
Chapter 56

"Are you certain you have no recollection of what happened last night?" She inquired. Her eyes were wide as she awaited the response.

"Is there anything I should remember?" He let out his narrowed face and walked up to the door to open it.

Jessie trailed him. "Mr. Cooper, no, no. I'm just curious."

Din sucked his bottom teeth and turned to face her. "Now that I think about it, I believe I recall something."

"You do? What exactly is it?"

"I had the impression that you did something to me while I was sleeping..." He bent and sought to align his features with hers. Jessie's heart began to rush, and Din began to laugh, leaving Jessie perplexed. He smirked as he lifted his head. "You should've seen your expression. This was how your eyes looked." He laughed again after demonstrating how her eyes were. "Someone would have thought you'd done something, Meanwhile, I'm pretty sure Will was the one who drove me home."