
A little closer

It's only the middle of October, and the first snow fall of the year came already.

"come in," as An Le knocks on Song Zihan's room.

An Le nervously opens the door and walks in. Song Zihan who is sitting at his desk working, stops and looks up at her. "What is it?" as he asks her.

An Le doesn't know how she should say this, but this question has been inside of her for so long. "Why do you want to marry me? Is it just because uncle Song told you to protect me? I can't think of any other reason besides that." She saids it with a face that she won't leave until she knows the reason.

"Does it really matter why?" as he asks her.

An Le looks at him and gave him a cold laugh. "Even though I agreed to marry you, but if this marriage won't contain any feelings to it then I believe we should talk it out. I don't want anything in between this if we do get marry. So, I must know the reason to why."

Song Zihan got up from his chair, and walks over to her. "Come a little closer," as he said to her. An Le who stood there was a little confuse to what he is about to do, but she walk up closer to him. Once they only have about an inch or two in between them, Song Zihan pulls her in and hugs her.

"What is this?" as An Le confusingly asks him, as he is still hugging her. Song Zihan smiles, "well what do you think it is?" An Le hates how he does this to her. She doesn't want to misunderstand, but he is not specifying it.

"How do I suppose to know if you don't tell?" as An Le said it with an angry tone.

Song Zihan let go of An Le, and smiles at her. But she just kept her straight face on, as she looks at him. "Are you sure you don't know?" as his voice makes An Le shivers.

Since he is 185, and she is only 163, he has to look down at her. He walks a little more closer, and closes the gap in between them. She could hear his beating heart, and hers also. "What are you doing?" as she asks in a low voice.

Song Zihan didn't say anything, and closes her mouth with his. An Le's eyes wide opens, and hits his chest to let go of her, but he didn't. And so, An Le steps on his foot and shortly after he releases her.

"Song Zihan, what do you think you are doing? This is the second time you did it without my permission," as An Le yells.

"You told me that you didn't understand. So, I'm showing you," as he saids.

An Le's face suddenly went red, and could't believe how stupid she is. "Couldn't you just use words," as she fights back.

"To me, I feel like showing is more effective than using words." He ends it with a smile on his face. An Le got angrier as she sees him like this.

"Alright, I'm not joking anymore. But before what I did before was real. And if you still don't understand, I'll say it this time." He looks at her seriously, and took her hand. "An Le I love you." As An Le heard the words coming out from his mouth, her heart starts beating so fast. Did she just get confess? What is going on? Her mind is everywhere, and don't know what to do.

'He must be joking,' as she thought to himself.

She puts a hand on his forehead and said,"Song Zihan are you okay? This is not something you should say. I'm gonna go to sleep." As she quickly walks to the exit, a voice came through.

"An Le I'm being serious."

An Le didn't turn back around, and closes the door behind her. She quickly shakes off the stuff from her head, and went back to her room. As she lays down her bed, her eyes are wide awake. For some reason, she can't fall asleep. She got out her bed, and looks out the window.

The white sheet of snow is already covering the streets. She is the one that went to Song Zihan's room to ask him the question. And now that she got the answer, it doesn't feel real to her. Like how could he fall in love with her when they didn't even go well when they were a kid. This man must be crazy, as she thought to herself.

The next morning, they didn't go on their morning run since of the snow. But it's always the very first time that An Le woke up late. She woke up from the smell of breakfast. It is already 7:15am, and she quickly got out of bed.

After finishing getting ready, she went down and see Zihan in the kitchen. "Good morning," as he sees her.

"Oh, good morning. I'm sorry I woke up late," as she apologizes to him.

"It's fine. Just sit down and eat," as he hands her a plate and chopsticks. It's steam buns, and stir fry noodles.

Today's breakfast is so awkward. An Le didn't look up at him, and he didn't talk to her.

"Just leave the plates in the sink, and there will be someone over to clean it. I'll go change," as he saids to her. An Le nods her head, and finishes her breakfast.

Once they arrive at the station, An Le heard some screaming inside inspector Lin's office. "What's going o-?" before An Le could finish asking, a woman with a knife came up to her.

"Let her go!" as Inspector Lin yells. But the woman seems to not be listening.

"My daughter is innocent. She got framed by someone. Why did you guys arrest her. Why!" as she screams on top of her lungs.

On the other hand, An Le is being threaten by the woman with a knife. Her eyes are shaking, and Song Zihan angrily looks at the woman who has lost control.

"I'm telling you won't be able to safe your daughter, but only cause more trouble for her," as Song Zihan said.

"What do you mean? Who even are you?" as she yells at him.

"You don't need to know who I am? But you should know that once you hurt her, you won't be able to escape. Then you won't be able to help your daughter anymore. She will be in jail all her life. Do you want that to happen?" as he saids to her.

The woman seems to be hearing what he said. As she spaces out, Zihan gives Inspector Lin an eye signal. Both of them walks up, and quickly take a hold on the woman. But as the woman gets back into her instant, she takes the knife aiming at An Le. Zihan quickly twist her hand, and the knife fell down.

"Are you okay?" as he quickly walks up to her. An Le nods, but her eyes shifts to his left hand.

"You're bleeding," as she held his hand. Zihan looks down, and gave a quick look. "it's fine."

An Le didn't let go of his hand. "We need to stop the bleeding." She drags him up the office, and makes him sits down. As she gets the first aid box, Song Zihan looks at her smiling.

"What are you smiling at?" as An Le came back with the first aid box.

"I'm just wondering if I get hurt every time, would you be taking care of me like this?" as he asks her.

An Le gave him a death stare, "don't even think of getting hurt again." She takes out the alcohol and helps him disinfect it first. "Tell me if it hurt," as she saids to him. Song Zihan didn't say anything, and just quietly looks at her.

"Good thing the cut wasn't deep," as she finishes wrapping the bandages around his hand. She looks up at him, and see his staring. "Why are looking at me? Is there something on my face?" and touches her face after saying it. Song Zihan takes her hand, and shakes his head. "There's nothing on your face."

Both of them then stares at each other. After a long time and seeing that he didn't say anything, An Le stood up. "I'm gonna go find An Rong for a sec," as she said to him. Seeing that he didn't say anything, she thought he agrees. As she was about to walk out, a hand reached out to her and stops her.

"You need something?" as she asks him.

He didn't say anything, and just pulls her into him. "I need you."

His words made An Le's face red and also heart beating fast. Before An Le can say anything, he cuts her in. "About yesterday, I am being serious. I'm not playing around or joking with you. Right before when you were in that woman's hand, I thought I'll lose you. I really thought I would. You might think I'm crazy right?" An Le froze for a moment. How does he know? Can he read people's mind?

Zihan releases her, and looks into her eyes. "An Le, I am being very serious about this. I will never take marriage as a joke."

An Le looks at him, and could tell that he is serious. Maybe he is not crazy? as An Le thought.