
Photoshoot continued....

I tucked my arms around myself, trying to hold in the cold that was seeping in through my jacket. I clenched my teeth together, hoping that it would keep my teeth from chattering. But despite the unrelenting bitter cold, the photoshoot for Celestia, was going off without a hitch. They managed to find a very large and rounded evergreen tree with bits of snow caked to the leaves and branches. Mix the scenery with the freshly falling snow and the overcast sky, it was a pretty magical moment. I was honestly proud, watching Celestia pose in a dress that I had designed. It also provided me with hope that this was a good idea.

Seeing Celestia, brought back the good memories of my childhood days. The days when I would dress up as the princess in distress and my dad would come to my rescue. My dad would always be the King that would come riding in on his white horse, saving me from the dragon. Watching her dress flow with the gentle breeze and her bright smile just made my heart soar. I couldn't help but let the small tear roll from my eyes, because these were the memories I would always carry with me. The pain lifted a little more just watching her.

"Travis is coming out now! Make way for the Knight!" I heard Angela shout cheerily from behind me. I turned with the crew that I stood by, taking my gaze off Celestia, and on to Travis. His mere presence alone was captivating but watching him walk over in a royal knight's attire was truly amazing. He wore a dark navy-blue suit with a long black robe slung around his one shoulder. A black robe secured it to both his shoulders. His blonde hair was slicked back, making him look neat and truly noble.

His form was taught, like an actual nobleman on his way to meet his Princess. I couldn't have asked for a better Knight. To add to his character, there were striped- and solid-colored medals pinned to his shirt, giving the appearance of a well decorated soldier. The closer he got, the more appealing he appeared. I could feel my heart pound in my chest as he now stood before me, a devilish smile upon his lips.

"You and your partner really know how to dazzle the crowd. I'll say I am truly impressed." He said casually. The soft silk of his voice threw me completely into a smitten daze. I swore if my mouth wasn't frozen from the cold, I would have drooled like an absolute idiot.

"I am very pleased you like the attire. I'll say, it fits you better than I thought it would. I am also pleased we were able to attain such a capable model for this photoshoot." Aaron said patting me gently on the shoulder, stirring me from my brief stanning moment. So, this is what it was like to meet an idol. I have never been so speechless in my life. Mother, give me the will to fight off this feeling.

"You must show me the rest of your collection over dinner some time madam. I would like to be your future model if you wouldn't mind." Travis leaned in close, his breath gently breathing across my face, once again drowning me in my own muddled thoughts. He smelled so faintly of chocolate and coffee, that I almost felt myself inching closer to him.

"We can discuss that another time, Travis. Now stop wasting time and please join Celestia for the shoot. It's not exactly warm out." Damien said from behind me. With a wink, he strolled away. Now that he was no longer in my space, I could find myself breathing normally again. Get it together Rosaline, meaningful relationships are not meant to be had in my line of work. It wouldn't work out with his busy schedule, and my drive for work. I mentally shook my head, and casually watched as Travis posed with Celestia.

With nervous giggles erupting from Celestia, I watched as he grabbed her around her waist, and then dropped her low. Their faces were so close together you could see the heavy air mix. He was such a good actor, that his eyes almost seemed hooded with desire. Celestia's face blushed harder than the makeup she was wearing, making the picture genuinely romantic. Both souls were absolutely beautiful, I couldn't help beaming. Our masterpiece was finally coming together.

"This was your best idea yet Rosaline. What are you going to do after this?" I heard Bastion ask as he walked away from the photo crew. As they continued to pose intimately with each other, I passed a teasing glance to Bastion.

"I am going to retire and live a happy solitary life." I giggled. Bastion gently bopped me on the head, his own smile gracing his lips. Even though we were obviously both joking, I couldn't help but honestly feel like this was the peak of my job. He was right, out of the eight years I worked for his company, this was the best I could have done. Could I really pull of a Spring theme to top it all after this? I mean this alone would maybe stabilize our loss of income and interested investors before, but it wouldn't send us all the way over.

Before I could say anything more, my phone started to ring. Who on Earth would be calling me at a time like this? Everyone that would normally contact me was already standing in this small group. I fished in my pocket for my phone and gave a funny look at the screen. For some reason, it looked familiar to me. Throwing caution to the wind, I answered the phone.

"Is this Miss Rosaline Meredith Freed?" An old manly tone came over the phone. Like a gentle grandfather offering his little dumpling a cookie. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes, fully knowing well who it was. So, I ducked my head away from the small group and walked towards the house. But I bumped into Damien, forgetting he was standing directly behind me. His eyes questioned my reaction, but I walked past him without another glance.

"Is this Uncle James?" I whispered, trying to contain my excitement over the phone. It has been so long since I've talked to him. I never even gave him a proper goodbye when I left home. I just left, throwing everything I knew behind me, hoping to never remember the tragedy I had ever been through.

"Ah sweet pea, it's so good to hear from you again. It's been too long since I heard your voice my dear. Tell me how city life is treating ya." His voice contained so many emotions as he spoke. But mostly, I could hear the relief. I sat on the porch steps, watching the photoshoot from afar.

"I would love to tell you in person. I asked Emilia if you and her wanted to come out for my up-and-coming show so I could see you again. I am so busy these days that I am unfortunately unable to travel, but I have a few spare bedrooms if you would like to come out." I said hopefully. I chewed on my nail, the nervous tension rising in my gut. There was a lot of creaking on the receiving end of his phone. He must have been walking across his house.

"Emilia and I have already discussed going and we would be delighted to kiddo. But that's not why you called is it? Emilia said you sounded distressed when you two talked last. Is everything alright?" Never put it passed Emilia to sense the slightest of issues. I gave a loud sigh and ran a hand through my slightly tangled hair. I hated him to think that I just called him to use him, even though it was slightly true.

"I was hoping you could dig up some information on someone for me. He claims to know me, but I can't picture meeting him once in my life. He is signed with our company, and I just want to make sure he isn't a threat." I explained quickly to him the encounter at the hospital and how he knew about my talent for the piano. There was silence on his side of the phone as he took in the information.

"The name Damien does sound vaguely familiar. My old brain doesn't remember much these days, but I'll see what I can find and report back to you." He said gruffly. It was good to know that after all these years he would still have my back. He wasn't exactly family by blood, but he was the closest thing I had to family left. But the happy feeling ended as I saw the photo crew starting to pack up. My colleagues started to casually head over this way, and that meant Damien might catch on to what I was doing.

"I hate to end things so soon, but I need to hang up now. Duty calls. Let me know when you and Emilia decide to head out. I want to pick you up from the airport." Uncle James chuckled, his old cheery demeanor returning.

"I'll have Emilia buy the tickets and we'll let you know. Rest well kiddo and don't let any man pull the wool over the eyes. No matter how well they may think they know you." That was all he said before he hung up. His last words made me feel a little uncomfortable, because the more I continued to think about Damien, the more suspicious he was starting to become. If Uncle James thought he sounded familiar, then at some point in my childhood, I must have met him. But where?