I want to go to the world of Dragon ball as a Saiyan. Wait what do you mean I am the younger son of Son Goku. That Bastard didn't even become super saiyan 2.Wait why is this body so gifted.
Goten and Black dashed towards each other.
"Tsk." Goten looked pissed as he looked at Black.
While Black was smiling as he made eye contact with Goten.
"Amazing. I don't think Goten is that strong." Future Trunks said.
"Both of them are evenly matched. Black is slightly stronger but it's impressive that your son can keep up with him using his skills." Vegeta said.
"Both of them are pretty strong. I also want to join the fight. Hey, Supreme Kai of time. Can you tell me when is the healing going to finish?" Goku asked Chronoa who was using injury transfer on both him and Vegeta.
"I can't just fasten the process," Chronoa said.
Injury transfer just like the name suggested is the technique that Chronoa can use to transfer the injuries of others to herself.
She could also use healing but it takes away the stamina of the person who was being healed so she decided to use injury transfer instead.
"If only you had not let the senzu beans get taken away we could have been helping Goten," Vegeta complained.
Chronoa noticed the black armband that Goku and Vegeta were wearing while using injury transfer.
Wait a minute. Is that? She thought as she remembered seeing it before.
She has observed the past, present and future of many different timelines and she has seen the armband before in the future of one of them.
Goku, Vegeta and Future Trunks were looking at Goten and Black at that moment.
There was a whitish-pink colour around Goten while Black had a darkish purple arua that had some pink mixed into it.
The power that the two are using right now is so far above that of Goku and Vegeta.
To the point that they wonder even if they were able to recover their full strength would they be able to make a difference in the fight?
The two went for a blow-to-blow.
As their battle continued Black got stronger with each hit while Goten started to adapt to Black's fighting style.
Black has a pure heart but has intentions that people define as evil.
He was a God who chose what body he wanted to be in.
He wanted to annihilate every single mortal in the universe even if he had the backstab of the people who were closest to him.
But in the end, it comes from a viewpoint of wanting to make a better universe. Not for everyone but without anyone.
After all, Heroes are people who have the most blood on their hands.
"You are insane. Do you think killing everyone would have been enough to make the universe better?" Goten said.
"There are floods, tidal waves, tornados, meteor showers, planet collisions, through the universe that are not caused by mortals." He tries to pursue Black.
"A universe without anyone living in there should not even exist," Goten said to Black.
Goten was a guy who would let the earth be destroyed if he could save his friends and family from a certain doom.
He does not care about the good of the universe as a whole. Which is why he feels nothing when he sees Frieza.
He has selfish intentions about wanting to become strong despite knowing that it could alter the future for better or for worse.
If his intentions are pure he would let Goku and Vegeta take care of everything as he knows it would have worked out in the end.
And his heart despite not being pitch black is not pure.
Despite having shorter limbs and a slightly lower power level Goten was able to keep up with Black.
But he knows that he has to do something otherwise the fight will go in the favour of Black.
Goten landed a kick that broke Black's arm amidst the fight.
Goten was going for kill shots.
He saw what happened to Goku and Vegeta while he was in the time vault.
They played around too much and let Black power up to the point they could not catch up to him.
He knows he could not make the same mistake and prolonging the fight would only increase the possibility of blacks getting another Zenkai.
After breaking one of Black's arms he immediately landed a punch on Black's face.
Black was blown away by the punch.
"Final..." Goten said as he started to charge his all-out attack.
"Kamehameha." He then launched it at Black.
Black was taken by surprise so he was unable to process Goten's attack in time to dodge or move away.
A huge hole was created around his body by Goten's attack.
"I did it," Goten said as he looked at Black.
But Suddenly when Goten thinks that the fight is over Black creates a powerful explosive wave around his body.
Goten backed away as he didn't want to get hit by the explosive wave but it was a move that Black predicted Goten would make.
Goten thought that the explosive wave was Black's final kamikaze attack.
So he flew towards Goku and the others to get them out of the way of the explosion. He thought that it was a planet-destroying move.
But he miscalculated.
Sometimes weakness comes from things that you thought were the source of your strength.
Goten can push his body beyond his limits and only is as strong as he is without getting or following a shortcut because of his desire to protect his friends and family.
But now it has backfired.
Being worried about your friends and family has created an opening for Black.
Black still has the Senzu beans that he took from Goku.
When Goten dashed towards Goku and the others it created a few seconds for Black to consume them without getting interrupted.
Unlike Zamasu who wished for an undying body, Black wanted to abuse the Saiyan power so he mainly sticks to healing magic.
If Goten was able to prevent Black from eating the Senzu bean it would have been game over for him.
"Damn it." as soon as Goten realized that he launched a Dondon ray at the Senzu bean that Black took out.
The Dondon ray hit the Senzu bean bag but Black was able to take out one and eat it.
His body recovered from the injury as he recovered his ki.
As the Senzu beans from the bag fall to the ground and scatter.
He then looked at Goten and smiled.
His power skyrocketed as the sky started to darken.
Purple and Pink Lighting started to appear around his body. His aura darkens even more.
"No. It can't be." Goten said in terror.
He was just barely keeping up with Black even when he was using Ultimate form and Rose form together but now a new problem has appeared.
Black has transcended the rose and obtained a new power.
The power that he unleashed spilt the sky and vibrated throughout the whole universe.
A power that would even make angels raise their eyebrows.
"You know I have to thank you. I didn't believe this kind of power was obtainable." Black said as he looked at Goten.
Goten went for a kill shot but he missed and made another mistake after that that allowed Black to ascend to a transformation known as Super Saiyan Rose 2.