It's been a Week since Clark and Others have appeared in the Planet and Let's say it's been Hell week for them
" Ha..ha..ha.. ha she is Killing us" Jon said huffing
" She is Insane!" Lor said while running
Only Clark is Doing better than them since he is Training since he was a Kid
" Well is it me or This planets gravity is higher?" Clark asked while Running
" Well this Planet's Gravity is 10 times of that earth so yes" Jon said
Jon was being chased by a what looked like
Alien triceratops
Both Clark and Lor are busy with their fair share of course it is part of thier Training
Every thing is happening Under Wioska's care she is observing all of them for 2 weeks she knew they have a lot of Untapped potential but she was Disappointed in Superman's son.
" That's all you have got? Your screaming like a Little Girl son of El" Wioska said while Following Jon
" IT'S TRAINING? IT'S TORTURE!" Jon said running
Wioska being a Little disappointed said
" That's what you called torture? When your father was in War world fighting with Mongul he was infected with some unknown poisoning, he lost all of his powers. Mongul trapped him and Physically tortured him and Threw him in Arena filled with Universe's most dangerous and Bloodlusted Criminals to fight. Do you know what your father did? He beaten them all without KILLING them, they were way more powerful than this Creature running behind you. Thus they were So scared of him that they gave your father title of Unblooded Sword . Do you know what people in Universe calls you? Son of Steel and they don't even know you I hope you live upto your and your father's name" Wioska said which effected Jon from his very core
He didn't knew about this Story not his Nickname he felt pathetic. But he then in his Mind he saw his father and mother standing
" Your a lot stronger than you actually think kiddo"
" I am proud of you my son! Show them your son of Themescara!" both of them said
' Thanks mom, thanks Dad' he thanked them in his Mind
With newfound motivation and Courage Jon stopped on his tracks and decided to face the beast head on
" COME ON! SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT" Jon roared as he Clashed with beast head on
Jon stopped The Dinosaur by Grabbing his nose horn as result a huge Shockwave was generated which can felt from quite distance
" That's the spirit! You can do it" Wioska encouraged
But it wasn't easy for him he was being pushed back The Dino is Stronger than him
" I- won't give UP!" He roared as his eyes started turn Burning red and slowly he started to Overpower the Dino
" YAAAAAAAAA" Jon picked up the Dino from ground and tossed him on air as he jumped from ground which such force that it created a 2 meter deep creater. Meeting the Dino up in air he punched him on back and the Dino went Crashing on ground knocking it out.
As for Clark and Lor both Respectively Overpowered thier Dinos knocking them out
" Okay that's it for now go and take some Rest" Wioska ordered which they Followed
' To think all of them Overpowered bonds of Yuga Khan at this age! I underestimated them' Wioska thought with Pride she yet have to see what is Coming next
Two Weeks later
It's been three weeks since they started thier training
Currently Clark and His friends are living inside a Cave Jon is Cooking meat while Lor is Preparing soup
It's also part of their training where they have to manage thier own food and they have to hunt even their powers are only 1/10 only Clark can fly due to his wings and it is easy for them to hunt down their prey
After cooking they started their dinner they are eating what looked like meat and was greenish for some reason Clark had a sensor that alerts him if he is consuming something harmful to his health supporting his physiology. Of course it was made by Jor , and the meat was safe to eat and also suprisingly good in taste.
While eating Jon asked
" Clark, if you don't mind Can I ask you a Question?" Jon asked
In response Clark said " Go ahead ask anything" Clark had a feeling that he knew what he is going to ask
"Well your Girlfriend Akeno,.. what kind of Person was she?" Jon asked somewhat nervously which Piqued Lor's interest
As Clark guessed he was right about it either was he replied
" Well... When I met her for first time she was somewhat Introvert. She told her previous friends about herself but they left her, so she decided to live alone with her mother and father and no friends, she and I were alikes we Both were Introverts we never had any friends or No one to talk other than our parents. When he met for the first time , she was Clumsy and Nervous and it went away as we both frequently met each other she became more Open to me as I was to her. As a person she was Really kind,Caring, smart and protective other than that she loved teasing me due to her Super S persona which she received from her mother and also had Super M persona recieved from her father."
