
Dragon's lineage - Levathian

As Jason was getting ready to get to his usual job, he is suddenly attacked and loses consciousness and his world goes black. When he opens his eyes again, he has become a Baby, follow his adventures as he finds himself in a fantasy world. Will he succumb to the world that's fast paced or will he use his experience, however little it may be to weather the storm? This is my first time writing, I will gladly accept constructive criticism as it helps me. The cover is of a cat, what is more majestic (supposedly) than a cat?

Slingshot · Fantasía
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15 Chs


The day after Asta's awakening, he started practicing manipulating and controlling Mana, which is one of the most difficult things to do. Mana was present everywhere around us, from plants to little animals to all the strong beasts. When there's a lot of Mana, the control over it also decreases, which was the case with Asta. He had more Mana than a normal person after awakening which was the reason that this part, a sort of emission where you use abd control Mana freely was more difficult than for the others no matter how talented he was. He was suffering from his own success.

For two days Asta practiced his control and when he could imbue Mana into the wooden sword without breaking it and send a flying slash, his mother, Elicia approached him and told him

"Well now since you have a decent control over your Mana, it is time for you to engrave a circle on your heart. Follow my Mana and guide yours as well, but the engraving can only done by you, so please be careful son"

Asta did just that and started engraving a circle on his heart. He also knew what his mother didn't know, he could make his Mana denser and it would allow him to stronger than anyone his own level and maybe fight a bit above his level. His inheritance (system) was truly like a cheat. This has its downsides too, his speed of advancing through the ranks will be slowed heavily, but this was a sacrifice he was willing to make. When his circle was getting engraved, he immediately noticed that his circle was inherently different, it was... absorbing Mana continuously and refining it while also spinning really fast. This was way more than he had expected, so he immediately checked his system

Status -

Name - Astarot levathian

Race - human

Age - 8 years

Title - 1- star mage/swordsman

Stats :-

STR - 9

VIT - 14

DEX - 7

MIND - 13

PER - 8

MANA - 22

Traits :-

Passive Mana absorption - ????? (unlocked after the trials)

Zephyr Eyes (locked) - unlocked when MIND crosses 15

?????? (locked) - conditions unknown

Affinity :-

Fire - I

Wind - I

Space - I

Body - I

Inventory :- 10 slots - empty

'Damn, every one of my traits' information is incomplete, I need to start exploring this sooner or later' he cursed in his mind. He also noticed that a few of his stats went up, because of the breakthrough.

After he finished completing his circle, Asta immediately wanted to start his affinity training with spells and whatnot, but his mother told him that they have guests coming over in two days and that she'll have a teacher come to help me with it. Honestly he didn't mind it, his parents were very doting and it probably won't help him grow at all. Even now he was very inexperienced and would probably lose in a fight.

After everything was done, Asta went back to rest since his passive absorption of Mana was actually taxing, not too much but enough for him to get tired after a breakthrough. After he left, his parents went to the office to discuss,

Elicia POV -

'Sighhh I know I'm probably too doting on my son and it'll probably slow his growth, but I can't help but worry, he's such a cute little kid, ughhh, I can't do this along

I look towards my husband and asked him "Do you think we're actually slowing our son's growth?"

I noticed he immediately turned serious, no more of the aloof personality, honestly seeing him like this reminds me of why I fell for him, he might be idealistic but he will do anything for people close to him.

He nodded solemnly "I would love to disagree but I'd be lying. He needs to experience a lot of things and I remember my own father telling me that if we don't let the birds fly and fall, they'll never learn to how to fly safely"

I could feel a pulse on my forehead, I was getting pissed off, comparing our child to a bird?? he's asking for beating. I immediately got up and started smashing his head, he took it all without looking away from me, sighh I seriously love this knucklehead husband of mine.

I flopped back down on the sofa and said "I think I'll call the person who taught me, probably only he could teach him"

Wilson's face immediately morped and asked Worriedly

"Honey are you sure that's okay, he's still our son and only 8 years old"

I snickered "If we're going to do this, might as well go all the way, no? "

Well even I'm interested on how he'll grade my son and my son will grow under him. I just hope he gets strong enough to protect himself.

General POV -

Two days passed by with the mansion preparing to entertain guests, as enthusiastically as they did for the party. Asta was finally told about who was visiting. It was the Neighborhing territory's Lord, Graham Winston and his family. He was apparently Wilson's comrade in arms during the war and a partner for a lot of trade as well.

The levathian territory had a lot of fertile land and abundant resources, with a large forest which had a lot of beasts, the depths of which nobody knows. This was also the reason why there was so much trade since there was a lot of materials available and adventurers would come here often. The only downside being that the distance between the capital the territory was a lot which was a bad thing politically, but having a partner who's territory is one of the richest in the kingdom due to their technological advancement was a huge plus. So naturally they're very close to each other.

He was actually looking forward to meeting people who wouldn't treat him as a young master and more normally. His siblings were excited too, since they never made too many friends growing up, they were almost 4 years old. Asta wanted to see if he can open up a branch in their territory as well since it would be a huge help, to their starting enterprise.

Though Asta had no idea that this meeting would probably change a lot of things in his and his family's life.


A/N -

Guys I'm thinking of a rival sort of character for MC

who is still is some ways away. I was thinking I might as well do something for the readers if you want a name for him. You can either comment or support me either way, I don't mind too much :3