

Pushing a basket full of all kinds of puppies Michael stopped nearly every person he saw. "Puppies for sale" he said approaching a corner store.

Overhearing Michael three people worked their way up to him one male and two females.

"Awww look at them their so cute." One of the women sung petting a dark brown and tan yorkie. "How much for her"

"All miniature dogs are 150 and the rest are a hundred." Michael said speaking loud of enough for people passing by to hear.

Staring at a German Shepherd the man asked, "Do you have a number. And are these the only dogs you have."

"Yes, sir and no I have pretty much any dog you can imagine but not all of them are puppies."

Nodding his head, the man pulled out his cellphone. "What's your number."


"Alright got it and what kind of specials do you have?"

Trying to think of a reasonable deal, Michael told him "Three fo' three hunnid and six fo' the five no matta what they are."

Looking in shock the man locked the number in his phone and walked off making some calls. "How are you ladies doing today?" Michael said, turning towards the women.

"Im Fine."


Watching the one on the right she was still eyeing the cowarding yorkie. Picking up the puppy it became ecstatic and wagged its tail. "I call hea Shelly because once she gets to know you, she opens up." Passing shelly to the lady she smiled and laughed at Shelly.

"I will take her." The woman barked nuzzling shelly.

"That will be 150"

"Okay give me a second I have to run to the ATM."

"No Problem she will be right here waiting for ya." Turning towards the other woman Michael asked. "See anything you like?"

Well I want that terrier, but I also want this one to. But I only have two fifty on me to spend they're for my kids."

"Oh, really well Mike love the kids." he said imitating a movie. "Aite so peep game I'll give em to ya fo the two fifty." Looking around making sure no one could hear Michael whispered. "But only because I like ya."

"Oh, thank you. Now I feel special." The woman said blushing.

"Oh, you are best believe. You got my attention." Mike told her as she passed him the money. Counting the money, he gave her two contracts. "Read this carefully before you sign them now."

Reading over the contracts she didn't find anything wrong with it except she found one portion about it strange. "What does he mean he will come take the dogs at any sign of abuse or improper maintenance" she thought. "how would he know." Shaking the thought out of her head, she signed the contracts and grabbed her puppies.

Coming out of the store counting her money the woman whom requested Shelly came and handed Mike the money. Pulling out another contract he gave it to her. Signing the contract without hesitation she grabbed hold of her yorkie and begun to hug and squeeze it. "Thank you" she giggled cuddling Shelly next to her face.

"It's all good." Michael replied counting his money. "I need to come out here more often." He thought. "Where am I anyway." He murmured to himself glancing from one side to the next. Shrugging his shoulders Michael prepared to leave until he got a call. "Hello."

"Hey, I was trying to get four of them puppies. But all I have is four hundred can I get them."

"Sorry mayne can't do it. Imma need dat fo' fiftay." Michael sung out

"Alright I understand give me a second I'm about to be pulling up in a lil bit."

Looking in the basket Mike told him all he had was two pits, a german shepherd and chihuahua left.

"That's fine" the man said hanging up the phone.

Waiting for about fifteen minutes the man pulled up in a blue pick-up truck. Walking up to Michael briskly he pulled out three hundred in twenties then the other one hundred fifty in fifties. Signing the contracts, he took all the puppies and put them in the back of the pick-up.

"Woah hol' up fam what you think you doing?" Mike questioned. "Say bo, you aint leaving wit' the puppies like that."

"Well I'm not putting those things in my truck."

Hearing that sent Michaels temper flying. Hopping in the back of the pick-up, Michael grabbed the puppies and put them back in the grocery cart.

"What are you doing" the man said running up on Mike.

Holding his grounds Michael glared into his eyes. "Should've read the contract."

"Contract?" The man yelled staring at the piece of paper Mike held in front of him. "Give me back my money then."

"You outta there. Should've read the contract." Mike said walking off.

"Look here kid, don't make me hurt you." The man shouted reaching into his truck and grabbing a shotgun. "What's going on?" the man thought, as he found himself suddenly frozen in terror.