" Wow 😳 , your lucky as hell to have a Person like that" Jon said making Lor agree with him
" Hey did you said that her parents are Super S and Super M?" Lor asked
" Well yeah I did saw them doing their Regular stuff.... And they did it on a Daily basis" Clark said sheepishly
" Damn that shit is fire! I never got chance to witness something like that" Lor said disappointed
" I sometimes saw My mother tie up Dad with lasso of Submission and Ordering him to call her Mistress " Jon said
Both of their reactions was like 😳
They can only imagine what it would be like
" Shit!" Both said while looking at each other
" Hey Clark, how did you know that she had Super M side Super S is understandable" Lor suddenly asked
At response Clark somewhat blushed and said
" Well uuummmm she Enjoyed when I force fully kiss her or while Having a Make out session I take the lead.." Clark said
" AYO WHAT?!" both Literally screamed
Lor grabbed Clark's coller
Both asked
" Umm yeah we used to kiss each other and we used to had make out session, it's was one of her traits she unexpectedly BOLD and when she wants something from me she gets it! She can set my body on fire just by using her words I can only imagine what she would be like if she grew older" Clark said Bluntly
Jon and Lor had their eyes shot Open from this new piece of Information the fact he didn't only had a Girlfriend but he also had his first kiss!
" H-How?"
" What?"
" How do you do that? How are you better with Chicks than Us? Tell me what is your secret?" Lor asked with Comical tears
" Ummmm I don't remember I do have some short of Secret, but if I remember correctly the Power of Domination I Had Attracts many beings of Course girls too" Clark said
" Sorry man . Power of Domination only works at my Universe" Clark Said Disappointing Lor
" Why I can't make a female friend let aside a Girls friend?" He asked himself.
" Well to be honest you look like a School Bully " Clark said which triggered Lor
" You little Shit, come here" Lor chased Clark while Clark ran into deep forest
A month later
It's been more than a Month since they arrived and trained with her now they are walking in a Local market
" So is picking up your groceries is Our training I guess?" Clark asked
" Noo. I have nothing left to teach you. At this point all of your powers should have returned and you are on your peak again" Wioska said shocking all of them that it was quicker than they thought
" But it's time for actual test" Wioska said as she Charged a Energy blast in her hand ready to fire which alert all three of them they were expecting to launch a attack but another explosion took place
"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH SAVE ME MONSTER!" Screams can be heard from distance
" What happened?" All of them thought as they rushed on the spot
What they saw is Horrible they saw a Multiple headed Dragon like creature is on rampage in Village
" T-That's a Elder Demon! What is it doing here?" Wioska said
" AAAAAHHHH SAVE ME " they saw a Person who is almost getting smashed by the demon
Clark, Jon and Lor suddenly felt like they drank Buckets of Adrenaline at once their new found powers Kicks in as Three of them Vanishes from the Spot even Under Wioska's eyes it shocked her
Lor without wasting any time save the person from getting smashed as he saves him he says
" Run away as far as you can"
" What about you?" That person asks which he just smiles
" Gonna test my new powers" he says as he Vanishes from the spot
As Lor said he now has new powers he is now wearing a Black blue suit which is radiating Black- Blue lightning from his Body,his eyes are radiating Blue lightning and he felt his powers has increased few times
As the demon is Surprised one of it's tried to attack lor with dark purple flames but Lor immediately leapt distance and Punches It's head breaking skull as the Head dies
" WOW this powers are really Cool!" Lor said
" Not like Mine!" Jon said as he bashed the Demon while Flying, sending him a Kilometre away
What Lor saw a Jon who is Tainted in Red and White Colour
With Solar power Radiating from its body
" That's cool! Not like mine, I can radiate Electric!"
