

Three Months before school ends. "I have been training the two of you for the last couple of months and I am delighted to tell you this. I have taught you all I could. So today marks the ending of your training." Professor Gaines said walking to the classroom door. "Good luck."

"Thank you, Professor Gaines" the Avies twins said in unison as they walked out of the room.

Pumped up Jake balled up his fist as the door shut behind them. "Now I'm going to humiliate Michael." He said. "He just showed up here out of nowhere able to match us in power and now he's already Ranked Acheron while I'm still a Morifir."

"I feel the same way brother." David said staring off at the clouds as they walked outside. "John came here and done the same. We practically demolished them in the coliseum now their taking the lead. But we can catch up they just ranked up a month ago when they defeated a dungeon master. I say we go and do the same."

"That's not a bad idea Bro." Jake said smiling. "With our talents and the power, we gained during our G-Force training with Mr. Gaines we definitely can defeat a dungeon master easy."

Glancing at each other both boys fleeted off only stopping once they entered the FRAY. A couple miles in their eyes begun to glow as the fire in them, to find a dungeon swelled up. David could feel the Phoenix in him trying to burst out.

"Say Bro you…" Feeling a thumping in his head Jake fell to the ground. The thunderbird in him was trying to take over.

Both boys begun to scream in pain as their auras burst out of their body. Losing consciousness Jake and David transformed into their Mystic forms.


Waking up the Avies twins head spun while their stomachs tossed and turned. Peering up at two blurry blobs that gazed down at them they lifted their upper body then threw up. "Ahhh" they groaned waiting for their eyesight to correct itself. Rubbing his eyes David finally could see straight once again. Removing his hands from his face David stared in awe. "Jake you seeing what I'm seeing."

"Man. David I barely can open my eyes they're a little sensitive right now." Using his hand as a visor Jake stared up at the Phoenix and Thunderbird that stood in front of them. "When…How…Where did you come from" Jake stuttered.

"It's not where we came from Master Jake." The Thunderbird spoke telepathically "It is where did you come from."

"What does he mean?" David asked staring up at the Phoenix.

"He means that your no longer in your dimension. Welcome to Avalon."

"Avalon?" the boys said simultaneously.

"Yes." The Thunderbird begun to speak. "We have been waiting here for the two of you for the last two years."

"Two years! You been waiting for us for two years. How come we didn't teleport here at first." Jake shouted.

"That's because the two of you never truly had the desire or will to become stronger or truly manifest your power until now."

"What you mean I always train my hardest." David responded.

"It's not the training that does it but your competition against the two Dragons that attend your school." The Thunderbird explained.

"Dragons, what Dragons?"

"David, I think he's talking about Michael and John."

Tossing his head back and scratching the side of his head David said. "They're dragons."

"Yes, each one of them contains two Dragons in them to be exact."

"No wonder they're so strong" David remarked.

"I knew something wasn't right." Jake said.

Michaels House

"Michael don't forget that I'm going out of town today, so go to your grandpa house after school alright."

"Yes ma'am."

"I'll be back in a week."

"Alright" Mike said giving his grandmother a hug and kiss before he walked out the house.

John's House

Getting ready for school John levitated around the house getting things in order. Sighing as he crept into his mom's room, J. Mike looked at the beer cans and bottles scattered around the room. The last couple weeks she had been really going overboard with drinking and smoking ever since she got the test results back. And even worse, in the last week she had started back taking xanax. Grabbing the unfinished beer can that sat on his mom nightstand John poured out the contents leaving only enough to take a sample. "Euch" he groaned twisting up his face from the taste of the alcoholic beverage. Filling the can up with water he converted the taste, smell and color of it to match the beer. Dropping his mamas medicine in the can he sat it back on the nightstand. Cleaning up her room John stumbled and dropped a bottle as the Dragon inside him got riled up. Grabbing hold to his head and looking back at his mom she didn't budge. Picking up the glass using a small cyclone of water, John barely made it to the kitchen before he fell to his knees. The Dragon in him wanted to come out and he couldn't hold it in anymore. Stumbling out into the backyard as his G-Force burst out of his body John made sure his neighbors weren't in their backyards as he zoomed off into the sky.

