

"Why would you tell that thief you're putting him in Provenience." Tim shouted frustrated.

"Look Tim we had to get the Ring of Magneur back and honestly the kid has potential." Paul replied.

"Yea potential to become a better thief."

"Tim you need to let it go. This could've been his fate."

"Let it go, I'll let it go when I get my revenge. Plus, we have more than enough operatives we can ambush him."

"Tim, I will not allow my pack to buy into your foolishness."

Sighing Tim said, "It's alright I'll handle it myself"

"Yea like you did yesterday" Paul said sarcastically.

"That's different I was caught off guard."

"No excuses Tim the kid handled you." Paul said looking over at his comrade while he drove.

Walking down the street

Tossing his keys back and forth in the air while he walked Michael made his way to Justice Park. Catching his keys in his hand he peered over at two children throwing rocks at a puppy. "Eyyy!" Mike shouted running towards them and grabbing the rocks out the air. "Leave this pup alone."

"Fuck you!" the youngest shouted throwing rocks at him.

Catching the rocks Mike threw them at the kids. "How you like that."

Throwing a tantrum and crying they ran off. "I'm going to tell my daddy and he gone shoot you" the oldest one yelled stopping for only a brief second.

"Get him" Michael shouted picking up the puppy. Rubbing the pup, he used magic to speed up the healing process. "I'm gonna take you home with me but first I hava mission to complete." Wagging its tail and barking the puppy nuzzled into Mikes arm falling asleep as all its ailments begun to heal.

"We have the target insight. We are still unclear of his destination, but we are prepared to attack at any giving chance."

"Good take him out and retrieve the necklace." Tim ordered. "I don't want him to meet with Paul later."

"No worries sir he doesn't even know we're here."

Smiling Mike could feel the intent emanating off whomever was following him. Rubbing the sleeping pup Mike said, "Hakuna matata girl. You're safe."

Crossing the street over to the park Michael walked all the way to the back where it was wooded. "Ya'll can come out now" he said. Remaining, hidden the men didn't move or make a sound. "Say bo I ain't gonna ask again."

"So, you knew we were following you" one of the men said as everyone revealed themselves.

"One, two…." Mike counted the amount of men surrounding him. Stopping at twenty-one he put the puppy down. Waking up the puppy stashed herself in between his legs. "It's aite girl." Mike said, rubbing her trying to soothe her. Glancing up at the person standing a few feet in front of him Michael asked, "What do ya'll want."

"The necklace!" one of the men blurted out.

Smacking him in the back of the head another operative said, "You weren't supposed to tell him."

Taking a deep breath aura burst out of Michael body. "So, they broke their word," he said pissed off.

"What's going on" they muttered amongst each other. Unable to move the operatives found themselves shaking in fear.

"It's my intimidation anyone who isn't strong enough to break it, is left paralyzed." Smirking Mike said. "In my eyes there is only two type of people, predators and prey. Guess which one yall are." Taking the necklace out of his pocket Michael put it around his neck. "Now that, that has been established. Why don't you come and take it from me?" he taunted releasing his intimidation.

Able to move again one of the operatives said, "It's twenty-one of us aint no way you can take us all on." Backing up their comrade everyone screamed in agreement.

Letting out a soft laugh Michael said, "Prove it."

"Are you sure, you don't want to give up?" Ramirez asked pulling his two swords out their sheaths.

Shrugging his shoulders Mike didn't say a word. "It's your funereal" Joseph commented as his hands begun to glow like lasers.

"I think we should wait just in case someone shows up." One of the operatives said trying to hold his composure part of him was still shaking up.

"Don't tell me that your scared." Ramirez mocked.

"I say we attack now" Joseph shouted releasing two laser blasts out of his hand.

"5 Star Seal: Hidden Illusion." Thought Mike. Using his magic, a bunch of mirrors emerged.

Tossing his sword through one of the mirrors Ramirez yelled "It's an illusion, charge."

Picking up his puppy Michael used flash step. Standing behind the squadron he placed his palm on the ground. "5 Star Seal: Sand Trap." Creating a five-star pentagram he used his magic to turn the ground around them into quicksand.

"We're stuck" most of the soldiers yelled struggling to move as the ground hardened around their feet.

Laughing three of the operatives phased through the ground. "Captain let me handle him."

"Remember what Tim said. Do not fight him alone."

"Oh, so Tim's the one calling the shots." Michael said using flash step.

Somewhere in Miami, Florida

Staring down at their culprit Tim and Paul leaped from building to building as they followed him. "I say we move in." Tim said as the car came to a halt at a red light.

"Hey, Boss we're being followed." A man said teleporting into the backseat of the sports car they were tailing.

"Really now, how many."

"Two, Mr. Bragen."

Burning off soon as the light turned green Mr. Bragen begun to weave in between the traffic. "Damn it they must've realized we were following them."

Chasing after the car Paul eyes begun to glow a light blue and he howled unable to resist the thrill of the hunt. Glancing at Paul, Tim shook his head. "You always get over excited during a chase."

Power sliding in between two cars their culprit hopped on the freeway. "Damn it what do we do now?" Tim yelled.

"Follow them of course" Paul said pointing at two men on motorcycles at a nearby store. "If we don't capture them today then we won't be able to meet up with that boy and I gave him my word. Plus, I need the extra money. Me and my wife are going on vacation next week."

Looking through his rear-view mirror Mr. Bragen said, "I think we lost them."

"Spoke to soon boss" one of the henchmen said, "There still chasing us this time on motorcycles."

"We'll then take care of them." Mr. Bragen demanded.

"Yes, boss" the man said closing his eyes and creating a fighter jet above their car.

