You Okay sensai?" Anny asked

" No actually" Clark answered

Anny called Clark sensai now since he is teaching him and Ddraig great Sensai since he is sensai of sensai.

" It's Understandable your leaving your loved once after all don't worry Their love will always with you" Anny assured him

" I know Anny and thanks I appreciate that" Clark said and gave him a Smile

As both had their break fast they head out for Lobby of Watch tower where everyone is waiting

Clark scanned his surroundings as he saw Superman, GigaChad,Jor,Zod, Faoura,Diana,Batman, Flash,Most of the leaguers, especially Lor and Jon

" Hey guys" Clark said because he didn't know what to say

Seeing this Superman and GigaChad moved forward and Hugged him Clark started have tears in his eyes

" It's ok Kiddo don't cry your still our part of family no matter how far away your" Superman said

" Superman right little one, You carry the Pride of Men of Steel. It doesn't matters where you are your one of Us. And keep your grind if you gain weight I will go to your universe and Kick your ass" GigaChad said making him Giggle and Lightening the mood

Next is Faora and Diana who basically hugged him with Bone crushing force, why won't they? They were basically his Mothers

" Oh my Baby boy has gotten so Big in such a Short time, don't worry Your still my boy no matter how far you go "

" I know your going to miss us and we will miss you too, but your feel free to visit us take your own family and pay us visit ok?"

" Okay" Clark said as both gave him a peek on his cheeks

Next is Zod and Jor

" Sweet times Kid, I am really proud of myself that I made you a Perfect weapenologist and don't bother Crying your man This is part of life" Zod said with Pride

" Make sure to use my knowledge for your people, I know you can give people hope and don't change your self wherever you are, what him for me Ddraig " Jor said

{ Will do} Ddraig said

" And take this" Jor gave him something

" I-Is this?" Clark asked in disbelief

" Yes it's a Son box, we made it for you " Jor said

" But it's expensive why did you guys go through such lengths"

" Ahhh Don't say anything unless you want a Ass whooping, and Your a warrior going in his world filled with Chaos. And a warrior shouldn't go there without preparation. This way cheaper than our relationship." Jor said assuring

Which Clark gladly accepted

Next is Batman and Flash

Flash was practically crying

" *Sniff.....Sniff* take care of yourself mate * Sniff....Sniff* and don't forget to wear my mufler otherwise you will catch a Cold* Sniff" Clark can't help but Laugh a little while he hugged and Consoled him

" Here take this, this has all of your money from your bank account and Other sources just back your banking system and Upload this you will get all" Batman said with his Calm composer

" And it felt Good to work with you Clark Kent" he said as he hugged him

Next is Of course his brothers in arms Lor and Jon

The atmosphere between them is Gloomy

Until Lor spoked

" What did you thought we are going to Cry like Little Girls? Huh in your dreams" Lor said smiling

" Well we have no reason to Cry at all because we have this" Jon said revealing what it looked like a Door?

" Um what is this?" Clark asked

" It's a Quantum Door which has Hash tube Teachnology, you can Travel to anywhere with help of this you just have to think, it's connected with our and your universe, so feel free to drop by anytime" Jon said

" You guys 🥲" Clark said as three of them Hugged

" Don't have all of the chicks there, leave some for us" Lor said making him laugh

" Sure Mam I am gonna make a Harem and then flex on you" Clark said


" GIVE SALUTE!" Kryptonian soldiers said as they saluted

Clark is currently on his space ship Oparating it

(Image here)

As he and Anny gave his last fare well he started his portal device letting him escape Current reality he got Immediately Teleported to near Earth.

" Huh? Did we made it?" Clark asked

Ddraig scanned the planet with his senses

{ Yes son we made it, this Earth is little smaller than previous one so yes }

" Well tha-" Before he can even Continue he and Anny felt on his knees screaming in pain

They felt like their powers were being sucked away by some unknown forces after a Good minutes it stopped

" What was that?" Clark said

" Don't know, but I feel weaker" Anny said

{ Looks like our powers resets According to our Cosmology, so that means! INCOMING} Ddraig shouted

Before Clark can even react a Reddish Green power spawned out of Nowhere and started to enter Clark's body

Clark felt like his entire body is being filled with a Familiar Power,his cells are Absorbing it. This power is None other than his long lost power of Domination. It is a Sensation he never felt before, it felt like Power of Domination itself is happy to get back inside his body. What feels like it is a Never ending power source and it was adapting throughout his built of Body and His cells are adapting themselves Vice versa.