" Meh I Can control Photons at my will" as both are busy fighting they heard the elder Demon roared back
" He is Coming!" " Where's Clark?" They said as they felt something above them
What they saw Clark is now covered in a Aura that is Red in colour with Vermilion Red in shades
Both smirked as they saw him they can feel he also has gotten stronger as they heard him shout
As he shouted multiple white fire brids appeared in sky which is Clark's Holy flames as they rained down on that demon
" RRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRR" Demon Screamed in agony as he is now covered in smoke
" Stealing the Spot light huh?" Lor said
" Nahhh I was Too busy to save people's asses while Wioska tasked us to Get rid of it, she is now Busy to evacuate the place" Clark said
" You guys do realise that he is Alive?" Jon asked
" Of course " Lor said
" What should we do with that creature?" Jon asked
"Well let's take him outside space" Lor said
" And set him on fire" Clark said as they Chuckled
At this point the demon regenerated and ready to attack again
But before he can even react two of them Bashed him on its heads as Clark started to lift the demon and headed towards sky
Under a Minute they were outside of Planets atmosphere. Clark threw the demon on space
" So let's set him on Fire?" Jon asked
" In three"
" Two...."
" ONE!"
As all of them fired thier Respective signature move
Jon and Lor fired biggest heat vision on their life
As for Clark he fired Strongest Dragon shot he can Muster
The demon tanked their attacks as he got vaporized on the spot
" Did we overdid it?" Jon asked
" Y-E-S" both answered as they burst out laughing
They returned on planet and Met Wioska
" As a teacher, I would have love to see how far you guys can Go, but It was Ok I guess" Wioska said
" So our training is Complete? " Clark asked
" Yes" She answered
" Yaaaaa hooooo" three of them first bumped each other in happiness
" But Don't forget there's always space for Improvement! Concidering you guys are far too young" Wioska said
" YES MA'AM!" Three of them answered
As after they Returned at their home after receiving new powers they have to master it.
According to Jor-El
Lor has awakened some kind of Powers similar to Umbrakinesis meaning Darkness manipulation he can create Constructions made of Darkness like a Green Lantern can based on his will power.
As for Jon he awakened a Special Form of Solar flare which can be only awakened by His Father when Blue Kryptonite was used on him it grants him Pyrokinesis where he can Conjure Fire So Strong that it can Turn any Kind of Matter into Fire even Living beings!
And Lastly For Clark he awoke his Dragon Aura and his Very own one. Ddraig was happy is Understatement, he literally started crying in happiness well that's for later. His Aura's Trait is that his Aura Absorbed all of his Kryptonian powers Granted by Kryptonian sun stone and Turned it Into a Version of Solar flare, making him very first Sun Dragon whose Powers are Solar basis but unlike Kryptonians who gets weak under Red solar energy Clark can Also Absorb red Solar energy and turn it into his Powers.
Now mastering Clark's power is Quite difficult for him since Ddraig himself never saw a Aura like this . Ddraig said that it's Unique itself and Clark have to master it on his Own, like Ddraig was mastering Power of Domination
He said this Problem to Superman who already had a Solution.
Superman introduced him to a New form of Martial art Called Torquasam
Torquasm is an ancient Kryptonian art meant to grant its user perfect control over one's body and mind. This art became forbidden after great Krypton war where 1.6 billion Kryptonians died
Superman himself stated that a Kryptonian that masters at least the Theta state of Torquasm gains a state of mind where they are hyper calm while being hyper aware.
Where they become supreme in battle.
Torquasam is Based on highly advanced quantum physics which works on users Brain waves
Allowing the user to open their meridian pathways in such a way that even Clark who was just at beginner level, was able to project his mind out of his body and feel all the energies of the universe around him.
