

"I would like to thank all of you for coming to this conference." King Telephik spoke. "We have recently had our Princess kidnapped and I would like to offer up a thousand tassles along with this emblem which allows you to tap into our energy source whenever needed."

"That's just the thing our Princesses were taking to" a giant elephant looking man said fighting back tears.

"My men tracked them down" a jaguar looking man roared. "And even my men were no match." Gasping everyone knew of King Guarons strength and power throughout the lands.

Rocking back and forth in his chair as he ate Michael listened to the moanings and groanings of the Kings without saying a word. "You there what kingdom do you hail from and why is it that you are the only one who seems unbothered."

Lifting his head up Michael said. "O shit my B. I'm Pyrose and I hail from no Kingdom, I'm just here for the food. But I aint gonna lie. Your princess situation caught a nigga attention."

Bursting through the doors King Telephik guards rushed into the room. "Pardon us sire but this man here is an intruder. He placed our gatekeepers underneath a spell so he may enter undetected."

"Their, not unda no spell but they might be a little high or some who knows." Michael said raising out of his chair.

"Cease this intruder at once!" King Telephik commanded.

"Ey say" Michael said now standing side by side with King Telephik. "Ion want no problems and trust me I don' mind no fight but yall give me no reason. But this Princess situation. I would like to handle it fo' ya. But that's up to you." Using flash step, he exited the room.

"What do you say King Telephik do we accept him on this offer."

"What can this one man do that my whole army could not?" King Guaran asked.

Speaking slow and lazily King Koarus said, "I for one would give him a chance did you see how fast he move."

"I agree" King Antene said. "He moved with the speed of my tongue"

"Does anyone else object?" King Telephik asked.

Murmuring amongst each other everyone preferred Pyrose losing his life instead of their men. "Then it has been decided! Guards go retrieve Pyrose." King Telephik commanded.

Stepping into the door, Mike said, "I knew you would come around."

Glaring at Michael King Telephik walked up to him with authority. Standing face to face with him, Telephik glared into his eyes for a few seconds before speaking. "Sir Pyrose, do know that if you neglect to return or if you fail to retrieve our daughters that will cost you your life."

"Yea, yea now take me to your best chamber." Michael said trying to sound high and mighty as they were. "I shall leave in the morning."

Motioning for the guards to do as Pyrose instructed King Telephik never took his eyes off him as he left. Once the door shut the fear then set in. "How do we know if this is an ambush or not" one of the Kings shouted.

"Ambush the true question is his strength." Another one yelled.

"Great point," King Telephik said staring out of the window at his Kingdom. "In that case we will give him a little test. If our abductee can take out an army so can he."

Marveling at the idea everyone agreed. "Well in that case the battle will proceed tomorrow morning after we eat."

Following Morning

Waking up and stretching Michael pulled out a cigarillo box. Pouring out the doubies he begun to break them down and roll them up. Sparking up the blunt with his thumb he placed his headphones in his ear and turned on his mp3. "Time to get it in" he mumbled, leaping on to hands, he pushed himself up and down.

Repeatedly knocking on Pyrose door King Telephik let himself in. "Pyrose."

"Fucking off the money its steady coming, their hand stretched out just like their yawning but strict wit' my paper what's a woman. Yea I see your goal but I'm beyond it yea I stay strapped but it's on my stomach." Michael sung. Feeling a tap on his shoulder he yanked around pulling out his headphones. "What go dine?"

"I brought you something to eat." King Telephik told him pointing towards the tray of food.

Squinting his eyes Michael looked from the king to his plate. "Why didn't you have one of your servants to send it?" he asked sniffing the food. He didn't know what it was, but he knew something felt off.

"Well I wanted to have a chat with you." King Telephik replied.

Shifting his eyes Michael asked, "About what."

"You and this guarantee of yours."

Taking a bite out of his food Pyrose said. "Let me guess you wanna test me."

Not knowing what else to say King Telephik answered, "yes."

