Fast forward years into the future, Beerus the God of Destruction ultimately retires after finding a suitable replacement that will take his place as the next god of destruction- that being Vegeta. But things don't go as planned and instead of getting his desire of a laid back life, he is sent into the world of DxD instead. And as a takeaway, the Supreme Kai, Shin gets involved. What will happen to these two Gods in the new world packed with the supernatural and mythologies exist?
It had been two weeks since the illegal migration of the Supreme Kai (Kaioshin) and the God of Destruction (Hakaishin) in the "New World" which by coincidence, was also called Earth, similar to the homeworld of their friend Goku.
During these two weeks, the two deities had been busy. Well, it most of it was on Shin's part, Beerus on the other hand merely lazed around in their new house. Eating, sleeping, and lounging around. This consisted the daily routines of the destroyer god. As for the reason why Shin was particularly busy, he wanted to investigate the realm of the gods in this universe.
Suffice to say he was perplexed at the absence of the world of the Kai's. There were no Kai's on this universe. The Kai's were gods and where incharge of supervising, guide and ensure the proper functioning of the mortal realms, their duties also entail keeping records any and all information of all civilizations or changes in their society of the different species in the universe.
That was supposed to be the way it was, and yet it clearly wasn't. Not a single trace of any of the Kais, Kaiohs and even the supposed god of destruction of this universe.
When Shin reported this to Beerus, explaining the oddity of the situation, the purple feline went silent, pausing the TV and pondered for a while. It was then he began to speak.
"We must have been transported to this realm by law of attraction. Despite the process and intention being accidental. Since you say that there are not any Kaioh's in this universe and by extension a god of destruction- seeing that a god of destruction's life is tied to the Supreme Kai, there is nothing to uphold the balance of the universe." Beerus explained.
"But, if that is possible, then how is it that the world is still functioning despite their abscence?" The Supreme Kai asked.
"I don't know. But considering the feeling of Ki of some of the beings in this universe, I think it is safe to assume that some people have been the ones to keep the balance."
Shin had more questions plauging his mind but was dismissed by Beerus as he turned the TV back on, saying "Well whatever's going on is of no concern to us. The fact that the world is still functioning and hasn't yet burned into oblivion tells us that we shouldn't be too worried about it. Besides even if the universe needs fixing, we'll get cross that bridge when we get there. But for now, no smoke- no fire."
And that's how their lazy life began. Well lazy compared to their previous jobs. Shin being the less lazy of the two took upon himself to provide the necessities of their life, going as far as to create them a home with Shin's powers, in the outskirts of Kuoh Town near the forest-as to not arouse suspicion on how a house magically appeared out of nowhere. Their house looked like the one Gohan and Videl lived in. Though ti be more accurate, it was a small mansion with a spacious courtyard and was divided into three buildings.

Shin also was the one providing the food on the table by materializing ingredients for who he cooks himself. Fortunately for Shin, he was taught by Whis the Universal Angel in cooking and the culinary arts. Beerus dound his cooking to be- according to the Hakaishin's words "decent enough" something he took pride in, and Beerus was a hard god to please.
They had everything they need and could want. Money? Shin could materialize it out of thin air using Ki. Items? He could do the same to it too, it was how they got the house afterall. Food and ingredients? It was all the same song and dance for the God of Creation. Though he lamented getting a job from time to time seeing as the idea of "god-made counterfeit bank notes" circulating could prove to be detrimental to the economy. Shin was not a prideful individual but the thought of a Kaioshin getting a menial job was not something that he welcomed.
And thus their lazy life of two weeks became boring. Well not for Beerus, he was a master at being lazy. Especially his new hobby of watching this...animu or whatever Beerus calls it. Shin had once tried to straighten him out or at the very least try to mitigate Beerus procrastinating nature, even as threatening him that he would end up fat similar to his brother: Champa, but to no avail. After this he gave up.
