
Draculas shocking revelation!.

Not wanting to be the centre of attention, she decided to retire to her room, afterall there were absolutely no rules saying she needed to wait until everyone got tested before she could leave.

Getting to her temporary room, Elena could finally relax. Staring out of the window, she could see the city.

This city reminded her of Earth, she missed her friends, especially Helen, she couldn't help but wonder if she was okay, and if what alacad had told her about Helen being fine was the truth.

Thinking about alacad, Elena remembered draculas warning. Taking a big sigh, she spoke out loud. "Drac, can I ask a question?"

"When has anything ever stopped you from venting?" Dracula asked in response.

"Fine! About Alacad, why did you ask me not to trust him?".


After a long silence, Dracula responded. "In this world, it is better not to trust anyone. That way, you would preserve your life."

"Hnm, I see, but if I remember correctly, you specifically mentioned Alacad. You said I shouldn't trust anyone, especially Alacad." Elena responded.

Dracula remained silent for another 10 minutes. At this point, Elena had given up on getting any other response from dracula, so she lay on the bed with her eyes closed.

"I have checked all your memories from when you met alacad until when you bonded our souls together.

One thing I want you to know is that alacad isn't who he claimed to be." If there's anyone you need to be cautious of,then put alacad at the top of that list, and don't believe whatever he tells you ." Dracula finally responded.

"Wait, drac, you can see my memories? "

" Yes, I can,among other things," he said with a tired voice.

"Tsk tsk, that's weird, so u have access to not just my thoughts but also every single thing I've ever done.can't a girl have her privacy," she said with an annoyed tone.

"You should have thought about that before binding our souls together," he snapped back angrily.

[Sigh] "Fine," elena said while rolling her eyes. "Since I can't trust anything alacad has said, do I even need to be in zastlevania? I mean, can't I just go back to earth." She asked.

"Going back to earth will do more harm than good. You're still a young vampire. Being around humans would be like placing a wolf in the midst of lambs. You're not ready for that yet, I'll advise you to get stronger in order for you to face what's to come."

Okay, okay. One last question, "The prophecy, is it really true? What is the prophecy really all about?" She asked.

" Yes and no." When the time is right, I will tell you all you need to know. For now, focus on getting stronger. Dracula said with an irritated tone.

Knowing she wouldn't be able to get any words from him anymore, she decided to start channelling her vampiric energy.

If Watching the combat base trial had taught her anything, it was the fact that her energy was still weak, if not for the system's skills and that of the Claymore's then she would have been dead already.

She saw how strong zareth vampire energy was, and she already knew what she needed to do in other to grow her vampire energy,that's pretty much what she was doing right now, channelling her energy.

She could already feel it growing inside her. She knew very soon she would enter the 3rd level. This would be the final level before her evolution into the mage rank.

[Knock! Knock]

She heard a sound on the door, "Come in," she said without leaving her position.

she was sitting in a crossed legged position with both eyes closed, still channelling her vampire energy all through her body.

"Hey girl, we thought we would stop by," Emiera said, while Lydia made herself comfortable on the other side of the bed.

"You're welcome. Make yourself comfortable." She said, still with her eyes closed.

Seeing this, Lydia spoke up, "Actually, we wanted you to know, the trials are all over, our final results would be out by tomorrow morning. We are all expected to be in the announcement hall by 8. And also we'll be moving into our permanent rooms tomorrow."

"I see. Thank you, guys," she said with a warm smile on her face. Seeing her smile surprised Emiera and Lydia. "That's new." emeira said.

Confused, she asked. "What's new?". Pointing to her face, they both said in unison, "You're smiling."

"Oh, that, I'm just happy the trial is over. Now we can begin our training." Isn't that why we are here in the first place?" She said while scratching the back of her head.

"If you wanna train so badly, there's a training hall located at the floor above the one we are currently on. You can go for a light training session." Emiera suggested before taking her leave, with Lydia following behind.

A few moments later, Elena stepped out of her room, heading for the lift that would take her to the next floor.

She noticed the participants she came across were all looking at her with astonishment. Some were still pointing at her while whispering to their peers.

She felt like yelling at someone. What was the big deal of using an ability without being a vampire mage?" She wondered.

Seeing how angry she was, dracula began to laugh. "Can you not laugh in my head? it's annoying." she said in a fit of rage.

"Well, I'm surprised no one has called you to question how you used a fire based attack when you're just on the ordinary vampire rank.

The thing is, it's unheard of. No vampire in history has been able to unlock an ability without being a mage."

"but I don't even have an ability." She snapped back.




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