Clark can't disagree what his Dad said. This feeling truly Facinating. Ammount of Power is Three times what he can held before but it still felt endless.

After 10 minutes the Power died down he fully absorbed it .

" Damn that felt great" Clark Excalimed

" You Okay sensai?" Anny asked who was watching whole scene.

" I am more than ok Anny - is that?" Clark said after seeing that there is a Miniature Sun floating in front of him

{ Yes that's your solar power you absorbed in that universe, you can still use solar power but that energy surge replaced that stored power in Body and that is floating in front of you} Ddraig said

" What should I do with it?" Clark asked

{ I have a Idea listen me} Ddraig said as he explained his plan

"Your plan is amazing Dad, but is it me or do I feel a little weak?" Clark asked

{ Let's see} Ddraig said as Clark used Torquasam Rao and Ddraig Vo

After a While

" Yeah I am definitely weaker" Clark said

{ Your just 3 times Stronger than me when I was alive} Ddraig said

" Meh! I have grind again, then" Clark said disappointed

{ Don't sweat over it, no one is gonna even fuck with you concidering how strong you actually are right now, we have Torquasam in our arsenal a literal cheat code. You will reach True Dragon level in Mere Centuries} Ddraig said assuring Clark

"Anny how do you feel now?" Clark asked

" Well weaker to be honest" Anny replied

" Then let's check how strong you actually are right now" Clark said as he formed a Training Barrier he usually uses during training

" So what should I do?" Anny asked

" Punch me with all of the power you can currently muster" Clark said as he prepared his battle stance

Anny seeing this prepared himself for launching a punch he didn't wanted to be a Burden to his sensai

So he gathered all of his power in his right hand and Threw a Serious Punch

Seeing this Clark responded by extending his hand Catching his Punch.

Clark successfully stoped his fist but it created a Huge Shockwave that shook his entire dimension.

Clark seeing this smiled a Little and said

"Hmm, well your weaker but your on heavenly Dragon level" Clark said

" Heavenly dragon? So I am strong right?" Anny asked not knowing how strong he actually is

{ Your as strong as me when I was alive} Ddraig said

" Then I must be really strong!" Anny said happily while making a fist

" More than enough on current state, you will place yourself on top 5 on Strongest beings" Clark said making his face to even lit up

{ Stop Praising too much it can be casue of arrogance, which is fatal to any situation. Now let's execute our plan}

" Yeah you're right! Anny I am going to leave the space ship in your command" Clark said

" Yes sensai, don't worry" Anny said

Clark left the space ship on Anny's command and he straight went to moon

He isn't wearing any Protective suit proving that his Kryptonian Physiology works in his Universe then he brought out his Stored sun stone from his gear. Yes he is going to create a Fortress in Moon

" Son Box, search for a Perfect location to build a Fortress" Clark commanded his Son


{ Did that actually Copied my voice?} Ddraig asked

" Well looks like he likes your voice!"

{Searching Complete}

The results showed that Moons North Pole will be best place to Built a one it's understandable because in Moon's smooth surface NASA's Rovers are in work , and there's no person that has ever explored Moon's Poles on first place

Without wasting any time he went to Moon's North pole Clark threw the Crystal and it dropped on Ground piercing the Ground

After 30 seconds Giant pillars of Crystals started to come out from ground, within 3 minutes the Fortress was done.

" So it's my own Personal Fortress!" Clark exclaimed in disbelief

{ Yeah and it has almost Infinite Possibilities what we can do with this} Ddraig said with smirk

But it wasn't done there it's just his first part of the Plan

He entered fortress which was white like a Blank page. Clark told The son Box to design the fortress according to its needs and it scanned the entire Universe first and started to do it's job

It would have taken more than a year to built a actually functional fortress concidering the lack of materials but it wasn't problem for Clark. Son Box has Nigh Omniscience and Concidering Sun stone is Infinitely programmable. The son Box programed the fortress to launch a 30 CM sized crystal in space which is gonna Collect solar energy from sun and when it's fully charge it's gonna fire the Energy as a Hyper condensed beam on Fortress reciver. The collected energy is going to turn into Matter by Sun stone and Son Box is gonna produce the material he needed.

