
DRAGON BALL: Rise of the Frost Demon Race

Honestly I've never watched Dragon Ball Anime and i only know from other fanfic,so maybe a lot of mistakes And if you don't like it, don't read it._ SYNOPSIS : Boy gets a second chance in his life. well I'm not good at making SYNOPSIS

GoudaGenji · Acción
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1 Chs

Beginning of choice

a man sitting drinking coffee suddenly a hologram appears.

[ Hello do you want to Go to another world ]

'hmm This.. like One of the Reincarnation fanfic,well let's see'

" Yes, I want to "

[ ️✓ ]

[ Choose your Destination World ]

"Dragon Ball"

[ ✓ ]

[ Choose your Race ]

'hmm I read in fanfic Always Choose Saiyan and rarely choose anything else and it's really boring '

"I choose Frost Demon "

[ ✓ ]

[ choose 4 wishes ]

" First I want the system, but I'm the administrator "

"Second The Adaptability Of Copying Any Technique At A Glance"

"Third Painless Regeneration of Gods"

"fourth Giver And Eraser Ability,I want to be able to give my Bloodline, or whatever And I can erase any Abilities and Bloodlines with Eraser Power"

[ ✓ ]

[ Please Choose Your Birth Time ]

"2000 years before Frieza birth"





'hah '

[Hello Sir]

'you must be My System'

[Yes sir]

'System From now on Your name is Fu'

[Confirm My name is Fu My Lord,thanks for giving me a name]

'Yes, it's the same as showing my status'

[NAMA: ]

[AGE: Freezing Process]

[COMBAT POWER: 10/100(H)]



[Passive : Divine Adaptation]

[passive :God of Painless Regeneration]

[Active : Giver]

{Granting Abilities, Bloodlines, And Awakening Potential}

[Active : Eraser]

{Erase Abilities That Have Been Given,Deleting Bloodlines, Revoking and erasing the Awakened Potential}