

Pulling up to the store Brandon saw John conversating with one of the neighborhood crackheads. Getting out the car he looked at the time. "Your early" he said.

"What's the deal" the crackhead said throwing up his hands.

"None much what's the word choc" Brandon replied.

"Mayne I'm trying to get a five piece you gone let ya boy hol' one."

"Not today and don't you owe me Choc" Brandon said walking towards the store entrance.

"B mayne you know I'm good for it. What you need me to do wash the car, mow the lawn. I got ya after I make my runs today." Choc replied opening the door for them.

"Naw I'm good not today Choc." Said Brandon walking inside the store with John following behind him.

"What boutta wheelchair. Never know when you gonna need one in your line of work." Choc yelled inside the store from outside.

Shaking his head and laughing Brandon told choc maybe next time. Grabbing two sports drinks out of the cooler Brandon glanced over at John. "You want anything lil homie."

"Naw, I'm good." John replied shaking his head.

"Say Chin let me catch a pack of those ballers cigarillos" Brandon told the clerk upon reaching the counter and putting the drinks down. "Are you sho you don't want none" Brandon asked John as he pulled out a stack of money.

"I'm good." John replied.

"Aite," Brandon said shrugging his shoulders. "don't say I neva asked ya." Grabbing the box of cigarillos, he put one on his ear then the rest in the bag along with the drinks. "Say you know you shouldn't be standing out there like that. The laws gone think you selling dope or some."

"You the one to talk muthafucka" remarked Chin.

"Say fuck you Chin mayne. You crooked eye muhfucka." Brandon replied flicking him off.

"Take yo shit an go you, watermelon built bastard."

"Ey say Chin that hurts" Brandon said jokingly. "I've been losing weight."

"Look like you been gaining it muhfucka."

"Aite Chin "Brandon said as he opened the door. Laughing as John walked out Brandon turned around. "Tell that sexy wife of yours to suck me long time."

"Fuck you needle dick." Chin said sticking the middle finger up at Brandon.

Mr. Smalls House

Stretching Mr. Smalls was hyped, "I haven't had a challenge since Brandon was young" he mumbled to himself. Leaping up into a handstand he commenced to doing pushups. "It's a good thing this old man keeps in shape."

Walking on his hands toward the shed he done pushups in between each step. Grabbing the feed for the chickens he threw them on top of his feet. Heading to the well he continued his pushups. Reaching the well Mr. Smalls grabbed a bucket of water with his bull tail and placed it on top of the feed making sure he didn't waste it. "This should be fun" he said with glee thinking about when he used to train with his son.

In the car

Nearing his dads, house Brandon faced John. "Imma let you know now, my dad can be an asshole. And he was a Scarlet Letter, so he is big on respect. I'm not worried 'bout ya, but just in case remember Yes sir, no sir, etcetra."

"No problem, I always respect my elders." John replied.

"Ohh and whateva you, do don't make him feel old. He will prove you wrong errytime."

"Got ya." John replied. Looking out the window John wondered why anybody would want to live out here in the country or wherever they were. Randomly turning onto an isolated road covered by trees John took a glance over at Brandon. Driving for about a mile in you could see a house. "Woah, he owns all this." John said looking in shock at the size of Mr. Smalls house.

"Yea this is his main farm." Brandon replied.

"Farm? I don't see no farm."

"That's because it's in the back."

"In the back how much land he got?" John said gawking at how far the fence stretched around the house.

"You don't wanna know and this just one out of three. Well four he just bought a new one."

"Dang yo pops must be stupid paid."

"Yea that in supah cheap." Parking the car and getting out Brandon said. "Whateva you do don't ask any questions about the farm. He gone start rambling bout how he didn't have a dime and so forth and so forth."

Nodding his head John looked around for a sign of the farm he was told about. Sniffing the air, he could believe there was one somewhere nearby, but he couldn't see it.

Knocking on the door, Brandon waited a few minutes before knocking again. "He must be round back" he said after a third time knocking with no response.

Walking into the backyard there was still no sign of a farm just a couple dogs and more trees. Exiting out of the back gate they walked close to a mile before reaching a clearing that stretched for a mile from left to right and a mile forward. Crops of all kind along with animals including wild ones roamed in the lush land.

Gawking with his mouth ajar John said, "Mayne this look mo' like one of those wildlife reserves you see on t.v."

"Yea I use to love coming hea' when I was youngah" Brandon mentioned.

"Use to I still would." Staring up at Brandon, John said "Say you think he would adopt me."

Holding back a laugh Brandon replied "You want that now. But trust me you aint bout that life."

"Ion know" John joked.

Shaking his head laughing Brandon said, "Aite." Taking a deep breath, he released a Bull call. "Tell me how you feel 'bout him latah."

"Uhmmmm" Mr. Smalls responded to the call.

Waiting for a few minutes they could see Mr. Smalls coming towards them still walking on his hands.