Smirking Michael pulled his phone out. "What go dine."

"None much" John replied. "Say I need a favah"

"What's the deal?"

"I need to make some money."

"You definitely called the right man." Michael said counting the money he made from selling puppies.

At the Dog Hotel

"Mayne, what's taking him so long." John groaned. He had been waiting on Michael going on two hours. Tired of playing with the dogs he needed something to do. Reaching into his backpack and pulling out his notebook it was wet. Staring at the wet drawings he let out a deep sigh. "Come on mayne, can a brother make it." Sitting down with his head lowered he tried to keep himself together. His sketch book was all he had to keep him at peace, and it was gone. Desiring the sketchbook, one begun to manifest from his aura. Unaware of what was occurring John sat there with his head in his lap until he heard a sound. Lifting his head up the notebook and a pencil stared him in the face. Looking from left to right wondering, if Michael was playing a trick on him, J.Mike used his circagen to search the area.

Satisfied that this wasn't a prank J.Mike grabbed the sketchbook and pencil out of the air. Looking at one of the dogs in front of him he decided to draw it but with a couple tweaks. It stood on two legs with a machine gun in its, paws and cigar in its mouth. Finishing off his picture he wrote all its abilities then signed his name at the bottom. Glowing John could feel his aura creeping out of the sketchbook. Woosh! The drawing appeared in front of him. "Hol' up this my talent."

Inside of Provenience

"I said I needed to make money why are we standing in front of a corridor entrance." John asked Michael.

"You need to make money I need to rank up this is the perfect way of doing it."

"How is that?" John questioned.

"Because if we go on harder missions, we will collect more funds. I mean if you want to use your powers to find hidden treasure, wash dogs, and sell dogs for a living then all power to you. But me on the other hand." Michael rubbed his hands together. "I'm bout to get it in and get these ends. What you gone do?"

Looking at Michael for a few seconds it wasn't hard for John to come to a decision. "Let's go get it." John said. "Plus, this isn't just for me"

"Aite then." Mike said opening the corridor door. "After you lil mama."

Closing the door behind them everything went pitch black. "Will-o-wisp" Michael said creating multiple flames that danced around them. Walking to the end of the corridor two stone statues stood in front of the next entrance with two giant spears in their hand. Waving a flame in the face of statue they were gargoyles.

Awakening out of their sleep the gargoyles stone casing begun to crack and shatter as they freed themselves. Letting out a deep roar as their entire body was set free, they looked down at Michael and John. Roaring the gargoyle on the right released blue flames out of its mouth while the other one attacked John striking with its spear.

Taking control of the fire Michael redirected it towards the gargoyle. Flapping its wings, the beast put out the fire then flew into the air. Hurling its spear at Mike it dove down trying to slash him, but he bobbed the first strike then weaved a second. Stepping around the guard Michael swung a punch aiming at the beast side, but he was hit instead by the its tail.

Dodging his opponent repeated strikes John created a shield of water blocking the bursts that protruded from the spear as it opened. Flipping over the Gargoyles tail as it attacked, John released crescent blades of wind at it. "Crescent Wind!" Blocking the blades of wind with his wings the creature launched itself at John slashing him on the side of the face. Swinging as he received the slash John also landed a hit. "Air Palm"

Spiraling through the air Michael and his foe exchanged blows. Swinging a jab Mike was certified it was going to land but the Gargoyle flipped over the punch with a flap of its wings. Wrapping its tail around his neck the gargoyle hurled Mike towards the ground. Placing his arms out in order to catch his fall Mike released flames out of his hands as the gargoyle darted towards him. "Damn" Michael muttered dodging its deathly grip. Yanking himself around Michael released an energy beam of fire and lightning before the beast could take off.