Within a Hour it was Done

In the end Clark was left with a Complex mega structure inside a Tessaract field which is Infinitely expandable.

Satisfied with result Clark immediately headed towards forge that was made by the Box and opened a Personal space.

From that a Tons of Red Scales Rained down on ground making a Small Mountain of those scales.

Yes these scales are Clark's disposed scales.

Like Snakes discard their old Skins when they grew bigger High Class Dragons also Discard old scales when they grow bigger these scales are Valuable to Super Natural world due to these scales are used to create weapons, shields, Armours and Finest quality of Jewelries.

But Clark's Scales are no Joke they are almost Invincible due to him being Heavenly dragon and due to his Semi Kryptonian physiology. Any professional forger will kill to get these scales for reasearch purpose and of course weapon creation .

But too bad No one knows that Clark has these scales neither they are ever Gonna Reach here and even if they reach here Clark highly doubts that they can even Break through his Teachnology.

" So now I have to start the forge" Clark said as he poured all of his scales into Furnace and he manifested his Energy based Sun into his hand

{ Now let's add Oil in Fire!} Ddraig said as he started Boosting


{ MAXIMUM TRANSFER} Ddraig shouted as he transferred his energy into the Solar energy.

The Sun started to expand and became a White star with Blinding Brightness

Clark places the Star into his forge's fire in order to melt his scales. And he started to patiently wait .

" Hey Anny get spaceship inside Fortress Over" Clark said to Anny

"This is Anny, heading towards Fortress Over and Out" Anny replied.

While waiting Clark decided to Talk with his Dad

" So that how much time we should stay here" Clark asked

{ Let's say Around a Week. You have to train with power of Domination because the Amount of Aura Radiating from your body is Enough to Kill Nearby Human} Ddraig said

" Yeah now you said that's why I am feeling Uncomfortable " Clark said

{ Yeah you have to control it to a Extent, where you can Turn it on/off like Your previous Kryptonian powers and needless to say you have your own Aura to Master} Ddraig said Reminding him

" Yeah you're right! Dad, I was thinking Aren't I 18 years Old now?" Clark asked

{ Yeah I still remember What I told you, when you were little you can't use any magic other than Offensive magic. Now you can learn it since your Physiology can Support and Biggest news is you can Meet with Your seniors!} Ddraig said Shocking Clark

"Seniors? Meaning previous Wielders!" Clark asked

{ Yeah, even Due to your influence your previous Wielders who were effected by Juggernaut Drive curse are now Cured and watching your progress}

Ddraig said

" They know me?" Clark asked

{ Of course every single one knows you since birth you just weren't able to access them, for greater good even I think you have Become someone's Crush} Ddraig said again Shocking Clark

" Crush? For Me? Who?" Clark asked

{ That's not Important now mind in your Current Buisness} Ddraig said as Clark shifted his attention towards forge

After 2 days of Hard work Clark came Out from forge

" Welcome back Sensai, how was your work? " Anny greeted

" It was amazing I have something for you Come here real Quick" Clark said

" Well yes I would love too, but you smell like shit!" Anny said

Clark didn't noticed that he didn't took any showers from Two days and he is smelling really bad

" Uhhhhhh"


After taking a Good bath in his Fortress he showed Anny his creation

The First Item he created is a Beautiful Vermilion Red Spear

(Image here)

Clark Created it on Memory of his Beloved Akeno and Named it Vermilion's Wrath since meaning of Akeno's name is Vermilion Red. This Spear is Based on Odin's Gungnir which is so accurate that even a New born baby throws it will never miss it's target. This Spear can feed on Wielders Rage and Provide the Wielder more Battle power and Stamina. It has a psychic link with user so it will return to user after being thrown from any part of the world.

Second is a Sword

(Image here)

This Single handed sword is created by Clark because he did learn Swordsman ship from Diana

It's name is Keplar's Wrath and it has ability to Slice through any Magical Attack.