"Aite bool who I gotta beat up."

"Mixture of my armies and two of the other Kings."

"Behhht" Michael said, eyes opening wide he grinned. "When."

"In about thirty flakkards. I will send someone to retrieve you. If you survive…"

"Woah, woah, woah, you mean if your army survive." Michael remarked.

Feeling the intensity and joy coming from Pyrose, King Telephik said. "You are quite sure of yourself."

"Somebody has to be. Fuck it." Mike replied. "Glad it's me."

Outside the Castle Walls

Standing outside both the castle and the city walls Royals and citizens of the Kingdom stood watch in wait. Stretching and getting himself ready Michael watched as the different soldiers fell into formation. "This gone be too easy." He thought noticing that the soldiers were already divided by race.

"Do you want a weapon?" King Telephik asked.

Shaking his head Mike said, "I am the weapon."

Shrugging his shoulders King Telephik replied, "Alright." Walking off to his throne Telephik signaled for the announcer to start the fight.

"Ladies and gentlemen prepare for a sight you may never be able to behold again. The Unification between our very own army, the Mighty King Guaron and King Antene the swift versus the unknown Pyrose. Will he survive this battle only time will tell?" Walking up to Pyrose the announcer asked. "Are you ready?" Placing his headphones in his ear Michael nodded. "Let the battle begin."

Counting down from five Michael waited for them to make the first move or he would. Charging in King Guaron army and half of King Telephiks made the first move while King Antene remained in between them and the rest of King Telephiks army. Taking note of the Crystal armor King Telephik soldiers wore he thought it would be best to take Antenes soldiers out first.

Halting in their tracks the advancing soldiers lost sight of Pyrose. "Thunder Wave" Michael shouted knocking two of Antenes soldiers into the ones in front of them. Keeping their distance Telephiks soldiers that remained behind released beams of energy at him.

Leaping into the air Michael expected the beams to hit Antene soldiers but the beams were redirected and followed him. Spitting out their tongues Antene soldiers wrapped them around Pyrose arms and legs after his flash barrier shattered reeling him in.

Releasing flames from his mouth as one of Guaron soldiers leaped up in attempt to decapitate him, Pyrose then released bolts of electricity into the tongues of Antene soldiers. Grabbing hold to Guaron soldier as more beams were sent his way Mike used him as a shield. Tossing the soldier to the ground Michael soared higher before rocketing towards the soldiers below. "Thunder Punch!"

Moving out of the way as Michael fist slammed into the ground both Telephiks and Guaron soldiers charged in as crystals crept up his arm. Smirking Michael thought "Erupt" as five geysers of fire burst out of the ground like lava.

Bing! "Where did that sword come from" one of Guaron soldiers thought as his sword collided with Pyrose's. Boomf! One of guarons soldiers punched Mike in the face. Smiling as three of telephiks soldiers pierced him with their spears, he could feel the other side of him creeping in. Slicing through the spears Michael grabbed hold to the soldier that he clashed swords with and headbutted him.

"Thunder Wave" Mike thought emitting waves of thunder out of his body and sending all the soldiers flying backwards. Using flash step, he sliced through one of Telephiks soldier crystal armor. Placing his palm on the soldier chest he released a flaming ball of energy. "Magma Burst."

Anticipating one of his soldiers slashing through Pyrose as Antene soldier snatched his foot from under him King Telephik face drooped. "What is this man?" King Guaron shouted as Michael caught the sword in between his main blade and one of the external blades. Twisting his sword Mike kneed Telephiks soldier as he stumbled forward.

In a castle somewhere on the Island of Junguaere

"As of now you are the most valuable Princess here, so eat and enjoy for you will be my wife soon."

Spitting at the thought Princess Monkra yelled, "That will not happen for my daddy will skin you alive just like your tail."

