
There is something wrong

Bra was mad. She was on the beds where the injured fighters were treated.

She was not badly hurt as Vegeta saved her before she was hit by the Trunks Heat Dome attack.

But there were still a few bruises and scars that she got.

But she was not pissed off because of that.

She was pissed off because she lost.

She was not fighting for anything kind of important motives.

She just wants to flex her superiority over her brother and Goten.

It was a childish motive but she was a three-year-old girl.

"Don't worry about it. I will get the dragon balls to fix your skin up." Vegeta said.

"I will do it. Master can you let me wish for her recovery." Goten who walked into the room said to Vegeta.

"Huh?" Vegeta was confused by Goten's suggestion.

He knew that Goten was not a big fan of his daughter so he was kind of shocked that he volunteered to gather the dragon balls for her.

Then suddenly a memory popped into Vegeta's mind.

It was four years ago after Goten wished for a tail.

He remembered Goten saying something like "F*** Shenron. Why the hell did he only give me one wish? What does he mean you have to be a regular customer to get three wishes?"

Goten was ranting about how he didn't get to use three wishes because Shenron didn't consider him a "regular customer".

It was kind of a memorable thing since he kind of found it funny.

Of course, the injuries could be easily fixed if Goten decided to ask for a Senzu bean from Goku.

But he didn't tell Vegeta about it since he wanted to make a wish.


At that time, in the audience stands.

"Hehe. Did you see how cool I was?" Trunks said to Mai.

At that time although Trunks was bragging about his victory his mind was not in the most ideal state.

He knew that he was not good enough to defeat Goten.

Especially since he has already shown his most powerful attack to the world.

It would have been more surprising if Goten didn't fight around his Heat Dome attack.

But he still wants to fight Goten despite knowing that he will most likely lose.

Then he heard a voice in his head.


A few minutes later.

"And now the finals of the youth tournament will continue." The announcer said as Goten and Trunks walked onto the stage.

Goten noticed that Trunks was not in his best condition.

He understands why.

Bra also would have been a difficult opponent for him to beat.

Trunks wasted a lot of power in his battle and even used his strongest technique meaning that he is severely disadvantaged in the upcoming battle.

And most of his injuries are not that lethal meaning he didn't get a Senzu bean from Goku.

"Trunks. Are you okay?" Goten asked.

Goten didn't want to fight a fatigued Trunks.

After all, beating someone who is already tired is not a good feeling.

And currently, the score between them is 1 to 1.

Winning this way and getting a match over Trunks would make him lose sleep.

Can he really say that he beat Trunks if he knew he was fighting at a disadvantage?

"And Begins." With the announcement, Trunks dashed towards Goten.

He transformed into Super Saiyan midway and tried to attack Goten but Goten blocked the attack.

No matter how weakened Trunks was he would still be stronger than Goten in the Super Saiyan state.

So Goten had to use his Super Saiyan transformation at the last second before Trunks's attack hit him.

"As expected. It seems that I have to go all out when fighting against you." Trunks said.

"Trunks wait." Goten tried to stop him but Trunks didn't listen to him.

With Trunks fatigued Goten would have easily defeated Trunks especially since he was nearly at full strength.

But he didn't, he was just dodging and parrying his attacks.


"Those two look strong enough. Should we get their energy instead of waiting for a more powerful fighter?" A suspicious bald man said as he looked at Trunks and Goten.

"Wait. There might be someone stronger than those two kids. Especially that guy over there. Who looked just like one of the kids." Another suspicious bald man said.

He looked at Goku who was also watching the fight between Trunks and Goten.


"Those two kids are really strong. Aren't they?" Goku said to Vegeta.

"As I expected. Trunks is still not strong enough to fight him." Vegeta commented.

"I don't know about that. If he used the heat dome attack that he used on the bra directly at Goten he might have a shot," Goku said.

"It feels weird. Trunks normally do not fight like this. It almost seems like he is trying to kill Goten." Vegeta said as he crossed his arms.

"Wow." Videl was in shock as she looked at the two children fighting.

"Both of them have become strong," Gohan said.

"I think they might even be stronger than me now," Gohan said.

"Huh? But aren't you the guy who fought Cell? How are such little kids stronger than you?" Videl asked.

"I had to fight a lot as a kid, so after defeating Cell I decided to dedicate my life to studying. I became weaker than me from the past." Gohan said in embarrassment.

"You are such a nerd....." She said while laughing.

"Good thing I find that charming." she followed up in a low voice but Gohan didn't hear the second part.

"What was that?" Gohan asked.

"Nothing. Just shut up." Videl replied.


Finally, the fight reached the point where Goten could catch Trunk's fist.

"Hey. Let go." Trunks said to Goten.

"Trunks. What's wrong? You have been acting strange since the fight began." Goten asked him.

Goten has fought Trunks two times in the past.

So he knew how Trunks usually behaved but the person that was in front of him was not acting like Trunks.

Then he noticed a black "M" on his forehead.

At that moment he suddenly remembered a saying he had heard in his previous life before.

"One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it."

By trying to change Vegeta's fate he has caused a major change that will affect the whole world as he knows it.


"That's it. More energy. Gather more energy for me little boy." an ugly green monster is watching the fight from a faraway place on a crystal ball.