
Downward Ascension

After unfortunately passing away in his old life in a modern world, our protagonist Chris finds himself reincarnated in a fantasy world like no other. After coming to terms with his death, he sets out to live a normal life filled with peace and hapiness. Sadly, Chris finds out the hard way how cruel fate truly is..... NOTE: None of the reference art belongs to me, all credit belongs to the creators. If you would like me to remove your art, let me know by commenting on the latest chapter.

TheCravenLord · Fantasía
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11 Chs

Chapter 10-The Sins

Chris's [Danger sense] was flaring up, giving him an idea how he could escape his bindings. Channeling mana wasn't something he was good at, let alone even attempted yet it was now or never for our demon protagonist.

Chris channelled all the mana he could within his body, although little,  and activated the [Chaos kindling] skill he had, creating a small red flame at  his finger tip. Placing the tiny flame on the bindings seemed to do the trick, as it began to rapidly spread and weaken the black appendages, but it still wasn't enough to tear them apart.

Cethin brought down his dagger, fully intending to slice his head apart at a speed chris could hardly see. Fortunately, he trusted his skill and spun around mustering all the strength he could, revealing the weakened appendages slowly being devoured by a small red flame right where the dagger was aimed at.

As expected , the blade's sharpness was just enough to tear the appendages giving chris enough leeway to sprout his demonic wings.

Cethin momentarily horrified at the sight of the wings, taking a second to process the information. That second was all chris needed, leaping up in the air chris took flight for the first time and soared in the air, heading further south into the more dangerous zone of the wildlands. Chris planned to lead him to the danger zone, hoping to grab some monsters attention,  and while distracted, take cethin down.

Preferably, Chris would rather fully disappear but he still couldn't let cethin go after seeing his wings. Flying towards a snowy mountain in the region, chris noticed a speedy shadow trailing not too far behind him, and was gaining more ground as time went on. Chris flew towards a cave entrance, reluctantly, and entered it. Not long after, cethin soon followed, only to met with the sight of an agitated 50M tall white gorilla charging straight towards him.

Where was chris?

He was hanging upside down at the roof of this cave, slightly evading the gorillas scent tracking nose right after making a few scraping noises near the entrance of the cave, grabbing the attention of the white gorilla.

Cethin entered a heated battle with the creature soon after, but after a few exchanges, the outcome was obvious. Cethin was an advanced rank assassin, fully capable of facing multiple people of the same rank, so how could a wild beast with zero technique ever defeat him. Chris was aware of the difference in strength, yet chose to remain hidden for now waiting for the right time to strike.

The white ape does a final desperate charge in attempt to at least cause pain to its intruder. Cethin hadn't expected something like this happening, so he side stepped to his side while swerving his dagger in palm , right at the creatures neck, stabbing it in the right place for a clean kill. What he didn't expect however, was the demon plummeting at super speeds straight at him from above, and by the time he realized it was too late.

Chris drove his blade aiming at cethin's neck, but the bastard twisted his body at the last second, causing the blade  to go through his shoulder instead. Instead of fighting head on, cethin dropped to the ground, exhausted and suffering from a large amount of blood loss. He wasn't the type to take part in open combat or duels, but instead opted to fight from the shadows and  prepare traps before hand, and given enough time he could've defeated Chris as well, but was exhausted after killing the ape which had a higher stamina than he did.

Chris watched cethin's body as it was losing more and more blood as time went by, until eventually he stopped moving entirely. Cethin was dead.

Chris had killed his first human being.

He waited for awhile, then approached the body tensely,  anticipating it coming back alive just to lunge at him, but it didn't.

Cethin the advanced rank assassin, was dead.

Chris collapsed on the ground heaving and taking deep breaths, wondering how or why it all went down so wrong to begin with. All he wanted was to live quietly in his little town, save up enough money to buy a house and grow old and die peacefully.

Chris knew he wasn't going to be accepted anymore, living amongst humans and expecting fair treatment seemed pleasant, but that's all it was...pleasant, not realistic.


Chris's stomach made gurgling sounds as he was reminded how he hadn't eaten proper food in days, his hunger was slowly escalating as his adrenaline levels subsided. He hesitantly looked over at the two corpses not too far away from him and wondered....maybe he coul-

[Congratulations to the host! You have slain your first enemy...

You have unlocked a new function for the system.

As a progenitor, you have access to each of the 7 Cardinal Sins of Hell to draw strength from. Choose your first sin:








Host will have to gain proficiency in the respective elements in order to unlock their true power. ]

Breaking off his thoughts, Chris was flabbergasted on the spot after the sudden interference by the system's prompt.

There it was , the title of [Progenitor] seemed more lucrative than it did before after been given this choice. Ofcourse after all the media chris consumed in his previous life, he was well aware the absurd potential for these cardinal sins and what their baseline interpretation was. Chris had a hard time over which sin to choose ,but ultimately chose to follow his gut. Certainly wasn't influenced by a certain blue slime.

"GLUTTONY," shouted chris

[....so be it]

'wait, wha-'

Before he could finish that thought though, and inexplicable feeling welled up within him. The feeling of eagerness and drive to consume and devour everything and all things surged within him like a volcano about to erupt inside his stomach, until eventually through the systems unseen meddling was able to properly control his impulses and mellow out.


"That was...sensational" spoke chris with an exhausted face.

Another system prompt showed up in his view, this time however it was displaying all his new gains and biological changes to his body, that borderline didn't make sense to the modern person.

[Congratulations to the host! You have awakened your first sin.

The following are the new abilities and stats gained:

Sin of GLUTTONY: Bottomless stomach//Sotmach capacity of the host has expanded to 10M range following the sin acquired.

Energy Plunderer// The host can receive a small amount of energy from creatures he devours. Can be upgraded following future breakthroughs.

Abysmal Tongue// Host can extend his tongue to snare his foes, with his elongated protruding tongue that can expand at will to a range of 10M.

Host will have to gain proficiency to get stronger effects or receive breakthroughs. ]