"Awww shit" Tim said as the fighter jet appeared in front of them.

"Why don't you show them a little hospitality." Mr. Bragen said with a grin.

"Tim you get the Jet, l'll handle the civilians." Paul said as the machine guns whirled ready to fire.

"Of course!" Tim shouted as his aura burst out of his body.

"It's a good thing there isn't that much traffic" Paul thought as he hit his breaks sliding the motorcycle around towards the moving traffic. Releasing his aura, he took a deep breath, "Howling Wind" he thought. Releasing a gust of wind out of his mouth he flipped one of the cars over. Transitioning into his werewolf form he begun to read the future using "time winder". Rescuing everyone according to the moment they crashed.

Ripping multiple portals into space as bullets whizzed past his head Tim leaped into one landing on top of the fighter jet.

Swerving and losing control as bullets pelted the car piercing it and barely missing him Mr. Bragen yelled. "Watch where your shooting."

"It wasn't me"

"Then who was it"

Back at Justice Park

Flipping backwards into a tree Michael laughed and begun to taunt his adversaries as he danced. "Den nah nah nah nah nah nah nah can't touch this." Leaping out of the tree as Ramirez sword stretched out and sliced the branch from underneath him, Mike created a flash barrier to block Josephs lasers.

Flying out of the tree Drew cocked his arm back ready to punch his foe. Placing his arm up to block the punch Michael didn't expect him to flip forward kicking him in the head instead. Tucking the puppy in to his chest as he landed Michael somersaulted as Ramirez whip-like sword slashed the air above him. Rolling over onto his feet Mike put the puppy on the ground.

"Your weapon won't save you" Joseph remarked as Michaels polearm emerged in his hand.

"Okay" was all Mike said as he released everyone from the sand trap.

"His magic worn off" one of them yelled.

"Take him out and retrieve the necklace" Ramirez commanded.

Grabbing hold to Michaels legs, Drew head popped out of the ground. "Attack!" he shouted.

Knocking everyone back that charged in Michael gazed up as a massive ball of energy fell upon him exploding on contact.

Regrouping the five men whom cooperated to create the blast gave each other praise. Walking towards Mike, Ramirez didn't wait for the debris and dust to settle before boasting. "Thought you were tough, now…"

"Plasma Cannon" Mike yelled releasing a plasma ball of energy into Ramirez's stomach before he could finish his sentence.

"How did he?"

"It was the chains." One of the operatives yelled. "I saw them but only for a split second as he split his weapon in half. They unfurled from inside his polearm knocking everyone backwards. I take it he used them to guard himself from the blasts as well."

Targeting everyone through the electrical pulses their body emitted Michael thrust his Polearm into the ground. Releasing electricity from his weapon he electrocuted the operatives leaving them barely gripping hold to consciousness. Walking pass them Mike said, "I'mma be late for my appointment."

Warehouse in Miami, Florida

"We're going to be late." Paul shouted to Tim as they fought back to back against a multitude of robots.

"It doesn't matter" Tim said slashing through a robot. "I have a feeling he might not make it anyway."

Taking a quick glimpse towards his comrade Paul asked, "What did you do?"

"Nothing" Tim replied innocently.

Giving his comrade a certain look, he caught a glimpse of Mr. Bragen making an escape. "He's getting away" Paul growled.

"Chase after him I got this" Tim yelled transitioning into his weretiger form his entire body lit up with flames.

Nodding his head Paul transitioned into his werewolf form. Taking a deep breath, he used his "howling wind" to create an opening for him.

Forested area by the Bayou in Centineal Plaza

"Ahhhh what's taking so long" Michael yelled throwing his arms up in the air. "Don't special ops spose to be on time. It been a whole nine minutes and they still aint showed up." Pacing back and forth Mike decided to take a seat on a tree that was knocked down from him and Tim fight the day before. Laying back on the tree the puppy came up to him nibbling on his fingers. Picking her up he placed her on his stomach. "Know what imma call you Sandy" he said staring at her golden fur. Crawling up to Michael face she licked all over him as if she were saying I like that name. Rubbing Sandy's head Mike said, "Love ya to girl". Kicking back as Sandy nuzzled into his stomach to take a nap Michael decided to meditate to clear his mind.

Snapping awake from his oneiric state Mike could hear people approaching. Turning his head toward them he waited for them to enter the clearing.

"Sorry for the tardiness" Paul said as soon as he laid eyes on Michael.

"Damn you here" Tim groaned.

Lifting Mike, placed the napping Sandy on the tree. Feeling sleepy but at peace he stared at Tim for a few seconds. "Say mayne paint messes me up mo' den your squad did." Stretching until he got that high feeling in his head Michael yawned and shook his head. Using flash step, he punched Tim in the gut. "Speaking of I owed you one."

Staring as his comrade fell to the ground gasping for air Paul shook his head. "Excuse my associates actions."

"It's all good fam." Michael replied.

Bowing out of respect Paul ushered for the man next to him to come closer. "This is Jack I was going to use him as mediator for our exchange." He said as Jack pulled out the two thousand dollars Michael asked for.

"Bool and here you go as Promised." Michael said taking the necklace from around his neck.

"Thank you" Paul said bowing once again.

"Naw thank you fam." Mike replied counting the money.

Finally catching his breath Tim leaped up to snatch the money but Paul yanked him by his shirt. Placing the money into his pocket Michael hit Tim with a hook before grabbing the puppy and fleeting away.

"You just going to let him attack me like that?" Tim asked rubbing his chin.

Mugging his comrade with intensity Paul said, "You deserve more. Disgracing Red Jackets with your actions."