
Ch. 172 Paying a visit.

As the Odin made its way towards Gagaree and House Martocs, Elric used the time to carefully read and copy the first of the handful of books he borrowed from the all but forgotten library of House Pendragon's great hall.

The title of book was: "The Law of Runes", and inside the cover was a note from the author, saying that the main body of the information the book contained came from a much older book called; "Circles, and the Lost Art of Magically Powered Devices for Dummies and Warlocks". It was that note that caught the attention of Elric when he was skimming a few books that looked interesting to him back in the library.

While this book went deep into the meaning and history of many runes, what interested Elric was the sections on how one should arrange the runes in a circle to achieve the optimal results, basic runic circle development, and the sections going over something that resembled dwarven magiteck.