A Martial Arts enthusiast girl ends up dying and is reborn with her memories of her past life in a world full of Martial Arts. Don't take this too seriously, I'm writing this FF to challenge myself. Thanks to ReyKale, for the amazing art cover!
Mimi's first day of her true training was the worst day of her life.
After finding the strange orange sphere, Mimi spent nearly two hours trying to fish, but to no avail. With no choice, Mimi had to search the trees for berries and fruit, which proved to be quite easy, as they were on an island untouched by man.
Unfortunately for her even after eating them, she was still hungry; the berries and fruits weren't enough to satiate the energy consumption that Mimi expended in her early morning training.
After her early morning training, Roshi had started her end-morning training, which consisted of pass through a large obstacle course created by himself.
There were several different parts to the entire course, and it was incredibly difficult for Mimi, who had just started her training on the same day.
She had to climb mointains, swim in a lake full of sharks, jump over obstacles, run from wild animals like bears and insects like killer bees, and even do parkour.
The purpose of the obstacle course is not only to improve Mimi's stamina, but also her reasoning, endurance, resistence, quick thinking, balance, speed, reflexes and perception. She also needed do the entire course while Roshi disturbing her, such as throwing stones at her feet while she tryes to cross a river by jumping on small, trembling bamboo stakes or while trying to cross a cliff through a broken tree trunk.
Another rule of the course, which Mimi was extremely frustrated with, was that if she fell, stopped running, or was successfully hampered by Roshi, she had to start all over again.
Because of that, during four hours of trying, Mimi barely managed to get past the first of the six parts of the course.
At noon, Roshi gave Mimi a lunch break, who ran off in search of fruit, as her exhausted body didn't have the strength to hunt anything.
After lunch plus some hours of rest, Roshi started Mimi's afternoon classes, teaching her about general knowledge like math, history, philosophy and so on.
During classes, Mimi often almost fell asleep, but whenever she closed her eyes, Roshi would hit her on the top of her head with his cane.
After the classes, in the late afternoon, Roshi gave Mimi a small paper, which contained a blueprint for a wooden house and farm.
At first Mimi was confused, but after Roshi explained that she should build her a house as well as a her own farm with her bare hands, Mimi fell to the ground without hope; Roshi could see Mimi's spirit coming out of her mouth, but he quickly stuffed it inside Mimi's body again.
The purpose of that exercise is to condition and strengthen the hands as well as the rest of the body in order to increase the natural invulnerability and deal with pain from the stress and blunt force trauma, he explained to Mimi.
As it was easier to field crops than build a house, Mimi started there, but as she didn't have any tools, which she also are not permited to use, she had to use her bare hands to dig and plow; Mimi took hours, but barely managed to do much.
At that moment, Mimi cursed herself for not having learned to play Minecraft with her little brother. She didn't know much about the game, but she knew it was about building; maybe she would have learned something useful if she played with her brother.
By the end of the day, Mimi was completely exhausted. The muscles in her body screamed in pain, her brain ached, her eyes could barely keep open, and her hands were completely smeared with dirt mixed with blood and dead skin.
As Mimi was supposed to build her own house, she could not sleep inside the Kame House, so, with one last effort of the day, Mimi climbs a tree, and passes out on a branch.
Roshi watched his granddaughter's performance during the first day of training with a lot of pride, but also a lot of guilt.
Usually, his training isn't that overwhelming. In his normal training, he would make Mimi go through several individual challenges, and not use a course with all the challenges at once; he would also not have Mimi build a house and a small farm with her bare hands if it was his normal training, she would just help out farmers and builders. If it was his normal training, he would also provide food and shelter for her at the Kame house.
The day Roshi gave the book of techniques he wrote to his daughter to Mimi, he promised himself that he would make Mimi the strongest martial artist of all time, so strong that no one could hurt her.
Because of that promise he made to himself, he's been really tough on her training.
Roshi had asked Mimi several times before training started if she really wanted to train with him, and she always accepted, so he didn't have to hold back; not to mention that Mimi could give up at any time, but as much as the first day was hellish, she didn't give up.
