
A portal from the Dfferent Future

"Galick...." Future Trunks said as he charged a Glick Gun.

"Buu will beat you." Majin Buu said as he started to charge a Kamehameha.

"Gunnnnnnnnnn." "Take this."

The two launched their respective attacks at each other.

But at that time Gohan in Violet form appeared between the place where the two beams were going to clash.

He then created an energy wave that covered his body and cancelled out the attacks of Buu and Future Trunks.

"Don't worry Buu. He is not an enemy." Gohan said.

"Long Time no see. Trunks." Gohan greeted Future Trunks as he looked at him.


A few minutes later. Inside Gohan's house.

"Thank you." Future Trunks said as he received a mug filled with hot chocolate from Videl.

"Still. An enemy that looked like Dad? Must be tough." Gohan said to Future Trunks.

"He has the same face as Goku but his fighting style and personality are completely different from him." Future Trunks replied.

"But that does not mean he is weak. Without having to transform into a Super Saiyan he can defeat me to the point that I cannot see myself ever defeating him. Even if there are two of me." Trunks replied as he held the mug.

"Because of my weakness, Mai is..." Future Trunks said as a drop of tears fell into the mug.

"....." Gohan looked at Future Trunks with pity in his eyes.

He knows about the pain of losing someone that you love. Two times.

One where he saw Piccolo die when trying to protect an attack from a Saiyan named Nappa.

And the other time was when Goku sacrificed himself to save the earth from Cell's explosion.

Of course, he lived in the world where Dragon Balls exist so his dad and mentor could come back to life.

However, unlike him, Future Trunks does not have such luxury.

In his world, if someone dies it dies. There is no second chance.

This is one of the reasons why Future Trunks is not strong enough to contend with Goku and Vegeta right now.

As he has no quality training partner or mentor that could guide him.

It is a miracle that he can get to the level of Super Saiyan 3 Goku just by himself.

Pan then walked toward him and hugged Future Trunks's leg.

She seems to be consulting him and trying to cheer him up after hearing about what happened in the future.

"She was much smarter than me when I was a child." Future Trunks said as he patted Pan's head.

"Gohan. You can finish your ant thesis later. Why don't you go out and spend time with Trunks? It's not like you could see him every day." Videl said as she picked up baby Pan.

"I will look after Pan. You should go out and treat Trunks something. After all, you could use this opportunity to rest for a while." Videl said to Gohan.

"I know a good ice cream shop that you could go to." She said.

"But..." Gohan wanted to object as he is an introverted workaholic who does not like to go out much.

But when he remembered that Future Trunks had been under a lot of stress he decided to accept Videl's suggestion.


The two walked alongside each other while eating ice cream.

"So. You got a family now." Future Trunks asked Gohan.

He didn't ask earlier as he feels a little awkward about asking Gohan about his wife and daughter right in front of them.

It would make things weird if either he or Gohan misspoke so he decided to only ask him when they are alone.

"Well. Things kind of happen. And I ended up marrying Videl. The daughter of the World Champion." Gohan replied while laughing.

"It's kind of strange. Seeing you this laid back." Future Trunks said.

"You used to be so much different in the past." He continued.

As he reminisced about Gohan when he fought Cell.

"Having a beautiful wife and a cute kid. I am kind of jealous. If only Mai and I could live like that." Future Trunks said to Gohan.

"Don't worry about it too much Trunks. Didn't Bulma say that she is finding a way for you to go back to the future? And with Dad and Vegeta helping you, the day when you could go back to a peaceful life would come sooner than you would have guessed." Gohan said to Future Trunks.

"You might not know this but there is this thing called the Super Dragon balls. If you could find them you will have a chance to make a wish." Gohan said.

"And unlike Earth's dragon balls or Namekian dragon balls, those do not seem to have any kind of limits. As far as we know." Gohan continued.

"After defeating this Black you should have asked Bulma to make a dragon radar so that you could fix everything back to the way it was until Black appeared," Gohan said.

"That... It could work." Future Trunks said.

"If another set of Dragon Balls exists I could revive everyone that died because of Black. No. I could even revive everyone that died because of the androids." Future Trunks said.

"Trunks," Gohan called out to Future Trunks.

"Do you want me to come to the future with you?" Gohan asked.

"..." Future Trunks didn't give an immediate reply.

Suddenly thunder thunderclouds started to appear out of nowhere.

Creating a spinning vortex near the place where Future Trunks and Gohan were located.

"That ki." Future Trunks said as he dropped his ice cream and looked into the sky.


A man who is wearing a dark gi with a red starch descends from the vortex.

He looked exactly like Son Goku in terms of Physical appearance.

He was wearing a pair of green potara.

He was someone who is named by Future Bulma as Goku Black.

The person who destroyed Future Trunks's life.

"So this is the place," Black said as he looked around him.

"Who knew a mortal like him would have the ability to travel through time just like me? A god." Black said as he looked at the ring on his finger.