
Downgrade Hero

In the world of science, in the world of swarming Kaijus, in the distant future, Ravagers are the one who's on the frontline of the humanity's defensive force. But what would happen if the strongest of them wish to become an NPC instead? This is the story of Dani, and his desire of not even once to become the center of this world. Bad luck for him, that good fortune is always with him since he was a little. However, even when all the humanity is against him, even when the world is in danger, Dani's quest to become an NPC had just begun!

Cahyaism · Ciencia y ficción
Sin suficientes valoraciones
14 Chs


I messed up big time.

Bare to ruin, the entire convoy now is just only heaps of metal, burning. Seems like the last two Kaijus appeared when I'm busy with Hydra.

And Sasha… To drag her into this ball of untangled mess, I don't care even when it's her corpse, I'll make sure to bring her back home, and apologize in prostration a thousand times to her mother and beloved siblings, before ceasing my father's existence later with these hands.

That old geezer…

But no matter how many times and fast turning my head left and right, I can't find her.


<Humans detected nearby>

<Survivor found: 8>

<Immediate evacuation is needed>


I've tried to scan the surrounding, and it only showed the number of people that might survive, not a particular that I'm searching for. Every one of them is scattered in a hundred meters radius. But with these Kaijus watching, it's useless.

Hydra far ahead, I assume must be a First-class Kaiju, knowing how hard to take it down. Swift movement, quick regeneration, such a pain in the butt.

Behind me, Cerberus is standing there and observing, with drops of blood burning the round beneath like hot lava. Not far, Behemoth growls at Phobos next to me, fiercely exchanging stares. Numerous shallow cuts and wounds from SKEF troops and Crawlers unit didn't do a thing to its skin. As expected of Subterraneans.

Three First-class Kaiju keep me in the middle. And that woman, the Bioforce she's giving is so strong, it even made me shiver for a moment, and that ended up canceling the Dimensional Rift.

To pull off such an ability, is this the one that Derrick reported, or another one has appeared?

"What's wrong, sweetie? Do you need help to find someone?"

That woman, standing on top of Hydra, sneering at me with arms crossed. Literally looking down at me. Even a cold heartless mech like Phobos stepped back, whimpering. With the odds against us two, it'll be hard to come out unsheathed.

Like any other husband would say to her wife but making a lovey-dovey clapping session at night, the real problem here is THAT woman. A Zero-class entity should be handled by three of us. But Derrick already keeps those twins busy helping him, leaving me alone with this metal wolf.

"Hey, what caught your attention? I guess even a beauty like me, Hexia, wouldn't be enough to put your eyes here?" Pointing at herself, the ivy slowly lowered her to the ground. Walking toward me.

"Sorry, but I'm the type that prefers personality over looks."

Hexia, huh? That rings a bell.

It was a disease from long ago, I learned it from history class like any other kid would during middle high. Ivy, plant-based ability, and a charming look like a vermilion rose. I don't know what she can do exactly, but I think I got a rough idea of it.

"Really…? But, people told me, that I do have a big personality. If you know what I mean... Is this not enough?" The ivy brushed her vermilion hair to the side, giving a flirty smirk.

Pair of blades on my right arm unfolded, unsheathed like a claw. She's getting closer.

Crap, where is Sasha? At this rate, even if Sasha survived somewhere in the convoy, there's no guarantee I can keep the entire place in one piece while fighting these demons incarnated.

Tch, I'll just leave the needle-finding game to Phobos while I take care of this troublesome woman. Soon or later, a Zero-class entity is nothing but an international scale threat, especially if she's the one who brought these Kaijus with her. I can't let that happen.

Or so I thought when suddenly a rustling noise came from behind.


<Target found. Sasha Ardhiona>

<Condition: Moderate external injury. Immediate medical treatment needed>


"EHH?? SO THAT'S HOW IT IS! WHO WOULD EXPECT WE HAVE THE SAME TASTE?? Interesting one, sweetie!" Hexia suddenly rushes forward, right to where I directed my gaze behind. "Sorry, but first come first serve! See you there, sweetie!"

As Hexia yelled, the other Kaijus immediately move along with her, approaching Sasha behind me. Still confused, the terrified look is etched deeply in her eyes. The waves of Hexia's ivy moving got me and Phobos tangled. Locking us together before reacting.

"Mama…! Mama…! Mister Ravager, please…!"

Huh? Seriously?

At this time? Did you expect me to come and drag your dead mom out of the rubble for you, boy? When Hydra is about to trample you??

Can't you be quiet and dead already kid? Can't you see how I'm about to lose my mind?!

F*ck it!

The blades on my left arm are unsheathed, cutting the ivy while it unfolded. After rapidly cutting loose those annoying plant fibers from me and Phobos, I gather the energy to my feet. Pushing myself far forward. To hell with what Phobos will do after. Both Behemoth and Cerberus are getting closer to Sasha.


Turning into synapses, my body reappeared in front of Sasha. But, a pulse rifle is already pointed at me, and Sasha pulls the trigger right before my widened eyes. What?


The bullet flew right past me, leaving a hot trail on my face. Blowing Hydra's head off and knocking it down. Phobos swiftly takes the boy somewhere safe, away from the conflict zone.

"There's someone who needs help, what are you doing?? I'll figure out how to use this thing myself!" Suddenly, Sasha slaps me in the face, grimacing after hitting this metal mask. "Don't overthink, just do what you should do!"

"You... seriously. I can't just take my eyes off you…"

Sasha loaded another round of energy bullets and pointed at the approaching Cerberus. Turning my head, Behemoth is already not far from the opposite side. Setting up my stance, Behemoth is getting closer as the energy is circulating the suit's system.