Even Kryptonians can Use KI/ Chi but Krypton already had their own version of KI/Chi, that they called the Shreearr. And the discipline that allowed them to learn how to control and use the Shreearr is called Torquasm Rao
It's more than Just a Martial art or Teachnique here leaning Torquasam Rao meaning you can absolutely push your body to it's peak potential without having any Draw backs and with it the user can Also Surpass his potential and Evolve his meta Genes to a Level where his Natural evolution can't take them. Torquasam Rao itself is Best martial arts in universe but also best KI Teachnique available
Even a Normal human can Take on Ultimate Class Devils/Angles after Learning this KI Teachnique while it's impossible for a Human to use KI on first place.
According to Ddraig Torquasam Rao is 3000 Generations Ahed of what Modern Senjutsu can Do and with it's help it will be piece of Cake for Clark to reach Dragon God Class.
And then There comes Torquasam Vo which is Based on Mind Torquasam Teachnique itself helps to master users both Mind and Body
Rao is For Body and Vo is For mind
As for Vo it has three stages according to Superman.
The first level is Alpha. In this level Superman could make his mind impenetrable to mental attacks but also make his body deal better with psionic powers.
The second level is Beta. In this level Superman can also launch mental attacks and his body is now all but immune to even reality warping powers.
The third level is Theta. In this level Superman could to a limit degree manipulate reality.
With this Theta stage Superman has beaten Dominus a Multiversal level Reality wrapper who could have re shaped the Multiverse.
The true potential of Torquasam is Unknown due to the fact These three stages are only Mastered by Superman he doesn't knows how far he can go.
To put simple how Torquasam Rao and Vo Combined works let's take Example of Goku in Saiyan ji Arc
With Torquasm at Theta level Goku would've been able to use Kaioken to much higher than x2 and even x4. Without suffering any physical strain.
That's the thing about Torquasm you're in complete control over your body. Meaning Goku would've been able to use Kaioken to whatever level his mind could handle.
So if Goku mind could handle let's say Kaioken x100. Then he would be able to use it with that multiplier without killing himself.
Also while fighting Vegeta it would be like he was using Ultra Instinct. At least the self-movement part. Meaning he would've fought a whole lot better.
Being able to attack and defend without needing to think about it.
Similar to that Clark at best can Boast his Powers upto 189 times with Torquasam he can do upto 300-600 without putting any strain on his body
Superman learnt this Teachnique in Matter of Minutes but Clark's mind isn't as fast as Superman it took him a whole year to learn.
Now Clark divided his Powers into Six elements of nature and Seven Chakras in his Body
The Size elements of Nature controls certain powers of Clark like Fire,Air,water,earth, space and Dragon
The five elements of nature which give him power are:
Fire Element - Fire element gives Clark all types of fire related powers like flame thrower, fire breath, heat generation, light generation, fire generation, fire balls thrower, can do fire explosion, fire telekinesis, limited space survival, flight etc. And give resistant to any type of fire attacks. It also gave Clark ability for heat vision and all his special Dragon element flames
Water Element - Water element gives Clark all types of water related powers like Water thrower, Deep and fast swimming, water temperature change ability, under water breath, flight at small limit, freezing breath, rain formation, water telekinesis, water cutter etc. And resistant to any type of water attacks.
Air Element - Air element gives Clark all types of air related powers like wind blower, tornado formation, telekinesis (by using air of surroundings), climate or temperature changing, cyclone formation, weight lightness, float/flight (limited to the Earth atmosphere) etc. And give resistant to any type of air attacks.
Earth Element - Earth element gives Clark all types of earth related powers like rock/soil formation, rock/soil thrower, high strength, super durability, High jump, fast digging ability, underground rock telekinesis, control on plants, swamp creation etc. And give resistant to any type of earth attacks.
Space Element - Space element gives Clark all types of space/energy related powers like energy absorption, teleportation (everywhere in whole universe), space survivability, flight (at the speed of light), cosmic energy beams, cosmic energy blasts etc. And give resistant to any type of energy attacks.
* Dragon element - This element is New to his Arsenal. This is actually a Evolved form of Dragon Slayer Art. Which Ddraig managed to teach Clark and It Evolved into Dragon elemental Magic which is On par with any other form of Magic in Existence and is easier to master.
