

"Fire is the element of change, will power, love, excitement and passion." Master Dragonaut spoke passionately. "In order to control this element, you must, will it in your mind, body, and soul. Imagine it, believe it and create it. Place your entire heart and emotion into the flame."

"Need to place some in your mouth…" Michael muttered.

"What was that." Dragonaut raised his voice.

"You heard me" Michael said raising his voice. "Look peep game I already know bout the emotion, positivity, love and all those other thangs mayne. What ya need ta tell me is how to set some shit aflame."

Staring at Michael as if he were appalled by his words Dragonaut said. "If you were paying attention you would know."

"Bo if you didn't talk so much, I could. I mean damn and people say I do a lotta talking."

"In that case do you know where your power source come from."

"Yea the infinite spirit mayne." Mike said annoyed.

"Good well get to work." Dragonaut said.

"Hol' up you neva showed me what to do."

"Don't have to I told you" Dragonaut replied.

"Only thang you told me was to imagine, believe and achieve or some like that. Oh, and to use emotion."

"There you go that's all you need to know."

"Say Bo, I need mo' then dat." Michael demanded.

"Actually, what I told you is quite satisfactory repeat it and you'll figure it out." Dragonaut replied.

Glaring at his sensei Michael begun to chant the words "Imagine, believe, and then achieve." Over and over. Trying to figure out what to do. Getting bored after about his tenth chant he begun to imagine a flame floating in his palm feeling the heat of the fire and imagining how happy he was to create it. Going further into this story he got into multiple battles releasing the same flame feeling the same emotion. Fwoosh his first flame sparked in his palm. "Ooooh snap." Michael shouted unaware of how he caused the flame.'

"Great" knocking out Michael's flame Dragonaut said. "Do it again."

Looking from his palm to Dragonaut to his palm back at his instructor one more time Mike said. "Why you gotta hate mayne. I mean you coulda let ya boy celebrate a lil longa."

"I take It you don't know what you did, do you?" Dragonaut asked.

"Hell naw" Mike said slightly putting his head down. "All I know is that I was fighting this dude trying to destroy the earth. He was whooping on me to, I mean dogging ya boy out. I started thinking bout all da people I loved dying. Standing up I placed all my energy into one final blast den. Whoosh there was a flame."

Chuckling Dragonaut gazed at his student shaking his head. "You did exactly as I told you," he said.

Looking at his sensei as if something was wrong with him Michael asked. "How?"

"By imagining in your mind that you could do it, believing that you could do it, and placing the emotion of love and desire into it you created a flame unconsciously. Which is good but if you going to do it on a regular basis, you'll have to do it consciously."

Thinking about what Dragonaut told him Mike became curious. "How"

"The same way, except this time through your conscience mind." Dragonaut replied.

Nodding his head as if he understood Michael said, "Ohhh aite…. I don't get it."

Sighing a smile went across Dragonaut face for he knew this was a moment to teach Michael something new. "Alright everyone has three parts to their mind. The subconscious, conscious, and superconscious. Everything that you see, speak and hear goes into your subconscious mind through your conscience. The subconscious is part of your inner world while your superconscious is part of the source. If you repeat something to the subconscious mind it sends orders to the superconscious to create it. Now in order to willingly connect with the superconscious mind you will have to use your imagination, belief and the only emotions the source understands which are love, peace and joy."

"Okay so you telling me the only way I can connect with God is through love, peace and happiness." Michael questioned.

"Correct." Dragonaut replied. "Any other questions."

"Sounds good to me." Mike said shrugging his shoulders. "Wait hol' up so that's why I couldn't light a flame until I thought about my people."

"Yes, because you were emanating a low frequency until you thought of those you loved then it raised the vibrations of your energy allowing you to create the flame."

Placing his right hand up to his mouth Mike said "Ohhhh I get it." Placing himself in a happy state he imagined all the people he loved once again. Feeling his energy swelling up inside his chest Michael imagined the flame in his head. Already knowing it was possible he remembered the same feeling as before then projected it. Fwoosh a flame set ablaze in his palm. "Mayne hol' up." Mike said doing the southside. "Ya boy the truth knowamsaiyan. Knowam talm bout."

"Don't get all excited now we just started plus you're a Mystic. Connecting to the divine is natural for you."

Halting from doing the southside and rubbing on is head Michael looked up. "Say Bo why you gotta hate so much it's bad fo' yo health."

"I'm just saying Arcadians and all other creatures that are connected to the divine can do the same if they choose. Plus being too proud makes you weak you have to keep a low humble spirit, so I was putting you back in your place." Dragonaut replied.

"Those sound like fighting words" Mike joked. "So can humans do it to."

"Well not exactly what humans do is manifest. I mean they have the power to unleash their G-Force but they have to undergo a whole process."

"What you mean"

"They can create situations they want in life, but they are effected by the laws of the world such as the laws of attraction and karma. And their thoughts and actions play a huge role in their lives, one slip, of a wrong or negative thought or deed and they could get an undesired outcome."

"Aww mayne." Michael said as if he were sad. "Ope good thang I aint human."

"Glad to see you can keep positive." Dragonaut said smirking. "You're going to need it for this next part."

"Why what go dine?" Mike asked.

Shooting a blast of fire out towards Michael's foot Dragonaut said. "We Fight!"

Throwing up his arms Mike said. "Mayne what you talm…Oh." Unable to finish his sentence Michael dove to the ground. Trying to release a blast, he couldn't for Dragonaut projected multiple bursts of fire at him.

Watching as his student scurried about trying to dodge his flames Dragonaut used flash step.

"Wait" was all Mike could muster out before his teacher placed his palm into his stomach releasing a blast.

