The son of the strongest earth warrior Master Roshi and one of the strongest wizards a demon known as Putine. He is sent away to protect him from her enemies. When he learns that in the future the Omni king is planing to restart the multiverse and a demon is planing on resetting the timeline...he decides he needs to make some Devils and Gods Cry The first arc will focus on Demons and more follow dragon quest Dai. The Mc will still meet goku around the same time in Dragon ball but lots of differences
"what the hell was that..." the man said as he was in the ruble
suddenly a voice was heard at the entrance of the church running fast.
Nico breathing heavily: shit shit shit, Catch Nero
She threw a gun and Nero caught it and aimed it at the intruder. As the intruder slowly got out of the rubble Nero spoke to Kyrie "Kyrie go with your brother and get out of here.
Credo: I will go and get help. You stall him until then
he then have the survivors escorted out of the church...however Nico stayed
Nero: I wont hold my breath...(its good to have my blue rose in my hands again)
Suddenly he fires his blue rose at the man
The man swaps his arm knocking the bullets away" do you really think bullets can hurt me I am the dragon Knight, human...the dragon knight Baran."
Nero suddenly felt heard a voice in his head {$@%$#^@....kill$%##% drag#@$%@n #@$%ht} but he shook it off because he couldn't completely understand it...
Nero smirked: really? but then who's blood is that
Baran points at him and notices blood gazed on his arm...: is that possible...(is it the gun? magic...magic shouldn't effect is it possible to be injured by such a weak human...)
Nero: so you can bleed
Baran: *sigh*
Nero charges running fast shooting his gun several times at Baran but he quickly evades him, he then tries to do a round house kick at Baran but he smoothly sways to Neros right but Nero shoots his gun at Baren, however Baran using his elbow pushes Nero's arm up and then throws him between two pillars. But Nero reciprocated the throw by charging up his gun and firing at Baran and blasting him into the statue.
Nero: damn...I'm stuck.
Baran: (what am I doing...why am I wasting my time..)
He then moves to the sword...
He looks at it and says : So this is the Savior's sword...*he then grabs the sword hilt* It was like it was made for me*he swings it
It was like his aura had changed...the air got heavier
Nero: aint that a bitch...
Nero prepares himself to continue to fight and aims his gun at the Baran but before he could even fire Baran is right in front of him...and with a swing of his new sword the blue rose is cut and sent flying.
Nico: My baby!
Baran then kicks he then gut punches him in the wall
Nero gowns and threw up some with the punch
Baran grabbed his neck and lifted him up. "look at you now...where is that cockyness you had before...
Nero spits on him and recieves a punch in the eye from baran" you punch like a bitch"
Baran then squeezes harder on Nero neck...
Baran: Listen have been weighed, Measured, and found wanting. In what world could a human defeat a dragon knight..
Nico: What are you doing fucking Krillin (baldy) get your ass in the game. and make this cocksucker pay for hurting my baby.
Nero: grr(damn, worry about me why don't you) *while being choked he put his feet together then aimed at Barans chest* KAAAMEEEEHAAAMEEEEHAAAAA
Shocked at the sudden attack, Baran let go of Nero. As Nero was blasted back from his attack he quickly took off his sling and rushed forward with his right arm and punched but...his arm was caught by Baran and he was lifted up and looked at his arm
Baran: what are you? your not human...why are you siding with the humans...
Nero tried punching but Baran treated it like it was air. " why..*punch punch punch* why do you think.
Baran closes his eyes and seems to reminisce something while still holding Nero by the arm: "humans bring nothing but destruction. All they do and kill and hurt inocents...They fight each other over minor differences and bring destruction wherever they go...humans are the worst
Nero laughs
Baran: why are you laughing
Nero: oh, just the irony. have you looked much death did you cause innocent people from just trying to take the sword...look over at the wall to the there. Thats Nation he wanted to work on a farm, over there is the nun who used to be a sex worker but came here for a new start...that guy who your stepping on is ...lets say from my perspective it seems dragon knights are nothing but scum who pray on the weak and breaks people happiness. Not caring about if you harm woman and say I'm not wanting...but I'd rather be anything than scum like you....
The words Nero said seemed to shook was like he was losing himself or returning to beginning and start to change when
Suddenly somebody appears out of nowhere. he was wearing blindfold over his eyes, he had snow covered hair and wearing all-black high-necked jacket with matching pants and dark dress boots.
blindfolded man smiled: The kids are kind of a hypocrite right now.
he then gently put his palm on baran's chest and Baran went flying to the outside of the church coughing up blood.
Baran was shocked and then he looked at the man and said: "Wait your the
The man suddenly seemingly teleports in front of him and puts his finger on his month and says: Shhhhh" he then slowly brings his finger down and blows and sends Baran flying far through houses. Before Baran could stop the blindfolded man kicks him into the sky.
At this point Baran was completly blody but then while in the air his body changed...he grew wings a horn...he looked like a completely person and he was completely different person
They stared each other down and the blindfolded man spoke: So your ready to get serious...well lets not
Baran was shocked
Blindfolded man: don't get me wrong...its not like I'm afraid or anything...but fighting a dragon knight is a pain...expescally when you have your limit I'm not sure I feel like angering the dragon goddess if I kill you...worse if we were to fight the whole world would be destroyed. truthly the whole thing is a
Baran closes his eyes: So?
Blindfolded man: Just take the sword and leave...Thats what you wanted right...
He looked at the sword in his hands, then back at the blindfolded man...he transformed and he was about to leave but he had a few questions to ask the man but...
Blindfolded man: you should get going...your master the Demon King is calling...
Baran's eye twitched. he wondered how he knew that the demon king had called him...he decided to leave he was leaving the blindfolded man shouted"hey you can keep the sword. the Savior doesn't need a sword anyway. Also your goal is stupid byeeeee" he started waving to the dragon knight
Nero was on his back and was wondering what just happen...
Suddenly the blindfolded man appears in front of him... and says YO
Nero: did you kill him?
Blindfolded man: no...I let him go with the sword...did you want me to kill him
Nero sits up and crosses his leg with his eyes close: I want him to pay...
Blindfolded man: by killing him yourself?
Nero: no...he must kowtow in front of the graves and the family members of the people he killed.
Blindfolded man started laughing: Sorry I'm not laughing at your friends death...I'm laughing at...nevermind.
Nero just shrugged it off: anyway old man*he stands up* Who are you? I'm Nero
The blindfolded man smirks: Oh I haven't introduce myself...I am Mutatio. But you can call me Master Mutaito
Nero: MASTER? what are you going to train me...huh wait where have I heard that name that I get a closer look at you. you look familiar..
He looks at the broken statue and thinks of the portrait and shocked says : wait are you sav
Master Mutaito touches the side of his blindfold then say: yes I am the hero
Nero: yeah the hero..(why was I thinking the savior for a second. haha the savior is dead and he didn't wear a blindfold. )
For some was as Nero couldn't recognize Mutaito as the savior...the dragon Knight too...he couldn't even remember whom he was...even if he had a photo..he would be lost at who he was...
In case your wondering Nero is around 13 and hes about 147 cm (4'10) Baran is about 195 cm(6'5)
Master Mutaito looks like Gojo from Jujutsu Kaiser...he lost weight from the photo..