Bursting through the walls, of the corridor John blocked and weaved all his adversary advances while trying to land an attack himself. Leaping backwards as John swung a chain of water and ice the gargoyle launched its spear at him. Catching the spear with a net of water John bungeed it back towards the gargoyle. Twirling through the air the spear stopped then pointed towards J. Mike. Raising up his circagen John stood his ground dodging the spear like Professor Artemis arrows.

Clashing weapons Mike and the gargoyle flew backwards from the force of their attacks. Launching the upper half of his polearm at his foe the blade smashed through the wall. Reeling his polearm in the chains coiled around the Gargoyles spear. Snatching the spear out of the beast hand Michael zoomed in using flash step "Comet Fist". Catching Michaels fist the blast from the punch sent the gargoyle rocketing backwards. Entangled in Michaels chain the gargoyle yanked him towards it. Opening its mouth, it released a burst of energy hitting Michel.

Making water clones John isolated himself from the clones and his rival. Drawing out his bow, he released four arrows into the gargoyle wings, legs and arms. Using flash step, water surrounded his arm creating a crab's claw. "Vice Grip!" he shouted opening the claw he clamped down on the creature neck chopping it off. Turning back into stone the gargoyle crumbled and fell to the floor.

Interlocking hands with his opponent Michael made his polearm split apart. Levitating in the air his weapon wrapped around the gargoyle thrusting one of its blades into its back, but it didn't show any sign of pain.

"You have to cut off its head" John shouted.

"Bet" Mike yelled back while weaving a strike from his rival tail. Coiling around the gargoyle's tail, arms, and legs Michael weapon stuck itself in the ground. Smiling Mike focused his energy into his fist "Thunder Punch!". Knocking off the beast head it transitioned back into stone and shattered.

"Thanks, mayne." Michael said bumping fist with John as they walked to the door the gargoyles were protecting.

Walking through a long dark tunnel Michael and John felt as if they were being watched. But the only thing inside the tunnel were spider webs and a long chain that stretched along the wall connected to a couple scare crows.

"Are you serious?" Michael shouted as they reached the next portion of the corridor. It was a giant room filled with ten different tunnels.

"What you wanna do?" John asked. "Split up."

"Hell, naw what this look like a horror movie or some." Mike commented looking at John as if he were crazy. "We prolly gone have to go down one tunnel aftah the utta until we find the next door."

"What if they all have doors." John questioned.

"Well then we just gone be going through all of them."

Thinking for a second John knew that using his clones would expend to much energy. Smacking his forehead, he said, "I'm tripping."

"Why what happen?"

"None, watch this" materializing the sketch pad and pencil from before he drew a dragonfly. Multiplying it by a thousand he gave them the ability to teleport back to him when destroyed or if they met a dead end. Signing his name at the bottom they took shape in front of them.

"Mayne yo talent is the truth." Michael remarked staring at all the dragonflies that surrounded them. "Why so many tho'."

"Nevah know how many splits they gone run into or creatures either."

Nodding his head Mike said, "That makes sense."

Sending the dragonflies their way John turned around to see a floating scarecrow about to strike Michael from behind. "Mi…" is all he could make out.

Ducking the scythe Michael somersaulted forwards then turned around to face the scarecrow. Dodging two more scarecrows as they attacked Mike shouted, "I knew, we were being watched."

"You called it" John said, staring at the floating scarecrows that surrounded them.

Standing back to back John and Michael ducked and dodged the scarecrows scythes as they attacked one by one or in droves.

"Damn these bastards move fast." Mike remarked trying to hit them, but they kept getting away.

"Fo' real tho" John replied blocking an attack with a shield of water.

Leaping in the air Michael attempted to use his "Meteor Shower" but they were on him before he could release it. Trapping him in an octagon ball of chains they attempted to crush him. Calling upon his sword Michael slashed through the chains separating the scarecrows. Landing on the ground all he could do was block. Emitting waves of thunder, he dispensed blasts of fire and lightning "Pyro sphere! Plasma Cannon!" but it was in vain for the only thing he hit was the wall.