Now as for his Chakra
Energy Chakra (1): This chakra gives Clark super strength, enabling him to fly, shoot fire from his hands, emit rays from his fingertips, blow a freez breath, or send out protective force fields which nothing can penetrate (provided he can maintain his willpower and not give in). Clark's strength allows him to physically penetrate almost anything and lift any object.
Creative Chakra (2): This chakra gives Clark the power to manifest things out of thin air, but they can be unstable and comically fall apart or cause other problems if Clark is distracted and loses concentration.Including Matter Manipulation and Matter transmutation.
Astral Chakra (3): This chakra gives Clark the power to control his astral body (a semi-transparent, ethereal duplicate of himself) which can fly, walk through walls, spy on others, see inside objects, etc.
Heart Chakra (4): This chakra gives Clark the power to control the will of others, but only for good. He can will people to do the right thing, see the error in their ways. This power is most useful when Clark needs to stop someone who is under the control of someone. But it doesn't works on people who have fallen too far
Vibration Chakra (5): This chakra gives Clark the power to control all types of vibrations, including sound waves, light waves, shock waves, healing warmth, etc. He can also use it to hear ultrasonic sounds or infrasonic sounds, and can speed up the vibrations of his own atoms allowing him to transport himself in space or dimensions. This can be very useful for getting out of dangerous situations.
Psychic Chakra (6): This chakra gives Clark the power of the "third eye" which enables him to read minds, to erase memories of a person and to see anywhere in the world at any distance. He can sense impending danger and see things at any corner of the world. And, he can even revive a dead being (by combining his powers of 6 Elements).
Crown Chakra (7): This chakra connects Clark to the divine and spiritual nature. It also allows for spirituality to integrate into physical lives. According to Ddraig this is because of his Holy flames and his KI which was Divine in Nature. He is immune to any unholy Curse, Object and Dark, Black magic. He can even Give someone his blessings.
His training went on a Daily schedule
In day he trained with Superman,Lor and Jon with his Torquasam
And with GigaChad for his Physique. Clark is Worried about his Physical appearence he also wanted to be Masculine he didn't wanted to Look like Skinny fragile Teenager in his end of Teen
And in night he learnt Science from Jor which also Included Ddraig
Ddraig himself trained with Torquasam Vo to make himself stronger since he can't use Rao for Lack of Physical body. He is used to absorb Solar radiation since Power of Domination isn't with them which is Currently a Good Substitute
He also went on a Multiple missions, rescue to strike mission or Capturing Criminals Ddraig and Superman taught him how to find out about liars. And Superman taught him to speak in Different frequency where he can Intimidate anyone for example with right frequency he can put anyone on sleep if necessary, or Trigger them with right frequency, or Motivate people adding his Will Chakra it was Overkill
After all that When Clark was 16 years old his departure for home was coming soon so he asked
Jor and Superman for some Income since the Money he has only valid on Krypton and Other Inter Galactic planets not on earth so he wanted to earn some real Earth money
As result Superman took him to Batman who gave Clark Job to run his half of Company
With his skills alone he was Unstoppable on Earth
He made a Lot of Money in next two years
He also Joined Justice league to stop crimes on earth since it was his Job after all he represented Kryptonians on Earth wearing his own Kryptonian suit and used Illution to hide his face
He soon became Popular Super hero alongside with GigaChad and Others.
Which was Gist of his Life story
Flashback ends
" -So that was it!" Clark finish his story to Barry who was in awe while hearing
" Damn man that's amazing! I never thought you are from a Different Universe!" Barry said
" Yes also-" before he can finish his sentence thier League watches rang
" Hello flash speaking" Barry whispered
" Flash and Red Batman speaking go to Africa immediately there is a Unidentified creature has invaded African forest" Batman spoke
" Let's go" Clark Said as both Vanishes from the Spot
Flash is Currently Running on sea surface and Clark flying alongside with him
" We could have teleported there! Why he didn't Meantioned the Location?" Clark asked
" There must be a Reason for - Oh hell No" Barry said in disbelief while Clark's eyes Shot Open
What they saw is a Black Dragon with Red shades in his Body who is MASSIVE

He is Bigger than Moutains near by Clark as a Fellow Dragon Clark never saw a Dragon this Big.