'If master Weiss couldn't, how could I?' Shin thought.
Shin missed some of the people back in their own universe. He missed the Grand Supreme Kai- Who Shin refered to as The Grand Elder under his tutelage Shin learned all aspects of being a Supreme Kai. He also missed Weiss who was his martial arts instructor, it was he who had mentored him how to be a better fighter, although fighting was not his specialty, being stronger certainly was not an unwelcome idea to him. Then there was Kibito, who had been his loyal friend and bodyguard, the person who was with him through thick and thin. Shin wondered what he was doing now, maybe bodyguarding the Elder Kai? He also missed some of their Earth friends like Goku and Bulma.
Beerus in the other cared not for such matters, only talking about missing Bulma's food, his comfortable pillow at his home and the like. Though admittedly he did miss to see Weiss again, though he hadn't admitted it openly so.
But they could do nothing about it so theg just went on with their lives.
Their lazy and slow life changed when Shin saved a certain brown haired boy and fought a certain white haired maid.
Shin trying to stave off boredom, decided to take a nice refreshing walk in the night. He used his magic to alter his appearance into that one similar to a human. They discovered that anthromorphic races did not exist in this world, or at the very least the general population did not know of their existence, so it was a necessity to change their appearances unless they want to stick out like sore thumbs and get weird looks from people. Though they did keep their clothes, how could they ditch the very clothing given to them by the Omni King Zeno-sama himself?
Though fortunately people thought of their clothing as a weird foreign design, and seeing that they possess uncommon traits which resembled foreigners further reinforced that thought.

After walking for what seemed to be half an hour, Shin stumbled upon a park, feeling a bit playful he decided to sit on a swing and- well, swing on it. Not feeling enough thrill he decided to stand up on the swing whilst it was swinging back and forth. For a being that can fly pretty fast, this got old really quickly.
Deciding that he had enough of childish gimmicks, he just sat on the swing unmoving while gazing at the stary night sky. It was then he felt something off...
He felt a strong Ki presence nearby. Well relatively strong. It was above average at best for this world, but certainly not for the likes of Shin. The Ki presence he felt was corrupted. It was as if something divine was contaminated with...something unholy. Something that used to be pure by nature but ended up contaminated.
If Shin could describe it's current nature- Ki can't actually be smelled and can only be felt, but if he had to describe it into simpler terms he would describe it as something that "smelled" rotten.
Shin knew that some Ki were only dark by nature and not necessarily evil, a prime example of this would be Beerus. But there is no denying the possibility that this entity could be a malicious one. And this entity was heading towards the very same park he was at.
Shin opted to investigate so he got up and walked towards the general direction of it. Shin estimated the pathway they were heading and had moved to intercept accordingly, after sucessfully doing so, he layed in waiting- patiently, Ki supressed and very well hidden behind the shrubery, trees and foliage.
After being still for a few minutes, he spotted what seems to be a human male and female in front of a fountain a few meters to where he had hidden. After analyzing the two individuals tentatively, Shin deduced that the rotten Ki signature belonged to the female. The female in question had black hair, pink eyes and was wearing an attire that consisted of a brown coat with a red ribbon on her collar and a short blue skirt- above knee level and black knee high socks. The male one meanwhile, had brown hair and had a coat with a red undershirt with black pants and white sneakers to his name.
Shin also made quite a discovery. The male human's Ki seemed odd. Most especially when compared to other humans. The male's Ki had a bit of...reptillian "scent" on it. And what's special about it was that it wasn't his Ki that had that scent but rather something that was stuck to his very soul.
Shin did not know what to make of this. Conventionally speaking this should be impossible unless two entities are fused into one, as is the kase when he fused with Kibito and formed Kibito-Kai. But that would mean to merge two souls into one being. This male human was only one being but had two souls.