"Good yall came early I can use a helping hand." Flipping over he walked over to John inspecting him.

Feeling uncomfortable John reached his hand out "How are you doing sir, I'm John."

"He's just a smaller version of you tubby. Short with a round stomach" taking John's hand and shaking it he said. "Don't end up like porky over there. By the way I'm Mr. Smalls."

"Mayne Pops do you always gotstah."

"Gotstah, Gotstha aint a word son."

Sighing Brandon corrected himself "have to."

"Yes, I have to Pigswhale. Ova there looking like a land mass and all."

"Now I see why he don't like coming here" John thought.

"Ey tubby you remember how to round up the animals?" Mr. Smalls asked.


"What was that" Mr. Smalls said lifting his head up.

"Yes sir" Brandon said lazily.

"Say mini tubby watch us then join in." Mr. Smalls said.

Separating both Smalls spanned over a hundred yards apart. Huwannn both mooed alerting the animals it was herding time. Transitioning into stage one of their bull transformation they ran circles around the animals causing them to run in all directions. As they ran, they enclosed on the animals packing them together.

Observing their movements John decided to join in. Huwann Mr. Smalls mooed. Stomping on the ground a piece of earth projected up like a spring propelling one of the cows into the air. Exiting the circle Brandon charged in towards the middle catching the cow on his shoulders in mid-air. Landing he took the cow to the barnyard.

Waiting on Brandon to return Mr. Smalls mooed again, "It's your turn now son" he told John before stomping again. Breaking out of the circle John leaped in the air catching the cow then took it to the barnyard.

Mooing as John returned Brandon stomped on the ground rocketing a horse in the air. Charging into the huddle of animals Mr. Smalls flipped through the air catching it.

Hour Later

"You're tired already" Mr. Smalls taunted Brandon as he bent over breathing hard. "We still have a four, hour run to South Carolina." Gazing over at John who looked unbothered he asked, "Have you done this before."

"No sir" John replied.

"Hmmm good to know. I see you have some hope in you yet. At least you won't end up like sumo over there. Now lets go eat."

At the Dining room table

Sitting at the table eating Mr. Smalls looked up at John while taking a bite out his sausage. "So, tell me kid. Why do you want to go to Provenience?"

"I want to understand more about my powers and learn about the supernatural world." John answered.

"First of all, no one can understand your powers but you and the Man above. Second knowledge means nothing without wisdom and understanding."

"Well, how do I get the wisdom and understanding?" John asked.

"You will figure it out when that times come." Taking another bite out of his food Mr. Smalls said. "Now there is only two ways to get into Provenience through tests given at schools or through recommendations. And in order to get my recommendation you have to show me you deserve it."

"Okay sir that's fine with me."

"I hope so because you have no choice." Mr. Smalls said pointing his fork at John. "or else you wouldn't be entering Provenience by my word." Excusing himself from the table he told them to meet him around back once they were done eating.

"O wow your pops know magic?" John asked as Mr. Smalls made a Matador cape materialize into his hand.

Gazing down at John surprised Brandon asked. "You can see that."

"Yea why?" John asked.

"You have to be trained to see aura." Brandon replied.

"Really what about Arcadians can they see it."

"Nope" Pointing towards the giant till machine Brandon said, "Watch this." As Mr. Smalls threw his cape into the air.

Watching as the cape expanded and the red half fell over the tiller. John was surprised when Mr. Smalls pulled the cape away and the tiller was no longer there. "He used his aura to do that."

"Yea that's the talent his aura gifted him with even though he only has one."

"What ya mean"

"Meaning that once you learn how to use your aura you can find different methods of using it. My dad only uses the cape but, he can use it for more than just making things disappear. It's a mind state thing." Brandon explained.

"I need to figure out my specialty" John replied.

"Oh, you will lil homie just give it time."

"Enjoyed the magic show" Mr. Smalls asked walking up to John.

"He can see aura pops"

"Oh, really" Looking down at John Mr. Smalls said, "You're quite interesting kid, so tell me are you an Arcadian."

Knowing it was better to keep his identity a secret John said, "I'm not sure what I am sir."

"Well if you are just hope you can learn to obtain all three forms like me and that giant watermelon over there."

"Three?" John blurted out knowing that there were four transformations.

"Yes, three do you need me to explain them to you?" Mr. Smalls asked.

"No sir, I'm pretty sure I'll learn once I'm in Provenience."

"Once you're in Provenience, someone is confident." Mr. Smalls said transitioning into his were-bull state.

"Wanna lift?" Brandon asked transitioning into his were-bull state as well.

Shaking his head John said, "Naw, I got it."

South Carolina

"Aaagh Mr. Smalls you made it. How are you doing today."

"Quite well, and yourself Mr. Pendel" Mr. Smalls replied.

