

"Get off me" Michael yelled shaking two security guards off him. Picking himself up off the floor, he was confused. "Wasn't I just…." Bam! Another security guard tackled him to the ground. Allowing himself to be handcuffed Mike couldn't make sense of how he went from ninja training in Heliopolis to back at the museum.

Being escorted out of the museum John, momentarily caught eye contact with his counterpart whom had the same confuse look as he did. Seeing two police cars pull up from his peripheral he averted his gaze towards them.

Slamming Michael into the police car an officer said, "I heard you was a problem" as he patted him down.

Taking his eyes off John as the officer begun to slam him into the car repeatedly, Mike became infuriated. "The only problem is yo breath. I thought you pigs ate doughnuts on the job not trash."

"What you say boy" the officer yelled trying to slam him on the ground.

"I'm not your boy" Michael remarked not budging.

Slamming mike into the car once again the officer tried to lift him up in order to slam him on the ground but he couldn't. Attempting this act, a couple more times the officer begun to yell "Stop resisting"

Pulling up five more officers surrounded Mike punching him and trying to pin him down on the car. Yanking at his arms one of the officers bent his arms until it was at breaking point. Tapping on the immediate officer shoulder an Asian officer who stood back watching the whole incident take place nudged his head towards the onlookers. Understanding the officer eased up on his victim. "You're lucky boy."

"I might be a boy but I'm mo of a man den you. Just ask yo momma and yo wife." Michael said provoking the officer. Feeling the animosity flowing from the officer, Mike grinned this wasn't his first-time enduring racism, in his neighborhood they would stop him all the time and harass him, but this was the worst account.

County Jail

Meeting up with Michael during processing John sat next to him. Giving each other a look, their thoughts were confirmed.

"I know it wasn't none in my weed" Mike joked starting off the convo.

Laughing John looked up at Michael. "At least you would've had a reason I was over there thinking like I know this nigga didn't hit me that hard."

"Yea I rocked you ass huh" Michael said.

"Maynee you hit like a bitch," John replied.

"Oooo that's fucked up." Mike said looking down pretending to be sad. "Now my feelings hurt."

"Dawg dismiss me wit' dat. I should be the one talking 'bout I'm hurt."

"Yea mayne I did put you in a F'd up position, buuhht you'll get ova it" Mike said nudging John. "So, peep game I been thinking."

Looking at Michael as if he was shocked John said, "What you been thinking, I thought all thugs were dumb."

Letting out a small chuckle Mike said. "Don't let what ya heard fool ya now. But naw fo' real tho I was thinking we could be like rival bonds on some anime type ish."

"Wait hol' up you watch anime?" John asked.

"Hell yea" Michael replied offended by the question. "Just because I'm smart, sexy, and gangsta don' mean I don't watch anime."

Staring blankly at Mike, John said, "Aite mayne don't get ahead of yo self."

"I'm just telling da truth." Mike responded.

"What that you ugly well we all can see that."

"oooh, don't make me fire yo penguin-built ass up." Michael retorted. "But on the cool we could be on some Broku and Nageto type stuff."

"Yea long as your Earthworm Tim looking ass know, I'm Broku and your Nageto."

"Hell, naw if you don…"

"Ey say" a light skin boy with braids came over to them. "Weren't ya'll at the museum?" he asked.

Turning his attention towards the boy Mike said. "Why, wassup."

Squinting his eyes as if he couldn't see, the boy said, "It is yall. Say mayne because of yall fight I was able to steal phones from left tah right."

Laughing and shaking his head Mike said, "Glad to help."

"So how you get caught up." John asked.

"Mayne bo someone spotted me on the way out. Befo' I could turn the corner the laws swooped up on me."

"Damn that's fucked up."

"Ey, say can yall lil niggas shut up I'm trying to sleep ova hea"

"Say bo say some else and I'll put you to sleep" Mike replied.

Sitting up the man said. "I aint no kid lil nigga I'll fuck ya up.

Standing up Mike said, "Mayne, what you talm bout."

Taking his hands out his shirt the man grabbed his shoe he was laying on.

"Chill" John said gesturing for Mike to calm down. "He aint worth it."

Sitting down Michael continued to mug the man. "Aite".

Hearing the cell doors unlock everybody got quite as an officer came in. "John Michael, Kenneth Reese, Michael John…." Getting up the three boys walked out of the cell lining up along the walls.

Three days Later around 4 a.m

"You gotta ride" John asked.

"Hell, naw I haven't talked to my grandma since tank one." Mike said putting his shoestrings back in his shoe. "Plus, you still gotta catch that one nigga."

"It's whateva" John replied looking around. "Wea we gone go."

"Shit ion know. But it aint gone be near hea'" Mike remarked.

Walking down to the train they got on it. Riding it down to Third Hosp they got off. Looking for a place to take a piss Michael walked off. "Whew! Now we aint gotta worry bout getting lost" Michael joked on the way back.

"Oh, so you a real dawg." John replied.

"Knowam haying." Mike said chunking up the big B with both hands. "Whoooop."

Crossing the street to an abandoned church both boys searched the area making sure no one was around before they flew off.