We Care Home Service

Walking through the in-home office of caretakers Michael waited for his grandpa to finish talking to his friend Dorothy. Peering into one of the rooms as he headed outside Mike locked eyes with one of the clients as he spoke with his family. Speaking to them out of courtesy he dashed out of the door. Walking down the street he lit up a blunt to rid his nose of the scent of old people, moth balls, mold and death. Finding a shopping cart in the middle of an abandoned field he flipped it over and sat on it. Smoking his sweet he checked his phone continuously making sure that his grandpa didn't call him. Walking back to the caretaker building once he finished Michael grandpa truck was gone.

Walking inside the house Mike walked up to Ms. Dorothy. "Hey, excuse me you know where my grandpa went."

Gazing up at Michael she shook her head. "Oh, wow. He left about twenty minutes ago. I knew he was drunk, but I didn't think he was drunk enough to leave you." Packing up her bag Ms. Dorothy zipped it up then walked towards her office. "Give me a second I'll call him."

Sighing and shaking his head Michael sat down on one of the dusty sofa chairs. "Are you serious." He mumbled. "How you gonna leave me on the nawf side of all things."

Walking out of the office with a coat and a blazer over her arm Ms. Dorothy walked to her desk and picked up her bag. "I talked to your grandfather and he told me to just take you home with me. He will come pick you up tomorrow."

Throwing his arms up and spinning around in a circle Mike grunted in annoyance. "Aint this a bitch." He mumbled as he followed Ms. Dorothy outside. Standing on the steps of the porch all he could do was just stare at her dusty and dirty 1970's looking minivan.

"Come on Michael hurry up we have a hour drive before we make it to my house."

Walking up to the minivan and opening the backdoor he watched as spiders scurried about. Sitting in the middle row he stared at the spiders crawling on the window.

"Don't be scared" a girl about his age or a little older said sticking her head next to his face.

Looking back at the four kids that sat in the back Michael replied, "I'm not." Getting in the middle row with Mike, the baby girl smiled and stared up at him. Smiling back, he gazed at the two girls and their brother in the very back through the rearview before turning his attention out the window.

Driving off Mrs. Dorothy fixed her rearview mirrors on the kids "Before we go home, I'm going to need ya'll help. I have to stop at North Trails apartments."

Pulling up at an old raggedy broke down apartment with only one building left standing out of three. Michael could see the elderly people standing outside waiting on Mrs. Dorothy. Hopping out of the minivan the kids smiled as they ran up the stairs receiving love and returning it. "Michael do you mind helping." Ms. Dorothy asked as each one of the kids ran off into one of the apartments getting to work.

Shrugging his shoulders Mike replied, "It don' matter to me."

"Great if you can just follow me it, won't take long."

Lost in another dimension

Sitting Indian style in a marshland John called upon his "Ventague Creation." Grabbing the sketchpad that emerged in front of him he drew a bird then wrote the number nine next to it. Signing his name at the bottom the birds rose off the page and flew off in search of civilization. Placing up his circagen he tried to look through the eyes of the birds as they flew into the distance.

Peeking it's head up out of the water a slimy seaweed looking creature gazed at the birds as they flew away. "What should I do" it thought glancing at John then the birds. "Should I tell the others?" Seeing that John wasn't going anywhere it begun to follow the closest bird.

Chasing after the bird for a couple miles the slime creature tripled it speed as it drew near two sponge-like trees. Throwing slime from both of its arms onto the trees he slung himself into the air. "I got ya" it grinned showing razor sharp teeth. Launching a string of slime at the bird it reeled it in. Explodiing the bird splattered him with John's aura. "What happened?" it shouted as it curled up into a ball falling towards the ground.

Snapping open his eyes John felt the destruction of his bird and seen the slimy seaweed looking goblin. Lifting himself up off the ground he couldn't see anything the entire sky was pitch black without a star or moon in sight. Calling upon the Dragon in him everything lit up around John as if it was day. Fleeting towards the area where his bird was destroyed John looked up towards the sky but only seen a dome of slime. "Where am I." he wondered.

Ms. Dorothy's house

"Okay you can go and take a bath now." Ms. Dorothy called out to Michael while she cooked. Walking out of the living room Mike thought that it was weird that all the kids took a bath together. Going inside the bathroom he could see why. On the right was a giant jacuzzi size bathtub that stood up to his chest and in front of it was a curtain separating it from an even smaller tub. In front of him the youngest girl was using the restroom. Feeling himself getting aroused as she stood up, he turned preparing to walk out.

