
Chapter -13

Divine Continuum ( DC) Earth- 7777777

It's a Pleasant morning. Inside a huge multi

storied Inter national building, a certain person is currently doing hisdaily Job. The Business Man stood 6.4 inches tall had Black hair with a Little curl in front of his head, he is Extremely handsome and Had masculine perfection which can make any woman fall into lust, he is wearing a Blue T-Shirt with Iconic Kryptonian 'S' symbol in his chest. This person was none other than Our hero Clark Kent

"Haahh!" Clark exhales an exhausted breath as he closes his computer, which looked like straight out of science fiction.

" Your coffee boss~" Clark's sexy secretary said as she served his coffee.

" Thanks!, Lara" he said,

" Only thanks? No hugs~?" Lara said seductively as she was exposing her lot of Cleavage. Every female office worker in his office knew that he Loved Breasts, so they had tendencies to expose their cleavage intentionally to seduce him! Well, who won't want a Man like him by herself?

Much to Clark's displeasure, he wanted to take his secretary, threw her into bed and Ravish her to his Heart's content as he claimed her, but he can't even if he wanted to. According to Ddraig Super Natural woman in his universe are Far more sexy and pretty than Lara was and most importantly she was Human, she can't survive his pounding. Even though Clark is a Virgin, he still is a Dragon the stronger the Dragon gets the Hornier the Dragon gets, exception being Dragon God and True Dragons Who are Supposedly Genderless.

Dragons have more getting into heat problem than Yokai, since they entered their heat cycle in every month, and it lasted for 7 days. Clark was no exception he was now 18 years old healthy Dragon and Dragons at this age have most tendency to get laid with Other females of any Race due to their heat issue it gets better when you lost your virginity and have at least one partner for Dragon. But for Clark, it wasn't easy, he is Currently living on Earth of Divine Continuum

What's Divine Continuum? The Universe he is living in where Aliens and superhero stuff actually exist, and it's called DC in short.

He didn't even find any woman attractive at first place, most of them had Smaller chest and hips he is used to living with Much sexier woman who puts models and actresses to shame. His Mother is pretty enough to be considered as Actress any movie Production manager will want her as main heroine, his Aunty was no exception she was also Smoking hot when it comes to only looks department, thus every Female Kryptonian he met were Sexy as Hell, especially Power Girl who had H cup breasts, not to mention Aunt Diana and Faoura who were basically Goddesses when it comes to looks. So, how the hell he is supposed to find these Regular woman attractive when he is used to living with Such pretty women? Only Lara was Sexy enough to consider pretty in his eyes. It's not like he didn't meet hot aliens, throughout his 8 years of this new Lifestyle he met Numerous pretty women, especially from Lantern Corps and Purple Lantern Corps who were also known as Love lantern filled with only hot women. But he can't take risks, he didn't know what will even happen if their DNA mixed with Other Alien life forms. Clark didn't want to take any risks neither Ddraig who wanted to Clark have a Healthy relationship or a Harem in their own Universe.

So playing safe, he replied

" Huh? No Lara I have allergy from pretty women like you "Clark said sheepishly.

" Huuuuuhhh! Fine. And Happy Birthday boss" Lara said.

Yes, according to this earth's date and time it was his Birthday today the very Day he lost everything

With a Heavy heart, he said, " Thank you very much Lara I appreciate that, now if you excuse me" Clark said as he gets out of his Chamber walking straight out of his Office and entered his Rolls-Royce

{ Happy Birthday son, by this world's date of course} Ddraig said

" Thanks Dad, haaah really need something to lighten up a bit" Clark said

{ It's been 8 years, but this 8 years are something we aren't gonna Forget or Regret in our entire lives} Ddraig said as nostalgia hits him

He still remember the Fun days with Kryptonians. His learnings and he was Finally able to create his heaven which is placed inside Clark's boosted gear

The size of the heaven is Theoretically Infinite and can Be enlarged as much they want.

Now how Infinite space is stored inside gear? Because it has a Tessaract field it can expand space as many times they want. Currently it is Only a Jupiter sized planet because they have to manage the entire Goddam Planet

But Kryptonian Teachnology got thier back with Clark and Ddraig can Now Think at Femtoseconds Precision he created many Robots to help manage their planet

At first Ddraig created Lizard Bots

6 ft in height and Weights Upto 200 KG they were Ddraig's first creation and most used to they manage entire planets system, does labor and Other stuff possible also they were well versed in Combat

Next is Giant Bio mechanical Kaiju Bot

Around 300 ft height and weights upto 60,000 tons these Robots did Jobs at Bigger Scale like Placing and Movies giant building and Structures and now they are in charge of Defence

A giant planet Needs their defence always ready where Clark is Specialised in this Perticular field since he did trained with General Zod who is experienced in this kind of stuff Clark can now Overthrow any planets Defence without even Using his powers.