Leaping and ducking under chains and scythe slashes John cycled between his bow and twin swords. Using his swords both offensively and defensively and releasing arrows whenever the scarecrows would fly away. Unable to hit his targets because of their ghost-like movements John begin to make the arrows explode as they struck the wall dropping debris on some of them. Chopping the head off one that was trapped under rubble its head launched a dart from its mouth. Leaping back and blocking the dart with his sword John ducked, yet another slash. "Crescent Wind" he yelled releasing multiple blades of wind.

Flipping off a wall and slicing a scarecrow in half Michael didn't expect it to turn its head around and laugh before exploding. Covering his face from the flames Mike leaped to the left as a scythe came flying towards him. Grunting he mumbled, "I liked it better when you were connected." Leaping backwards as another scythe was launched at him, he attempted to run up the scythe, but was stopped midway. Blocking this scarecrow attack Mike felt himself being yanked out of the air as a chain wrapped around his foot slamming him on the ground. Somersaulting forward dodging yet another assault he screamed in irritation.

"I found the next door" John shouted as one of the dragonflies teleported back to him landing on his shoulder. Bursting the aura form the dragonfly returned to him. "Mike lets go."

Dodging an attack Michael yelled, "Bet" as he swung at a scarecrow with his sword. Using flash step, he regrouped with John and they fleeted off into a tunnel. "You don't have anywhere to go now." Mike taunted slashing a scarecrow in half. Exploding the blast engulfed the next one in its flames.

Setting off a trap as they ran metal spikes flew their way. Knocking the spikes down or redirecting them towards their aggressors they continued down their path setting off more traps as they progressed.

"Thunder Punch" Michael yelled shattering a boulder as they entered the next room. Whistling at the size of the room Mike said, "Mayne we could throw a mean party up in hea'."

"A block party at that." John remarked. "Why is it so empty tho."

"Mayne this room aint empty the real question is what's bout to happen next. Quicksand."

"Naw the walls gonna start closing in on us." John joked.

Laughing Michael didn't want to move from where he was standing. "There haveta be another booby trap in this boy somewea'" he said.

"Only one way to find out." Taking a deep breath John released a mist out of his mouth. "Well we can cancel out infrared lasers."

Levitating into the room Michael created millions of "Willo Wisps" to light it up.

"Look at all these spiderwebs." John commented staring at the giant threads that spread around the room keeping them from moving about freely.

"So, our next opponent is a giant spider how original." Michael mocked.

"If we avoid the webs how would it know we're here?" John said sliding in between webs.

"Good point." Mike replied following him.

Working their way across the room the spider threads unexpectedly twined around them tearing into their flesh. Walking across a spider thread above them as if it were a tight rope a charcoal black woman with four brown eyes and red hair gazed down at her captives. Transforming his body into water John escaped the razor-sharp webs. Releasing flames out of his body Michael fell towards the ground as the fire rose up the threads towards the woman. Detaching the threads, the lady leaped into the air and disappeared.

"Where you think you're going?" Michael shouted. Leaping into the air to strike he was dragged back down by webs that secretly covered him. "What the hell." Gazing down at his arms and legs he saw tiny spiders scurrying away. Expelling flames from his body and burning the threads to a crisp he leaped in the air once again. Falling from the ceiling a spider spat acid at him. Creating a flash barrier to block the acid Mike projected his "Pyro sphere" at the insect but it reeled itself back into the darkness.

"Ventague's Pinnacle" John shouted placing his hand on the ground as hundreds of dog size spiders crawled his way. Sprouting out of the ground hundreds of stalagmites made of ice pierced through most of the arachnids. Flying into the air to avoid the insects J. Mike found himself caught in a web. "Crop Circle!" Emitting waves of wind, he freed himself.

"Fire Rockets" Propelling multiple rocket shaped flames at the Arachnids as they fell from the ceiling Michael couldn't make his way up to the woman. "Aww" he screamed as a spider bit him in the neck. Ripping it off by its leg then tossing it into the air Mike shot an energy beam of lightning and fire through it. "Photon Beam"

Expanding his circagen as far as it would go John twin swords materialized in his hands. Tossing them in the air they glided around the room like fighter planes slicing whatever spider crossed their path. Lowering down upon J. Mike a hoard of the ravenous insects spewed acid and poison at him. Creating his "Fort Glaze to protect himself John broke it down then cast the shards at them.

