
Dragon Ball: Alternate Universe

Follow Kaito as he dives into the New Vr Excusive Xenoverse 2!(Its a great game support the Offical release) His many adventures will soon unfold! Stay tuned.

Nico_Leztier · Cómic
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17 Chs

Great Ape Great Problems

"What do you say?" Turles held out his hand expectantly waiting for Risa to take it. 

"You're insane…" Risa looked like she was gonna cry. "After what you did to my last student…What makes you think I would join you?!" Risa smacked Turles hand away. 

"That's too bad. I have to kill you now Hana" Turles trailed off really hitting home the point he knew who she really was. 

"What did you just say?" Risa looked up at him with nothing but fury burning behind her gaze. 

"I cant say your name?" Turles questioned. "You don't belong here just as much as me, the difference being im not playing pretend" Turles rushed forwards blitzing Risa at a blinding speed, but to his surprise Risa caught his punch. "Well now…" 

[Back at the battlefield] 

"Kakarot! You finally show!" Vageta laughed menacingly. "Here I thought I would have to kill everyone you care about to get you to show." Vageta shot a beam at Gohan but before it could hit Goku deflected it with ease. 

"This is between us, Vageta! Leave my son out of this!" Goku pushed off the ground, launching himself at Vageta.

Goku threw a punch at Vageta's face but he ducked and delivered a blow to Goku's stomach. Coughing Goku clutched his stomach before shouting "Kaioken Times 2!" and delivering 3 punches to Vagetas body causing him to stagger back a bit. 

"Kakarot! Full of Surprises!" Vageta got into stance and gathered energy. "Since you like them so much, take this!" Vageta formed his hands in a way where the hand on the inside was curved forward and the one on the one on the outside was cupped over it. "Galick gun!" Goku was going to jump to dodge but remembered Gohan was behind him. 

"Ka…me ...ha...me" Goku quickly cupped his hands together and pulled back into the turtle wave stance preparing to block Vageta's beam with his own. "Ha!" Goku fired his Kamehameha when Vageta's Galick Gun was inches from him causing an explosion that rocked the area and for Goku to get caught in it. 

"Daddy!" Gohan cried out witnessing what he believed to be his father dying a second time. Flying into a blind rage Gohan's power exploded and he pummeled Vageta before kicking him into the air and firing off a beam. "Masenko!" Hitting Vageta head on Gohan felt good until he saw Vageta smiling through the smoke and felt his heart drop.

Vageta appeared right in front of Gohan and slammed him palm into Gohan's temple, sending him flying into some rocks. "Serves you right…Brat" Vageta looked down and noticed Goku was standing in his Kamehameha stance and not moving. "Looks like he's dead, So much for a threat" 

"Kai...oken…" With a burst of red Goku disappeared and appeared behind Vageta before firing a Kamehameha point blank. Vageta whipped around only to be met with Goku's beam attack and get engulfed. "Haaa…I need to find Gohan" Goku's thoughts were cut short when Vageta spun out of the smoke and kicked Goku in the head, sending him into the sand below. 

"A low class warrior will never best an elite!" Vageta Flew down and slammed his foot on Goku's head knocking him out for now. 

Kaito snapped out of his daze and saw Vageta standing over Goku with an arrogant smirk on his face. "Hey! Get away from him!" Kaito pushed himself forward despite still being shaken up by Risa's death. 

"Forget about me?" Nappa appeared beside Kaito and punched him in the side of the ribs. Sending him into the sand and kicking up a cloud of dust. "Boomer XD" Nappa shouted as the wind picked up and cleared out the area around Kaito. "Can't hide from me" Nappa started to slowly walk towards Kaito.

"Solar Flare!" Krillin was in front of Kaito in the blink of an eye and grabbed him. "Come on, we gotta regroup with Gohan and get out of here!" 

[With Risa and Turles]

"Wow you just won't give up will you?" Turles remarked at Risa. 

"Why should I?" Risa was at her limit that explosion from earlier is starting to take its toll on her. She considered her options and found she was done for.

"There's a way out of this" Turles punched Risa in the face, making her back off a bit. "Just say you'll join me" Turles without realizing it unwrapped his tail and it started swinging around in anticipation. 

"I already said no!" Risa spit out some blood and got back in stance. She was wracking her brain trying to figure out what was wrong with her. She's fought bigger foes than this pushover. So why? Why is it suddenly so hard to fight. 

"Oh…" Turles tail wrapped around his waist once more. "I'm through giving you chances this is where you die!" Turles charged energy between his fingers and at the center of his body in a ring. 

Suddenly someone kicked Turles into the rough terrain below and followed after him. There were sounds of an intense fight and then nothing. Risa was shocked with the silence that followed. "I gotta get back to Kai" Risa started limping in the direction of the desert. 

[Back at the Desert]

"Galick Gun!" Vageta screamed. Pissed that things were falling apart so fast. 

"Kamehameha!" Goku yelled out as their beams met in a struggle for dominance. Vageta started pushing harder and Goku was losing fast. "Kaioken times 4!" suddenly Vageta found himself engulfed in a beam and soaring into the sky. Goku was tired and felt his body twitching in pain. He fell on his knees breathing unevenly. 

"Kakarot!" Alarmed Goku looked up in horror as he saw Vageta flying above holding an orb like attack. He threw it up into the air and yelled something that sent a chill down Kaito's spine. "Burst open and Mix!" Vageta started to laugh and transform.

Sorry for the late upload, Life got in my way. But enjoy the chapter none the less! thanks for sticking around!

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