

Rolling up a sweet Mike could hear his grandmother walking towards the room. Placing his unfinished blunt in his weed box he slid it under the bed. Laying in the bed Michael pretended that he was watching ToonsNet the whole time.

"You dressed" she asked slowly opening the door.

"Yes Ma'am" he replied.

"Breakfast is ready I'm about to leave."

"Okay gram gram" Sliding from under the covers his cell phone rang. "What go dine" Mike answered.

"Whats gooood, smoke some." Will sung out.

"Aite bet give me bout foty-five."

"Aite bitch, hurry up."

Hanging up the phone Michael walked to the backyard and hit the sweet a couple times before going back in. Hitting twenty-five hundred push-ups and sit-ups before he ate Mike then took a shower. Throwing on a red tee and black shorts he could hear Will knocking on the door. Stepping out barefooted Will passed him the blunt. "What go dine baby girl?" said Will.

"Shiiit you, Lil mama" Michael said closing the door and hitting the blunt. Grabbing the sweet off his ear he passed it to Will. "Spark that boy up."

"Talm bout hitting a lick." Will asked sparking the blunt up.

"Hellll naw" Michael replied.

"Mayne bo, its certified Im talm bout at least a thee, a piece."

Passing the blunt to Will, Mike thought about his offer for a second. Ck won't let me sell weed and Unk locked up and I'm broke. Sighing Michael hit the sweet a couple more times before putting it out. "Fuck it, let me go grab my shoes hoe."

"Say bitch you got some bread?" Will asked.

"Hell, naw why wassup" Mike replied.

"I was trynna get a bar."

Random House in Centinneal Plaza

"Say bro knock on the doe" Will said pulling his phone out calling Mike. "I'm bout to walk around the back."

Answering his phone Michael put it to his ear as he knocked. Searching every window and door. Will found an opening placing his phone on speaker he asked Mike if anybody answered.

"Hell Naw." Michael responded.

"I'm going in."

"Bet!" Michael replied.

Opening the door Will handed his partner in crime a backpack. Closing the door behind him and locking it Mike asked, "Which side you got."

"Imma go left"

"Bet I got the right." Going inside one of the rooms Michael found two game consoles and a bunch of games. Stuffing the backpack full he emptied out a second. Taking the jewelry off the dresser and searching the room for anything of value he loaded up the second bag. Grabbing whatever he could find Mike walked out the room. Heading to the next room he halted as he noticed a door with a combination lock on it.

"Hurry up mayne" he could hear Will telling him though the phone.

"Aite gimme a secco." Michael said Kicking the door, but it wouldn't bulge. Trying again it still didn't move. Becoming irritated, he knew that the door should've busted open with ease, but it wouldn't budge. Drawing on his Dragon power Mike kicked the door wide open breaking the lock. Walking inside the room it was loitered with all kinds of objects, but it seemed like something was calling him. Making sure Will wasn't around he fleeted through the room until he found a box. Whatever was inside it was calling him. Getting ready to open it. Will shouted "somebody pulling up" through the phone. Shoving the box into his pocket he grabbed the two backpacks. Meeting up with Will in the living room they ran out the back door.

Walking into his house Tim eyes became a light blue as he let out a roar. His whole house was ransacked. Walking through the house his mattresses were flipped over, drawers pulled out, and much more nothing was left in peace. Keeping his cool he reminded himself the Gala paid for everything. Becoming a Scarlet Letter or Red Jacket was the best thing he could ever do. Walking to the bathroom he blew his gasket. His private room was broken into! Searching for the box Michael took he couldn't find it.

Taking out his phone Tim called one of his former operatives. "What is it Tim?"


"Whats up" Paul said.

"Somebody broke into my house"

"Aren't you suppose, to call the police for that?" Tim asked.

"They took the necklace of Magneur and Ring of Tetris"

"Wait, what! On my way." Click Paul hung up.

Thoroughly searching the room that was the only thing missing. Hearing a knock on the door he went to answer it. "Where's your car."

"Left it at home thought that fleeting here would be better." Paul said walking in the house he whistled. "They did a number."

"Yea I noticed" Tim said agitated. "I'm going to need you to track down the culprit. I have to call the police or else the Gala won't refurnish the place."