"RRRROOOOOAAAAAAAARRRRRRRR" the dragon roared as it Crushed the Mountains and Flapped his Wings which Casused to generate type 4 hurricanes
" OK! JUST DON'T GO DYING " he said as he ran towards nearby Citizens
That Dragon noticed Clark and Immediately decided to launch a Attack
He blowout massive amount of Flames which can engulf entire Island
In response Clark also Blew out his Own Flames Imbued with Dragon element
" Welsh Fire!" Both fire are roughly same in area span as both clashed in Middle what Clark found surprising he was being pushed back his flames looked like being burned by that Dragon's flames
{ PENETRATE} Seeing danger Ddraig used his ability which Casused cancel out both attacks
" What the heck was that?" Clark asked
{ Watch out!} Ddraig warned as Clark was being hit by that Dragon's tail slap. That attack was enough powerful that it send Clark flying straight to Sahara desert,Where he crashed in Ground
Clark stands up from his rumble while rubbing his head
" Damn! That packed power" Clark Said
{ Yes it was and it's also first time your facing a Dragon of this universe} Ddraig said
" That's for sure, have you seen his size just how big he is?" Clark asked
{ 35000 ft taller than Mt. Everest} Ddraig said
" Wow 😲 have you ever seen something on this size Dad?" Clark asked
{ If you're talking about just size then yes I have seen bigger midgardsormr just appears as 600 meter long snake while In actual he can circle around earth me and Thor only has seen his true form} Ddraig said shocking Clark
" So who is Stronger?"
{ This alien dragon definitely, you should now use your balance breaker or you will get your ass kicked} Ddraig said
Suddenly a transmission came to his gear which was none other than His Grandpa Jor-El
He received the call
"Hello Gramps" Clark Said
" Hello Clark it's nice to see you again but I have to inform you, planet earth is invaded by a Dragon you should have faced it right now" Jor said
" Yeah! He is really strong he slapped me and now I am in desert! Anyway what is that dragon actually" Clark said
"That Dragon is a prehistoric Kryptonian Dragon named Ancalagon the Black he went missing millions of years ago now he is here?" Jor said
" Wow! So does he have any special trait?" Clark asked
" Yes from records of history it's guessable that he can use Fire and Ice breath his Fire can turn every Molecule into fire and Ice can turn every Molecule into Ice and has semi Kryptonian physiology, so beware and try to catch him instead of Killing a pre historic Creature" Jor said
" Ok Gramps but I am keeping him in my zoo if I catch him" Clark said as he cuts out call and Flew away in high speed
{ WELSH DRAGON BALANCE BREAKER!"} Ddraig shouted as Clark Engulfed in Piller of Flames and was standing in his new Clad Armour

His suit was based on Gundum Francise which looked BADASS
He flew through high speeds but he can clearly see the Dragon flying towards him
" Looks like he sees me as Opponent huh?" Clark said
{ It seems so, let's not take risk here} Ddraig suggested
{ DOMINATING FURY} Ddraig shouted as he is now covered in Clarks own Dragon aura, this form is actually based on Torquasam Rao's Teachnique where gains Hyper Calm and Hyper alert state thus giving him battle Supremacy even though he didn't had Power of Domination it sounds Cool.
