
Super Power Ups!

Vegeta got up and looked down, Zephyr walked over and punched a hole in Recoome's chest, looking at Rocket, "He's the one who hurt you?" Rocket nodded, "Bah! Scum!" Zephyr smiled and rubbed her head.

Vegeta looked at him, "Hmph!" Zephyr pushed Rocket, "Say hello." Rocket looked at Vegeta, "Hmph! Scum!" Vegeta clicked his tongue, "Brat!" Zephyr looked around at everyone and was startled.

This Potential Unlocking was a bit nuts!

[Rocket- 44,000]

[Gohan- 45,000]

[Krillin- 50,000]

[Vegeta- 300,000]

[Current Power Level- 70,000]

[Goku- 140,000]

Zephyr was confused, what on Earth?! Why did they all shoot up?!

[The Potential Unlocking from Guru is not a normal thing! It stimulates you once and it continues for a while! So if you continue fighting, more and more of your potential will be stimulated!]

[Another effect is that you will start accumulating more Combat power faster as the level increases! The more Combat Power you have, the easier it is to increase it. You, Krillin, and Rocket will continue climbing the more you fight since you've accumulated so much backlog with constant training.]

Zephyr said in shock, "We're turning out training into Power Level?"

[That's right.]

He was confused, "Then why?"

[Because you didn't break your Potential Limiter. Guru unlocked it for you all. Now as you fight and recover, your training will turn into power!]

Zephyr clenched his fists, "I see!"

[Balance- 10,700p]

Zephyr was stunned, just killing Recoome was 5k Points? He should've killed them all!

Vegeta looked at Goku and said, "Kakarot, have you become the Legendary… Super Saiyan!?" Goku scratched his head, "Huh? What? No?" Vegeta frowned and Zephyr held Rocket with one arm, looking at Vegeta speechlessly, "Do you know what a Super Saiyan is?"

Vegeta snorted, "It's a Legend on planet Vegeta…" Krillin muttered, "They named a Planet after you…?" Vegeta sneered, "I am named after my home Planet! As was my father before me!" Krillin was stunned as Gohan looked at him, making him embarrassed.

Vegeta continued, "The legend goes that a Super Saiyan is a Legendary invincible warrior! His strength knows no bounds and he only appears once a Millenia!" Zephyr scratched his cheek as Rocket rested her head on Zephyr's shoulder, "Is that true, Daddy?" 

Zephyr shook his head, "No, it's not. But Vegeta thinks so." Rocket nodded, "Oh, so he's stupid." Zephyr pinched her cute little nose, "That's right. Good girl!" Rocket giggled happily as Vegeta glared at them!

Goku scratched his head, "Zephyr, didn't you ask Shenron about it?" Vegeta was stunned, "There's such a thing?!" Zephyr nodded and looked at Vegeta, "I told you before." Vegeta waved quickly, "What is the secret! Tell me!"

Zephyr replied, "Well, first of all, you need 3 Million Power Level." Vegeta was dumbfounded, "Impossible!" Zephyr added, "2nd, you need enough S-Cells and you can only get them through being peaceful. You can train though, no problem. You can't go around killing people though." 

Vegeta was shocked, "Impossible!" Zephy finished, "Thirdly, you have to be really angry. So angry that you want to explode!" Vegeta grit his teeth, "I'm pretty fucking angry right now!" Zephyr was speechless, "I'm just saying what Shenron told me! What are you angry for?!"

Vegeta shouted, "You're lying! Lying! I don't believe it!" Zephyr shrugged, "Believe what you want! I told you how to do it! You don't even have 3 Million Power level yet!" Vegeta clenched his fists, "You should die!"

Zephyr was speechless.

Goku laughed, "You guys sure are funny!" Vegeta growled, "Shut up, Kakarot!" 

Then they all paused as Ginyu flew over, landing there, enraged, "What happened! My Ginyu Force! AHHHH! DIE!" Goku frowned and jumped at Ginyu, "Get out of here!" Zephyr looked over and said, "Uh oh… Frieza went to the Great Elder!"

Krillin, Gohan, Rocket, and Vegeta were shocked, "WHAT?!" Zephyr put Rocket down and said, "You guys hurry up and go get the Radar." Krillin, Rocket, and Gohan flew out as Zephyr stood with Vegeta and Goku, looking at Ginyu.

Goku waved, "I can do it! You guys do find the Dragon Balls before Frieza can use them!" Vegeta looked at Goku and snorted before Zephyr came to Goku, whispering in his ear.

Goku sweat a bit, "Wow! Alright! Thanks, Zeph!" Zephyr smiled and nodded, flying away with Vegeta.

Goku faced Ginyu seriously.