Shin observed the situation carefully, taking every detail into account from their appearance, body language and dialogue. It was at this moment that Shin noticed a drastic shift in the female that unnerved the Supreme Kai. The female's speech pattern, demeanor and even the voice changed.
"Would you die for me?" The female one asked ebbed with venom a malicious tone in her voice. Bloodlust was practically oozing from her. This made the Kai's eye widen. And so did the male human.
"What?" The male one asked while Shin thought the same. "I'm sorry, I couldn't actually hear you. Would you mind repeating that?"
"What I'm asking you, is that would you die for me." The human woman asked once more with the same malicious tone, but this time more audible and bold in her statement.
It wasn't a question anymore.
The woman then transformed into something the Supreme Kai found peculiar...and questionable- clothing wise.
The woman then conjured a light spear of yellow color that was twice her height and girth who stabbed the man. This event brought Shin out of his thoughts and acted on the interest of the boy. That is to say he wanted to save him.
"Stop! Cease your hostilities" Shin commanded as he dashed in between the two of them, arms stretched out signifying that he wished to defend the man.
Shin knew it was a hostile and malicious entity right there and then, he was ready to fight. His word's purpose was to dissuade the enemy into attacking, as strong as he might be, he did not like the idea of violence and he utterly disliked unecessary bloodshed, staying true to his nature of being a Kaioshin. Though if push came to shove he would not hesitate to use either of the two to solve the problem at hand.
The woman clocked her tongue and flew up by flapping her wings. Shin's naivety reared it's ugly head and thought that she heeded his words and retreated. But...
The winged one threw a projectile towards Shin's exposed backside, who tried to tend to the boy's wounds. The projectile merely broke and dissapeared into motes of light as it made contact with Shin's backside.
Shin had sensed the attack coming, predicted the trajectory even, but considering the winged entity's amount of Ki and the amount of Ki thrown at him it was nothing to be concerned of. To Shin the attack merely felt a piece of crumbled paper was thrown at him.
Shin was healing the boy, his palms and the boy's entire figure enveloped with a pale bluish light. It was a healing technique used by the Kais and was similar to the healing powers of the Namekians of their world.
'Twilight healing? No, it can't be!' The woman thought as she saw what transpired before her. "Hey you! Midget! What did you do?"
Shin said nothing as he continued to heal the boy, who by now was unconscious due to blood loss where a huge gaping hole was present on his stomach where the woman had stabbed. But something peculiar happened at the moment where the boy's injuries where partly healed and halted Shin's progress.
Behind him a white magic circle appeared and with it he could feel five Ki signatures emanating within. One was incredibly powerful, at least by this world's standards, followed by two more who was leagues weaker than the first but was vastly more powerful than the woman he was currently facing. The other two was more or less on par with the said woman.
Shin tried to grab the unconscious boy but a white and blue blur rushed passed him. But Shin was quick enough to dodge and shifted to the left. Though it was more accurate to say that the speed of the woman who blitzed Shin was as fast as a slow motion video to him. Due to this Shin could see the person who attacked him. It was a white haired lady in a maid outfit-complete with a headress and apron with a pale skin complexion with a bright red tint on her lips from lipstick.
After dodging, Shin jumped back and used the [Body Flicker] technique to teleport behind the winged woman and chanted "Kai-Kai" to teleport her to Lord Beerus for him to deal with and a possible interrogation and data gathering. And with that the black winged woman was enveloped in a white light that vanished nomentarily, leaving Shin to confront the new comers.
"Just what did I get myself into." Shin mumbled.
'What the hell is it taking so long?!' Though Beerus as he watched T.V lying on the couch, eagerly waiting for a delivery man to ring the doorbell of their house for five dozen stacks of pizza.
When Beerus returned to the sofa after paying the delivery boy with "real" money, he saw a woman in skimpy clothing who stared at him, and he who stared right back.
To Be Continued
Thank you for reading!
Next Update: The Hokage are Partime Huntsmen (Naruto X RWBY Crossover)