
Planet Sadala

"Are you sure you don't want to come with us?" Champa asked Yamcha.

"I am fine." He replied.

There is no way I am going to tag along with someone as dangerous as you. Yamcha thought.

He showed them around Earth because he didn't want them to destroy the planet.

If he thought that they were reasonable people he would not even made that offer in the first place.

"Then it can't be helped," Champa said.

"Then let's prepare for take-off," Vados said as she softly touched the bottom tip of her cane to the ground.

A transparent cube appeared around Champa, Vados and the others.

"Oh." Yamcha quickly moved away as he didn't want to be dragged away.

Then the cube moved upwards as it left the earth's atmosphere.

"That thing is still really fast," Yamcha said as he was left alone.

"Now it's time to borrow the dragon radar from Bulma," He said as he flew towards Capsule cooperation.

He wanted to use the dragon balls to get the money that he lost from sponsoring Champa and Vados.


In the Cube that is the travelling towards Planet Sadala.

"So how is your progress?" Goten asked Cabba.

"Huh?" Cabba was confused by Goten's question.

"Super Saiyan. What state are you in right now?" He asked.

Goten was interested in how strong Cabba had become after Vegeta's guidance.

Goten can sense his power level so he roughly knows how strong Cabba is without any transformations to a certain degree.

But Super Saiyan transformations give you a huge boost to your power so he wanted to know what state Cabba was at.

"Oh. That. Sadly I have not made any improvements." Cabba replied.

It has been a year since Cabba achieved Super Saiyan so it was a little surprising that he has not made any kind of advancements.

Considering that Cabba could be considered even more talented than Vegeta.

When Cabba and Vegeta met for the first time Cabba was almost as strong as Vegeta in his base from, despite Cabba being much younger than Vegeta.

It also didn't take him long to achieve Super Saiyan form when he found out about its existence.

So it's shocking to know that Cabba has not taken the second step.

He still has not made any improvements. That's surprising. Goten thought in his mind.

"Huh. You have not become much stronger than a year ago?" Champa asked Cabba when he heard his words.

"I am sorry about that," Cabba said as he scratched his head and apologized.

"I was promoted in the king's army. And I am now training other warriors from the army to also become Super Saiyan. Because of that, I was unable to dedicate much time to my training." Cabba said.

"So how many more Super Saiyans are on your planet?" Champa asked.

"Well. One..." He replied.

That one being himself as the training has not been working out.

"Ah." At that moment Goten realized talent and hard work are not always enough to become the strongest.

You also have to have the mindset of the warrior. You need to be a little selfish.


They arrived at the Planet Sadala.

"It's... Kind of underwhelming?" Bra said bluntly as they stepped onto the planet after the cube had disappeared.

It was a small planet that did not seem very developed.

There are two primary life forms on the planet.

A flying dinosaur-like alien called Pterodactyl and the dominant species of the planet. That being the Saiyans.

Vegeta has told his daughter about the planet that he was born on.

He said it's a planet that has advanced technology compared to most civilizations and the atmosphere of the planet was also among the best in the universe.

So Bra had very high expectations about the planet where the Saiyans from Universe 6 lived.

But what she saw was not appealing.

The planet that Vegeta described was not the planet that the Saiyans originated from but the one that they settled down so it's much more appealing than Sadala.

Most of the buildings from the Sadala looked weird as they incorporated the terrain of the planet to build many structures.

The planet has very little to no plant life.

The few plant lives that are present have weird purple colour leaves that make one wonder if they are poisoned.

Most Saiyans also wear low-quality fabric that is just enough to cover their bodies.

There were a few people that were wearing armours similar to the one that Cabba was wearing but there were few in between.

Their transportation is also mainly accomplished using four-wheel vehicles that would be considered outdated on Earth.

But at least there are a few structures that looked decent enough on this planet.

But all of them are around the place where a huge castle was located.

Goten noticed three huge power levels on this planet. One of them seems like it was emitting from the castle.

And two of them are from a faraway location that he can't see with his eyes.

"Cabba I am going back to take a nap. Just come and find me on my planet when you finish showing them around." Champa said to Cabba.

Champa and Vados do not want to stick around the planet.

If the food and the culture of the planet Sadala were good Champa would not have even eyed the Earth from the universe 7.

"Thank you, lord Champa," Cabba said as he bowed to Champa to pay respect.

Champa and Vados disappeared as they left Cabba's planet.

"Do you want to head to the place immediately? Or would you like to stroll around?" Cabba asked.


At that time in the Throne room, located in the palace.

"So they have arrived." A muscular man in said as he sat on the golden throne decorated with jewels.

He is wearing armour that is similar to the armour that Cabba was wearing but with a few differences.

The colour of the armour was velvet and the black shirts and black pants that he was wearing were longer than that of Cabba's.

There is also a red cape on the back of his armour.

His Black hair is short but spiky and has a small bang directly near his forehead and he possesses a goatee.

His face was not that appealing but he possessed a few facial features that showcased his noble origin.

And he was wearing a red locket that had the symbol of his army on his neck.

Think of his appearance as a mixture of King Vegeta and Shallot.

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