Placing his hands in his pocket Paul took a deep breath taking in the scent. "It was definitely two boys. They are around the ages of thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen maybe." Taking in another deep breath he said. "They seemed perfectly normal to me."

Showing Paul, the lock Tim yelled, "Does this seem normal."

"Whoa" Paul said amazed. "That's a Trichrixlink lock. One of them definitely must be Red Jacket material." Drawing the wolf in him Paul used his thermal vision to follow the footprints. Putting on his sunglasses he turned towards Tim. "I'll find the assailants you take care of your business."

"Alright just make sure you call me when you do." said Tim.

"No worries, I got you." Paul said fleeting out the house.

Island Somewhere near Cuba

Leaping off the back of Streak Mike transferred himself to Elektra enjoying the experience of looking through their eyes. Feeling a sense of peace that came with his unification he disconnected once they found a training ground. Feeling the vibrations of his thought Elektra and Streak spiraled higher into the sky before diving down.

Landing on the ground Streak sat down erect like a Doberman drawing in his bat like wings. Folding in her legs and wings Elektra went from standing on all fours like a lizard to lying on her belly so Mike could get off her back with ease. "Ey, yall gone help me train?" asked Mike.

Nodding their heads, the two Dragons transformed into human forms of their likings. Streak took shape of a slim muscular man with an afro standing at six feet. Elektra took the form of a beautiful chocolate woman with a coke bottle shape and long brownish-red locks. Staring at Elektra for a second Mike had to remind himself that in some strange way that she was a Dragon and his child.

Stretching Michael pulled out his phone setting his alarm for four hours. Releasing his aura, he said, "When this alarm goes off, we will stop. Ready."

Nodding their heads Streak and Elektra took there fighting stances. "Lets go" Mike yelled.

Using flash step Elektra swiped down with her claws. Pivoting pass her slash Michael threw up his arms blocking her kick. Sliding backwards he threw two jabs as she advanced on him. Dipping in and out avoiding the punches, Elektra moved out the way allowing Streak to hit Mike with a hook.

Knees buckling from the blow Mike allowed himself to fall forwards in order to dodge Elektra twirling high kick. Somersaulting onto all fours, flames spiraled around Michael as he shot up like a bullet towards streak. "Fire wheel" he thought.

Sidestepping Mike like how a matador does a bull, Streak watched as Michael placed his hand on the ground using electricity to help him shift and make a u-turn.

Leaping into the air as Michael made his second go round Streak released a flaming energy blast in front of him. Running into the pothole created by streak blast Mike lost control.

"Heeya" Elektra grunted as she delivered a kick into the side of Michael face. Feeling the initial kick as his body lifted in the air a delayed wave of thunder sent him flying into a tree.

Shaking his head Michael glanced up at his two opponents. "Damn I don't get no love. Me like." He said, picking himself up off the ground. "Erupt" Mike thought as he created multiple geysers of fire in order to slow them down as they homed in on him.

Weaving pass his attacks Elektra and Streak twirled pass each other.

"Where did they…" Ducking as Elektra sliced through the tree from behind him Michael rolled as the tree tumbled forward. Staring up at Streak with only a split second to make a move Mike placed a flash barrier between him and his punch.

Breaking through the flash barrier Streak received a kick to the gut. Rolling backwards onto his feet Michael flames spiraled around him. "Fire wheel" Mike thought as he snapped up grabbing hold to Streak, he tackled him through multiple trees.

A quick call

"I found one of them" Paul told Tim through the phone. "But he's definitely human."

"Well what about the other" Tim growled.

"That's just it I followed both footprints to this drug house before they separated." Paul said watching as Will walked out his house with a whole new set of clothing on. "I followed the second trail but after so far it just disappears. I will definitely need my pack to help me with this one."

"No problem. Do what you have to do." Tim said staring angrily into space as he hung up. "Damn it!"

Back on the Island

Blocking Streaks kick to the face Michael shifted his aura to his stomach which he left open. "Wrong!" Elektra yelled as she made a second sweeping motion kicking Mike in the small of his back.

Turning around as he was propelled into the air Michael planted himself upside down on a tree. "Sol Suffice" he yelled releasing a giant energy blast of fire and lightning.