He created Defence Vehicles

Depending on thier size thier Fire Power increased they were helpful while Stopping Inter Galactic wars

Clark created Jaggers Planet's First line of Defence

200 ft in height and Being Lighter than Kaiju Bots they were Better in Combat while Kaiju Bots focused on Fire Power while Jaggers for combat and Tactical combat

It's truth to say Clark himself carries a Entire planetary system in his hands which contains everything a Ideal planet can possess factories for food product like Meat,fish, milk spices, vegetable etc with Finest Quality available he collected all finest specimens from different Planets and Galaxies

He has a Ice cream factory and Chocolate factory which has enough production capability that it can give everyone on earth a Chocolate and Ice cream in a Single day

Clark usually uses his planet to feed starving people and alien species who's race is verge of death due to hunger

A perfect place for Dragons to stay

And as for Clark his goal was to get stronger than he ever was so he can protect his family

After loss of Akeno he spent 8 years hardcore training to become one of the Best Fighters Justice Society has

Without his Balance breaker Clark is now as strong as 4 heavenly dragons Combined

And with Balance breaker 10 combined

Ddraig himself is 6 times stronger than he was on his Prime without even his Body!

{ And you do realise that we have to return to our world right?} Ddraig asked

" Yes I know that victor will be 8 years old boy now, and Ma and Pa is missing me as I missing them" Clark said

Then suddenly his phone rings

" Hello? Barry?" Clark said

" I am here man!" Barry Said as he was standing outside his car

Clark would have been in shock if it was 2 more years ago and the man front of him is none other than Barry Allen A.K.A Flash the Fastest Man alive. A Human who got powers from Speed Force, Speed force is a Cosmic force which Builds up DC Multiverse and gives Every Motion even Time Itself! Either way he is Member of Justice league which protects humanity from Evil so yes he is hero.

" Yoo, dude Come inside what are doing outside man" Clark invited as Barry accepted

" Happy Birthday man! Here a Little gift for you" Barry said as he gave him the present

" Thanks dude, should I open it?" Clark asked

" Sure Go ahead" Barry said

Clark hearing that quickly opens the Gift finding a Hand sewed muffler.

" Wow, is it hand sued? It's really comfortable!" Clark said as he wrapped the muffler around his neck

" Of course it will be. I sued it with Super speed after all " Barry said as he had a big shit eating grin 😁

" Well, let's grab food I guess where should we go?" Clark asked

" Hmmmmm.... Let's go to Dubai! I never went to that place, I went but... You know I am Broke as Fuck 😃" Barry said

" Says the same guy who operates computers that makes all of Super Computers on earth joke" Clark said

" Hey! I don't own that Computer." Barry whined

" Fine not that money Is my problem, let's go to 7 star hotel and Spent our time there" Clark said

As he said Clark money wasn't even Problem for him, Not even in his own Universe

Here he owned more than 200 Billion Dollars in his bank account. How he earned? Simple he worked at Wayne Enterprises he ran about 40% of the industry alone . So who owned Wayne Enterprises

Bruce Wayne also known as Batman. Founding member of Justice league he agreed Clark working as co CEO of Company since it will gave him more free time to Operate as hero

So what's his super power? None. He is Human of course not Everyday Human he is also Considered as Second Smartest human alive and Multiverse's greatest Strategist.

Clark and Ddraig were Awe in his Feats and Accomplishments he saved Multiverse once and many Uncountable feats

It's like as Ddraig says

" Even a Fool can make the impossible possible as long as he never gives up"

He is Perfect defination of that not he is Fool

But he never gives up no matter the situation

When they first met He knew Clark's name and also the fact what he was! How? Because he is Batman

" So how are we gonna reach there?" Barry asked

Clark just smirked and Pressed a button on car which teleported them to roads of Dubai without anyone's noticing.

" Wooo ho ho ho wooo, isn't that cheating?" Barry asked in Excitement

" Well not for me" Clark said as he drove off towards hotel.


Burj Al Arab, 7 star hotel

Inside best and Luxurious hotel of entire Planet

Two young men where having thier meal

Barry Allen the Fastest man alive has Accelerated metabolism so he have to eat in every 3 hours so he ordered

American, Italian and Chinese Cuisine

While Clark was having Mutton biryani, Garlic Nan and Butter Chicken specialised in Indian Cuisine with Bunch of Ice cream which can cost upto several Kidneys.

