
Dragon Ball: Back in Black

Reincarnated into Dragon Ball after an unexpected death, a man must now face enemies and threats that not only endanger the universe, but multiple universes. Given the body of Goku Black and a few other items, this reborn Saiyan will have to transcend his limits time and time again in order to become the strongest. This is the story of a Saiyan who will become the strongest mortal in the universe. In all of the universes.

OmniSpectra · Cómic
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82 Chs


In the clearing, Lila and I rush at each other a high speeds, clashing over and over again until locking onto each other with a flurry of blows.

"What is that?! Your strikes are all over the place! Get it together!" She yelled, striking me in the chest.

I grit my teeth and strike at her faster than before, but none of them land as she seemed to block and redirect everything I threw at her.

"Get it together! Your movements are a joke! Sloppy and sad!" She yelled, planting another palm straight into my chest, but with even more force than before.

I get sent flying back about fifty or sixty feet before I grind my feet into the ground to stop myself from going back further.

Immediately, I turn my gaze back up, seeing that she was gone.

The hair on the back of my neck stands on end and I quickly send a roundhouse kick behind me, connecting with her hand that was about to strike me in the back.

"Oh?" She smiles softly before sending a kick of her own straight into my abdomen.

The force of her blow feels as though I've been struck by a damn freight train, but I push through and quickly latch onto her arm, preventing her from moving away.

Turning my gaze upward, I open my mouth and blast her with a dark yellow blast, finally hitting her for the first time today.

"Hah... Hah... How's that...?" I asked, my breathing labored as I collapsed to the ground on my knees.

The smoke from the blast clears and she stand over me with a smile, wiping away some of battle debris that got on her clothes.

"It's was decent." She says, kneeling down in front of me. "You're improving."

"Damn right..." I replied.

"I mean a newborn Kai still has better technique and you still can't redirect oncoming attacks to save your life, but you're improving." She says teasingly. "Slowly. Little by little."

"Fuck you..." I groaned as I fall forward.

Before my face could plant itself into the ground, I feel a pair of soft hands press against my shoulders, gently laying me down onto the ground and turning me onto my back.

"Aww, is the big guy all tuckered out?" She says, her voice using that annoying tone that I hate so damn much. "I could kiss all your bruises better if you want?"

"Y'know, at first your voice was soothing to me, but then you do that teasing and mocking tone of yours and it really makes me want to punch you in the face." I tell her, my eyes narrowed into slits.

"What? Mocking and teasing? Me? Never." She says, looking at me with a that damned smile of hers that makes me both weak and infuriated.

"You are so lucky that I can't feel my arms right now... or any of my upper body for that matter..." I told her, feeling nothing but numbness all over.

She chuckles and shakes her head fondly before going into her back pocket, pulling out the pouch of infinite Senzu Beans.

"Here, open up." She says as reaches into the pouch and takes out one bean.

I do as she says and she plops the bean into my mouth, to which I immediately consume it. The pain disappears along with numbness and I slowly sit up.

"I thought we were supposed to be training. All you've been doing these past few days is kicking my ass." I say to her.

I get up on my feet and stretch out my arms and legs, heading a satisfying crack come from my shoulder.

Lila visibly cringed from the sound and replies with, "We are training. You told me yourself that you learn better through doing rather than anything else."

That's true, I did tell her that. Though I'm beginning to wish that I didn't...

About a week ago, after we've had named our planet, she asked me how I was used to training. Considering that all I've been doing up until this point is destroying myself and coming back stronger, that's the approach that I was most comfortable with.

Big fucking mistake on my part.

She somehow knows the exact limit of how much punishment I can take before putting me in a near-death state.

When I confronted her about this, she said that the way that I've been training is inefficient and that she's not going to let me undergo a Zenkai until I was better at fighting.

And when I then asked what was wrong with the way I fought, she said that while I have good instincts, my style is as unrefined as a newborn baby. I waste movement, defend when I should counterattack, and make my moves obvious to everyone around me that has even a little bit of technique.

Basically, I'm the equivalent of a brawler with no brains, and the only reason I've gotten this far was through instinct and sheer raw power alone.

I wanted to refute her claims, but when I took a step back and reflected on all the encounters I've had, I couldn't really argue with anything that she had said.

My first planetary invasion, my fight with Antauri, my encounter with Frieza...

All of those encounters I survived all of those through sheer dumb luck or raw power.

And as much as it annoyed me to hear it, I had to admit that she was right in the end. Because eventually, luck runs out.

"We can change our approach if you want, but I don't think we will." She says before turning to walk away.

"And why's that?!" I shouted as I ran to catch up to her.

"Because you're stubborn." She replied casually, sticking her tongue out at me.

Can't help but feel as though she's learning about me a little too quickly...


As we return to the cave, Lila walks over to her small garden that she had planted just outside the entrance and picks up a small watering can that was beside the plot.

"Looks like they're coming in nicely." I said as I walked up behind her and inspected the plants, noticing how well they were growing.

"I know right? Bahamut really went all out on that wish you made." She says as she waters her garden. "They'll probably be ready to pick in just a few more days."

"Wow, that is impressive." I muttered.

She was right. Everything she had planted just a week ago looked like they were almost ready to pick. I guess when I wished for anything to flourish, he really took it seriously.

"My dragon is the best." I said with a hint of pride.

Lila rolls her eyes and shoves me a little, "You say that every time he comes up in conversation."

"Doesn't make it less true." I pointed out.

"I swear, it's like you're a proud father gloating about his son." She says as she shook her head.

I tilt my head a bit and ponder on what she had just said. Is Bahamut my son? I mean, I did create him out of my own energy.

Does that make me his deadbeat father that only talks to his son when he wants something?

"Stop debating about whether or not the magical wish-granting dragon is actually your son and help me water the plants." Lila says as she hands me a spare watering can.

Lila probably planted just about every vegetable that I had brought her. Lettuce, cabbage, tomatoes, onions, carrots...

There was really no need to since we have a food synthesizer, but she was adamant about it. We also wished for some animals to roam around for some source of protein.

All of that seemed like a waste of two perfectly good wishes to me, but I didn't really care all that much. The hell would getting upset about wasting two drops out of infinity do?

About a few feet away was the fruit, which I had planted myself. They took a bit longer, but that's to be expected. Some of the fruit actually needed to grow from trees.

Like the Ensenji, which I still haven't planted yet.

I never really expected myself to like farming or taking care of fruits, but it's actually quite calming after a long day. It was a joint effort between us. I looked after the fruit, she looked after the vegetables.

Obviously I had brought all these fruits and vegetables from Earth. Lila insisted on it after our first training session, so I went and... acquired some...

I stole them.

"After a few days, we'll finally have something other than a solitary bean to fill our stomachs." She says.

"You say that as if you don't feel absolutely stuffed after eating that solitary bean." I said to her.

She rolls her eyes and pouts, "Yeah, but they have no flavor."

"Oh my god..." I groaned.

As much as I pretend to be annoyed at her antics, I'm slowly growing fond of the time we spend here on Celvana.