
Dragon's lineage - Levathian

As Jason was getting ready to get to his usual job, he is suddenly attacked and loses consciousness and his world goes black. When he opens his eyes again, he has become a Baby, follow his adventures as he finds himself in a fantasy world. Will he succumb to the world that's fast paced or will he use his experience, however little it may be to weather the storm? This is my first time writing, I will gladly accept constructive criticism as it helps me. The cover is of a cat, what is more majestic (supposedly) than a cat?

Slingshot · Fantasía
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15 Chs

New world

'After I pulled off that stunt, I pretty much know I died. Well it was pathetic really, I can't believe I let lose to those idiots. Sighh no point in thinking about that now. Wait! how can I still process my thoughts, am I still alive?'

I could still the pain of my burning flesh but heh, I'm no stranger to pain, though that's a story for another time. I could feel the pain persisting, I mean since when was I this weak, and I unconsciously try to scream but what came out of my mouth absolutely shocked me.

"waaaaaaah, waaaaaaah"

I was crying... like a baby.. I mean literally!!

'What the hell, what's happening, why can't I see anything properly and why am I feeling so much pain'

"There, there. Congratulations mylady, it's a healthy boy" I heard a woman saying. I mean I calmed down and tried to asses what was happening. Though I don't completely understand what she was saying, I did pick up a few words that sounded like english. Thank god for that.

'So from what I've been able to gather so far, I'm a baby. So like reincarnated? maybe. But why and how, I don't recall anything else. weird. But for now I want to rest, I'm getting tired'

I slowly drifted off to sleep probably since this was just a baby's body and it couldn't handle much or just my mental stress because of all the things that happened.

General POV :-

The baby fell asleep after crying for some time and Wilson immediately came rushing in and looked at the baby and was overjoyed since this was his first child and he was excited.

Elicia looked quite tired but she had a wide smile on her face.

She looked at her husband said "well looks like the joy of getting your son made you forget me"

Wilson immediately started sweating and helped elicia and said in a warm tone, " of course not honey, he's got your features, so I was lost "

Elicia smiled playfully and said " I know what you mean, he really is adorable and especially his golden eyes, they're very beautiful"

Wilson was taken aback, rightfully so. His wife had silver hair with blue eyes and a proper mature motherly aura around her and Wilson had blonde hair with light brown eyes, so golden eyes was rather unique.

'Wait a minute, the family records!! it says our ancestor and founder had golden eyes as a proof of fated talent, so my son.... hah! That's like my son, hasn't even been a day and I'm already proud of him!'

"What is it dear?" Elicia asked as she found her husband lost in thoughts. Wilson went on to explain about the family records as this was pretty much a cause for celebration.

After the birth of Astarot, there was a huge celebration all over the barony as the levathians were just too happy. And a day later, there was a royal decree stating the promotion of Baron Wilson levathian to viscount for all his services in the war recently concluded. This event made the populace to attribute it to the young Lord's birth and hence the party went on for another day.


'Sigh I was really tired. And my mother is really doting on me and everyone seems to be having fun since there's so much noise. And this fuckin pain makes me cry every now and then, I don't have full control of my body since as a baby it's more instincts and sluggish thoughts'

I was laying in the cradle and mom would stay near me and feed me every now and then, though I felt embarrassed seeing her boobs out but that just ended up in me burying my face deeper into her boobs. She seemed more amused than anything. And so my days of rest and doing absolutely nothing went on for a few days.

These few days have been very good for me, I was able to make out a lot more about the language and I'm now able to distinguish a few things. Though it doesn't show on my face because well for starters I don't have much control over my body and I can barely keep my eyes open for long. I'll try again in a few weeks maybe.

Time skip - 6 months

'I have to say, 6 months has passed and I still don't have complete control over my body or more like I don't have too much energy. I have started crawling around and no matter what I try to say it sounds like baby sounds, well of course. My tongue isn't developed and my neither can I pronounce too many words. I still remember my mother squishing me when I said Mama and dada. My father is mostly busy because he was promoted to viscount, but he still makes time, he's a cool guy'

While I was in my own thoughts and rolling over( oh yeah I did it bitches!!) I didn't notice my parents were looking at me with warm smiles.

Elicia POV :-:

'Ah, my son is so adorable and he's growing so fast, his eyes look intelligent like he's absorbing everything. Must be the talent thing Wilson mentioned'

I looked over to my right to see the proud look on Wilson's face. I lean over and whisper to him "He's growing up really fast and healthy, you can gaze at him later, you need to finish up your work"

'He look really reluctant, well I don't blame him, it's our first child, he'll stay special for us both. Though being viscount has brought a lot of changes, thankfully most of them have been positive and I hope it stays this way so he'll have time for Asta'


'Well now about the world itself, the kingdom we're in is called Novath and ours is Levathian barony.... viscounty. Apart from that this world has magic, well mana, how exciting! Though I'll have to grow up a bit more to learn all these. apparently my mother was a mage and my father was a swordsman. That's pretty neat if I say so myself. For now I don't have much information, I'll need to grow up faster, not like there's a way to do that'

I've concluded what to do for the next couple of years, absolutely nothing. I'm going to get spoiled and be a child at least until I'm 3 and I can start with the complicated stuff. I'm pretty sure I can't do much in this body anyway. so goals set, new world, interesting powers, great family, deep background and I can already feel it's going to be a great adventure hehe ~


A/N -

That was the first chapter and I'm thinking of taking it medium to slow paced since I'm planning a lot of world building and characters.

what do you guys think? A nice world or just a rushed plot development?

Do let me know!!