Third is a Trident

(Image here)

Ddraig Suggested to create this for himself. So he can use this when he gets his Body back. This is Similar to Vermilion's Wrath and it will never miss it's Target and can Feed off on Ddraig's fears and grant him power. Yes fear because if he ever faces a Opponent stronger than him it will help him. It's Name is Dominator's Might

Next is Another sword Clark made for Himself

(Image here)

This Sword is Called as Crimson Fury and it has ability to steal his Opponents life force heck it gives its wielder a Speed boost

Next is a Great sword

(Pic here)

This Great sword is Made by Ddraig for himself so he can use this Alongside with spear. This has Active Penetrate ability which can Ignore defences. It's name is Ddraig 's Sword of Destruction

Now this time Clark worked on a Smaller scale creating two Battle Knifes

(Pic here)

Name Goes by Blades of Domination. This blades can Increase the Damage if deals with each strike . Clark reserved this Blade for giving someone or he can use them

Next is a Japanese beauty

(Pic here)

This beautiful Katana is created by Clark in thought of so he give it to his Future mate.

It's name is MasaMura. It has ability to absorb any form of Kinetic energy and can convert it into it's striking energy

Last but not least is this sword

(Pic here)

This sword's name is Barbatos

As the name suggests it's a Anti Demonic sword or to put simply a Draconic Holy sword, it's specially created for Ancalagon. Since he have to face many unholy beings in future.

After gifting the sword to Anny they straight went to their medical bay.

" Why are we here sensai?" Anny asked

" For training" Clark replied

" What kind of?" Anny asked

" Well we are going train in my mind scape, your going to train with by previous boosted gear wielders." Clark replied shocking Anny

" Really?" Anny said in disbelief

{Yeah really, now come with me} Ddraig said as he manifested from the gear and Grabbed Anny's head. Dragging out his Consciousness as form of Astral projection.

"W-What are you doing? Why my body is outside? Did I died?" Anny said in shock

{ No you didn't! Now let's Goooo} Ddraig said Dragging him inside gear by a Vortex

Clark sighing from their behaviour he picked Anny's Unconscious body and rested him inside medical capsule. After than Clark laid down on his own falling asleep quickly.

When he opened his eyes finding out that his head is on the lap of the beautiful girl who had a long, curly blond hair that extends all the way down her back tied with twin tail and dark Purple eyes. She was wearing a red dress with golden accessories that showed her remarkably large breasts H cup breasts. Clark is practically Gobsmacked by her Beauty, be started wondering that if she is a A goddess.

{ It's good to see you successfully made here Son}

Ddraig said

"Now now Ddraig let him rest a little more like this, I'm enjoying seeing his face like this." The blond said as she started stroking his head gently.

" Dad? Am I inside my Mindscape? And most importantly who are you?" Clark's Instincts kicked in as he immediately Jumped off her lap

{ To answer your first question, yes you are and as for your second let her introduce herself} Ddraig said

As the beautiful woman stands up, Clark can clearly see her breasts Jiggle from every movement made by her, Clark had to enter in his Vo state so his Draconic Instincts doesn't kicks in.

"Ara Ara Ufufu looks like you finally decided to turn your attention to me." The blond girl spoke in a soft and gentle voice which surprisingly resembles Akeno this time his Vo state trembled since Sexy Sultry Mature Woman are exactly type of Woman Clark likes.

" T-Then May I know who you are?" Clark said a little nervously in fear if he showed her his perverted side as he is mesmerizing by her beauty

"Of course, I am Elsha Enfield former wielder of Boosted gear and Former Champion of Both Norse and Salvic Pantheon" Elsha introduced herself

Clark was shocked by this new piece of Information Not only she is a Drop Dead Bombshell who can be Concidered Goddess on Earth but also Champion of Two pantheon.Her presence alone had placed an incredible amount of pressure on him, he was sure that she was suppressing her power a lot. Not that Clark was bothered by it Clark is Clearly stronger but what he felt that in her prime she is easily a Low to Middle Class God level being. Now worse of all Clark suddenly felt a Pull towards her like he was being attracted by her. He connected the Dots and Realised that it's his Passive skill Bonding which helps him to find woman who will love him for what he is Not for is power meaning that she is a Ideal woman for him.

{ Son, she is strongest female Boosted gear wielder and second strongest Red Dragon Emperor by far, not counting you} Ddraig said

" They also Called me Red Dragon of North, but you can call me whatever you want sweet heart" Elsha said making Clark blush making him realise that he didn't introduced herself.

