
Downgrade Hero

In the world of science, in the world of swarming Kaijus, in the distant future, Ravagers are the one who's on the frontline of the humanity's defensive force. But what would happen if the strongest of them wish to become an NPC instead? This is the story of Dani, and his desire of not even once to become the center of this world. Bad luck for him, that good fortune is always with him since he was a little. However, even when all the humanity is against him, even when the world is in danger, Dani's quest to become an NPC had just begun!

Cahyaism · Ciencia y ficción
Sin suficientes valoraciones
14 Chs


Less than three hours away, and 420 Kilometers left to the airport of Berlin. From Nurnberg, we're already splitting the empty night streets.

Well, I'm the one who forces Rio to do so, and now here we are, pushing the limit of this blue car of mine, the one that Michelle had prepared before.

To be honest, I was in a bit of panic knowing that I teleported midair, knowing so well how wrong it could be. Sure, the coordinate is pretty accurate, around 98% accuracy with the real world, as the advertisement goes at least.

While the other 2%, well, was from the lack of the Z-axis input. In other words, the place listed on the module is only consisted of the X-Y axis.

Yes, there's a chance that I'd be teleported above his house, way high up in the sky, inside the passing plane, or worse, accidentally interrupting his parents' slapping session upstairs.

I can handle all of the above except the latter one, no telling what the news will be tomorrow if that was the case. Certainly, filled with homewreckers as the headline.


"Hey, I've told you I'll help if you say what's happening right now. About time you say something, don't you think?" Rio shifts the gear, taking the highway.

The sight of passing buildings is slowly changing. Into a long emptiness, zooming with road lights as the car goes on. By then, the electric engine has pushed the car past the 300 Kph mark.

I turn my gaze at him, "Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you. Looks like I booked an extra seat by accident." Sighing, I shrug my shoulder. "Surely you didn't want to waste it, right? Especially if I already booked it under your name…" As my voice trailed off, immediately Rio snap his eyes wide at me.

"So that's the REAL reason you drag my ass out, huh?? Not because you wanna give me this car for free??"

"Listen, I'm sorry for this. But this will be the last time I'll be bothering you, okay?"

"The fabrication and unauthorized usage of personal identification is a first-class violation, you know! Of course, I won't be okay with that!" With each word, he emphasized. Punching the steering wheel.

"But, you get to keep this dream car of yours! Isn't it nice?"

"In that case, I might consider it, you know!" With each word, he emphasized. Punching the steering wheel again, in confusion it seems. "Don't make it so hard for me to choose! I don't wanna make my parents upset and sad by being an accomplice. But, if you insist…"

"Bro, seriously, you need a principal to hold on to." I said with a poker face, as he quickly changed his expression in one go. From serious, to bashful, to guilty, and vice versa.


"Eyes to the road!"


In that instance, a truck was getting closer while Rio kept on whipping his head at me. He screamed in panic. From the passenger seat, I reflexively pulled the steering wheel to the right, swerving in a fraction of a second.

The side is scratched against the tail of the container before Rio cuts back to the initial lane. The loud honking noise of the truck scolds our reckless driving.

After that, we let out our breath in unison.

"T-Thank you." Rio glued his eyes on the road.

"N-No problem." In the same manner, I peeled my eyes to the back of my skull.

For a while, no words were spoken. Not him, not even me. Even just simply breathing feels like more than enough to flip the car out of nowhere. Only the noise of the passing wind and tires sticking onto the asphalt fills the space.

I take a glance at him. Rio's hands are trembling clutching onto the steering wheel. As expected, the car is getting slower than before. This won't do, at this rate, we won't be able to-


A message suddenly came in. I hurriedly open my Handphone. A small holographic display popped out above it. It's from Michael.


<Can't get into Mr.Ezra's room. Access has been blocked. The security firmware is updated.>

<Currently refraining from any activity. Hiding from wandering security. Looks like they already found out what you're trying to do, sir.>


Ah, dammit. One thing that I didn't want to hear about is finally here.

If the situation in the mansion is already this dire, then it'll be the same story with Michelle and my apartment. Maybe even just a few minutes difference the convoy came after I left that place, aiming to pick me up way earlier to make sure I won't run away.

I'm glad I teleported to Rio's house. Not with the whole homewrecker thing though.

I let out a long sigh after that, before remotely setting the high-speed cruise control and making Rio panic.

It's only a matter of time before Father realizes where I'm going.

This isn't looking good. Not in a single bit.




As soon as the Rio stopped, I got off the car. He dropped me off at the terminal mentioned in the ticket.

"Hold up, how about my faked identity?!"

"My aide will handle it after this. I'm just messing with you." With a smile I made him irritated.

"Tch, don't you forget to wash my name clean, you hear me? And... just so you know, we haven't settled the score during last game night. You better keep in touch, dude!"

"Yeah, sure. But, this one for you." Before walking any further, I threw the spare key at him who is waving. "A farewell gift."

The key was perfectly landed on him, however, Rio awkwardly struggled to catch it, "Whoa, whoa, you seriously giving me this?! This car is already ticketed for speeding, you know?"

I hissed, "I don't have much time left, you want it or nah? I've prepared everything for the car. Papers, new license plates, even a paint job. After all of this is over, it'll be yours."

"W-what?! You got it set up as a full-time criminal car??"

Without any words, I just wave at him while walking away. Tightening my hat. Hastening my steps.

Even this early, the airport is already filled with people. Forming a council of fathers even at this point. Too bad I rarely experienced such a thing, since that old geezer prefer to use private jets to get anywhere except get closer to his family.

Lifting my arm. Opening my Handphone, I search for a number amongst the numerous contacts.

