
The Graduation

Millions of Years later from the events of Prologue....

Current Year: 4231 A.D. (By Earthling’s Standard)

The air crackled with nervous excitement. A cacophony of hushed chatter and celebratory cheers filled the vast graduation hall of Terra University. Among the throngs of students clad in the standard graduation robes, Alex shifted uncomfortably. Four years of dorm life, questionable cafeteria meals, and the dubious company of Greg "Greasy" Henderson's perpetually unwashed socks had finally culminated in this… another dorm room, albeit with the promise of slightly less questionable cafeteria options.

"Finally graduated from this glorified chicken coop," Alex muttered under his breath, earning a snort of laughter from the student beside him. It was Maya, a fellow scholarship student with a dry wit and a shared disdain for the exorbitant tuition fees.

"Don't knock it till you've tried the luxury dorms on Luna," Maya countered, a glint of mischief in her dark eyes. "Apparently, the biofilters actually function there, and the food allegedly doesn't come pre-chewed by space roaches."

Alex snorted. "Luxury dorms are a pipe dream for us scholarship students. But hey, at least we get a fancy piece of paper that says we're officially qualified to… well, who knows what exactly."

Terra University of Earth, a part of the prestigious Terra Academy network of the vast Aethelgarde Empire, was supposed to be a golden ticket to a brighter future. Yet, for Alex, it often felt like a gilded cage. Here, amongst the children of ambassadors and CEOs, he, the scholarship boy with patched jeans and a second-hand hoverboard, stuck out like a lone asteroid in a nebula. The Terra Academy offered Gene-Optimization programs, the key to unlocking superhuman abilities and social mobility within the Empire. This coveted process was accessible to those with exceptional academic performance or significant wealth. Alex, despite his brilliance in his combined degree of Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics, AI, and Design, couldn't afford the exorbitant cost.

The booming voice of Chancellor Sharma sliced through the chatter, demanding silence. The drone hovering above the crowd, its single red eye scanning the graduates, momentarily dipped lower, focusing on Alex. He squared his shoulders under its scrutiny, a flicker of defiance crossing his features. These graduation drones felt more like an intimidation tactic than a celebratory measure.

As the ceremony droned on, a wave of loneliness washed over Alex. His gaze scanned the crowd, searching for the familiar faces of his adopted family. There, in a sea of unfamiliar faces, he spotted Sarah's warm brown hair and the unmistakable bounce of Ben's unruly mop. Sarah, his adoptive mother, beamed with pride, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. Ben, his younger brother, bounced excitedly, obviously happy for his big brother.

At least someone was genuinely happy for him.

The presentation of diplomas/degrees was a blur of names and forced smiles.

After some time, host’s voice was heard, “Next Up is, Alexander Connor from the Engineering Faculty.”

As Alex reached the stage, a pang of bittersweetness hit him. This marked the end of one chapter, but the next one remained shrouded in uncertainty. He shook Chancellor Sharma's hand, the man's grip surprisingly firm.

"Congratulations, Alex," Chancellor Sharma rumbled, his voice surprisingly deep for someone so thin. "You've aced your exams. Remember, Terra University is always open to those seeking further advancement in their chosen field, particularly Gene-Optimization programs."

A thrill shot through Alex. Gene-Optimization, or Gene-Opt, was the key to unlocking superhuman abilities and social mobility within the Empire. It was a coveted process, accessible to those with exceptional academic performance or significant wealth. Alex, despite his brilliance in his combined degree, couldn't afford the exorbitant cost.

"Gene-Opt, sir?" Alex pressed, his voice betraying his excitement.

Chancellor Sharma leaned in slightly. "A complex field, Alex," he said, his tone turning serious. "But one with immense potential. Consider it, Alex. The Academies could open doors you never thought possible."

With that, Alex was ushered off the stage, Chancellor Sharma's words echoing in his mind. It was easy for him to say. But for him to enroll in the Terra Academy. A Very hefty sum would be needed. Unlike the scholarships offered to University Programs. Only a handful of Scholarships is given for Students enrolling in Academies. Academy, as said, are a place offering further education, but more than that, after enrolling in one, you get the option to alter your Gene and get superhuman abilities. This was Alex’s goal from the beginning. But if it gets impossible for him to get a scholarship. He can only go for a very heavy loan.