"Wonderful" Mr. Pendel said reaching into his pocket and pulling out the deed to the house. "Enjoy your new house sir. It was a pleasure doing business with you."

"Likewise," Mr. Smalls, said accepting the deed.

Smiling Mr. Pendel acknowledged both John and Brandon before walking. Staring up at the house and the grass that stood over them Brandon said, "Pops this place a dump. Like fo' real fo' real. We can turn this to haunted house or some."

"I'm not worried bout the house. I bought the land; the house was included. I'll fix the house up later." Mr. Smalls said waving his hand making his cape actualize. Throwing it in the air the tiller reappeared. Pulling the cape off he popped Brandon on the belly. "You know what to do with this Foghorn."

Turning towards John a smile spread across Mr. Smalls face. "Is everything okay?" John asked, feeling like something bad was about to happen.

"You see this cape all you have to do is take it from me."

"Oh, okay sir." John said, Following Mr. Smalls to the backyard.

"Stay right here." Mr. Smalls said entering the gate. "Count to ten then come after me."

"Yes, sir no problem." John said as Mr. Smalls disappeared into the thicket of grass. "One, two, three…"

"This should be fun." Mr. Smalls thought as he sat down Indian style. Feeling the vibrations of the earth he whispered. "Let's see what you got."

Reaching ten John first goal was to get rid of all the grass. Flying over it he positioned himself in the middle of the field before lowering himself back into the grass. "Crop Circle" he said releasing millions of waves of wind chopping down the grass until it looked as if a professional cut it. Catching a glimpse of Mr. Smalls while the grass was slowly falling to the earth, he made his move.

Feeling John footsteps Mr. Smalls transitioned into his were-bull state. Releasing smoke out of his nose he escaped Johns grasp. Redirecting himself to where Mr. Smalls was positioned John grabbed his leg turning with the flow of his captive body.

Smacking Johns hand down as he reached for the cape Mr. Smalls flipped backwards kicking him in the face.

Huwaaaan! Mr. Smalls mooed excitedly. "You have some spunk in ya."

Turning his back towards the backyard Brandon noticed the grass was cut. "Who is this kid" he thought. "I mean to get pops riled up that fast he must be strong."

Grabbing hold to John's arms Mr. Small folded them into his chest then headbutted him. Caught off guard by the headbutt John was pushed back a couple feet before Mr. Smalls maneuvered around him and slammed him in the ground. Watching as John rolled over after the takedown Mr. Smalls said, "Well at least you're going to give me a challenge. But I have to ask. Is that all you got kid?"

"To be honest sir I missed my workout and stretches this morning. I'm just warming up." John replied stretching his body.

Laughing deep into his gut fire burned in Mr.Smalls eyes. "Don't be joisting me now son."

"No joist here sir." John said leaping in place and doing a couple squats.

"Bring it then kid."

Finishing his warm-ups John used the wind to blow the grass into the air and in Mr. Smalls face. "That trick won't work on me kid." Mr. Smalls said dodging John. "What's this." Shifting his foot, Mr. Smalls propelled the ground from underneath one of Johns clones while flipping a second over his shoulder. Holding his ground Mr. Smalls found himself surrounded by three clones before the grass fell. Huwaaan! He mooed. "Keep this up I'm starting to have fun."

Hearing his dad moo for the second time Brandon had to see what was going on. Leaping on the roof he peered down to watch the battle. "Wait Pops is already in his second transformation." Shaking his head as he watched the three clones plus John make their constant advances Brandon thought. "Doesn't matter how many clones you have if pops can feel your every movement."

"Crescent wind," John thought sending two crescent blades of wind at Mr. Smalls while two clones charged in from the side and the third from behind.

Creating a teepee of earth to protect him Mr. Smalls grabbed one of the clones by the arms launching him at John. Catching his clone John decided to stand by and watch as his clones made continuous attempts to grab the cape. "What's this" John thought noticing Mr. Smalls making a false step as a rock hit the ground next to him. "Kick another rock" John told one of his clones through telepathy. "Just make sure that he doesn't notice."

Grabbing John arm with his tail three boulders burst out of the ground smashing into the three clones. Letting his opponent go Mr. Smalls distanced himself. "So, you caught wind of my trick I see." Mr. Smalls remarked as he noticed John hovering a few inches above the grass. "still doesn't guarantee your success."

"Uh oh" Brandon thought as aura burst out of his dad's body. "What's that?" Not believing his eyes Brandon watched as a vine of water snatched Mr. Smalls cape out of his back pocket.

Aura dying down Mr. Smalls laughed a hearty laugh. "You're definitely no porky. Good job son, I know grown folks that can't even grab my cape. You're definitely Scarlet Letter material."

"Thank you, sir" John said bowing. "But if grown folks can't do it what made you think I could."

"Honestly, I didn't son I just wanted to test your skills. I was going to recommend you to Provenience regardless if you passed or failed. but if you knew that you wouldn't have giving it your all."