"Michelle? How's it?"

[Hello? Did you already board the plane, sir?]

"Still looking around in this big ass airport. Are you holding it up?"

[Mr. Ezra's convoy has been trying to reach this place for the last hour. Even the apartment is surrounded by journalists since 40 minutes ago. It seems like he already had it all figured out.]

"I see… well, please take care of the car. Things that I told you, make sure it'll be like brand new from the dealership."

As expected, both Michael's and Michelle's reports are the same. Before dawn break, Father managed to put his pawns ahead of mine. I hate this.

Like father, like son, knowing so well this trait of mine is from him, I really do hate it with every being of my fiber.

At least, boarding the plane is my last resort. With so many flights booked, it should be enough to stall their time figuring out which one is which.

Five minutes passed, how big is this terminal exactly? Finally, the departure gate is in sight after covering the distance with big strides.

"Your bag, here."

The immigration officer told me coldly. I amenably put my bag on the conveyor belt. Then the officer asked me to do a full body scan. I followed the order, walking past the body scanner machine while clasping my hands. Hiding the drops of sweat underneath my hat. Slowly gulping my saliva, I can't even take my eyes off the officer's screen at this rate.


The officer's screen turned green. No suspicious or illegal items were found on my body.


Too close for comfort, really. I didn't intend to bring anything from my armory. But the thought of a worst-case scenario appeared in my mind, like what happened yesterday morning.

Other than the insufficient cache space, bringing even just a lighter is more than enough to alert the whole airport and send out an invitation for a rave session with the enforcers. Even packing the right armpiece of the armor was already pushing my luck to the breaking point.

I guess, it's fine. At least, the inner layer of the suit sticks to my right arm right now.

"Mister? Can you please wait for a moment while we check your luggage?"

But that's not the case for the exoskeleton cached inside the bag.


I hastily extended my arm, scanning the Handphone and the ticket file. Soon, the expression of the officer changes abruptly. The screen is filled with Rio's identity and the text of "PREMIUM CLASS".

"My apology for the inconvenience delay, sir. To make up for my mistake, I shall escort you, sir. The flight is under 15 minutes." He bowed his body slightly. I let out a loud click from my tongue.

"What? Seriously? Is this the service of a first-class international airport? Putting a suspicion at the passenger even before checking their tickets first?"

"I- I mean, we're very sorry for the misunderstand, sir. Please allow us to take you to your scheduled flight." Once again, the officer drooped his head low. Then, taking me to the mentioned airplane.

The glass wall is stretching by my side. I can see a big airplane not far, connected to the path we're walking into. With all the hustle of the passengers boarding in, automatons help carry their luggage and show them the way. For me, this person is more than enough as my guide.

Inside, the rows are divided into two, with a wide gap between them. Feels like kids playing rugby would be fine space-wise in the middle. I repeatedly altered my eyes, between the ticket and the seating number. The right side of mine, I found it.

Heh, surely Michelle knows my favorite spot, by the window.



As I was about to sit, my body bumped into someone. When I looked up, my eyes widened perfectly.

"Fancy meeting you here, Dani!" With a blooming smile, Sasha greeted me first.

Dumbfounded, I just nodded. Gulping my saliva. "I didn't expect to run into you here. Another assignment?"

"Yeah…" Sasha throw her body to the seat next to mine, "The professor asked me to help with another research suddenly. I don't have any choice, so I take the earliest flight. This is for my final project, anyway"

"The one that bugged you yesterday? Who is it… Taka, right?"

"Ah… Umm.. yeah, it's him."

That's it?

I thought she would be bringing up that topic again, the topic of me reaching out to him. But, she doesn't seem to be bothered by it today.

Did she already forget? That wouldn't be the case.

I remember back in high school how annoying she was warning me to stay away from eating anything spicy when it was just food poisoning that I had days before.

After that small talk, she doesn't pay much attention to me. The take-off is the same as usual, nothing suspicious or spy-ish thingy or similar caught my attention. Just people wandering around the plane. Chatting, laughing, and watching their favorite movies.

Still, I can't get rid of this knot in my stomach throughout the entire flight.

We landed, and Sasha didn't talk to me at all. She kept her eyes glued on her phone, completely ignoring me with a few glances only, yet turned away when I stared her back.

Usually, she would be all talkative, like yesterday during lunchtime, talking her problems away despite her hectic routine. As if she wanted to be distracted from her responsibility, and make good use of it. Now, this is the polar opposite.

"You haven't had any breakfast, right?" I offered as waited for her to take her baggage.

"I… I am good. Maybe later, I got something to do."

I tilt my head. What does she mean? "Then, I'll come with you. We have 5 hours of free time, anyway." I'm beckoning her. Walking past her.

"W-Wait! Slow down a bit, would you?!"

Out of the arrival gate, to the terminal's lobby, like back in Berlin, Dubai airport is way busier and more crowded. Filled with people from one side to another. Too crowded perhaps, I can't even see the outside clearly with them covering it.

No, something is not right.

"Whoa, what's all this??"

A group of armed people pointed their guns at us out of nowhere. Shouting something, in Arabic perhaps. I can't really understand them.

They are in the same uniform and must be from a task force of some kind. I throw my gaze around. One second, to my right, is surrounded by other groups. In another second, my left is filled with the same kind of people.


<Language module downloaded>



"Put your hands where we can see it!"

"Down, you two, down!"

"Stop moving now!"

As soon as my comms module finished processing, I can see the big picture here.

Contacting other countries, asking their authorities to take action, and setting up countermeasures in every single one of the country's entry access.

That old geezer, I'll make sure to keep him away from his circles next time!