" I-I am really sorry for Not introducing myself. My name is Clark Kent this generation Red Dragon Emperor people used to Call me Man of Steel please call me whatever you like" Clark introduced himself bowing

" Ara Ara, what a Gentleman you are~, I will call you Sweety but what you will call me?" Elsha asked cutely

" W-Well how About Ellen?" Clark said

" Hmmm~ it's a really good Nick name to be honest so I heard right your really good at naming" Elsha said

" You heard about me? I am glad to hear that" Clark said

" Of course I will sweety, Ddraig always talks about you I have also seen your journey" Elsha said

" Ohh, I see hehehe" Clark said sheepishly not knowing what to say

For Elsha to be honest she never bothered her self about getting a Man on first place. Most of the men she met only sees her body and power. Rest of the men she respected as Brothers and Comrades so she never Found herself a Man until she died at young age but Clark is Different from rest of them. His most notable feature is despite being huge and muscular he is extremely handsome for his own good but she did met with multiple Good looking men so it wasn't just his looks. He is a Man with a Good heart, he is smart, cunning, Brave and most importantly he is Loyal even though his lover died he stayed loyal to her even though she is dead. He Never bothered getting a woman for himself heck he crafted a Weapon specially dedicated to his dead lover.

She felt herself falling for this man now when she met him close proximity, her heart never stopped pounding fast even though she didn't had one. The Aura surrounding him made her Instincts beg to submit at his will. She wanted to try out some dates first but let's see where it goes.

" Um if you don't mind can I ask you a question?" Clark asked shaking Ellen out of her thoughts

" Well are you the reason I can use Holy powers?" Clark asked

" Ara Ara your a smart one aren't you, yes your right, your Holy magic affinity came from my powers that's why you can't learn Regular magic but Norse, Salvic and Draconic Magic" Elsha explained shocking Clark

{Now son for next few days your going to Train with her, and learn different form of Magics} Ddraig said

" Really? Wow at last I can learn Magic!" Clark said in Excitement making Ellen Giggle.

" Of course sweety I am Expert in Magic and I also had many students so let's get started!" Ellen Suggested

" Yes let's start! But wait a Minute! Where is Anny?"

{ Don't worry about him he is Currently training with Belzard and Other Wielders} Ddraig said

" Belzard? Isn't he is strongest Boosted gear wielder?" Clark asked

" Yes Sweetie, he was actually strongest not including you even I have to spent two years just to land a Hit on him" Ellen claimed shocking him

Meaning this person named Belzard is No pushover without even Dragon heart he is easily Avarage God Class level being the question is How he died on First place?

" If you're wondering how he died then you should know that he sacrificed his Life for his loved ones" Ellen said assuring Clark

{ So now train hard son I should check on other things Bye} Ddraig said

"Bye dad" " Bye Ddraig "


In order to train Elsha brought Clark inside her personal Mind scape

After Entering her Mindscape Clark saw a meadow filled with all kinds of vegetation. It looked like Heaven as the nature and aura around it were peaceful and calm.

He brought back to his senses when he heard a Giggle Turning around his head he saw

a sight that made him start to blush viciously, leaning against the tree was Elsha. She was wearing a crimson top with v-cut that showed some of her breasts,with a pink skirt and black shoes, her long blond hair was tied up into the ponytail. To his eyes she is even Prettier than before.

Seeing his face made Elsha giggle even more. She was enjoying the look on his face. She learnt about his tastes from Ddraig she knew Clark loved Big breasts and Long Silky hair, especially tied in ponytail.

" Ara Ara Ufufu, I know your enjoying the view here, but I brought you to train here." Elsha said Giggling

" U-um S-Sorry you just look really pretty" Clark said honesty is one of his traits

Hearing his compliment Elsha blushed a Bit, this feeling is different from other compliments she received in distant past.

" Hmmm~ thanks sweetie but you have to work Harder if you want to take me on a Date" Elsha Said making Clark blush a little bit

But he was now convinced that She isn't opposing the Idea of Dating, Clark isn't Clueless person he understands woman's advances

" Well that's the reason I am here, I will take you to moon if necessary" Clark said confidently

" Ufufu, well said Big boy but now let me show you basics of Norse and Salvic magic. They are known for being powerful and Can be destructive in Right hands." Elsha said as she formed a white Ball of energy in her hands.