"Ha that's just what Princess Jeon thought as well until me and my sons wiped out Guaron's army." Grabbing Princess Monkra by the face Throketh (Tar-rak-keth) yelled. "Now eat or starve it's your choice." Spitting in his face Monkra yanked her body around swinging her tail in agitation. Back handing Monkra, Jenrik, Throketh son picked her up by her hair. "Good job son take, her to the dungeon."

"Yes father."

Walking off to his throne Throketh mumbled to himself. "We shall see soon who will skin who alive and I will make sure that you are there to witness it all."

Back on the Battlefield

Weaving through continuous beams of energy Pyrose slammed King Telephik last soldier. "Plasma Cannon" he yelled releasing an energy blast of plasma into the soldier's chest knocking him unconscious. Turning around there were only two soldiers left, one was King Antenes and the other King Guarons.

Spitting out its whip-like tongue Antene soldier couldn't land a blow as Pyrose bobbed and weaved through each strike. Grabbing hold to the soldier's tongue Mike let the hooks sink into his palm as he yanked him forward. Fist glowing red Michael yelled, "Comet Fist!" as he made contact. Letting go of the soldier tongue Mike watched him fly into the crowd.

Preparing to advance Guaron last soldier shook in fear as he and Michael stood face to face for, he didn't even get a chance to move. "Meteor Compound!" Mike shouted punching the soldier multiple times in the face, stomach, and ribs before hitting him with an uppercut. Delivering an overhand as his foe lifted in the air Pyrose knocked him back onto the ground.

Eye twitching as he growled King Guaron had a mixture of anger and confusion. Listening to the moaning and groanings of the soldiers he just stood their silent. "We have a winner" the announcer shouted. "Pyrose the Unknown." Remaining in dead silence for a few seconds while they digested the battle themselves, the crowd then burst out into hoots and cheers.

Throketh Castle

"After the two of you finish your consummation with your wives then the ritual will be done. We will hone the abilities of all nine kingdoms." King Throketh yelled excitedly.

"Noooo" Princess Lamrey screamed. "First you force me into marriage now, your trying to force yourself upon me I will not allow it."

Laughing maniacally Throketh walked up to Princess Lamrey. "Well we can always chain you up in the dungeon like Princess Monkra then have our way with you."

Thinking of all three of them ganging up on her and having their way Princess Lamrey glanced over at Princess Ekra who had long ago gave up hope.

In the Jungles of Junguare

Accompanied by all nine kings of Junguare Michael stared off at Throketh castle. The only thing separating them from the castle was a large body of sand. Having flashbacks of Arcadia Mike took a branch off a tree and tossed it onto the sand.

Bunnnm! A swarm of giant six-legged mosquito like insects with stingers at the end of each one rose out of the sand. "Those things are huge no wonder my army never returned." King Guaron commented gazing up at the creatures. "But regardless I will take down each and every last one of them."

Stopping Guaron in his tracks Pyrose said, "Let me handle this save your energy for when we enter the castle walls." Picking up on Michaels movement from a mile away the insects darted towards him. "5 Star Seal: Impenetrable Fortress." Placing his hand on the ground a five-star pentagram formed underneath the nine kings.

"Is it anything he can't do" King Lemeres remarked as a mini castle surrounded them. Walking out the only door everyone watched it disappear once Mike exited.

"Must we sit here and watch. This is our battle, we should be out there!" King Guaron roared.

Placing his hand on Guarons arm King Koarus said, "I have read about these insects. They are called Culiciants and they are no joke. Their eyes can pick up motion ranging up to 800 foreks, and those stingers on their legs move accordingly. It doesn't matter what side of them you are on they can reach you. On top of that one touch from those stingers will set your body aflame melting you from the inside. Once you are liquified they will drain you dry with that needle nose of theirs leaving no trace of your existence.

Settling down King Guaron said, "Maybe he should handle them."

"He should!" King Elenger commented. "Don't you remember he has the ability to regenerate. If we were to fight with him, he would have to protect us as well. Plus, I believe Pyrose was showing only a portion of his power."