However, as hard as her training is, and probably lethal, he is always present close to Mimi, ready to help her if something happens.
He was proud of his granddaughter, which even though she had an horrible performance in the second and third part of the daily training, she still tryed to do them without faltering.
He also felt guilty for putting his darling granddaughter through such hell.
He knows that women naturally have less muscle than men, which leads them to have less strength among other things, and if this training would be difficult for an adult man, he can't imagine how much suffering Mimi went through on this first day.
Up in the branches of the tree Mimi was sleeping on, he watched his granddaughter's peaceful little face; A million thoughts were running through Roshi's head at that moment.
The next day, Roshi woke up Mimi again at 4:30 am to start a new day of training. But before starting, Roshi called Mimi to the front of the Kame house.
Roshi, who had entered the house, leaving Mimi waiting outside, leaves with his box of capsules in hand.
''Grandpa? Why did you bring your box of capsules? Are we going to have a different training today?'' Mimi asked confused, but also hopeful.
''Hohoho, that's not it, Mimi. As you've completed your first day of training, that makes you officially my disciple, and for that, I have a little gift for you.'' Roshi responds.
He opens the silver box, and takes out a small, unnamed orange capsule. He presses the button, and the capsule explodes in his hands with a blast of smoke.
The smoke almost instantly disappears, and in Roshi's hands is an orange uniform.
''Grandpa, is that...a martial art uniform?'' Mimi asks, looking excitedly at the uniform in Roshi's hands.
Roshi nods his head, ''That's right. This is the Kame school uniform. I ordered several uniforms of different sizes for you before we came here.''
''Can I wear it righ now?!''
''Hohohoho! Of course yes! After all, you will use it every day in training! They are made to be especially durable, so always wear them when training, as there aren't many changes of normal clothes for you.'' Roshi responds.
With her grandfather's permission, she quickly takes the uniform from Roshi and goes inside the house to change.
A few moments later, Mimi comes out of the house wearing her uniform.
The uniform consists of a orange tank top with matching baggy pants, blue wristbands, blue toe shoes with white socks, and a blue obi tied in a knot over the waist. On the back of the tank top, there is the Turtle School kanji, and on the front-left side is a smaller version of the kanji. Along with that, Mimi tied her hair in a ponytail and pinned her bangs on the left side.
After leaving the house, Mimi did a few jumps and stretched a little to test the flexibility and comfort of the uniform.
'Wow! This uniform is really comfortable and airy! But it fits strangely perfect to my body...' Mimi thought as she did a few warm ups.
(A / N: Just for information, but Mimi wears sports bras and sports shorts underneath, so no horny!)
Mimi looks at Roshi with sharp, suspicious eyes, and Roshi breaks out in a sweat.
'Why is she looking at me like that? Maybe she didn't like the uniform?' Thought Roshi in confusion.
''Grandpa, how the hell do you know my sizes?'' Mimi asks with suspect.
''Hmm? Obviously I took your sizes, why?''
Mimi makes a disgusted face and spits on the floor, ''Damn pervert!''
Roshi looks at her with confused eyes.
He really didn't see any problem measuring the sizes of his seven year old granddaughter, after all, it was his granddaughter he'd taken care of since she was a baby.
However, Mimi is a person who has retained her memories of her past life, and because of that, she has the mind of a teenager, and the thought of her grandfather meansuring her sizes without her knowing made extremely uncomfortable.
''E-Erm, I really don't know why you're upset, but it's time for us to start our early morning workout.'' Roshi informs her.
''Don't talk to me, you pervert! Hmph!'' With a huff, Mimi turns her back and leaves to train alone.
''E-Eh? W-What did I do?!'' Roshi exclaims, still not understanding his sin.
This book is just for my enjoyment, so don't expect a very elaborate plot, perfect grammar and things like that. But if you still liked it, please add it to your library, and if you have any suggestions for the fanfic, feel free to write in the comments section!