"What the hell" a man said looking out the window of the abandoned building he took a sip of his forty. "I really needta lay off the drugs." Covering his head with a blanket he laid down.

Somewhere in the middle of the Desert

Staring down at the desert sands John and Mike Landed. "This should do." John said staring at all the open space around them.

Stretching for a few minutes both boys came to a halt. Staring at each other for a few seconds without saying a word both boys released an energy blast then charged in throwing multiple punches at each other, but they were equally matched. Ducking under one of Michaels jabs John threw an overhand, but Mike spun to the outside of him.

"Plasma Cannon" Mike said releasing the blast into the side of his opponent face.

Flying backwards John grabbed hold to his foe with a whip made of water. "Great Bungee" he thought as the cord yanked him back towards Michael.

Magnetizing his feet to the ground Mike right hand lit up as he prepared to hit his adversary with "Comet Fist". One step ahead John slid under Michaels legs as he swung then flipped him onto his back using the bungee cord.

Standing over his opponent John created a hammer made of ice. "Ice hammer" he thought as he aimed for Michaels head.

"Oh shit" Mike shouted rolling out the way. Continue to roll as John came down with a second hammer, he projected a wave of thunder out of his hand to push him into the air. "Pyro tornado." Michael shouted as he twirled through the air releasing a tornado of fire towards his adversary.

Dodging the "Pyro Tornado" John leaped backwards a couple feet. Releasing his circagen he readied himself for whatever his opponent had planned.

"Erupt" Mike thought placing both hands on the ground fire burst out of it.

"Ugh" John groaned as the fire singed a portion of his arm. Feeling the variation in the wind around him he used the moisture in the air to create a small sheet of water to reduce the effect of Michaels "Thunder Punch". Grabbing hold to Mikes shirt he pulled him in returning a punch "Air Palm."

Both boys slid back a few feet from the force of their attacks. "Crescent Wind" John shouted throwing multiple crescent blades at his opponent.

"Fire Rockets." Michael shouted countering the blades with his rocket shaped bursts.

Creating a giant flame from the multiple blasts connecting the sand was converted into particles of glass. Using this as an advantage Mike reflected light onto the glass blinding John. Using flash step Michael hit John with a barrage of blows, "Meteor Compound" he thought. Delivering the last blow Mike grabbed his foe by the ankle as he lifted off slamming him back on the ground.

Laying on his back John muttered "Wrath of the Kraken".

Dodging the two of the Kraken tentacles Mike received a gash on his face and arms before retreating to a safe distance. "That won't work on me" Michael thought thawing out the ice on his wounds.

Giving more than enough time to get up John released an energy beam of ice. "Chrystal Beam"

"Photon Beam" Mike shouted releasing his energy beam of fire and lightning.

Booomf! The two beams exploded upon contact. Not moving an inch both boys waited for the smoke to die down.

Drawing upon his Dragon power a golden cross entered Michaels pupil.

"So that's how you want to do it" John said calling upon his Dragon powers inside of him a silver "x" appeared in his eyes.

Arizona Military Base

"Captain we picked up a huge disturbance on the radar somewhere around the Sonoran Desert."

"Pull it up" Captain Harmick commanded.

Typing in the coordinates on the giant screen all they could see was sand. "It doesn't seem like anything there" Lieutenant Osrey said.

Staring at the screen Captain Harmick could see tiny bursts of light. "Zoom in and rewind the image."

Doing as she were told Lieutenant Osrey rewinded the video until she was told to stop. "You see that there?" Captain Harmick asked. Looking at the screen all she could see were two blurs. "Send out a unit and find out what that is."

"Yes Sir" Lt. Osrey shouted saluting the captain she briskly walked out.

Back in the desert

Drenched in sweat both boys glared at each other breathing erratically. Each one of them were badly beaten and exhausted. Beep! Beep! Beep! John's alarm went off. "It's five thirty" he said. "We been fighting for almost an hour."

Relaxing his body Mike walked up to John. "Wanna call it a draw fo' now."

"Yea thata work" John replied placing his hands on his hips trying to catch his breath.

"I ain't gonna lie" Mike said collapsing into the sand. "You gave me a run for my money."

Dropping down to the ground John replied, "Naw fo real tho, I feel the same way."

Resting for a few minutes John popped up off the ground. "You hear that."

Lifting his head Mike asked, "What"

"I don't know but it sounds like I hear a whirring sound."

"If it's anything like the movies we prolly caused some huge disturbance and now the military is on the way." Michael joked.

Laughing for a few seconds at the idea both boys gave each other that what if look. "Hey, say I think we need to go bro." John responded.

"Hell yea" Michael replied picking himself up off the ground. "Ey say befo' we go I think we should cover ourselves in mud."

Looking at Mike crazy John asked, "What for."

"To hide our heat signature crazy man" Michael replied.

Spraying the sand with water John brewed up a tornado, while they rolled around in the mud.

Military Base in Arizona

"What did you find Lieutenant?" questioned Captain Harmick as he put out his cigarette.

"Nothing sir a sandstorm brewed up when we were about a mile away from the coordinates. We visited the area once it died down, but everything seemed normal."

"Damn it" Capt. Harmick shouted slamming his fist against the table. "I'll go visit, the area myself."