"I noticed that as well." King Rigit remarked. "The battle we saw earlier was merely a ruse he didn't even put up a fight. He left himself open repeatedly without a care in the world."

Nodding his head King Wol said, "I saw that too."

Dashing towards the Culiciants Pyrose's sword materialized in his right hand. Waving his sword as if he held a flag, a fiery serpentine Dragon sprouted out his sword. "Hells Dragon" he shouted as the flaming dragon devoured at least thirty of the insects burning them into a crisp as he leaped into the air. Darting upwards with their needle noses pointing towards him the Culiciants followed. Moving his arm as if he were a ribbon dancer Michaels "Hell Dragon" Twirled around his body setting flame to any insect that dared touch its body.

Cocking his arm back as the Culiciants reformatted Pyrose sent the Dragon after them. Dodging the Dragon only one of the bugs was able to make it pass his defenses. Moving out of the way as the bug zoomed by Mike yelled as a stinger was lodged into his side. Screaming in pain and letting his guard down for a brief second Michael found himself surrounded. Receiving multiple stings he ignored the pain and created a small condensed ball of flaming energy a few inches away from his solar plexus. Exploding the ball released flares in every direction.

"Son ova…..agh!" Mike yelled as the stingers sunk into his body. Falling to the ground in agony he begun to spit up blood as his insides melted. Stabbing his sword in the ground Michael pushed himself up, "Eternal Dragons". Rising out of the ground seven serpentine dragons made of fire dispersed devouring half of the swarm in a fiery rage.

Falling on one knee, Pyrose pushed himself up once again fleeting towards the remaining insects. Diving towards their prey the Culiciants intended to sting him once again but instead ended up getting either their legs or wings chopped off as Michael zoomed by.

Sticking his sword into the ground Pyrose made a U-turn then launched himself in the air. Hovering above the bugs he created hundreds of flaming balls of energy and lightning. "Meteor Shower!" he yelled as the blasts rained down upon the Culiciants. "Damn it! These thangs refuse to die." Staring down at the survivors, lightning cackled and circulated around his body. Bolting off towards them he moved in zig zags taking out one bug after the other before their eyes could lock onto his movement.

"Remarkable" King Anak commented walking out of the door of the fortress.

Spreading out his giant blue wings King Flur fluttered over to Michael catching him before he hit the ground. "You fought with true grace." Staring up at the King, Mike let out a soft laugh before passing out.

Throkath Castle

"Are you done consummating your marriage?" Trohkath asked his son as he walked out his chambers.

"Yes father" Ogaran mumbled not proud of his deed.

"Why are you looking so sad brother?" Jenrik asked. "I feel as good as when I was in mothers' pouch."

"I don't think it's right what we have done." Ogaran replied not lifting his head up from the shame.

"To think after the second Princess, you would've got over it." Jenrik said bouncing around happily.

"This is what the Suluscas race do son we survive." Said Throkath, walking up to Ogaran and placing his hands on his shoulders he looked his son in the eye. "Our deeds don't, even reach the scale of what those Kingdoms have done to our people."

"Yes, father but…"

"There is no buts we will do unto them as they done unto us." Trohkath shouted.

"Yes, father"

Reaching the castle walls everything was quiet and still. Charging up his energy blast of fire and lightning, Pyrose used his Dragon eyes so he could use thermal vision. Seeing that nobody was nearby he released the blast. "Sol Destruction."

"Couldn't you have showed some discretion."

"Discretion? Fo' what? I'm trying to rescue yo daughter. Ion know what you trying to do." Looking at King Slot suspiciously Michael said. "Soun' like you workin' wit the opps."

"Of course not." King Slot replied. "Why would I put my own daughter in danger?"

"Ion no you tell me?" Pyrose said, looking back at Slot one last time before walking through the hole.

"Well that will definitely alert them" King slot remarked once Pyrose's "Sol Destruction" finally exploded obliterating everything in a thirty-foot diameter.