"It's okay you can go head and get in the shower." She said before Mike could leave.

Shrugging his shoulders, Mike turned on the shower and begun to take off his clothes. "Shit she old enough." He thought as he completely stripped naked showing off his erection. "What's two years." Climbing into the giant tub he closed the curtain and begun to take a shower.

Getting up off the toilet and walking into the smaller tub the young lady washed herself for a little then opened the curtain that led to Michael shower. Opening her legs, she sat on the edge of the tub. Becoming aroused again Mike made his way over to her and inserted himself inside her.

Bursting in the bathroom as Michael begun to get a couple strokes in Ms. Dorothy screamed to the top of her lungs. "What do you think you're doing to my precious Alizah." Leaping backwards out of surprise Michael slipped and fell. "Get out" she yelled.

Hearing Ms. Dorothy threatening him as she ran back into the kitchen Michael dried off and put on his clothes. Running out of the bathroom into the living room where the other three kids sat and watched t.v he told them to stop Ms. Dorothy.

Telling Mike that Ms. Dorothy didn't believe in sex and how she thought they all should remain pure. They told him that it wasn't Alizah first time and Ms. Dorothy would calm down.

Tying up his shoes Mike stared up at the kids. "Wait hol' up ya'll got horns." He said never noticing it before.

"You can see our horns?" One of the girls asked.

"This is our true form" the boy said.

Coming into the living room with a knife Ms. Dorothy told Michael to get out of her house.

Bursting through her front door and leaping pass the stone steps he ran till he got to the end of the street then jumped a couple fences before stopping. Walking to a main street he looked both ways ready to cross the street.

"I'm Lost" and old lady yelled as she crossed the street.

Watching as the entire world slowed down and stopped Michael found himself in a black and white world.

Running up to three kids with a baby stroller Michael asked, "Where are we?"

"Your, not from here?" one of the children yelled out of fear.

Boom! A sound of thunder roared and then there was a flash of light.

"They're coming hide!" the kids yelled.

Looking around for somewhere to hide Michael ran across the street to a construction site where trash littered the area. Hiding in multiple places he first tried in a pile of boxes, then in a trash can before finally noticing a giant wardrobe. Opening the wardrobe, he leaped inside.

Beaming out of the sky FBI looking agents appeared. "Where is he?" one of the agents asked the kids but they acted like they didn't know what he was talking about.

Walking up to the wardrobe a woman agent pulled out her gun and blasted it. Staring up at the group of agents Michael waved. Swarming in on Michael with the intent to take him in they were met with a fight. Unable to take him down the agents immediately begun to shoot at Michael. Dodging the energy blasts Mike was ready to turn tail and run when something strange happened. One of the agents who was a kid left eye begun to glow purple and commence to floating as if he were possessed. "He is one of us." The kid yelled.

"No, he is not" the woman who shot open the wardrobe yelled as she continued to release shots towards Michael.

Time stopped once again, and Michael found himself face to face with the kid. "Run!" the kid told him. Chunking up the deuces Mike fleeted off.


"I hope you enjoyed this year." Headmaster Abbott yelled from his podium at the crowd of students before him. "For I surely have. Now before you leave for your summer vacations and go home to your families first, I will like to say study hard and train harder for you never know what is to come next year. Then I would like to invite you to the coliseum where a match will be held…"

Walking up on stage Ms. Sarai begun to whisper in Headmaster Abbott ear. "Excuse me Headmaster but neither one of the contestants are here. The Avies twins disappeared three months ago. John Michael two weeks ago and Michael John a couple days ago. Instead a feast will be held in the Dining Hall."

"Why didn't anyone tell me that the four of my students disappeared." Headmaster Abbott sternly questioned.

"We did sir. You said, long as no one popped up dead at the school it was alright. Oh, and that you had faith in those children and knew they would return." Ms. Sarai replied.

"That sounds like me." Headmaster Abbott commented. Nodding his head, he turned back towards the crowd. Gazing at them for a few seconds he continued. "So, it seems that there have, been a change of plans. We will be holding a feast in the dining hall and the battle that was supposed to take place will be next year when school start. So, with that said if you want to eat then join me in the food hall but if not, I will see you in the beginning of next year." Waving Headmaster Abbott walked off stage.