

Three months pass. Peeta grows back to normal.

He sleeps on his side, in his own bed. Katniss sleeps behind him, with her arms around him. They're both in the buff, under sheets. It's great for the both of them to be back in the marriage bed with their spouses.

The nights pass. One night, Peeta and Katniss stay awake, so Peeta can tell her about his dreams.

Katniss grins, and listens. She dares Peeta to get hard while describing his sex dreams with Effie, Johanna, MILA, or...some ancient actress named Jennifer Lawrence.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you." She caresses his upper leg. "Snow screwed up a lot of my life. I didn't know how to let him go."

"I wouldn't have either. He tortured me."

"Oh, and I didn't?!"

"That's not what I meant."

She chuckles, and pushes him over. "I know. You know I'd never kill you. Although...I HAVE been thinking about BDSM lately, and..."

Peeta holds up his hand. "Let's...wait a while before bringing that back up, if you don't mind."

She sighs. "Fine. I can imagine how traumatic it was for you out there." She smiles. "Especially when you were crawling inside Effie's and Johanna's thigh gaps. They must've been hideous, compared to me."

Peeta chuckles. "Trust me...they weren't."

Katniss frowns, and attacks him with a pillow.


Katniss smiles, and helps him back into the bed. They embrace one another, and try to go to sleep.

"How am I ever going to tell Haymitch that his wife cheated on him with me?"

"Hmm? She never found out about you in your dream, did she?"

"No. It just...feels like I should, for some reason..."

"Mm, don't worry about Haymitch. I'm sure he's perved out over me more times than I can imagine."

Peeta opens his eyes, and stared at Katniss. "Has he told you?!"

"Go to sleep, Peeta. You know," she studies his hair, and caresses some of it with her hand, "you really should try dying your hair blue sometime."