
Dragon Ball: Alternate Universe

Follow Kaito as he dives into the New Vr Excusive Xenoverse 2!(Its a great game support the Offical release) His many adventures will soon unfold! Stay tuned.

Nico_Leztier · Cómic
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17 Chs

Two Brothers

There was a burst of energy through the field and the grass stood on end, the point of origin being Raditz. A light outline of Ki covered his features as he focused the power to a single point in his palm, his hand vibrating at the sheer amount of energy being poured into the attack. 

"Double Sunday!" Suddenly both of his arms are enveloped in a purple Ki and a beam fires off on both sides narrowly hitting Goku and Piccolo.

Seeing his opportunity Kaito rushes in and punches Raditz in the chest. Raditz in response backhands Kaito, sending him flying into a nearby patch of dirt. Goku recovers and quickly fires a Kamehameha wave in Raditz direction hoping to catch him unawares but to Goku's horror he hears the scouter Raditz is wearing beep and calculate the sudden burst of Ki. Raditz vanishes in the blink of and eye and reappears behind Goku. 

"Should of Brought those humans Kakarot!" Raditz brought down his arm like a hammer to the back of Goku's head. Goku crumbled to the ground and Raditz's scouter pinged another spike of Ki coming from the direction of his Pod. "Damn thing must be broken" Raditz mused to himself before getting hit from behind by a Ki blast from Kaito.

"Hey Raditz! Why not come and get me? Or maybe you're afraid?" Kaito had a smug grin on his face. 

Enraged by Kaitos antics , Raditz rushed in so fast Kaito had no time to react. He was suddenly clocked by a fist to the face sending him into a dazed state. Raditz baanked of this and withdrew his maximum balance by letting loose a flurry of blows. 

"That's it…Keep still" Piccolo whispered to nobody in particular. Piccolo was gathering Ki in his fingertips to fire off his best attack, the Special Beam Cannon. 

While Kaito was getting his body mangled Goku was on the ground trying to get back up. He rolled onto his back so he could breathe better. "Damn Raditz is strong" Goku let out a laugh that hurt to do. He slowly rose to his feet and planted himself firmly into the ground. "I gotta stay strong for Gohan or Raditz will be the last of my worries" He gulped thinking about what Chi Chi might do to him. Spotting that Raditz's tail was wide open Goku ran as fast as he could to Kaito's aid. 

"This…is…why.. You don't boast unless you have power!" Raditz declared to Kaito between punches, finishing it with another backhand to the dirt. Kaitos body slammed with so much force the ground uprooted a bit. "Now that the Trash is out" Raditz was cut off as he suddenly felt all his power leave him shaking and looking behind him he saw Goku holding his tail. "Kakarot! What are you doing?" Raditz collapsed to the ground struggling to find his balance.

"PIccolo! Finish it!" Goku held on tight to Raditz tail. 

"You got it Goku!" Piccolo pointed his fingers at Raditz. Preparing to end him swiftly so he could get back to planning to take over the world. 

"Kakarot Wait! You would kill your only Brother?" Raditz was frantic and desperate to escape the situation. "Please Kakarot! I'll leave peacefully!" Raditz was begging for his life. 

"Goku! Don't listen to him!" Piccolo Ordered Goku to hold firm and not trust a word his brother was saying. But Goku was too trusting and naive to listen and let Raditz's tail slip out of his hands. Taking this opportunity, Raditz elbowed Goku in the face and followed up by punching him in the dirt. Lastly Raditz stuck one foot onto Goku's ribs breaking a few as he did causing Goku to scream in pain. Waking up from the loud noise Kaito looked up from his lying position to see Goku screaming and coughing up some blood. 

"See that Kakarot! You're a Baffon!" Raditz kicked his foot into Goku's chest again sending Goku's body into shock. Seemingly forgetting that Piccolo finished his technique Raditz continued to rant before his scouter told him to turn around. With no room to dodge it looked like they had won before Raditz suddenly simply sidestepped the attack, it trailing off and blowing up behind him covering him in a dust cloud. 

"Oh no…" Kaito cursed under his breath. This is so real feeling and life like it's scary, he could feel his muscles hurting from the amount of hits he sustained. 

Mimicking what a push up is like he rose to his feet. Everything hurt if only he had a way to help. Suddenly a popup window showed up. "Learn Charge Ki?" Kaito practically jumped at the window, clicking yes. Suddenly it felt like something was being burned into his memory. The pain washed away as soon as it started. 

Piccolo looked into the dust cloud for any movement when he saw a pair of red eyes bearing into him. "Holy Shi-" He was cut off when Raditz grabbed his face. Piccolos face immediately showed alarm. A pink Ki started to fill his vision when Raditz was kicked away by Kaito. 

"Thats Right you Super Saiyan Reject!" Kaito practically screamed it. He appeared different. A white Ki outlining his features. He smiled, finally being able to land a hit on Raditz. This Ki control stuff wasn't half bad. 

Raditz picked himself back up and practically blinked in front of Kaito. But ready this time he blocked and deflected Raditz's attacks, landing some blows every so often. Kaito reeled back his fist and punched Raditz square on the nose causing some blood to leak out. On contact Kaito felt wong its like the Ki was tainted by something it was so vile and evil. Kaito backed off feeling a spike of Ki behind him. Flying forward at crazy speed was Gohan?? 

"Leave my Dad Alone!" Gohan cried out slamming his head into Raditz chest armor cracking it slightly. Raditz grabbed his chest, finding it hard to breathe as the dark Ki surrounding him vanished. 

Goku took this moment to slip behind him and put him in a full nelson. "Piccolo! Do it now!" Goku screamed at him practically begging.

"Right!" Piccolo aimed and fired "Special Beam Cannon!" it killed both Raditz and Goku in its wake leaving them on the ground bleeding out of a giant hole in the chest. 

With the mission done and the timeline back to normal Kaito was transported back to the timenest. In a bright flash of light he was sitting at a table his wounds seemingly gone. 

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