Flying backwards a couple feet Michael fell to the ground and rolled until the flame was extinguished.

Waiting on his student to get up Dragonaut shot out another flame.

Covering his face to keep from being burned Mike received two blows one to the gut and the other in his ribs.

"I thought you were about action." Dragonaut mocked releasing another blast into Michaels face as he slammed him onto the ground.

Gasping for air as his back bellowed into the ground Mike immediately rolled over as Dragonaut feet came crashing down ablaze next to his face. Still able to feel the heat radiating from his body Michael thought of how a nice cold bottle of water would feel as he released flames like steam from his body.

"About time" Dragonaut remarked as he stopped in his tracks. "I was starting to believe you weren't going to be able to release a burst."

Getting up off the ground Michael charged in ready to fight but Dragonaut only dodged and weaved his advances. Halting in his tracks Mike became angry. "Are we fighting or not?" He shouted.

"The whole point of the fight was to see if you would be able to use your powers in a real situation." Dragonaut replied. Walking up to Michael and placing his hands on his shoulder he gazed into his pupil eyes. "So, tell me how did, you do it?"

Looking at his sensei crazy Mike cocked his head back a little then swung one last time. Sighing as he missed, he answered Dragonaut. "I begun to feel overheated and imagined what it feels like when you drink a cold bottle of water. And released the flames out of my body like the heat."

Eyes opening wide Dragonaut tilted his head to the side. "I never thought of releasing flames like that before. I'm going have to use it next time, I'm teaching one of the saplings. Good job! Now do it again. This time release it out of your palm."

"Aite Bet." Said Michael. Feeling the heat radiating out of his palm like it did his body he pictured a ball of fire. Trying to propel it forward it fell upon his feet.

"Look like you going to need more practice." Dragonaut commented.

Hours Later

"Is that all you got!" Dragonaut taunted ducking his student attack and hitting him with an open palm in the gut.

Adapting to his teacher attack Michael was able to stand his ground and deliver a punch while releasing a flame simultaneously. Smiling at the fact that his pupil finally landed an attack Dragonaut slapped Mikes next punch down then lifted the same arm back up hitting him in the chin.

Biting his tongue while stumbling backwards Michael projected multiple bursts of flames as his sensei advanced.

Knocking the blasts out of the way, Dragonaut leaned away from Mikes uppercut then pivoted to the side avoiding his overhand. Stepping in, he popped his pupil with a jab in the face then followed through with a spin, kicking him in the back of his knee.

Falling onto his right knee Michael did a somersault back onto his feet.

"I like that." Dragonaut said as he wrapped his arms around Mike midsection slamming him backwards.

Rolling over back onto his feet Michael wasn't even able to fully lift his head up before receiving a kick to the chest. Rowing his arms forward to keep from falling backwards he left his whole body open which Dragonaut freely took advantage of.

Striking his student in both the chest and gut simultaneously Dragonaut stopped as Mike fell to his knees gasping for air. Shaking his head Dragonaut asked, "Are you ready to quit yet."

"Not until I win" Michael replied standing up yet remaining slumped over.

Staring at his worn-out student Dragonaut said, "Well you're not going to ever get anywhere that way. How about we start our next training."

Leaning on his knees Mike felt like he needed to throw up. "Bet" he said putting a thumb up still trying to catch his breath.

"By the way who taught you how to fight?" Dragonaut questioned.

"No one I move off instinct the rest I learn from continuously fighting and slap boxing wit' my niggas."

"No wonder you have such poor form. I suggest that you fight on your toes because you definitely lack balance."

Flipping off his teacher Michael stood up straight. "Aite whatz next."

"Next we will work on making you immovable" Dragonaut replied walking over to a tree.

"What ya mean I'm like a mountain" Mike exaggerated standing erect and firm.

Glancing at his student Dragonaut laughed and shook his head. Taking another glance towards Michael he laughed again. Walking up to Mike he lightly pushed him, and he took a step back. "A mountain huh" he mocked.

"Say bo you cheated I wasn't ready." Michael said standing up firm. "Bet you won't do it again." Stumbling back three steps after his instructor pushed him a second time Michael said. "Mayne, I'm just tired."

Laughing Dragonaut said, "That and full of excuses."

"Hell yea." Michael agreed. Laughing while he walked next to Dragonaut he asked. "What I gotta do."

Placing his back on the tree Dragonaut bent his knees until his body was at a perfect ninety-degree angle. Placing his arms out he said, "All you have to do is hold this position until I tell you to stop."

"Bet" Michael said copying his teacher.

Making two buckets materialize Dragonaut went to the stream to fill them up. "Here you go."

Three Hours Later

Eyes tearing up Michael continuously slid down as his legs wobbled but the pike underneath him insured that he would get himself right or face penetration.

"That's enough." Dragonaut shouted taking a puff out of his pipe.

"Thank God." Mike muttered falling over. Making sure to avoid the pike underneath him he forgot all about the bucket of water he just dropped landing face first on it. Laying on the bucket as if it was a pillow, he couldn't even find the strength to acknowledge the pain.

"Quit laying around its time for the next step Lightning." Dragonaut commanded.

Drained Michael eyes even fought to stay open as he yawned. Trying to push himself up he couldn't. Staring at the Pike next to him, Mike dragged himself toward it slowly. Grabbing hold of it he cut himself until his body regeneration kicked in.

"Oh yea, I like this kid" Dragonaut thought as he used the law of conversion to transition his fire into lightning. "Lightning has three forms" he said. "Radiation, plasma, and electricity. How you convert them is up to you." Shocking his student with electricity Michael leaped up as if he fell asleep in class.

Feeling the electricity pulsing through his body Mike said. "That shit hurt mayne. But at least I know how it feel now."