Walking through three buildings they followed the trail of destruction left by Michaels blast. Staring at the crater that was left whatever previously stood there was obliterated. "What's wrong Guaron" King Wol joked poking him. "Just now noticing how strong Pyrose is or are you thinking about how he could've destroyed your army in an instant.

Feeling the shockwaves from Michaels attack Jenrik shouted, "What was that."

"Sound like the beginning of a war. Boys are you ready." Trohkath said eagerly.

"Yes sir" Jenrik shouted happily ready to test his newfound abilities.

"Yes father" Ogaran said softly.

"Get in the fighting spirit boy, we need your heart in this. This is for our people."

"Your people! You've been training us to defend people we never met." The voice in Ogaran head yelled out yet he remained silent.

Picking up on vibrations in the air King Anak yelled "move" right before Jenrik arm whipped pass them.

"Awww man and I was hoping to kill all ya'll with one strike." Jenrik taunted revealing himself.

"Don't let him touch you" King Pofa said noticing the colorations on Jenrik body. "His body is full of toxins."

"I thought only your people honed that trait?" King Koarus remarked.

Pwwooong Ogaran released vocal waves at the intruders. Stumbling backwards everyone covered their ears except for King Anak who was immune to the sound vibrations. Releasing vibrations out of his palm Anak pushed everyone out of the way as crystals sprouted from the ground underneath them. Catching a glimpse of Trohkath from his peripheral King Telephik turned his way.

Standing on top of a building Trohkath leaped down then strolled casually towards them.

"How are you able to use my people source?" Telephik yelled. "You are not from our Kingdom."

"Through marriage of course." Trohkath said leisurely. "Well the power would've never been transferred without consummation. But not only your abilities all y'all abilities three for me, three for my son Jenrik, and three for my son Ogaran."

"How is that possible?"

"Have you heard of the Sulacus Clan?" Trohkath questioned.

"I heard of them once as a young Morflue" King Flur commented. "All nine Kingdoms wiped out their village for their ability to gain the capabilities of other Kingdoms through marriage."

"Ding, Ding, Ding! You're correct." Trohkath said.

"So, you forced yourself upon our children over some grudge." King Guaron shouted ready to attack but King Flur stopped him.

"Don't let your anger get the best of you. According to my grandfather their clan were competent fighters. On top of that we don't know the full range of their abilities."

"If yall scared I can handle this." Michael said stepping in front of them releasing his aura.

"Sorry, Pyrose but this here is our fight" King Slot said slowly.

Stepping up next to King Slot, King Telephik said, "Don't worry we got this. Go and find our daughters."

"About time" King Guaron roared.

"So, what's the plan?" King Wol asked.

"We have to match up accordingly. If they have our abilities, we can use that to our advantage." King Flur said.

"Making plans are pointless your death is inevitable." Trohkath taunted. "Boys, now it's time for us to avenge our clan."

"Alright." Jenrik said camouflaging himself.

"Yes father." Ogaran said growing fifteen times his normal size.

"Time to die" Trohkath yelled pulling his two swords out of their scabbards he charged in.

Clashing swords with Trohkath, King Guaron begun to growl as he picked up the scent of his daughter on him. "Where is my daughter?" he roared as their swords collided.

Knocking Guaron sword down as he swung Trohkath kicked him in the stomach. "She's in my chambers waiting on me." Trohkath mocked as he leaped in the air avoiding King Telephik beam.

Launching his spear at Trohkath, Telephik released multiple beams from his hand. Placing both his swords together as if they were scissors Trohkath tried to slice the spear in half but it maeuvered on its own. "What's this?" he mumbled out of surprise. Leaping in the air while his adversary was distracted Guaron swung his mighty sword in attempt of beheading Throkath but he felt the vibrations in the air and defended himself.

Releasing massive vocal waves at seven of the Kings Ogaran made them disband. "Thank you, brother." Jenrik thought as his arm stretched whipping King Slot on the back. "Ha you thought that would work on me." slot shouted turning to face where the attack came from.