<Energy Choke activated>

<Current exertion rate: 100%. Stabilized>


Yellow impulses pulsate on both arms. In this state, the exertion rate won't drop or fluctuate as long as I don't take any hits, flat at maximum. Granting me effortless attempts of high-energy cost maneuver.

Here it comes, rearing right before me. Bearing its front claws in the air before sending its weight down to the ground rapidly. I cross my arm, ready to parry.


Behemoth slammed its front claws, and the ground beneath opened up. Completely missed my tiny body on purpose, making ripples out of rock and concrete around, and separating me from Sasha.

Useless, what the hell am I even doing posing like an idiot here??

It only spells nothing but premonition, knowing Cerberus is waiting on the other side of this sudden cliff behind me, with Sasha that got caught up with it.

I impulsively leap high, slashing Behemoth's head upward before it even winds up another attack. Tough creature, even when I split open its jaw vertically, it still won't go down or move its limbs either. Only shaking its head like some sort of anti-dizzy repellant.

Midair, I charge my strike. Zapping yellow impulses begin to form on both arms, concentrating on both claws-like blades. In one spin, I completely erase its head down to the spine as I swung the blades downward. Like Dimensional Rift, but smaller and more precise in scale.


Landing, I immediately take off with one push of my feet. Rupturing the ground beneath. Up to the jagged form of concrete. On top, Cerberus is there, already pinning Sasha to the ground. Boiling drops of saliva dripped all over its mouth, carefully sniffing her from point blank.


Did she really think, she'll be okay getting splashes of lava blood from its blown mouth from THAT distance?

Besides, what's with the charged shot? I thought only Ravager the one who could only trigger it?

Tch, once more, I condensed the energy on both arms down to these blades like previously. Rushing forward, the tip of the blade is now filled with yellow-spatial-erasing impulses that remove anything it touches, even the air is distorted and begins to glitch for a glimpse.

And I guess, now I know why people from R&D Team called this particular suit, the Steelhound Kit.

Just look at the aftermath it made, half of Cerberus's body disappeared to nothingness as I slashed forward as if a bigger creature just chomped out the other half. Not even its lava blood was left to burst and drip.

Not bad Michelle, to quickly contacted Michael and he ended up sending me this one particular suit. I've never even opened it up since I received it a year ago from R&D Tam. Leaving it in the dusty corner of my room back in the mansion.


Sasha stumbled on her feet as she tried to walk. With the ground this uneven, she rolled down in my direction, and I caught her before becoming a fresh sushi roll of dirt when she arrived down there, with a rifle as the filling. A yummy snack for Hydra coming closer.

This isn't over yet.

"Hey, put me down, Dani!"

"Eh… I thought girls love to be princesses carried?" I sighed, looking at the incoming Hydra in our direction. "Besides, if you get off me, you'll probably be burnt to a crisp."

"Tch, what are you? A nine-year-old playing floor is a lava?!"

"IT IS lava all over the place after you blew Cerberus to pieces! What else do you think this is?"

This woman, wriggles and moves so much, notifications on my OHD going on and off every time she pushes my face away. Hold on for a moment, or we won't make it in time! Looks like I have to buy more time for this.

"Can't you just, stay still for a bit?? Just calm for a bit!" I hissed.

"Calm you say?? When THAT KAIJU IS APPROACHING US!?"


"What is?? Dani! Do something! Lemme-"

…And she stopped ramblings as soon as I kiss her on the forehead. Frozen, with her heated cheek. Perfect, now the body scan is about to finish. Don't care about her feelings or thoughts later.


<Atomic Scanning is downloaded>

<Targeted Data: Sasha Ardhiona>



"Eh? Dani?!"

As soon as the scan finished, her entire body transforms into synapses. Giving me a confused look and squirming face before Sasha was completely gone from my arms. At least, that expression of hers is captured well by the system. I'll show her later just for the sake of trolling.

Not even a second later, Hydra pounces on me. Biting and striking with its boney limb. Up and down, left and right, I perfectly dodge every single one of its heads. But, to stay on foot with Hydra, I can't even pause to wind up the energy to charge these blades.

Swinging its claws, I slice them up with ease. Spinning backward, another head was severed as it chased me down with lust. I managed to draw some distance. Like what I did previously, electrifying yellow impulses gather at the tip of the blades. Violently bursting as I rush forward against Hydra.

Extending both arms far in front. With one swing, its body has been erased. Leaving nothing but severed heads left in the air. Dropping one by one.


And now, the real business.

"Eh... That's interesting, sweetie!"

Hexia, there she is!

I impulsively turn and swing my blades, but only an ivy standing there. Falling to the ground limply. Wait, where is she? I was sure her voice was right behind me.

And, clouds? Shadows suddenly crawl on the ground rapidly as I still stare in ponder, even though the sky was hot and clear a moment ago. Looks like it's about to rain anytime soon, not bad to think about after fighting against Cerberus.

Or so I thought.

"Divine Bless. Asylum of Malady."

When I raised my head, the entire city is already covered beneath a dome. Ivy, thousands or even millions of them above my head. And when I sweep my gaze, the perpetrator is already set up a throne of ivy on one of the remaining buildings.

A confined space, against Hexia, the demon incarnated. Even though she smirks the same way, I can see a hint of irritation behind her eyes.

What? Is she now mad that I've teleported Sasha somewhere?

This is perfect. With Hexia like this, and no one around. There's no need to hold back.



<Protocol Drakovic activated>

<First phase unlocked. Granting access to core ability…>

<Frostwalker : Access granted>

<Void Jumper : Access granted>


As soon as the whole protocol was activated, the temperature around me started to drop, freezing the air.

"Oi, did you think, you're the only one who has ace up their sleeve?" I shouted, making Hexia grit her teeth in annoyance.