As both men where enjoying thier foods, Men and Women near by can't help but to stare at them

Not only because the ammount of thier Food but also For thier looks .

Men envy Clark for his Physique since he is wearing his shirt with S symbol on middle it suited him like none other .

While women were lusting after both of them, to them Barry looked really cute and Naughty in right place while Clark Alpha of Alphas who puts thier woman into RIGHT place.

Regardless of that both started thier Conversation

" So how's the Food?" Barry asked

" Well Overrated as Fuck in a Common Indian Restaurant I can Have better biriyani than this I can Identify each and Every Ingredients they have used heck I can Make better which will make them run for their money" Clark said as both burst out laughing

" Clark, Well you know it's been a Year since we know each other and Working together, but I don't know much about you" Barry said

" Well yeah, same can go for you, so where do you want to start?" Clark asked

" How about tell me how you got your powers and Stuff?" Barry said

It was a Little sensetive matter for Clark but regardless of that he decided to continue.

As memory from 8 years ago started resurfacing he began his story

Flashback 8 years ago

Currently Clark is walking with Superman, Lor and Jon in a Planet named Gatoshi

He can see wierd Unknown creatures like Dragons flying and Many other unknown animals

" Um, Superman? Why are we here?" Clark asked

" Of course for you guys training!" Superman said

" Are you going to train us Dad?" Jon asked

" No kiddo, there's a Person named Wioska she is former Trainer of ApoKolips she is Going to train you" Superman said

" Wait a Minute uncle you mean that Wioska who trained Criminals of ApoKolips who killed Millions? We are going to train by her?" Lor asked

Which startled Clark

" Yes, and she isn't Bad person. She retired and Came here to escape ApoKolips. She did trained people who became Criminals but it was Their choice. She even Trained me on a Point of My life" Superman said assuring Clark

{ That means whoever this person is Extremely skilled in Hand to hand combat it will be Good for you people who depends only in their powers instead of Actual skills} Ddraig said

" Exactly like Ddraig said you guys depend on your Kryptonian powers too much,so you guys have to learn how to fight correctly. So you can save your time and many lives without risking yourselves, Darkseide took her into his army for a Reason " Superman said

Like Superman said Clark also recieved Kryptonian powers through Kryptonian Sun Stone

Kryptonian sunstone is Crystal like Material which can absorb surrounding matter and turn it to whatever you have programmed to

Kryptonian sunstone crystal technology can do as follows:

Store near infinite amount of information.

Can be programmed to create anything you want.

Can be used to create a planet.

Can be used to create ships that can travel between galaxies, and even destroy entire planets.

Its technology can be used to create any other kind of technology, human or alien.

A small sphere like device was used by all kryptonians as a kind of personal doctor. The device known only as SOURCEDOC can edit you genes on the spot to fix any issue you might have.

Those same crystals can be used as a power source. In the way that they create a completely different kind of nuclear fusion or they can actually convert matter into energy.

, kryptonian crystal technology can be combined with Kryptonite in order to obtain different and positive effects from Kryptonite.

Jor-El used a Sunstone Blue Kryptonite crystal, so kryptonians would gain no powers under a yellow sunlight but they would gain powers under a red sun.

Also the three elements stones were made from Sunstone combined with Kryptonite

The black element stone that emitted violet light, could transfer the minds of two people between their bodies. It could also be used to perform magic.

The metal element stone could too be used to perform magic, any other ability was never shown

The silver element stone could cancel magic and even restore kryptonian powers.

The three stones combined formed the Repository of Knowledge that has immense powers.

A suit made of sunstone can have several characteristics, from incorporated AI's, to functions that for example store yellow sunlight so it can be used later in case of necessity, it can also link itself to the kryptonian and help them keep their powers working even under red sunlight.

A suit made of Sunstone is not only incredibly resistant seeing it can be made to mimic any material, but it also has regenerative properties in which it can fix itself, but it can also fix the DNA of kryptonians.

Kryptonian Sunstone allows you to create windows in space-time, so you can travel great distances instantly.

Kryptonian Sunstone also allows you to look into the past.

Kryptonian Sunstone can be combined with Kryptonian DNA, to give the kryptonian other abilities.

Kryptonian Sunstone can also be used to insert knowledge directly into your mind.

In Smallville they took this a step further and showed that it wasn't just knowledge that could be inserted, but rather with the right coding you could add more powers to kryptonians or simply help them develop the powers they already have.