“Sigh…Let’s think about this later.”

The post-graduation reception was a whirlwind of congratulations, forced pleasantries, and the occasional snide remarks from those who still held a grudge against the "scholarship boy." But Alex as always kept his poker face. Taking all those pleasantries, taunts and insults with a smile. Because, if they were to catch some sort of disrespect from him. He is sure that the next morning, he and his family would be in the streets having trouble carrying out their life. But as he observed the jubilant graduates as they celebrated their newfound freedom, he felt a strange sense of pride.

“What would my parents, elder brothers and sisters say, if they saw me today? Would they be proud of me?” Alex muttered.

His childhood was not the best of all. In his early days, due to some unknown reasons, he had to separate from his parents and siblings. He cried. He shouted that he doesn’t want to get separated, But as per fate. He had to move to an orphanage. But, within a few months, an older sister came to him and decided to adopt him. And that older sister is none other than his current adopted mom, Sarah. She rescued him from that systematic orphanage and gave him a good childhood. But good things never last forever, due to another unknown reason, they had to come to Earth and had to live in a normal apartment for all these years. His mom had to do heavy jobs to ensure he and his younger brother, who was also adopted from an orphanage, would have a better life. So, from the day they came to Earth from his home planet, Gaia, He promised himself to elevate his family's social standing and end the taunts they endured from society. With that goal in his mind, he slowly forgot about his original family, and his goal to find them. But with this graduation and earning himself a seat at an academy, those forgotten goals resurfaced.

While he was thinking all this, Sarah and Ben finally broke through the throng, their faces were beaming with pride.

"You did it, Alex!" Sarah exclaimed, pulling him into a tight hug. The familiar scent of lavender soap washed over him, a comforting anchor in the sea of unfamiliar faces and unsettling memories.

"Awesome job, big bro!" Ben chimed in, his brown eyes shining. He shoved a small, wrapped package into Alex's hands. "Happy graduation!"

Inside the package lay a worn leather-bound book, unlike anything Alex had ever seen. Strange symbols, swirling and intricate, decorated the cover. A wave of inexplicable nostalgia washed over him as he ran his fingers over the cool leather. Where had he seen these symbols before?

"Grandma Lily gave it to me," Ben explained, noticing his confusion. "She said it was yours, something special you might need."

Grandma Lily, Sarah's mother, lived a life shrouded in mystery. A renowned asteroid miner stationed on the far-flung colony of Kepler-186f, she was known for her eccentricities and cryptic pronouncements. Alex had only met her a handful of times, each encounter was strange riddles that left him more bewildered than enlightened. Still, this book felt different, almost as if it hummed with a latent energy.

“Ah! Thank You. So, Ben, what did you got for me…? Mother gave me a wonderful AI Watch yesterday. But you didn’t give me any, right?”

After hearing this, Little Ben, who is only 7 or 8 years old, suddenly shed tears. He hugged Alex and uttered through choking. “Sorry Big Brother! I don’t have money. So, I couldn’t buy you anything. But--- But--- I--”

Before he could finish, Alex stroked his messy hair and said, “I was just joking, Ben. You know that I love you the most. Why wouldn’t I know that you are the proudest of me today. I was just kidding with you...”

Hearing his words, a small smile tucked his tear-stricken face. A quite cute appearance. Then with that he uttered while vigorously nodding his head, “Um… I love you the most!”

“Oi! Oi!! What about me? I am your mother.” Sarah chimed in.

To that, Ben only showed his tongue, playfully.

“Ben, give your brother what you created for him. I told you that it is a good gift.”

Hearing, Sarah’s words, Alex’s Brows heightened, his little Ben prepared something for him. Then why didn’t he give it to him. But before he could say anything, Ben nervously said.

“But it’s Ugly. It didn’t come as I wanted.”

“Ben… What is it? Give it to me. No secrets between us, right? So, give me ‘the thing’ you created… I am curious.”