Locating Jenrik position through the vibrations in the air King Anak advanced on his adversary throwing daggers at him. "Wait what's that." King Anak thought as he felt multiple projectiles coming towards him. "His weapons are camouflaged to" he mumbled as he heard the thud of them hitting the ground. Thinking of how King Pofa had the ability to make any weapon he chose poisonous Anak knew he had to be careful.

Releasing soundwaves repeatedly towards King Flur as he fluttered about through the air shooting arrows at him, Ogaran couldn't manage to hit him. Positioning himself behind Ogaran while King Flur distracted him King Antene shot his tongue out wrapping it around a pole. Growing ten times larger King Flur kicked their opponent in the face causing him to stumble backwards and trip over King Antene's tongue. Groaning from the pain of his fall Ogaran placed his palm on the ground causing multiple thistle vines to spring out of the ground towards his enemies.

Pivoting pass King Koarus as he attacked Trohkath slapped him in the back with the back of his blade. "Camouflaging yourself won't work against me, when I can feel your every move."

Thorokath Dungeon

"We have to find a way out of here." Princess Monkra shouted as she released an energy beam at the shackles that held her, and the other princesses in bondage. "My father is here I can feel him."

"I know I can hear the sound of my Dads howl as well." Princess Schrell remarked tugging at her chains. "But what can we do while we are stuck down here."

"Mayne how come they get to have all the fun." Mike mumbled as he watched the battle from the roof of Throkath's castle. Raising up his arm in order to blow away the building that kept him from fully seeing the fight Michael debated or rather or not he should do it. Sighing he came to the decision not to and begun to search for the Princesses "If I hurry up, I can still join the fight." he thought. Gaining fuel from this thought Mike smiled. Raising his fist, a red glow emitted from his hand. "Comet Fist" he shouted punching through the roof.

"You hear that?" Princess Feela asked, hearing Michael punch through one wall to the next.

"Cover your ears girls" Princess Schreol commanded. Taking a deep breath, she released a mighty howl, but the soundwaves only bounced off the walls echoing through the room.

"It's okay we're going to make it out." Princess Lamrey commented seeing the little light of hope that grew in Princess Ekra eyes fade away once again.

The battle continues

Leaping above King Anak as he fought with the invisible Jenrik, King Slot took a deep breath. Releasing spores into the air around them they fell upon Jenrik making him visible. Whipping his arm out Jenrik grabbed hold to King Anaks arms reeling him in. Headbutting Anak he launched multiple darts up at King Slot. Creating a shield of vines that sprouted from his claws King Slot was hit by one of the poisonous darts before he was fully concealed.


"It's alright the spores in my body will take care of the poison just defeat that little bastard."

"I have an idea." King Wol said running to King Guaron and King Telephiks assistance.

"O really what is it?" King Telephik asked. Distancing himself from Trohkath he launched his spear at him. Focused on the fight King Guaron didn't even realize King Wol had made his way over to their battle.

Dancing past the beams that shot from Telephiks spear, Trohkath couldn't focus on both the beams and Guaron. Slashing Trohkath in the back a look of victory spread across Guaron's face. "Ha!" Trohkath chuckled as Crystal spikes burst out of the ground trapping Guaron.

Releasing a mighty howl before Throkath could strike King Wol watched as King Telephik stabbed his spear in their adversary side. "It worked" King Wol thought trying to free Guaron.

Becoming infuriated Throkath let out two beams of energy with a slash of his sword towards King wol. "Don't get happy yet." He growled grabbing the spear out of his side. Stumbling forward as the spear was yanked out of his hand King Telephik received an elbow to the face before being slammed on his back. Cocking his arm back chrystal spikes grew out of Throkath fist as he went for the final blow. Releasing a deafening howl of waves at their adversary King Wol was able to immobilize Throkath long enough for King Guaron to bump Telephik out of the way. Helping King Telephik up they gained a safe distance.