And Good thing is Clark also has a Kryptonian sun stone stored inside his heaven

Back to Story

Clark is now able to use all of Kryptonian powers

Like heat vision, artic breath,X ray Vision, microscopic and telescopic vision , enhanced memory Durability and Telekinetic power control and most importantly he can fly without his wings at Blinding speed and absorb solar radiation and other energy available.

It's a Good backup since Clark can't use Power of Domination Ddraig said that Power of Domination is Gone because we are in a Different Cosmology proving that Power of Domination can only work on his own Universe.

But the thing is Kryptonian power are Addictive you don't have to train and can get powers making you God like being . Clark was no different he can now go to space without even Needing to breath he can just Absorb solar radiation and Replace it with his Oxygen inside his body thus he didn't needed food, drink or Rest

He hung out with Lor and Jon in deep space and nearby planets .

To replace that addiction Superman decided to Train all of the Kids so they can get rid of Thier addiction

" But first Clark I need to meet you someone" Superman said Confusing Clark

But his Confusion became clear with a Sudden appearance of a person or being

A portal or Boom tube opened and a Person appeared

He is wearing all Black suit sitting on a Gigantic High teach chair

" Meet Metron the New God of Knowledge" Superman introduced

Clark was in awe in his Appearance

Why won't he be he is meeting a New God for very first time

" It's nice to meet you Mr Metron, I am Clark Kent " Clark introduced himself

" I know who you are Red Dragon Emperor, now let's get down to business " Metron said Confusing Clark how did he knew his name?

Then metron spoke

" If you're thinking how do I know you then remember I am God of knowledge and I have Omniscience " said Shocking Clark

" So that mean you can send me back to my word? Clark asked

" Yes. You belong from a Universe Called Draconic Desus( DXD) and Earth- 6969 now do you want me to send you back to your earth?" Metron asked Clark who was Absorbing his words

It worried Lor and Jon that Clark will immediately leave for his earth which they didn't wanted they became good friends in short time

after a Good minute of thinking

Clark said

" No! I don't want to return right now I want to get stronger and when I accomplish my Goal I will return on My own" He said confidently while assuring Lor and Jon

" I understand. So want to message your parents about your Condition here take this Bird 🕊️ and record your message it will reach to your parents. Just throw it in sky after you record the message. Now If you excuse me I have Jobs to attend " metron said as he quickly teleported leaving a Mechanical bird

Clark was holding it in his hands and was thinking what should ge say

" Guys what should I say?" Clark asked nervously

" Don't know it's your responsibility either way" Both said

{ Give me this I will take care of it} Ddraig said as he recorded his message inside the bird and threw in on sky the bird immediately started to Flapping his wings as it Tear apart Space time Continuum and Escaped from Current reality

" Will it able to reach it?" Clark asked

" Of course it will. Now let's go" as Superman started flying followed by three of them


After a While they reached a Lair or Cave where a Certain person is Standing at a clif of the Mountain

Superman went near her and she said

" So? What buisness do you have now Superman?"

She asked

" Wioska Long time No see. And As for why I am here I want you to train these three." Superman said with a Smile

As she looked at her and made with eye contact with Clark

{So this Person is Wioska Superman was taking about. She looks like she is experienced with Fighting} Ddraig said as Clark Gulped a lump of Saliva

{ I will seal your boosted gear, so work hard ok?}

'Yes dad' he said mentally

" Who is that Child? Or what is he?" She asked clearly Sensing he was anything that she knew

As Clark introduced himself Superman explained his Situation. Wioska heard everything like she is experienced to hear this kind of Story after that she Said

" I am sorry to hear what happened to you child, but do you really think that you guys with almost no fighting experience can Learn anything from my teaching?" She asked

" YES MA'AM!" Three of them said in Unison

" Hahahaha. Okay I will take you three as my students let's see what you kids got, and it will be entertaining to train two of strongest Kryptonians and Current Red Dragon Emperor who is Feared by Gods in his Universe!" Wioska Said

" So kids we are Good to Go I will be meeting you after a Month" Superman said as he flew away from the planet

" So, Now we have to do this" she said as she used someshort of magic

All of them fell into their knees. They felt like thier Power is Leaving from thier Body

" W-What is happening?" Clark asked panicked

" I used Bonds of Yuga Khan to drain your powers now you can Only use 1/10 of your powers only" she said Shocking everyone

" Who is Yuga Khan?" Jon asked

" Yuga Khan is Strongest Old God alive who went missing from Unknown reason that's not the Point here now start Running " She ordered which they Obeyed and Started Running in terrains

To Be Continued.