He flew towards him at Blinding speed as he punched the Dragon monetary phasing him
" He is hard!" Clark was a Little surprised by his durability he isn't actually holding back
" RROOOAAAR" Ancalagon roared as he breath out Ice breath this time
Clark not taking any risk used his heat vision completely Cancelling the effect of his ice breath
Without wasting any time he delivered fury of punches in his entire body
Ancalagon was surprised by his strength,he was momentarily knocked out
But regained his balance and tried to eat Clark away in response Clark used his Wind element's Aerial Telekinesis to stop him on his tracks
Ancalagon struggled a bit but it was point less
But Ancalagon had Kryptonian powers .now he used his and accelerate forward Clark he again tried to Hit Clark with his tail, seeing that Clark ducked down wards and using Supiror aerial Manoeuvres he is now under his Belly
" LEVIATHAN CHOMP" Clark shouted as Multiple sea Serpents begun to span from sea grabbing Ancalagon from multiple ways
Ancalagon tried to free himself by using Ice breath and Turning all of the snakes into ice
And broke free from it
But it was too late Clark prepared a Circle big enough to teleport him into space. Without wasting any time Clark activated it and the circle sends him outside Earth's atmosphere
" Now take this !" Clark shots a Energy blast through a portal which was Connected at Ancalagon's point blank range . The blast hits him engulfing him in a Blast,the blast was big enough to cover entire sky
{ What was it's power output?} Ddraig asked
" Equivalent of near 20 Tsar Bombs" Clark said
{ And you believe that will work?} Ddraig asked
" Just testing of humanity actually stands a Chance against it!" Clark replied as he saw with his telescopic vision that it did nothing to him he was just annoyed by that Somthing hitted him.
" Humanity didn't stands a chance from the beginning" Clark said as he teleports himself to space
{ Clark, let's enter his Mind scape and see what made him mad I can tell it} Ddraig suggested as both used Torquasam Vo at Beta state and entered his mind scape.
Both Dragons are Diving deep into another Dragons mind as both saw his entire history from his memory Fragments.
Ancalagon is strongest and Biggest of Krypton Dragons but Kryptonians feared them, because of his Colossus size and he killed many Kryptonians around
A few million years ago He was captured by Kryptonians and tortured with Black Kryptonite .
Black Kryptonite is deadliest of all kryptonite forms available it can broke any Kryptonians mind most painful way possible and at last killing the victim
Then he was exposed in Gold Kryptonite which permanently sealed his Powers away and threw him outside space
He didn't died though because of his Kryptonian Physiology which is evolved to survive. His body used all possible forms of Stellar Energy available to keep himself alive. He wandered around in endless cosmos until he was exposed in a Gama Ray Burst which threw him near earth it cured his Gold K poisoning but it didn't fixed his mind
Seeing this both Ddraig and Clark decided to help him
Clark used his Will Chakra to revert his will only for Good
While Ddraig had to do a Brainwash since his mind is broken, he have to create a New personality to replace it permanently with his current persona which is piece of cake concidering the fact Clark is using will chakra and Ancalagon's mind is Unstable
Ddraig didn't erased his memories instead he eased the pain and Sufferings.
It took half and Hour to do that after The job was done both immediately returned to their body
" Wooo... That was something else" Clark said
{ Yeah. It's first time performing a mental Surgery. It really was a great experience} Ddraig said as both saw that Ancalagon's Unconscious body
" Let's give him a room first"
2 Hours later
It's been two hours since the Dragon incident thankfully there was no casualties but many people got injured
Africa is Calming down while media is searching for answers from government and Justice league
Inside Ddraig's heaven a Certain Colossus Black Dragon was resting
" Huh? Where am I?" Ancalagon wakes up being confused
He scanned his surroundings what he saw is Beautiful scenary he didn't saw in a While even though everything is Tiny compared to him he did found it beautiful
Then after a While his memories began to resurface what happened in his previous millions of years of life he went to a Flash back of his life Fragments. Upon remembering his memories he saw a Red Knight who saved him from his eternal pain and Agony
" Who was that? Where am I? " As he stands up a Little earth quake takes place he saw multiple Dino like Tall machines, helicopters surrounding him all of them are tiny comparison to him he didn't possess any threat from them Until he saw a Certain person
" So your awake?" Clark said
" You know my language?" Ancalagon asked
" Yes I do, many of them appearetly, how do you feel now?" Clark asked
" I feel better! Better than ever been. Your the person who saved me back then?" He asked.