" Is that Holy energy?" Clark asked

" No sweetie but it's close to it, this kind of magical energy is used to scare Unholy beings and consumes low mana but that doesn't means it isn't deadly" Elsha said as she pointed the orb in her fingers and shoots towards nearby Mountain

The Mountain got vaporized without making a Sound. It is Deadly.

"This was only sample of my magic now can you imagine how powerful it will be if you combine it with your Draconic powers?" Elsha asked

" I need your entire stock now" Clark said smiling

" Then Come at me Big boy" Elsha said licking her Lucious lips.


It's been two hours since both of them are training

And Elsha have to admit Clark is a Absolute Monster in this field he is now currently Forming and Maintaining 12 Magic Circles Simultaneously while running 12 different Functions even she finds it hard to do.

The Biggest plus factor for Clark is his Torquasam Rao and Vo it helped him to master both his Body and mind. He can Physically perform any task as long as his Mind can Operate on that scale Clark literally recreated Norse magic circle Creating his very own one

(Pic here)

There's a Draconic Yin and Yang in Middle of Circle

(pic here)

She was High-class form birth, born between Russian Boyar that served the Emperor and the Norwegian Valkyrie. Her great affinity for magic and her understanding of battle tactics and strategy made her great ally to both Pantheons. So to prevent the war over her it was decided by both leaders of the Pantheons that Elsha would become champion of both Odin and Perun.

With that decided she was constantly trained in both Norse and Slavic magic and combat skills. While she was training she would be given missions by both factions to do, so she could gain battle experience which later was proven critical as she helped Russians in their struggles against Ottomans and Norse countries against the Holy Roman Empire. Though she also did supernatural missions like assassinations and/or being an ambassador for both factions.

But in her entire life time she didn't met anyone who is even Close to Clark he is only 18 years old yet he is even Stronger than Odin and Perun yet he isn't arrogant, Calm,Cool and Smart .

" Your doing great sweetie! " Elsha said with a Blush and hold his right arm making sure to press her breasts against his arm. She had to admit Clark had muscles of Steel.

For Clark now it was really hard to control himself, Her soft and gentle skin, her soft smile and warm, voice her killer body, the big breast was really turning him on. He is barely controlling himself from Pinning her down and Grope her breasts. But he can't do that doing anything indecent with a Woman without her permission is called sexual assault. And he is a Hero if he does that by any chance he will lose his sanity as a Hero. But it didn't stopped him from taking a peek for her lovely melons.

" CLARK! Concentrate! I know your a Highly hormonal teenage Dragon but this is for your own Good." Elsha fake scolded him to see his reaction little did she was doing it on purpose.

"S-S-Sorry I-I-It's just you are really beautiful, a-and it's hard to control my Dragon hormones" Clark apologised while embarrassed

Elsha liked the fact he didn't hide it from her. Another plus point.

'Maybe a Little reward won't hurt ufufu ' Elsha thought

" Let's take a Break sweetie come here" Elsha said as she walked over the apple tree and sat on the mat that is pre placed. Clark stopped his training and walked over her. But she had different plans she used her magic to pop out a Tree vine from ground so Clark trip over it, and he did. In first time on his 8 years he tripped, smashing his face on her lovely melons and Undoubtedly pinning her down a normal Accident what it seemed. For Clark he seemed like he saw heaven for a flash of a Moment, upon returning his senses he felt a heavenly sensation on his face. After pulling his face from wherever he was made her eyes shot Open. He saw that Elsha's breasts are now completely exposed and she is staring at him with a flushed face.

"I-I-I am Sorry" he said in embarrassment as he turned his face towards opposite direction.

Elsha satisfied from his reaction got up from ground and hugged him from behind making sure to pressed her breasts on his back sending pleasurable shivers through Clark's spine.

" You saw them didn't you?" Elsha whispered in his ears adding oil in fire.

" S-S-Sorry I didn't meant to" Clark said Regretting that she might now end up hating her.

" Ara Ara Ufufu, what a Honest boy you are" Elsha said as she licked Clark's ear lobe making him grown in pleasure.

" You can do much more than just watching you know ~" She said seductively

" What do you mean?" Clark asked turing his face towards Elsha who is half naked.

