
Draconic Anger

An ancient dragon that sought eternal rest in death, but all his desires were shattered as he regained consciousness within what he assumed was an egg. Now back to the life he is trying to make sense of it, as in his previous life he lost everything. He will take revenge on those creatures that destroyed his life, he would never fall back into his same mistakes.

Leugimalme · Fantasía
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2 Chs


[???]: "Fast follow him, we can't let him escape"

[???]: "He went that way! He couldn't go so far away keep going."

[???]: "Damn it! If you hadn't missed that shot we would have had those eggs and the materials of these dragons in our hands by now.

[???]: "Keep looking, we'll talk later"

A group of humans, with a couple of dwarves, were looking for their prey, while their prey was running around in the forest, trying to escape from their hunters.

The beast was none other than one of the metallic dragons, a recent adult one that used to help these humans and dwarfs from time to time, but the group betrayed him, this group asked for temporary shelter because a big storm started to hit the continent and they couldn't found another place to be. At first, he was reluctant because they had three eggs to defend along with their partner, but he still let them enter the cave by keeping their distance.

After a few hours he regrets that decision, somehow they were able to slip through the shadows giving his partner a fatal shot in the head, our dragon avoided the projectile aimed at his head as it took the killer a second to fire due to his lack of coordination he dodge the projectile but not at all that arrow got nailed on his back, his partner screamed in pain and fell to the ground immobile, you could see the life in his eyes fading as a pool of blood formed around his head. The dragon roared in anger. He charged towards the attackers but his attackers were quite agile, more than you would expect even from a dwarf.

The battle continued as the dragon tried to tear his invaders apart but was unsuccessful as they could dodge him or a barrier would stand in his way when he was about to strike.

The dragon tried to break the barrier using his claws, but nothing happened even the shield that one of the dwarfs was carring could stop his attacks, not at all because you could see that the dwarf was having a bad time when he was blocking the claws of the dragon.

The dragon tried a blow with his tail, this time he manages to destroy the barrier but the power of the blow was reduced due to that, so for them was easy to avoid, even if they were in a cave is was huge so they can make easier moves, better than the dragon.

The dragon was worried about the eggs a bad move and he or the aggressors could damage the eggs.

Out of frustration and in order not to contain himself the dragon managed to go outside with his aggressors, now that he was out and the eggs were far away he could use all his destructive power to eliminate these vermin that dared to kill his partner and tryed to kill him. Now the dragon was emitting a silvery glow under the moonlight as the water splashed on its scales, its aggressors continued their siege of the dragon, the dragon released its paralyzing breath but was stopped again by that barrier, it continued to launch attacks by releasing its icy breath to freeze the area seeking to slow down its aggressors, Although most were stopped by the barrier, at the same time a human came out behind the dragon, but the dragon already knew about this movement and for the first time connected its claws with the human's body, the human's chest was torn with a simple blow from its claws and was thrown to the ground with a force that made the ground crack under the human's body. The human died at the moment of the swing of its claws, and where its body impacted, all the blood splashed around the floor, as what you could considerer a human now is a bloody piece of flesh.

Although one of his companions died, their partners did not hesitate to charge forward, the magician who was putting up those annoying shields began to charge a spell while the others went to attack.

Even if the logic of the dragon said that a spell shouldn't make any dmg that one make him for some reason all his instinct were screaming him to run out as soon as he can.

The dragon knew what they were planning but nothing could be done now that he had enemies in front of him hitting and blocking his attacks, they also prevented him from using his breath, looking to quickly hit his chest to ruin his charge.

Although the dragons' breath was to be feared, if you know where to strike you could interrupt it, they frustrated his attempts, again and again, the dragon feeling the magical charge in the air knew that he had to get out of there as soon as possible, despite his great resistance to magic this attack could not be ignored.

The dragon tired about this constant attack, try at least to know the reason of why they are attacking him when he has helped before to another humans and dwarf

[???]: "I don't understand why would you do this, this no make sense what you won doing this". The dragon asked trying to understand what they won killing him.

[???]: "Nothing that you have to know, you are gonna die soon beast."

With his renewed strength, and being taken by the anger to destroy these insufferable beings, he began to charge his attack

The fight continued with the dragon becoming more and more nervous, now seeking to bring down his rivals who no longer had the support of the magician's barrier but were still quite competent and always kept their distance while attacking in coordination.

The dragon tried to use his tail for kill that mage, but it was blocked with the shield of those dwarfs.

The dragon was more worried now, even the best shields that he saw, couldn't resist a blow of his tail and even if he had not yet reached his maximum size, a dwarf should not be able to stop his tail blow without dropping the shield. There was something very strange about these rivals.

At this point he was very worried, they could kill her partner with a single shot when you think about that without a very powerful weapon even the scales of the head should stop and single arrow but that one, It went through her scales as if it were paper.

He tried to fly away to get out of the range of the spell but the human hit his wings, the dragon cried out in pain but kept going even though one of his wings was badly wounded, his attempts to flee were thwarted as it was too late, a bunch of magic ice needles were heading towards him, hitting him from all sides yet he flew away from the area unsteadily as hundreds of needles pierced his body until he could not move his wings any more and fell to the ground.

The dragon with great regret tried to flee, he gained some time from this but his whole body was leaving a trail of blood, he had many open wounds all over his body, it was only a matter of time before they caught up with him.

[???]: "I am sorry my children I could not protect you from these despicable beings and I am sorry my dear Tempest, I was foolish if I only were stronger that shouldn't happen, see you in the death Tempest".

In his last moments of consciousness, the dragon was cursing internally for his weakness and for being benevolent to beings that although the dragons came to protect he knew that some of them were untrustworthy and guided by greed.

You could hear the attackers shouting things, but the dragon didn't listen, tired from the constant fighting and dizzy from the lack of blood in his body he let himself be carried away by unconsciousness, towards his death.

In the embrace of death, his body lay immobile as a light appeared from nowhere to illuminate the dark forest.

The dragon's body disappeared and was never seen again.

If you see some grammar mistakes or something I would like to be aware off, and if you have some ideas about how should the Mc start in his new life comment it

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

If you want to comment something I will be in that server

(this novel will take a while to update for my lack of time)

Discord server : discord.gg/unYdPhc

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