Becoming irritated by the steady advancement of arachnids Michael told John to cover himself. Formulating a red sphere of lightning he tossed into the air. Rotating the sphere commenced to release laser beams in every direction. "Laser Array!"

Having her spider webs destroyed by the beams the woman shot a spider web out of her hand at Michael. Crawling on the ceiling until she was right above him the lady hurled herself at him like a spear. Moving out of the way Mike laughed at her efforts until he was yanked forward and slammed through a wall. Shaking his head Michael pulled himself out of the hole. "Damn that's what I get."

Using flash step John swung at the woman while her back was turned "Congeal Converge" he muttered attempted to turn her into ice from a mere touch. Dodging his attack as if she had eyes on the back of her head the woman spun around and kicked John in the gut. Grunting from the blow John slid back a couple yards. "Damn she fast." He thought.

Charging the spider-woman Mike threw multiple attacks using his "Meteor compound" but she dodged every blow. Spitting acid into Michaels face she shot a spider web out of her hand. Screaming and temporary blind from the acid Michael couldn't do anything as she twirled around him.

"Crescent Wind!" John shouted using his crescent blades to slice through her web before she could harm Mike.

"Thank you" Mike said as water splashed in his face rinsing away the acid. "Where she go."

Crawling along the ceiling the spider-lady planted egg sacs before releasing threads upon her opponents. Seeing a glint of the thread thanks to the "willo wisp" that still danced in the air John was able to dodge it.

"Say Mike what are we gonna do" John asked through telepathy while the two of them leaped from one spot to the next trying to dodge her wiry threads.

"Ion know I tried to use my thermal vision, but I can't find hea." Mike replied.

"So that would mean she's cold-blooded."

"I guess so."

Falling from the ceiling the spider-lady spun around and kicked John in the face then in the leg before finishing her combination with a backwards blade kick. Feeling himself being lifted in the air John could feel the wiry thread as it wrapped around his leg. Twirling him around in the air she launched him out like a fishing rod as Michael stepped in front of her. "Comet Fist!" Swinging into the air Mike fell to his knee for his opponent kicked him in the back of it. "Damn!" Michael thought as he gazed up at the ceiling in the middle of being suplexed.

Looking up towards the ceiling Michael moaned. Rolling over as dog sized spiders fell from the ceiling Mike shouted. "Not again."

"Ventague Creations: Gatling Hound." John shouted. Materializing in front of him John sketchbook opened. Leaping out of the book the dog he drew earlier stood in front of him toting his machine gun. Firing its weapon, the hound released round after round piercing through one spider after the next until it was empty. Dropping the machine gun, the hound leaped into the air and let out a howl that caused the arachnids to explode. Woosh. The Spider-lady sliced the hound in half.

"Woohoohoo" Michael shouted from the excitement of seeing Johns move. "I been bullshitting I havta to step it up."

"Don't feel bad I just figured out my talent this morning." John replied.

"Regardless it's still live!" Mike shouted placing his palms on the ground. "5 Star Seal: Sand trap." Turning the entire corridor floor into quicksand he trapped all the spiders that were on the ground in it. Using his "willo wisps" to burn the threads of all the spiders that hung from the ceiling he searched for the spider-lady.

"Talm bout me look like you been holding out" John told Mike through telepathy.

"Knowamsaying it's just a lil some, some." Mike replied.

Levitating in the air the two decided fight back to back. "If we could knock hea' into your quicksand we can end this battle." John spoke through telepathy unsure if the woman understood them or not. "What you think?"

"I say we give it a try" Michael responded. "But first we have to slow hea' down."

"You gotta an idea." John questioned looking back at him.

