I want to go to the world of Dragon ball as a Saiyan. Wait what do you mean I am the younger son of Son Goku. That Bastard didn't even become super saiyan 2.Wait why is this body so gifted.
"Don't disappoint me. I have to leave my island just to be here." 17 said as he looked at Rylibeu.
"Uhmm. I am sorry." She replied.
"Don't be. Cause I am not going to hold back." 17 said as he dashed towards Rylibeu.
Her ears fully formed a huge pair of wings as she flew in the sky.
"Hey. Why is she flying? Didn't the guy that looked like Whis say that flying is forbidden?" Marron asked.
"She is not using ki. So I think it should be fine." Goten answered her.
"But still if that is the level of our opponents the tournament is going to be a breeze, she seems like someone that even I would be able to take down," Yamcha said.
"I don't think this is the strongest that the other universe has to offer. Who knows they might have their version of Goku and Vegeta." Tien said to Yamcha.
"They have one for Goten," Marron said as she pointed at Zamasu.
"Ah. Right." Yamcha said.
"Aura onslaught," Rylibeu said as she tried to tackle 17.
"Barrier." 17 said as he extended his hands towards Rylibeu.
A green transparent barrier appeared around 17's body as it protected him from Rylibeu's attack.
She moved backwards to find another opening but 17 was already preparing an attack before she could go for another attack.
"Super Electric Strike." He then launched a giant green lighting projectile at the flying butterfly girl.
She tried to fly away but the range of the attack was too large for her to get away from the attack.
"Kya." She yelled out as she fell back into the ring because of the damage she sustained from the attack.
Her body seems like it was burned as one can see black burn marks on her wing ears and all over her body.
"Nice going. 17 finish her off." Beerus said as he cheered for 17.
"I feel kind of pity for her. She has to face off against someone that she cannot defeat no matter what she do." Shin said.
"It's fine if she gets stronger maybe she could be more of a challenge to us after all there are still a few days left for the tournament," Goku replied to Shin.
"You don't get it all. Do you Goku-san?" Shin said while sighing.
"She is a Beryllium. Her species are known for their aerial combat and not for being able to become much stronger within a short period. And 17 was able to defeat her without putting in any effort at all. And she is using her speciality. Meaning even if she had more time to train it would still yield the same results." Shin said.
"I don't get it," Goku replied.
"He means that even if someone like Kaioshin trains his entire life he would still not be able to catch up to a Saiyan warrior like us. It's the same between the tin can and the moth." Vegeta said to Goku.
"Tin can and moth? That is an interesting name for the two." Whis said to Vegeta while smiling.
"Hmm. Something does not feel right." 18 said as she realized that 17's actions were a little strange.
"It's a fail," Rumsshi said as he shook his head.
"Such incompetent bastards." He was angry.
He was not very fond of losing.
But the fact that he is losing to Beerus is the thing that bothered him the most.
In the past Zeno sama held a hide-and-seek tournament where all the Gods of Destructions had to participate.
Beerus ruined the event and almost caused all the gods to get destroyed by Zeno sama because he fell asleep during the tournament.
Causing Zeno to be mad at all of them.
Zeno sama forgets about it after many years have passed letting Beerus get off free without facing much heat from Zeno.
But all the Gods have to suffer Zeno's wrath causing animosity between Beerus and most gods of destruction.
"Tsk." He was really mad.
"It's no fun." 17 said as he walked slowly towards Rylibeu who seemed like she couldn't fight anymore.
She was still able to move so she was not disqualified yet but everyone knows that she is on the verge of elimination.
He then looked at her who seemed like she was struggling to get up.
Then he took a glance at Universe 7's audience stand and Universe 10's audience stance respectively.
Universe 10 seems like they have given up already.
They already lost a match and if they lose this one the last victory won't even matter as they will still be declared as the loser.
17 realised that.
Fuck it. This is just an exhibition match after all. It's not like I am going to get erased if I lose here. He thought in his mind.
"You can have this match. After all, you getting defeated here would take away the tension." He said as he looked at the butterfly girl.
Then he slowly walked away from her much to the audience's surprise.
He walked towards the edge of the platform.
"What is he doing?" Gowasu asked.
"Just Throw her out of the ring," Beerus yelled out.
"Wait is he really?" Vegeta was shocked.
As they all saw 17 jumped out of the ring.
"Constant 17 is out of bounds. The winner is Rylibeu." Grand Preist announced.
"What happened?" Zeno of the present said.
"It seems like the robot lost." Zeno of Future replied.
"Really?" Zeno of Present said in confusion.
"Yes. Really." Zeno of Future replied.
They do not seem to be mad. They were just confused by what happened.
"Why did you do that?" Beerus said in anger.
"You could have just thrown her out and it would have been our victory." Beerus was angry and wanted to beat up 17 but he was stopped by Whis.
"Lord Beerus. Zeno sama is watching." Whis notified him.
"Don't be that unreasonable. I was just making things exciting. Now the final battle would be much more interesting since they could also aim for victory." 17 said.
"Unreasonable? Why you?" Beerus was really mad at 17.
"Goku. You better win." Beerus said as he sat down.
He stops trying to vent his anger.
He tries to convince himself that at least Goku won't get an extra match after he wins and that's all that matters.