So reluctantly, Ben called for his drone and then a somewhat broken drone flew over (with the help of AI) with a parcel on it.

“Oh! So, you hid it in your drone. Naughty Boy. I thought you took this drone with you to repair it.” Sarah said.

Getting the parcel from the drone, he opened it. There lies a Card congratulating him and some sort of ‘alien’ action figure. No, Wait. It was him.

‘Huh! That’s why he didn’t give it to me. This is clearly a different ‘me’. But, Still the details he tried to put here….’

“Ah! I am truly a lucky brother! Thank You, Ben. This is the best gift ever, And, It’s beautiful. It has quite a different sense.”

“Um…” Ben shyly nodded. His face blooming. Obviously, he is happy with his brother’s praise.

After that they went to their home, ignoring those sarcastic comments uttered by some of the 'high-classed rich ladies'. Mothers of his Bullies.

Later that night, after Sarah and Ben had gone to bed, Alex settled on his worn couch, the book open in his lap. The symbols seemed to glitter under the lighting, making him lean closer to the book. As he traced them again, a warmth spread through his fingertips, and the symbols erupted in a vibrant glow.

“A Book connected to your Personal AI. <@#$%!&> Book is registered in your Personal Library. Attempting to access info and create a softcopy of the Book. Translation Denied! Access Denied!”


A strange feeling, a mix of apprehension and anticipation, bubbled within him. Even his AI can’t decipher its origin. It truly is a strange book.

“Why did Grandma said this will be helpful, for him. I can’t even understand the language of this Book. Well, not that I can ask her with her never ending riddles. Better as well, keep it in a safe place. But first let’s check something…”

After keeping the book away. He turned on his PC and uttered,

“Aether, provide me with Academies with highest probability of me receiving a Scholarship!”

Aether is his Personal AI. After the development of AI, came the Era of ‘Dawn’ to the Earth. And then, With the help of this advanced AI, Gene technology was developed, and Super Humans were born. Due to that, the tiny planet named Earth became insignificant for those super humans. They created Spaceships and other instruments and established Space colonies throughout the Solar system and further. And that’s when, Humans of Earth met other Alien Humans with different mutations. But due to some reason, they didn’t kill Earthlings. But rather, as if they pitied them, took them under their wing, The Aethelgarde Empire. With Earth being a part of the Aethealgarde Empire, Earthlings' gene technology (Gene Alteration) was developed rapidly, and they also got to know about existence of many other Human Empires across the Milky-way galaxy and the existence of other galaxies, such as the existence of the Dark Rawl Galaxy with life and the existence of Demons and monsters and the wars ongoing between these galaxies.

And as for the reason for the different mutation of these ‘Alien’ humans is because they altered their genes with the genes of those monsters and Demons in the other galaxies, giving them more extraordinary powers like, Clairvoyance and other flashy powers.

With all these things that happened made the World Leaders like USA, Russia, China to lose their powers and authority over earthlings and the disappearance of many Political Wars. Earth became one of the many kingdoms in the Aethelgarde Empire. All this happened thousands of years ago. Right now, the 'Kingdom of Earth' is a nation mixed with Technology and Magic. Not really magic, but the presence of Super humans is a bit like the Magic as portrayed in ancient Earth (2100 AD). So due to that, Education system of Earth changed a lot.

In Ancient Earth, the education system consisted of Early Childhood Education with kindergartens, Primary Education and Secondary Education with Schools and finally the Tertiary Education with Universities. To complete all these studies and education system and to become a known ‘scholar’ with a good profession, it took at least half of the whole damn life of a human. But with the Era of New Dawn that came after the Era of Dawn, the education system was reformed and the normal education system encompassing the University education, had to be completed before the age of 20. And for those who did well and passed the subjects well, A new place called ‘Academies’ were introduced. Where more thorough knowledge about different races, different alien technologies were introduced and giving the opportunity to undergo gene optimization. Here, they are not talking about the Gene alteration earthlings did years ago, the gene optimization is the process of injecting a foreign gene from different ranks of Demons and monsters to your own human gene, optimizing the current human gene. This process is extremely painful for ordinary humans. Anyways, with this gene optimization, humans of Earth also got different mutations like Horns, scales and even tails. So yeah, the establishment of Academies is the most significant change the earth underwent a thousand years ago. Apart from these changes, nothing new happened. They still use Cars and vehicles, albeit being Hover cars and hover vehicles that defy gravity, they still build buildings, but with a more futuristic approach compared to before.