" Yes I am one appearetly" Clark said
" I-I don't know how to express my gratitude, why did you helped me on first place? Why not killed me while you could have? Others wanted to kill me! What do you want from me?" He asked
" As for your first question I helped you because that's my job that's what I learnt since I was child that help people when they are in need even knowing they can't pay you back, it's exactly the reason I helped you, and as for Killing comes I only use Violence as last resort and Killing is only when I have no other choice. And I am not like others your refering" Clark said
Upon hearing that he can't believe himself what he was hearing while everyone similar to his size wanted him dead there he is who wants him to live without under any condition. It made him moved deeply
",as for your second question I don't want anything from you heck I was going to ask you what your gonna do next?" Clark asked
This question made him to dive into deep thoughts he himself didn't know what to do next while he had nothing left to live for
" I-I don't know, I need some time to think"
" Feel free to stay here by then" he said as he stormed out from the place with his squad leaving a Confused dragon behind
It's been a Week since that day
Jor, Superman,Lor,Jon,Batman, Flash went by to see the Colossus Dragon
Ancalagon was surprised to be honest to see there are some people who wanted him to live without doing any harm to him
Heck the thing that Surprised him most that Clark himself is a Dragon like him barely two decades old, but from another universe and he also Carried another Dragon's soul inside him and Both are extremely powerful and can Fight him easily and maybe kill him.
But they didn't they talked with him introduced him to their culture, their mythology,Gods Devils dragons which Piqued his interest he is living by far greatest life till date. He didn't have to worry about his next food, niether he have to worry about getting hurt or Killed all of them is Possible because of this Dragon named Clark Kent !
So he decided his Final decision and wanted to tel about him so he called him
" So Anny what you wanted to say?" Clark asked
" I decided what I wanted to do" Ancalagon said
" Hmmm sure go ahead" Clark said
" I want to follow your path" Anny said
" Huh?" Clark said in disbelief
" Yes Clark I want to follow you it's not just about you being my saviour it's also about your a great person, I want to see your journey for my whatever life I have left, I want to enjoy my life like you guys do, I am sure that I won't disappoint you" Anny said
Clark though for a Moment and then said
" Well Gramps left your responsibility to me so I guess I don't actually have a problem other than your size" Clark said which Disappointed Anny a Little
Until Ddraig spoke
{ Well that's not actually a Problem} which Piqued both Interest
{ What about both of you form a spiritual Contract? It will Give him a human form} Ddraig said
" What is that?" Clark asked
{ It's similar to making contract with a Familiar just a more advanced version} Ddraig said
" Then let's do it!" Anny said
As both parties proceeds to form a Contract Ddraig formed a Complex magic circle as he said to pour some of their energy into that Circle
{ Ok 50/50 contract first} Ddraig formed the contract as both Clark and anny's Energy clashed with each other Clark overpowering Annie's
{ Failed? ok! 70/30} Ddraig again formed the contract where Clark is dominate at 70 percent and the Qualifications matched
{ It matched being Clark the Dominant one! Anny you will be basically a Servant of Clark} Ddraig warned
" It doesn't matters I don't mind at all please proceed the Contract"
As he said the Contract was formed and Anny shrink in size
In the contract the weaker being takes the form of Dominante one while Anny's Gigantic form shrinks in size of that of a Human same height as Clark
He had now tanned skin and Long black Hair with Black eyes with Lean Physique putting his body into Men's Physique division while Clark is Classic Physique division having more Muscle mass than him
He saw himself in his new form where he can see everything as bigger than him. It is a New sensation he never felt in his entire life now he can see Clark at same height as him
He touched Clark who Hugged him, in Natural Instinct he hugged him back
" So this is what being small feels like?" Anny asked
" Yes and trust me we are Gonna have a Lot of Fun"
{ Your gonna attract a Lot of chicks,} Ddraig said
Which in response he gave them a Beautiful smile he never was able to Smiled back then
To be Continued