"What can we do?" King Antene thought weaving in and out of thistled vines as they sprouted from the ground.

Leaping into the air King Pofa released multiple poisonous darts at Ogaran but he deflected them with his howl. Regrouping with Antene and Pofa, Flur had an idea. "Antene I'm going to need you to distract him. Pofa follow my lead. I want you to hide between my wings first chance you get. I want you to hit him with as many darts as possible." Nodding their heads everyone separated as Ogaran released another mighty howl.

Charging in King Flur grew twenty times his normal size matching Ogarans. Spitting his tongue out King Antene latched on to their enemy belt reeling himself in. Swinging at Ogaran, King Flur hurriedly lifted into the air with a flap of his mighty wings as vines burst out of the ground barely scathing him. Leaping onto King Flur's arrow as he pulled it out of his bag King Pofa hid himself within the feathers.

Shooting his tongue into their foe's eye after he dodged an arrow shot at him, King Antene leaped for his life once Ogaran hand came swatting down upon him as if he was some pesky mosquito.

Throkath Dungeons

"I don't hear anyone moving around anymore." Princess Feela said wiggling her ears from one side to the next.

"What are we going to do we tried everything, but we can't penetrate these walls." Princess Eauttho said.

"Well, we haven't tried everything." Princess Lamrey mentioned looking towards Princess Ekra.

Following her eyes everyone stared at Princes Ekra. "Your right" Princess Okapi remarked. "Ekra this could be our only chance can't you try something."

Not saying a word Princess Ekra kept her head bowed down. "Ekra snap out of it we need you." Princess Nektari said. "We all been raped; we all been humiliated but if you don't do anything this will continue or even worse, we will be left here to die." Holding back tears she turned away.

"What can I do?" Princess Ekra whispered. "I don't have any of the amazing abilities that you all have. All I know how to do is grow flowers and release spores into the air."

"Then do that?" Princess Monkra commanded. "Don't die before trying."

"Aaagh!" Michael yelled tossing his arms up in annoyance. "I've searched this entire castle and nothing." Sighing he punched a hole in the wall. "They prolly not even here." Ready to jump out the hole a sweet smell hit his nose. "What's that?" he wondered. "I didn't smell this earlier."

Following the scent, Mike came to a giant picture of what seemed to be the Sulascus Clan that Throkath spoke of. Setting the picture aflame he watched it burn until there was nothing but stone wall staring at him. "Should I look fo' da switch or should I blow a hole through the wall?" Michael said speaking to himself. "Oh, what shall I do." Raising his arm and charging up a blast he shouted blow it up until the thought of the Princesses entered his mind. "Oh right" he said smacking himself upside the head. Lifting his arm Michael pointed a finger at the wall. "Photon Beam." Cutting a hole into the wall using an energy beam of fire and lighting he stepped through.

"Look like you're the only one left." King Guaron taunted as they surrounded Throkath. "What are you going to do."

"This fight isn't over yet." Trohkath shouted. Making Crystal pikes shoot out of the ground he went on the attack.

Laughing as the crystals dismantled King Telephik said. "Look like someone has reached their limit. See the thing about using our abilities, is you must constantly replenish your power supply." Showing Trohkath his crystal Telephik spear begun to float. "Without one of these, you can't collect from the infinite source. Only your inner source."

Feeling drained Trohkath smiled as Ogaran stood up. "I told you this isn't over. Ogaran squash them."

"Sorry father but I'm done following your orders. This is enough I'm turning myself in and I advise you to do the same."

"You insolent!" clenching his teeth Trohkath released a beam towards his son. "Die!"

Stepping in front of the beam, Pyrose blocked it with his flash barrier. "Just in time" Mike commented. Using flash step, he positioned himself in between Trohkath and the Kings. "Comet Punch!"

Roaring Guaron yelled, "I was going to deliver the final blow."

"Mayne dawg you was taking too long." Mike replied. "But da good news is I found your daughters."