Lowering himself to the ground Michael allowed the floor to return to normal. "The only way to slow hea' dine is by lowering the temperature. All cold-blooded animals become less active or inactive when it gets cold. And that's how we are going to trap her."

Looking at Michael strange John said, "How you know that?"

"Animal Kingdom is one of my favorite channels."

Shaking his head John said, "Mayne bro you real live get all your answers from the t.v doncha."

Puffing out his lips and nodding his head Michael replied. "Pretty much."

"Well in that case, let's make this look convincing." John said.

Staring at her prey from above the spider-lady released her threads throughout the room caging Michael and John in it. Spitting acid out of her mouth she launched herself at John. Feeling her as she entered his circagen John moved out of the way. Landing on one of her webs the woman ricocheted herself back at him casting a thread out his way.

Feeling the shift of the tiny hairs on her body as Michaels "Photon Beam" came her way the spider-lady shot out a second web in order to evade the attack. Letting out a hissing noise she turned part of her attention towards Mike while keeping an eye on John. Shooting out multiple spiderwebs at Mike she continued her assault on John. "Thunder Punch" hitting the floor giant fragments of it flew in the air. Using "Thunder wave" he projected them at the webs. Leaping on to the fragments of stone as the webs sliced through them Michael launched himself at the woman. "Rocket Punch." He yelled as flames engulfed his fist.

Leaping out of the way of Michaels attack the spider-lady ricocheted from one side of her cage to the next shooting out more webs along with acid. Using the moisture in the air to create shields of water to block the acid John also released his "Crescent Wind" to slice through the webs.

"Meteor shower!" Mike released flaming balls of energy at the woman, but she swung from one place to the next avoiding his attack. "Dodge this" Michael thought as he used "Laser Array."

Falling from the ceiling the spider-woman twisted her body and kicked Michael as he attempted to strike her. Using the force from the kick she launched herself to the ceiling. Plummeting towards the ground Mike landed on all fours. Standing up he glared at the woman. "5 Star Seal: Mirror Maze." Creating thousands of mirrors in the room he used them to reflect the beams as she leaped from one place to the next.

"She's actually slowing down" John thought observing her every movement. "Mike it's my turn" John said through telepathy hitting the spider-lady with his "Air Palm" he sent her hurling towards the ground. Landing on all fours she flipped and twisted through the air dodging his "Diamond Storm". Using flash step, John managed to hit her with his "Congeal Converge" allowing the icy touch to only affect her internally. Bending all the way backwards and forming a bridge with her body she kicked J. Mike in the face as he swung a second time. Flipping all the way over she launched herself at him.

Kicking the spider-lady in her side Michael sent her flying before she could even manage to land a hit on John. Flipping in the air John used a "crescent wind" to cut her thread before she could reel herself up towards the ceiling.

"Gotcha" Michael thought. "5 Star Seal: Sand Trap."

Shooting out a web the woman missed landing in the quicksand by mere inches. "Look like she slowing dine." Mike remarked observing the frosty smoke coming from his mouth.

"She should be it's almost in the negatives right about now.

"Are you serious?" Michael replied tossing his head back at his partner. "And this bih."

Using a gust of wind to push Mike out of the way of a spider thread John gave him a look. "Come on dawg you gotta pay attention."

"My bad" Mike replied turning his attention back towards their opponent.

Barely able to hold on to the wall the spider-lady body begun to shut down as the temperature reached negative fifteen. Noticing this Michael glanced at John for only a short second. "Da pleasures all yours."

"Artic Breeze" John said releasing a gust of below zero wind at their foe she completely shut down and fell towards the floor landing in Michaels sand trap.

Standing over the spider-woman, Mike took a sample of her blood. "Now It's Time to end this." He said dramatically. "Sol Destruction" Creating an energy blast of fire and lighting he incinerated her.

"What's that" John said pointing at her ashes. Bending over he picked up four rings one purple, one silver, one black and one brown. Reading the inscriptions on the rings one said poison, the next webs, third spiders, and fourth acid. "Ey say. Mike look."