Anyways back to topic….

“Order accepted, Sir Alex.”

“Sir, may I ask, is this limited to Earth and the Luna or should I search all over the Empire including Gaia?”

Hearing this, Alex thought for a moment. He can’t leave the world leaving his mother and little brother. But he is sure that he won’t get a major scholarship to Earth, due to its high capitalism. So, after some contemplation, he said.

“Check the whole empire. But it’s good if those locations are quite close to Earth.”

“Sure Sir.”


“According to the current statistics, the highest scholarship you will get on Earth is 12%. But you are eligible for scholarships of more than 40% in the following Academies.”

Alex checked the holographic Screen of his PC. It showed a list of more than 100 academies.


1. Selis Academy: Eros kingdom: Scholarship offered: 40%

2. Welsh Academy: Eros Kingdom: Scholarship offered: 40%

3. Cassel Academy: Rias Kingdom: Scholarship offered: 45%


98. Elestria Academy: Walisk Kingdom: Scholarship offered: 89%

99. Celestria Academy: Bloodbone Kingdom: Scholarship offered: 90%



So on the list goes on.

“Sigh… Unfortunately, the academies that are willing to offer me scholarships are far away from Earth. It will take a whole lot of money for me to reach there. So even If I were to get a Scholarship. I would have to spend a whole lot of money.”

As Alex stared at the list of Academies displayed on his computer screen, a pang of disappointment washed over him. The Academies offering the highest scholarships were all lightyears away. He wouldn't be able to afford to travel that far, let alone the exorbitant cost of Gene-Opt itself.

Dejected, Alex closed the holographic interface, his gaze falling on the worn leather-bound book. Perhaps, it was just a sentimental relic, a reminder of a childhood he barely remembered.

Suddenly, a sharp holographic notification pinged, piercing the silence. This wasn't from his usual channels. The message emanated from a single, imposing emblem displayed on the screen – a stylized emblem depicting two dragons, one silver and one bronze, flanking a golden sword with branches sprouting from the hilt and roots descending from the tip, vaguely resembling the legendary Yggdrasil. Below it, stark white text glowed:

"Alexander Connor. Your exceptional potential has been identified. Our evaluations place you within the top 1% of candidates. We offer a full scholarship and access to the prestigious Aegis Program. Respond for details. Awaiting your response. - Cadmus Academy"

Alex's heart hammered in his chest. Cadmus Academy. The mere name sent a thrill down his spine. Renowned throughout the Human Dominion, and rumored to hold influence across the galaxy, Cadmus was synonymous with academic excellence and the cultivation of extraordinary individuals. Top 1%? This defied all logic. Yes, His grades were good, but nothing extraordinary compared to geniuses of all over the huge empire. What potential did they see in him? And what was this Aegis Program? It sounded like something exclusive and coveted, an opportunity beyond his wildest dreams.

Aether, his ever-present AI, swiveled its holographic head towards him, a flicker of urgency in its digital gaze. "Sir, Cadmus Academy… their records are highly classified. There's very little publicly available information about the Aegis Program specifically. However, it's rumored to be a highly developed gene optimization program, far exceeding what's currently available."

Intrigue battled with apprehension within Alex. Classified records? Cadmus Academy, shrouded in secrecy, reaching out to him specifically? This wasn't just about scholarships and gene optimization, the dream he'd harbored for so long. This was an invitation to a world far beyond anything he'd ever imagined.

His finger hovered over the notification, a wave of nervous excitement coursing through him. This was a chance to unlock a future he never dared to dream of. What secrets did Cadmus Academy hold? And what did his "exceptional potential" truly mean?