I want to go to the world of Dragon ball as a Saiyan. Wait what do you mean I am the younger son of Son Goku. That Bastard didn't even become super saiyan 2.Wait why is this body so gifted.
Eight months later.
"Wahh. Wahh." the sound of a baby crying was heard in the biggest hospital in the west city. Which was owned by the Capsule Corporation.
"Finally. My princess." Vegeta said as he looked at the tiny baby girl that was being carried by the nurse.
She has Blue eyebrows and Blue hair.
Unlike Goten and Trunks who were born without a tail, she had one just like Gohan.
However, the fur on her tail was blue instead of black or brown normal Saiyans.
"A tail." Vegeta was shocked. It was a pleasant surprise.
The baby looked more like her mother when it came to appearance so he was happy that at least she had one of his genetic features.
Bulma was still unconscious from the sleeping drugs that she took so she still had not seen her daughter yet.
Trunks was at home being looked after by his grandparents while his parents were at the hospital.
"I swear. Daddy is going to protect you, my little princess from all the harm in the world." Vegeta swore to himself as he carried his daughter in his arms.
A few hours later.
"What do you mean I can't name her Eschalot?" Vegeta asked Bulma.
Bulma was holding her daughter while sitting in the wheelchair that was being pushed by Vegeta.
It was still not very ideal for her to walk after not giving birth not long ago.
"I have already put her name as Bulla Briefs on her birth certificate." She said to Vegeta.
"When did that happen? Why did I not know that?" Vegeta asked her.
"What do you mean you didn't know? I even asked you to sign her birth certificate paper." Bulma said to Vegeta.
"When did that happen?" Vegeta asked.
"When I wake up." "Didn't you read the papers that I asked you to sign?" Bulma asked Vegeta who was shocked at her question.
Vegeta was devested but he could not blame Bulma anymore as he also messed up by not paying attention.
He still thinks that Bulma was mostly at fault but it's that he cannot blame her.
A few minutes later.
"Congratulations." Bulma, Vegeta and their newborn baby are greeted by an enthusiastic group of people when they enter the capsule cooperation.
There were tons of people, foods and drinks displayed below the banner that said "Congratulations on the birth of your child."
Among those people are Bulma's friends, relatives and even employees from her company.
The Z fighters such as Yamcha, Krillin and his wife Android 18, Yajirobe, and Master Roshi are also present.
Not only that Bulma's friends from the past such as Puar, oolong, Chichi, Gohan and Jaco were there.
Even Piccolo was at that party.
Even the people that Bulma didn't get along with are here. Such as the Pilaf Gang.
"What do you think? Surprised." A voice was heard.
Bulma and Vegeta looked in the direction of the voice and saw a blonde woman who looked similar to Bulma.
"Tights," Bulma said to the blonde woman.
It was her older sister.
"How do you like it? I planned this after when mom told me you were taken to the hospital." She said to Bulma.
"How do you even manage to get everyone here?"Bulma asked.
"Well, I asked the receptionist, Mom, and Dad for the contact information about your friends. Trunks also helped me get a few people that we were unable to reach." She said.
"Other than the guy called Tien Shinahan and a girl named Launch we were able to get everyone." She also added.
"Look. Even the saviour of the world is here." Tights said as she pointed at a man.
The man called Mr Satan, who was given the credit for defeating Cell was currently in the middle of boasting to a few people who were around him.
Bulma looked happy.
Bulma likes parties and the fact that many people appeared to celebrate the birth of her newborn baby was a joyful moment for her.
At that time. Outside the capsule corporation.
"A sister. Huh. I thought I would be happy that I was getting a new sibling. But still...." Trunks said as he looked at the celebration party that was held from a place not very far away.
He was accompanied by Goten.
"I am a little jealous that she is already receiving more attention than me." Trunks said to Goten.
"..." Goten didn't say anything to Trunks.
He knew that he was the main reason why Bra was born much earlier and he was feeling a little guilty for Trunks.
After all, having a new sibling means that the attention of his parents is divided among the two of them.
If she had been born a little later Trunks would have been older and would not need much love and attention like a child anymore.
"Trunks," Goten called out to him.
"Do you want to fight?" Goten said.
"Huh? Where does that come from?" Trunks asked.
"If you were able to go all out and immerse yourself in something you would be able to get rid of your worries and negative emotions," Goten explained.
"Plus. It's fun." Goten said.
"Then let's do it. You might not know but I am training with my dad while you are gone. So I have become much stronger." Trunks replied.
Goten was surprised when he heard Trunks's words.
He didn't know Vegeta and Trunks started training again.
"Now just like Dad I also possess a power that far exceeds the normal super saiyan." Trunks said to Goten.
"I will show you." He said as he prepared to fight.
"Wait." Goten stopped Trunks before they started to fight.
"What? You scared?" Trunks asked. He was not asking in a mocking tone but with a questioning look on his face.
"Let's go a bit further away. This place is too close to the party." Goten said to Trunks.
"Alright." Trunks said as he flew into the sky.
A power that surpasses the normal Super Saiyan. Don't tell me. Is it the Super Saiyan 2? Goten was a little unsure of what Trunks meant by that but he decided to find out in the fight.