" Well these are just to reward you for your achievements, so go ahead ~" Elsha said while putting her hands under her breasts to hold them high for Clark

Clark can't believe on his ears what they heard so he sat there with a Gobsmacked expression.

" What happened? Don't believe me~ or your not man enough to Claim what belongs to you~" she purred seductively giving him green signal

Upon hearing her words his pupils turned into Slits, he had enough of her teasing now he let his Instincts drive him.

'Ohh, here he comes!' Elsha thought in Excitement.

Before she can think more Clark immediately Pinned her down and smashed his lips on her left breast and roughly groped her right one.

" Kyaaaaa~" Elsha moaned in pleasure.

Clark started to continuously suck and grope her breasts. Why won't he? This is his first breasts first time feeling someone's breasts out of lust. He swore to himself that he is gonna Claim her as his. But the bad thing is he can't have sex here.

Her breasts are anything he has felt till date. They are so soft that his hands are sinking in her flesh. And nipples are hard and chewy. Clark started gently bite her nipple with his Canine teeth as he licked her nipple head with his tongue

" DON'T bite it, ahhhhhh" she arched her back from alien feeling in her body. She can't even imagine that being played by a man can bring this much pleasure, best of that he is the man she wants. She is almost Regretting the fact that she can't have sex here otherwise she would have started to buit orgasms from his Onslaught.

Clark growing bore from sucking left breast switched to left one. This time Clark made suction in his mouth and sucked her breast with his all might.

" Your sucking me toooo hard Clark~ kyaaa~" but it didn't ended here her eyes immediately rolled back to her skull when Clark started pinching her free nipple which was already aching in need of lips

" Ahhhhhhh~♥️ " she let out a Loud and lewd moan.

Clark is now extremely horny he stopped. Sucking her breasts. Much to her disappointment.

" Why-" before she even can talk Clark pulled her into a French kiss. He invaded her mouth with his Draconic tongue which can increase it's size. His tongue invaded her mouth, licking every last thing her mouth has to offer.

Elsha helplessly enjoyed her first kiss stolen by her new Lover, more over that her first kiss was a french kiss. And his Draconic tongue is too much for her to handle. So this is what his previous lover felt when they had make out sessions? That though made her jealous, she tried to gather all passion she had. After a Good 10 minutes of kissing they pulled out from kiss.

" Hah♥️hah♥️hah♥️ you are amazing kisser sweetie~ " Elsha said while Blushing madly

" I know" Clark said as he sat on the ground and made Elsha sat on his lap.

Elsha not understanding what he is doing came to know. Clark started to play with her breasts from behind while he kissed in her neak and shoulder,

" So? How should I revive you?" Clark asked while kissing and groping her.

" Ahh~ kyaa~ my soul ~ aaahh~ is divided in three pieces, Ahhh~ one is on A Axe and other one in a Sword ~ kyaaa~" Elsha replied while moaning

" Where are those?" Clark asked without stopping pleasuring her.

" Aahhhh ~ one is on Nore Faction, kyaa~ and other one is on Slavic, aahh~" Elsha replied

Clark satisfied from her answer pulled her into another deep passionate kiss.

After playing with her for another 30 minutes

Clark decided to stop.

She face and breasts are beet red from embarrassment.

" You defied my body~ now take responsibility ~" Elsha mewled in pleasure.

" Of course I will and either way you belonged to me on first place" Clark replied and gave a kiss on her forehead.

Elsha blushed Madly and hugged him as both started cuddling.

Ddraig was watching them from distant quite a while. He came to check on Clark and found out what they were doing

Truth to be told Ddraig is really happy to see his son can Move on from his depression. Ddraig smiled softly and left them alone.


It's been 5 days since Clark is training with Elsha and Elsha has fallen into more deeper love with Clark. As she expressed her feelings for him and he Gladly accepted her.

Meanwhile Anny is training with all of previous boosted gear wielders. He trained for Close combat and Swords man ship from them. Since in his entire life he never trained any form of art it's quite hard for him so Ddraig Accelerated the time on mind scape so he can train for longer periods of time.

After 7th Day Clark woke up from his medical capsule with a New goal in mind

" I am coming home Ma,Pa, Victor wait for me"

To be Continued.