

Sighing John put the book he was reading down. "Mayne" he mumbled to himself. "I really need to study this more often."

"There you go." Master Elrond said creeping up behind his disciple. "Have a hunger for knowledge. So, do you understand how the mind works?"

"Yea kinda." John replied. "I mean I understand that life works through the laws of universe and that our subconscious minds use the laws to create our daily lives through the superconscious."

"There you go, do you understand paradigms."

"Somewhat, I understand that they are constructed from what we experience from birth until the age of seven and they are built through what we see, told, and hear. The rest is affected from our environment and habits that we create. What I don't understand is if our paradigms control our fate how come I never heard of this."

"That is something you shouldn't worry about only focus on your paradigm for we are creatures that are connected to the fourth dimension and your every thought need to be spectated if you want to take control of it and change your fate."

Nodding his head John said. "Yes sir."

"There you go, so what are your three parts of your brain and how they work"

"Our conscious brain is what feeds our subconscious. Our subconscious creates our beliefs and habits, and our superconscious is what manifests our thoughts or illusions using infinite energy or intelligence."

"There you go." Master Elrond said excitedly. "Now one more thing what is hypnotic rhythm."

"It's the habits that are created by our dominant mind."

"There you go now that you know the basics if you continue research on yourself and the Laws of the Universe your power will become limitless. Now are you ready to start training."

Peeling himself off the floor John said. "Yes Sir!"

"Alright then." Waving his hand Master Elrond created a ball of water using the energy around him. "This will be your first test to see how well you can put these laws in to use."

"Alright" John replied closing his eyes and connecting with the infinite energy around him. Focusing on his breathing he could feel the humidity around him. Opening his palm, John pictured the humidity in the air forming into a ball but couldn't quite imagine how it would feel in his hand. "There should be an easier way of doing this." he thought. "What if I could categorize or pick up strands of the molecules. Now that would make it simple."

Trying to create the ball of water and energy he couldn't stop thinking about just placing little drops in hand. Opening his eyes ready to give up on the idea John could see light particles all around him for a few seconds. "What in the world" he said out loud. Curious about what occurred John walked over to Master Elrond explaining what he just saw.

"What did you think when you first saw these particles of light." Elrond asked.

"Well I couldn't believe what I saw I thought that maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me."

Shaking his head, Master Elrond said. "that's what I am talking about you formulated a new belief, a new idea into your mind, until it was manifested then immediately your subconscious kicked in telling you that it had to be something wrong. This doubt is the reason the light particles disappeared. Now what you didn't know is that Everything in this world to the next is created by light and give out vibrations or frequencies known as G-Force. Yet your mind still showed you that knowledge." Master Elrond told him.

"Really" John said cocking his head slightly to the right an idea formulated in his mind. He knew how to create this ball of energy and water now. Going back to where he was sitting John imagined a tiny light particle falling into his hand then another and another.

Shaking his head Elrond thought as he watched his pupil manipulate the light around him. "He will have to learn how to use his imagination or his power will be severely limited."

Completing the sphere of water John yelled, "I did it" before a negative thought pushed its way through.

Clapping his hands Master Elrond asked. "What did you think?"

"I did it then a voice crept into my head saying but how." John replied.

"That is your subconscious talking it is stuck in your old paradigm you will have to learn to set these thoughts free as they arrive or send them back to the vain nothingness they came from."

"If you don't mind me asking why, does it do that?" John asked.

"That because your subconscious mind is what control your survival. Everything that you have done, saw or thought creates a program in your mind. So, when you try to reprogram the mind it initially rejects the idea but with new daily habits of whatever your trying to do you can change your ways and manifest a whole new life. The thing is you will have to put emotion into these actions have a desire and passion to truly want to do them or sooner or later you will just fall back into this paradigm."

"Alright so all I have to do is control my thinking and I can control my life."


Nodding his head John thought "Control my thoughts, control my thoughts." Looking up to Master Elrond he asked. "Can I do it again."

"I don't know, you tell me" Elrond replied.

"Of course!" John said enthusiastically.

Five Hours Later. Smiling it took everything in John to keep from leaping up and down not only could he make a ball of water but now he could also place his energy into it. "Next!" he shouted turning to face his sensei.

"I want you to familiarize yourself with that exact feeling to use it later then afterwards I want you to turn that ball into ice." Master Elrond told him. Creating a small orb of water, he turned it to ice before letting it shatter making particles of light.

"How do I do that?"

"I don't know. Think about it" Master Elrond replied.

Wrapping one arm around the other and placing his hand over his mouth John thought of the best way to do this. Letting out a soft laugh, he knew what to do. Creating a small ball of water, he made his aura move in a counterclockwise motion in order to slow down the speed of the molecules from the bottom up.

Waiting until the freezing process was completed Master Elrond said, "Alright on to the next." Pulling a black handkerchief out of his dogi he handed it to John. "Put this around your eyes."

Staring at the rag for a second John asked, "Is that thang clean?"

"Of course, I wouldn't just give you some random rag to put on your face this here is made strictly for training purposes."

Still looking at the handkerchief for a while, John blindfolded himself.

"Now this next session solely relies on your ability to not only feel the wind but sense the world around you." Master Elrond said as he created a pole then swung it next to his pupil face. Trying not to flinch as the wind whooshed by him. John also tried not to think negative as the thought of a sword slashing him in the face popped into his mind. Cycling through weapons swiping one after the next pass John Elrond asked, "What do you feel?"

"Ion know but I know your swinging something by me."

"Is that all you feel?"

"Pretty much" John replied.

"Well in that case you would die if you were ever blinded." Master Elrond remarked.

"What you mean" John asked.

"Meaning you must feel beyond what's next to you but what's around you. Pay attention to the sounds, the direction of the wind, the smells and more. Just being able to feel what is next to you won't help you move about. For instance, try to dodge my attack." Master Elrond said swinging the pole.

Unsure where the pole would come from John immediately stepped backwards tripping over a rock.

"See what I mean! And that rock was there before you were even blind folded." Shaking his head, Master Elrond said. "Again!" This time popping him upside the head.

Hours Later

"Aaaggh" John yelled out in frustration. The windmill theory he came up with made sense to him but wasn't working. "Either it's me, the headache or the fact that I was continuously beaten with a pole." John mumbled angrily. "All I know is that I can't get this wind to do nothing."

"Calm down." Master Elrond said as he glanced up at his pupil. "Emotions such as anger only lowers your vibrations and energy. Keep this up and you'll never figure this out."

"Look you want me to be positive but that aint easy." John shouted tossing his hands in the air. "And that two sides of the coin trick don't work."

Glaring at John, Elrond said in a peaceful but stern voice. "Lower your tone when speaking to me and count down from five slowly then tell your mind what you wanna do."

Counting down and taking deep breaths John asked, "Can you give me some kind of hint or some."

Walking over to John and placing his hand on his shoulder Master Elrond looked him dead in the eyes. "There are just some things that you can't control or force sometimes you have to just go with the flow or let it flow through you so you can direct and manage it in your own way."

"Really that's all you got" John asked. Heavily exhaling he placed his hand on his teacher shoulder. "That was no help."