I want to go to the world of Dragon ball as a Saiyan. Wait what do you mean I am the younger son of Son Goku. That Bastard didn't even become super saiyan 2.Wait why is this body so gifted.
After Bra refused his help Gohan went towards Buu.
"Buu are you Okay?" Gohan asked.
"Can Buu go home now? Buu wants to watch TV." Buu said to Gohan.
"Uhhh. Yeah." Gohan replied.
Buu is strong compared to the other fighters but is useless when he has to fight someone of the calibre of King Cold.
"Then Buu will go now," Buu said as he flew away.
Cooler transformed into his Fourth Form as he clashed with Bra.
"You are not bad, do you want to work under me," Cooler said.
"Piss off." She replied.
"Your loss," Cooler said as he smacked her away with his tail.
"Photon Gun." She yelled out as She launched a pink energy blast from her finger at Cooler.
It hit Cooler in his shoulder.
"..." Cooler was kind of impressed by her showing.
Bra stopped herself in mid-air as she saw Cooler.
I can beat him. But I have to use that. Bra thought in her mind.
She was under the impression that Cooler was using his strongest form so she still thought that she had a chance to beat him if she could tap into the power of Ikari.
She rushed towards him and used a flying kick at Cooler while tapping into her Ikari form.
Her power level skyrocketed as her incomplete ultimate Super Saiyan got an extra tenfold boost.
The attack hit cooler as he could not dodge the attack because of the massive increase of Speed that she received from combining Ikari with Her incomplete Ultimate Saiyan form.
However, as she delivered her kick golden aura started to appear around his body as Cooler went through a powerful transformation.
A few months ago.
"So you want to meet me,..... Brother." Frieza said as he looked at Cooler.
"Dad called me here to help him achieve his revenge. So I am here to ask you about something that you owe me." Cooler said.
"Really? What is that?" Frieza asked.
"A thanks," Cooler replied.
"A thanks. Just for that. Hahahaha." Frieza said as he started laughing.
"Come, brother. I was planning to train myself. Maybe you could pick up a thing or two from me. Or at least be my punching bag." Frieza said.
I hate my brother. Since he is born he is always the crown jewel of the family. Cooler thought.
He is a Mutant. Making his potential even higher than me and Father. Cooler was resentful and jealous.
I hate the fact that he is always handed things without having to work. He was already stronger than both me and Dad the moment he was born.
But then he started training after coming back to life.
He realized that he could not be the strongest just by being strong due to his genetics.
For a form that is far beyond what I thought was possible.
Golden form. A form that turns nearly his whole body golden.
A beautiful form that is the symbol of strength and might. Befitting for the race of frost demons.
If he had to train to get that form that means I have a chance to get it too.
So I work even harder than him. Gets beaten up when fighting against him in our sparring sections.
And the result was this. The strongest transformation in the universe.
Cooler's body turned golden as he looked at Bra.
He appeared near her and kicked her away.
He then continues to punch her whole body with his fists. Causing a huge amount of damage to her.
It hurts. What happened? Bra thought in her mind.
How did I lose? I am supposed to be the princess of all Saiyans.
I am supposed to be the youngest Super Saiyan. And the most gifted one.
More than Gohan, Trunks and Goten.
But why do I always lose?
Why is no one looking at me as a strong warrior?
Why does he not consider me a worthy opponent?
Then Bra realized why. She didn't push herself enough.
She spends two years inside the time chamber with Marron.
However, during her stay, she is usually lazing around while Marron trains herself.
A regular human like Marron is as strong as her in the first place because Bra doesn't push herself to her limits. Let alone surpass them.
She knows that she is not training efficiently.
Her teachers have already retired from fighting for a while and her rival is a normal human girl who only has one power up in Ultimate.
She should have trained harder.
She just fights for the sake of validation and acknowledgement instead of her friends, family or pride.
She regretted them.
But it was too late as she saw a huge red sun-like energy orb called Supernova coming towards her as she detransformed.
But she was lucky as there were a few powerful fighters that were on her side who could cover for her.
If she only had to rely on herself and have no help, she would have died.
Trunks catches her in his arm as Gohan appears and pushes away the supernova with his Super Kamehameha.
"Trunks. Take Bulla and send her to Dende." Gohan said.
Trunks nodded as he flew away.
Gohan looked at Golden Cooler.
He then smiled as he transformed into a super saiyan god.
"Who are you supposed to be?" Cooler asked.
Goten and Frieza looked at each other.
They didn't start fighting while King Cold and Trunks, and Bra and Cooler were fighting.
That is because both of them saw each other and immediately realized that they were the strongest here.
Goten knew that if he made a single mistake when fighting against Frieza the earth would go boom.
And Frieza realised the boy who was looking at him directly was not a pushover.
I think I can win. Goten thought in his mind.
Hmm. This person Reminds me of Son Goku. That means I will get more joy when I finally kill him. Frieza thought.
In the world of Kai.
"Should we go down and help them?" West Supreme Kai asked the other Supreme Kais.
"I am with you." South Supreme Kai replied.
"Stop it you two. You will be only throwing your life away. Frieza is not someone that we can beat anymore." Old Kai said.
Just to clarify. Base Gohan is supposed to be around Base Fireza in terms of Power. Goten holds back more than half of his power in their God clash so their power is comparable but not equal.